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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mrsgriffin2u

  1. mrsgriffin2u


    I am currently in my 5th month of the pre-op weight loss program with my PCP. Unfortunately, I have struggled this entire process to lose weight. It's been a real emotional time in my life and obviously food was where I have always turned. Well... I had my 5th weigh-in today and I FINALLY LOST 12 LBS!!! I am so excited that finally something is going right. Of course, my first reaction was to go eat (again, I'm the dreaded emotional eater). I talked myself out of going to McD's... I don't want to gain those 12lbs back. My doctor was proud and my husband, for the first time during this process, seemed proud of me too. It means more to me than anything to finally have my husband on board with this whole process. Can't wait to get banded to only continue this momentum! :wink:
  2. So... I'm in my fifth month of my six month weight loss monitored program. Then, BAM, my surgeons office asks for 5 years of medical history. I never had health insurance growing up (father was self-employed) and don't have 5 years worth of medical history. Has anyone else had to provide this information?? More so curious than anything else. I have followed this thing to a T and now they spring this on me. Ugh...
  3. hey annieb! ok, here's my timeline... Went to dr. in november with concern about losing hair. i've never really had any health issues so they ran some tests. my dr. asked me if i had ever considered wls... i honestly had never considered it. she weighed me and gave me some information. 12/3 - decided i was going to do it. i called the insurance company (they cover 100% up until 12.31.07 if the process is started, but 2008 wls is no longer covered). so they assigned me a case manager/health care advisor who is my conduit b/w the insurance company and surgeon's office. then scheduled an appointment for a lapband seminar and consult with a surgeon. (both were on the same day b/c my surgeon gave the seminar). i also scheduled a nutrition consult. through december i really focused on research. you tube actually has videos of fills and of the surgery, so believe it or not, from this site and you tube i could have given the seminar instead of the surgeon. i knew the answers to all the questions other people asked! :mad2: 2008 - meet once a month with PCP and i have my psyc appoint. in about a week. i also need to go to one support group at my surgeons office (not required by insurance, but is required from the surgeon). once i'm approved they will schedule me for the surgery! i've followed the rules to a T so hopefully there will be no complications! What have you done so far? don't let this timeline frustrate you. my biggest recommendation would be to call your insurance company and ask then EXACTLY what they require... do you have any comorbidities?
  4. annieb99... don't panic! at first 6 months seems like forever, but trust me. you'll be doing so much during that time that it'll fly bye! you have to go to dr's every month, consults, a seminar, and sometimes even support groups. it'll seem like you just started the process... good luck! feel free to PM if you need anything.
  5. every insurance company is different as far as what is required. are you going through your insurance or self-pay? my insurance requires a letter of medical necessity from my PCP, 6 month weight-loss monitored program through PCP, surgeon consult, lap-band seminar, nutritionist consult, and psyc consult. i've done all but the psyc b/c it's hard to find one who does bariatric consultations. i finally found one yesterday and i'm scheduled for next week. i'm nervous though b/c i'm afraid they're going to find a crazy gene or something! :smile: right now i'm taking phentermine briefly before surgery to help with pre-op weight loss. i'm also trying to get the nerves to start these Protein Shakes. i hate milkshakes, so i really will have these... i love smoothies though so i'm going to try to make those instead. :biggrin:
  6. Hi there, I've been going through my 6 month weight loss program, pre-op requirement through the insurance company. I'm really struggling to lose weight... I'm trying to alter my behaviors that have gotten me to the point I'm at now, but there have been some issues at home that just make it so difficult without extra help. I've actually GAINED approx 10 lbs since I've started back in December. It's very emotionally draining and makes me think that it'll never get better. My PCP is great and she prescribed Phentermine to help with the pre-op weight loss. She only wants to have me on it for a month or two. Does anyone or has anyone else taken this as a "push" in the right direction? If so do you feel the energy everyone talks about? It certainly changes my appetite and the taste of food, but I'm not getting that boost of energy... Just curious. Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated! :confused2:
  7. mrsgriffin2u


    Thanks guys for your input! I defiitely only want to take these for a month or two as a booster for weight loss. I am almost done with my 6 month hold with the insurance company. They said April will be my last month and then the approval process starts. The insurance company has me almost to the point of a nervous breakdown!! Not really, but they do have me stressed. I cannot get any straight answers from anyone and fear they are going to find some loop-hole to deny the surgery. Thanks again for letting me ask stupid questions and vent! :eek::grouphug:
  8. Hi there... I don't have to wait until Sept, but I do have to wait until June. I have the same 6 month waiting period and am terrified that I won't be approved... If you need anything or need to vent let me know! :drool:
  9. mrsgriffin2u


    So I hope this doesn't sound to dramatic! LOL I'm deathly afraid of PB'ing and I haven't even had my surgery yet! I have been this way my entire life (literally one of my BIGGEST fears). If I follow my rules to a T am I still going to vomit for sure? It seems like almost everyone does. My mother-in-law had gastric bypass and PB's all the time (unwilling of course). I just don't want to end up like that.. Any advice? Please...
  10. mrsgriffin2u


    PB'ing stands for "productive burping," essentially it's when your food comes back up b/c it was not chewed properly, your body rejects it, etc. Hope this helps!
  11. Hi there. I am young as well, 23, and I understand what you're going through. My mom actually loves that I'm getting the surgery, but my sister, dad, husband, and several friends are against it. It's either the easy way out or too dangeous because of surgery. They don't unerstand. I can tell you now that I've told EVERYONE, I wish I had exercised some restraint. I wish I hadn't told many people and had dealt with it more privately. It's ultimately your decision. My dad is very overweight and does feel guilty for (in his mind) letting me get this way. So I understand what your mom is going through. She also needs to understand that you need support. I'm deathly afraid of failing after this surgery and that's partly why I wish now that I hadn't told many people. I would confide in a few good friends and/or family members for additional support. Just talk to your mom and explain your need to discuss with those close to you. She surely will understand, atleast somewhat, why you need support. Good luck!
  12. mrsgriffin2u

    Tennessee Lap Banders

    Hi Kimlilstang! I live in Murfreesboro and my surgeon is Dr. Eckles... I'm in my 6 month pre-op program (required by insurance) right now. Any recommendations or heads up you can give me about the band? Dr. Eckles, living in M'boro?? I've been looking for someone around here that may be able to give me some insight!
  13. mrsgriffin2u

    Venting about insurance

    I have CIGNA as well and am on month 3 of my 6 month physician monitored weight loss program. I haven't lost any weight (actually gained 3 lbs). I'm in the same boat as you so I completely understand. Thru my employer CIGNA is no longer covering WLS as of 12/07, but since is started the 6 month prg in December they are going to cover it. Hopefully I can get in by June to have my surgery. I know that CIGNA also requires that you have a Case Manager to monitor your progress as well. That is one of their requirements, as well as a psyc evaluation, a nutritionist evaluation, a lap band seminar, and a surgeon consultation. I hope this is helpful. Stick with it... I'm sure we'll all be glad we did this in the long run. What's 6 months when we have the rest of our lives to be healthy and SKINNY!
  14. Hey guys... I haven't been on here for awhile but I do have a question... My insurance company requires a 6 month physician monitored weight loss program before surgery, which I am doing right now. I'm curious to see who all had to do this. I'm scared to lose weight and try b/c the insurance company may come back stating I can lose weight on my own. My problem isn't necessary losing the weight, but keeping it off and gaining more than I originally started with. I would love to lose weight and become healthy... my PCP also recommended Phentramine (SP?) to assist with weight loss b/c my blood pressure is actually really good. This would be a temporary, kick-off, type deal. Any comments, suggestions, opinions? Thanks guys!
  15. mrsgriffin2u

    Pre-op Weight Loss

    Thanks guys! That really helps... To be honest I think I've gained 5 pounds from the stress. Mentally I need to get over food! I didn't want to lose if it would keep me from the surgery so I think I over-ate again! STUPID! I've weighed in every month as I should and speak to the Dr. about my diet. Luckily, my PCP is the best! Good luck with your bands!
  16. :help: So I'm having a heck of a time trying to find someone to do a Psyc consult by 12/31 and my insurance (Cigna thru Verizon Wireless) stops covering WLS as of the new year. I keep getting different answers from every Cigna rep I talk to, so I was wondering if any of you are in the same boat... Are any of you pressured to get everything started before 12/31? I've already had my seminar, meeting with the surgeon, meeting with the nutritionist, and have started my 6 month physician monitored weight management program. I'm freaking out at the thought that I've already mentally prepared myself for this surgery and now no one can fit me in to make sure I'm not crazy! This in itself is going to drive me crazy! I started this whole process in December to shortly find out afterwards that WLS isn't going to be covered, but I can be "grandfathered" in. Any suggestions?? Or words of encouragement?? LOL :faint:
  17. mrsgriffin2u

    Please help!

    Thanks for the recommendations guys! I've tried to call around, but the issue is finding someone to fit me in within the next couple of days and no one has available appointments... I guess the Holiday season is not the best time to want a psyc evaluation huh?? I called Cigna again today and they told me that can't answer the question "Is it a requirement to go to a psychologist prior to 12/31?" My thing is - if they can't tell me it's a requirement, how can they deny me? Obviously it's not documented that it is a requirement. I'm just nervous about playing the whole insurance game. Ugh... I sure hope that all this stress will result in a thin, healthy, worth-while body!
  18. mrsgriffin2u

    New Here

    Hi there! Welcome to the sight. I am also a newbie who has yet to be banded! I'm still very nervous about the whole process b/c I've never had any surgery or hospitalization. I hope this sight is as helpful for you as it has been for me. I went to the seminar and had my surgeon consult last week and after being on this sight I could have given that seminar! No joke. I've learned SO much. I've also met with my nutritionist and all that is left is my psyc eval and 6 month physician monitored weight loss program. I can't wait to get skinny! Good luck!:whoo:
  19. mrsgriffin2u

    Preop Requirements

    I am in the pre-op stage now and here is where I stand... Prelim meeting with PCP - 12/3 Lap Band seminar - 12/10 Surgeon consult - 12/10 (immediately followed seminar) Nutritionist consult - tomorrow! Psyc consult - trying to book one before 12/31 My insurance requires these things prior to 12/31 because on 1/08 they will no longer cover WLS. I am working really hard to ensure I go through the proper channels for insurance approval. My BMI is 44 so it's high enough to avoid needing other comorbidities. After the consult with the psychologist I have to be on a medically monitored weight loss program for 6 months and then I can submit for approval. So... I'm looking at June for a possible surgery date. I was hoping to have weight loss by summer but I'm willing to wait... I've been big for 23 years; I can wait 6 more months! The best of luck to you all! I've learned so much from this forum that I could have given the seminar on Monday! LOL :whoo:
  20. So I have my Lap Band seminar Monday and have a surgeon consult immediately following... For all you LB Vets... do you have any suggestions for questions to ask, things to look for, etc. Any input would help me out a great deal. I've started making a list of things that I want to know or am curious about. Thanks so much for your openess in this forum group... you have no idea how much this means to me!
  21. Thanks for the heads up. I have my seminar Monday and then an consult with my surgeon immediately afterward. So... you're sore right now... on a scale from 1-10 what's the pain like?? This is my biggest fear because I am a "hospital virgin." Never had surgery... Good luck with your new band! I wish you all the best... :clap2:
  22. Hey guys... I'm still a newbie to the site and am at the very beginning of this process. Although I'm learning a lot, I've never had surgery before so I'm a little nervous. My big question right now is about the breathing tube. Does it hurt? Any input you guys can give would be great! Congrats to you all!
  23. mrsgriffin2u

    Excited and Terrified!

    That was INCREDIBLY nice of you! I'm sure that has saved many people whose dream is to be thin and healthy!
  24. Hi guys! I've recently come across this forum and it has already proven to be very useful. I have just started the process in hopes of having the lap band procedure. Being so young, I feel as though I'm about to get the life that everyone else has! My doctor has helped me so much and you can tell she's really in it for me! I do have a few questions for everyone... if you don't mind any feedback would be greatly appreciated! ~I've never had any surgery - nothing, nada! I've never even had a broken bone. The most painful thing I've ever had were kidney stones. For those who have been banded... what's the pain like after the surgery. This is the root of all fear for me - the fear of the unknown! ~I don't have much support from my family or my husband. With the exception of my mother and a few friends they all believe that I'm taking the easy way out and am not willing to try. My husband is also overweight and loves me just the way I am. Although it's very sweet and I love him for it, he would rather see me overweight because we're so comfortable with each other. He doesn't want to hear about my doctors appointments or learn about the process. Have any of you had to deal with lack of support, and if so, how did you get through it? Anything you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated! I admire all of you who have taken the step to a better, healthier life. One day I hope to be in your shoes! Take care, Amanda :help:
  25. mrsgriffin2u

    Saying hi and freaking out

    I am also a "hospital virgin!" I've never had surgery of any kind. Congrats on your surgery. How's the pain/healing going?

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