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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mrsgriffin2u

  1. mrsgriffin2u

    Anyone have Cigna HMO through Verizon?

    I work for Verizon Wireless and I was approved the first time I applied. I have a high BMI w/no co-morbidities. Do you have a case manager thru Cigna? They should guide you through everything step by step. If you are employed by VZW then you would have needed to start the 6 month pre-op diet, have a case manager, and visit a seminar prior to 12/31/07. They no longer cover bariatric surgery and the only way to be approved is if you started the whole process in 2007. You also should meet with a nutritionist, have a psyc evaluation, and surgeon consult during your 6 month PCP monitored program. My surgeons office submitted for approval on 4/25 and I received the ok on 5/20. Good luck!!
  2. mrsgriffin2u


    I am UBBER excited right now because I received a phone call letting me know that Cigna has approved my surgery!! How exciting! I actually didn't think I would be as thrilled as I am. I'll get my date tomorrow hopefully. If I can schedule it right, I'm hoping to have it the last week of June. 30 lbs down and 100+ to go. I can do it though. I have to do it! Thanks for letting me share my joy! :confused_smile:
  3. Ok so yesterday I found out that I was approved for surgery and I got my date today (July 2nd). I was so HAPPY for about 15 minutes and since then I have been so emotional. I'll be happy one minute and then sad the next. For some reason, I feel like I should have 5000 people to call and share my joy and feel like I have no one. My husband said, "that's great!" and that was the end. My co-workers are judgemental so I haven't been able to share much with them. My family is 500 miles away so it makes celebrating with them impossible. So... today I ran to my "medicine" that I've depended on for 24 years --- food. I baked homemade chocolate cupcakes and ate 2 (no frosting) and cried. UGH!! What's wrong with me? I have already lost 30 lbs during my 6 months but haven't lost any this week. I literally see all my fat coming back... Being so emotional doesn't help. Up until today this week I have stuck to my pre-op diet w/ Protein shakes for bfast, 3 oz. of meat/2 veggies for lunch, repeated at dinner. This is so hard for me. Sorry for the burst of emotions, I just honestly feel like I have no one else to cry/talk to. Right now, it's almost better to just type it out... even if no one actually reads it. Please pray for me and for the strength I will need within this next month to deal with all of these emotions. Thanks. :crying:
  4. mrsgriffin2u

    300 :(

    For me, this is how I understand why I turn to food... Some people are alcoholics, some are drug addicts. Some people are addicted to shopping and others have OCD. Everyone has something that they are in control of (or think they are in control of) and for me it's food. Food is my "medicine." It's not good medicine, but neither is heroine, OCD meds, alcohol, or $10000 credit card bills. It's not right, but it's done. Now, this is my rehab. I will struggle with this for the rest of my life. I have an addiction to food, and while I'm grieving over having to let it go, I have to constantly remind myself that I'm gaining something much more valuable. LIFE! --- a life for my future children, my husband, family, (hopefully) grandchildren, friends, etc. LOL --- that doesn't change that I have "last meal syndrome" and will probably have it 12 more times before my surgery! I don't know whether to laugh it off, cry, be disgusted, or just accept it. :blushing:
  5. mrsgriffin2u

    So emotional and can't stop crying...

    Thanks so much guys... Like I said, I literally see my fat coming back. Ironically, after submitting this thread, my husband gave me a pre-anniversary present which was a dress and a pair of shoes. It was sweet, except he saw a new dress that I bought and bought the same size. It's a size too small b/c it was the dress that I WANT to fit into and will soon! I burst into tears and he thought that I didn't like it. Now I feel bad b/c I made him feel bad. It's the first time in a long time he's bought anything for me and I had to react like a hormonal teenager!! UGH... You guys are the best though. I don't know where I would be without you all!
  6. mrsgriffin2u

    So emotional and can't stop crying...

    yeah, my husband was against it at first and didn't try to hold it back. atleast now he's trying to fake it... :crying:
  7. mrsgriffin2u

    300 :(

    Ironically, I am having "last meal syndrome" as I call it. I just got my date today and today I have been so emotional. I feel like I am eating way more and stretching my stomach. I literally see all 30 lbs that I have already lost coming right back. Within three days all the changes I started noticing are reverting back to how they were 30 lbs ago. My face/love handles are getting bigger, yet I haven't gained any weight. I haven't lost anymore yet either though. Good luck!!
  8. Congratulations! I just got my approval and date today too! I'm waiting until 7/2 because I'm going on a cruise for 10 days in June and want to wait until after that trip. My surgeon requires a two week liquid diet prior to surgery. Let us know how things go after surgery. I love reading the posts the day of or day after surgery! :crying:
  9. mrsgriffin2u

    New information...

    I just got word from Cigna (for Verizon Wireless Employees) that they will no longer cover the cost of fills after 12/31/08. My surgery is scheduled for the end of June and that means I probably won't have enough fills for proper restriction, right? If not, how much as self-pay fills? I have no clue... I'm going to the surgeon's office tomorrow and can ask, but you all are always so helpful! Thanks in advance! :confused_smile:
  10. mrsgriffin2u


    I second this recommendation! I am so picky about my shakes and how they are "shaken" or mixed. This this is so great b/c I take my shakes (that I don't or can't blend) with me to work everyday. It's great and I drink it out of the same container w/a straw. The little whisk thing is great and there are literally no chunks of powder once you shake it! Fantastic!
  11. mrsgriffin2u

    question on protein shakes

    I am extremely picky about my protein shakes. I just found one yesterday that is called Chike Banana Magic. If you like banana flavoring, this is great b/c it cuts the poor smell of whey protein and the taste isn't that bad. I've also used most of the Unjury flavored ones... Chocolate, Strawberry, etc. Nectar has Chocolate Truffle. I've also heard that Now has some great tasting ones too. My surgeon had Lapband and these are his favorites. The Chike has 27g of protein. Good luck!
  12. mrsgriffin2u

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Looking at this from a different perpsective, my father had an affair with my best friends mom (who was also my mom's best friend) several years ago, I will share my experience. The affair ended up uncovering a lot of issues that were the reason why my dad felt the need/desire to have an affair. My parents at the time were very unhappy but never communicated it. This may not be the situation you're in, but the weight loss can be very hard for him. Your emotions are very similar to what my mom felt. She was crushed. My dad did come crawling back (his affair lasted over a year as well). After counseling and lots of prayer, my parents are back together and happier than they have ever been. It took a lot of time and they had to work through a lot of pain (b/c my dad was hurting too). It may not work out, it doesn't always turn out this way. I realize that. Don't give up on your marriage though, work through it if you can, especially for your boys. At the end, if things don't work out, atleast you can say that you made every attempt to uphold your vows. You know? I'm young, married only for a year in fact, so my opinion may not mean as much as someone else. I know this is coming from a very different perspective, but I can tell you what your children will feel. Good luck and if you ever need to rant, please feel free to send me a PM.
  13. mrsgriffin2u

    Middle Tennessee

    Who was your Dr. in M'boro?
  14. mrsgriffin2u

    Theme Park

    Carowinds? As in Charlotte, NC? I'm from Charlotte and use to go to Carowinds everyday in the summer! I no longer live in Charlotte, but one day, after being banded, I will return and ride every ride again! Good luck!
  15. My surgeon also requires given self-injections to prevent blood clots after surgery. Ours varies from 7 to 14 days depending on the patient. We've been instructed to inject it on either side of our naval. Hope this helps! :thumbup:
  16. mrsgriffin2u

    Middle Tennessee

    Hey there! I'm in Murfreesboro and am currently waiting to hear back from the insurance company. Good luck to you!
  17. mrsgriffin2u

    Blender Suggestions...

    Gayle was right! I purchased a Magic Bullet several years ago when they were much more expensive and mine did not last that long. The blades literally broke right off the top. I loved it while it worked... it just didn't work that long. I'd recommend going with something else. Just a word to the wise! Good luck!
  18. mrsgriffin2u

    Ladies with large chests...

    Thanks so much guys! The ladies in my support group didn't give up they bras, just their underwire ones. Most of us had the same surgeon so maybe HE positions the port a little higher. If he had to wear a bra that probably wouldn't be the case! LOL I'll definitely address it with him pre-surgery. You guys are the greatest! :frown:
  19. I would just like to encourage you all to visit a support group for lap bansters, especially if it's offered through your surgeons office. Although I haven't had my surgery yet, it was great to see those successful, and even those that aren't successful, having the opportunity to share best practices and moments of struggle ewith them. It's like seeing everyone on this site in person! :rolleyes2: At first, I really didn't want to go.... I'm a wee bit shy. It's crazy I know, but I didn't feel comfortable. By the end, we were all sharing phone numbers and offering additional support outside the twice a month meetings. I have enjoyed every minute on this site (even recommended it in the support group) and this additional support just makes this process even more encouraging! Good luck to all you pre and current bandsters!!
  20. My PCP was disappointed in me this last weigh-in. It was my final weigh in prior to submitting for insurance approval. I lost weight (20 lbs during 6 month program) and I know it's not a lot, but hey, it's better than going up! She wasn't disappointed in the weight, but that I'm not getting the Protein shakes in as much as I should. I know that there are threads about Protein Shakes, but for those of you who are bothered by weird textures, what's worked for you? Do you manipulate the protein shakes in making smoothies, etc.? I think the Proteins shakes are too sweet, too thick, or just plain gross. I'm really struggling b/c I recognize this is a big part of my life post-surgery. I REALLY want to like them, but they almost make me gag... Please help! Thanks! :tongue_smilie:
  21. mrsgriffin2u

    My PCP is disappointed...

    Thanks... I just really wish that I didn't gag everytime I drank them. I've even tried the powders and they smell horrible. Have any of you tried the tastless powder that you can cook w/ and put in broths? It's really expensive but may be worth it...
  22. I'm ready to leave it up to the insurance company... Today was my final weigh in after 6 months of pre-op dieting. It's not a lot of weight loss, but I'll take it! I'm excited and nervous about the next month or so. Wondering if I should request to have my surgery after my cruise... June 6th. I'm worried about sea sickness and band slippage... any thoughts?:confused2:
  23. mrsgriffin2u


    I hope this isn't too much information, but I'd like to know if anyone else has been experiencing this... so here goes... I am on my pre-op diet now (tomorrow will be my 6th month) and I've been really trying to change my habits the last two months. However, within the last two weeks I keep getting these intense stomach cramps and diarrhea at night only. It's weird I know. I was "googling" it to see what it could be and some sites it stated this can happen from a larger in-take of Water and change in eating habits. I have almost quadrupled the amount of water I drink, but wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this. Ugh... I feel so bad at night 3-4/week. Just curious...TMI?? :thumbup: Thanks!
  24. mrsgriffin2u

    Weight GAIN on 6-mo supervised diet

    Hi there! I also am going through my 6 month weight loss program. I started in November and had gained 12 lbs thru February (long story short.... I'm an emotional eater and during that time I was away from home on the holidays, mom had surgery, and I bought a house... all during my first year of marriage! Perfect recipe for an emotional eater, huh? LOL). Anyway... I was very worried about the whole insurance thing, and I've been told that the insurance companies look at your initial weight and check to ensure you've weight in atleast once a month. Well, being discouraged, I asked my PCP if there was anything to help with a kickstart to my weight loss. She wrote a prescription for one month of Phentremine, which is an appetite suppressant. I have been taking it for 3 weeks and have lost all 12 lbs. It really seems to help, but your Dr. will need to make sure it's ok for you to take. It makes most people's blood pressure go up, so if you already have high blood pressure you probably want to go a different route. Luckily, my blood pressure has always been low and the medicine hasn't affected it. You can also try practicing/preparing for the pre-op/post-op diets. Meaning, try eating slower, taking small bites, drinking Protein shakes (or atleast purchase samples to prepare yourself). You can also start putting your food on a small plate, then cut your portion in half. Only eat the first half, and then really examine if you are still hungry, or if you just want to eat the rest because it's there. This has helped me tremendously. Lastly, wait until you are truly hungry before you eat. You may already do that, but I never let myself get hungry before; it was as though I was scared to feel hunger of something (weird I know!). Now, unless I feel hunger "pains," or feel my stomach growling, I don't eat. I drink tons of Water and have given up all sodas (even diet). FYI: there are these little powder packets of South Beach "Tide me over," that have a little protein in them and you put them in water... HIGHLY recommend them! They're yummy... and they really do tide you over! :scared2: Sorry for the long response, but I've always learned from people's experiences on here, and now that I'm finally having some of my own, I want to pay it forward! Good Luck... please feel free to PM me if you need anything, even if you just need a word of encouragement!

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