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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by freelee

  1. How soon before you were able to wear a size smaller pants/tops? Even with the swelling?
  2. freelee


    With this swelling..........are your clothes still fitting better than before you had the surgery?? Did you go a size smaller, and how soon? Less than 2 weeks before I have my panni, and have all of these crazy thoughts in my head. Thanks
  3. freelee


    Good thing to remember for my future, thanks!
  4. freelee

    Plastics done :)

    Thank you so much for your posts and photos. I am having my panni on June 30 and have been a little nervous. Your explanations and photos have really helped. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Freelee
  5. RealMe, thanks! All of you are making me much calmer about this. According to the surgeon, there won't be a lot of muscle work done, and at my age that is just fine. Glad you told me the compression band will help with the flattening, I thought it was just for recovery. I'll keep you posted. Freelee
  6. Thanks so much for the good advice. Sherri, you made me feel much better and good suggestions. I do want to talk to my surgeon more in-depth. Dr-P thanks for the encouragement. Freelee
  7. Thanks so much. I followed your progress and you've seemed to do very well. I'm 64 and just questioning myself on "elective" surgery at this age....of course I'm healthier than I was in my 40s and 50s I guess.
  8. freelee

    Inner thigh lift

    Thank you for all of your tips and encouraging photos. I am having my pannis on June 30 and am pretty nervous, but determined. You've given me some good last minute questions to ask before the surgery. Thank you. and best wishes for your continued recovery. Freelee
  9. freelee


    Thank you for sharing your story. My panni is scheduled for June 30. The drains are what scare me. Were you in hospital for one night? I'm scheduled for 23 hours avoiding any complications. It sounds like your experience was very positive. Best for the rest of your surgeries. Freelee
  10. freelee

    I'm 60 +

    Hope all is going as scheduled. Sorry to be replying so late. I will be 65 in August, had my gastric bypass June 2015, coming up on two years. I have lost 150 lbs and kept it off this second year, Siam very pleased. I will be having a tat Jane 30. I think I'm more nervous about this than my initial surgery, but I have to remember I am so much more healthy than I was at 280lb and technically my body is younger than it was.
  11. freelee

    I'm 60 +

    Hi to all of you! I had RNY 21 months ago when I was 62. I have lost 150 lbs and have such a better outlook on life. I am so thankful I had it done. If I can help out in any way, please let me know.
  12. freelee

    What Is Your Favorite Healthy Food Discovery?

    I WAS a big chocolate lover, now just one bite and it usually turns my stomach....I never thought about or ate fruit, now EVERY day I eat apples, oranges, strawberries, watermelon, or blueberries, so much so that I have to be cautious of the calories and carbs. My go-to meal now is Greek vanilla yogurt and added fresh blueberries. Yum!
  13. freelee

    Mammogram issues!

    Thanks for the information. I, too, am due and have lost 140 lbs. I will remember to check on all of this when I go.
  14. ...drinking water or tea with my meal.
  15. Good for you for advocating for yourself!!! And thanks for sharing this story so the rest of us will remember to do the same when/if we feel something is wrong. Glad things are better.
  16. freelee

    I may have found the lid to my pot

    Sounds like you are off to a great start with him! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy and best wishes for a happy future!
  17. Similar stories above. During my initial conversation with my amazing PCP, he said he knew the exact dr........"I only let him operate on my wife, and I kinda like my wife!" Plus, Dr Kane's (surgeon) father was a pioneer in the Chicago area for bariatric surgery, and the group is a Bariatric Center of Excellence. It was a win-win in every area I researched. The follow-ups are wonderful, I even look forward to talking to the PA's.
  18. freelee

    Food shopping

    I was shocked just today when I was at Bed, Bath, and Beyond when I noticed a whole section near the vitamins, etc. Lots of quest bars, chips, and pretzels, Kay's chips, etc. I don't know the cost comparison, but it might be worth checking out.....check bb&b online too.
  19. freelee

    Carb Level Suggestions for Weight Loss

    Thanks for posting this. its a good reminder that i can use.
  20. freelee

    Hair Loss

    I, too, lost a lot of hair that is now growing back. It got very, very thin but I have lots of new growth. I'm 13 months out right now. I remember how frightening it was, but even though I have a way to go in the hair loss dept, it is getting better. Part of the process from what I have heard. Lots of posts to be found if you search around on the site.
  21. freelee

    Must resist

    Mind games here too. But never ever contribute to the communal table and after a while you might feel a little guilty if you even taste stuff., you know how people can be in a work/social setting....I know that's what I plan to do this year when we go back to school, everyone signs up for breakfast once or twice a year, I'm out this year by choice. Good luck, its a definite challenge.
  22. freelee

    Well :-(

    Just saw the post, and I applaud your post!! What a great way to start your journey! Thank you for encouraging us all.....and thank you Alex for the openness and watching the spam.
  23. freelee

    Garmin Devices

    Love my vivofit...but it is an earlier version. Love: how it syncs, how it keeps track of steps, how it syncs with my fitness pal to help keep track with my calories still available after exercise...and especially that I NEVER have to take it off, even wear it in the shower, and it runs on a watch battery so I don't have to charge it ever. but being female, I wish it was a little better looking since I haven't taken it off in 6 months.
  24. freelee

    Eating Leftovers

    I had trouble with shrimp the first time I ate it. It may have to do with the tough, spongy texture after it was reheated.
  25. So happy I can shop in the petite dept now.....even better that it is a 6 or 8 petite, compared to my 24 a year ago. My newest challenge is that being between 5ft and 5ft 1in, on any given day according to the bmi chart I am in the bottom of the"overweight range" or the very top if the "normal range". I'm determined to get to a solid normal in the very near future.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
