Try Accupuncture. It Worked For Me Right Away, And I Never Had A Craving. It Was A Miracle. I Had Tried Everything Before With No Success, Now It Has Been 13 Years Since I Last Smoked.
you know i really get what you are saying here. i have thought it too, and even used the tatoo thing to justify. all i can say that the next thing is that almost everyone who has been successful with the lap band have said they would never change it for anything. i am feeling almost normal right now since the surgery. (except for of course, not being able to eat anything solid) so i think, everything will go back to normal and the lap band and recovery of the surgery wont be the total focus of my life as it has been so far. thanks kingjes for putting that into words like you did.
i had surgery on 12/4 and i must say, though i dont feel that depressed, i am tearful at times. i heard some where that with any kind of surgery, some depression can set in, it is kinda like a side effect. dont quote me but that is what i heard.