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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by avamapp

  1. Hi everyone I am Ava and i was recently banded on monday the 10th of july and right now i am on clear liquids. On the sheet they gave me at the hospital it showed i can have broth, apple juice diluted with water and crystal lite decaf tea or coffee, and sugar free popsicles. But i am starting to get hungry and its only sunday. I have an appointment on tuesday to get the staples out but i was wondering if anyone drank isopure clear drinks during this time. in now it has protein 40grams just wondering if it would be wise for me to get some today or not!!! thanks for any advice
  2. avamapp

    What Is Up With Rice!

    I hope I dont have a problem with rice!!!!! I love Jasmine rice and I am half thai so I gotta have some!!!!
  3. avamapp

    Looking for some friends

    Hi, I am from Chicago, I just got banded july10th and i won't get a fill for 3 weeks! I started at 220 in the hospital and as of today i weigh 210! so ten pounds is all good! I look forwards to getting out of the 200's yay!!! Anyway I would love to be a support, we all need someone who can relate! Take care of your self!!!!
  4. Hi my doctor is at little company of mary his name is Dr Cahill, him and his staff are wonderful!!!!!!!! I would recommend him to anyone! Its in Evergreen park Take care and Good luck!!!
  5. thanks so much for that i am going to go get some because i am losing my mind with hunger!!! just kidding, i am just wanting more to feel m e up!!! Take care:):hungry: :hungry: :hungry: :hungry: :hungry:
  6. avamapp

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hi everyone i was banded on july 10th!!!!!! Its going okay so far i just need to drink my clear liquids until next thursday!! then back to protein shakes, then some mushy stuff!! Good luck to everyone
  7. avamapp

    The biggest Loser tonights show

    I am for suzy too! I hope she wins, but everyone did a wonderful job and they look great!
  8. avamapp

    highmark bcbs pa

    Hi everyone, I am in the process of getting my lapband. I am on my second month of dieting and seeing a nutritionist. My question for anyone is with bcbs highmark did they pay for your surgery completely,or did you have to come out of pocket? I know i need to pay for copayments, but just unsure of what the surgery would cost, thanks for any input! have a wonderful day!
  9. avamapp


    I believe the code is 278.01 Good Luck!

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