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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mrsgriffin2u

  1. mrsgriffin2u

    lower left belly pain.

    Let me tell ya! I came to tears when I read this thread because I had my surgery on 7/2 and I felt like such a loser. My left abdomen/belly button area pulls/burns when I walk. I'm trying to push through it but it HURTS. It's really the only problem I've had. I had gas pains, but since I fully expected those I could handle them. I walked and took lots of Gas X strips and it helps. I occasionally have gas pains in my left shoulder and under my left rib cage, but it's bearable. What's not bearable is my stomach. I have a large indention on my left incision where the port is. It hurts so bad it puts me to tears. I called my surgeons office and spoke with the nurse, while crying, and the Dr. refused to give me any more pain meds. I was so offended; they treated me like a drug addict. I've only taken pain meds one other time in my life for kidney stones. UGH... Motrin and Tylenol it is. Thanks for letting me know that other people have this pain. I felt like everyone else has bounced back and are back to their normal lives. It'll be awhile for me.
  2. So, my husband and I are both stressed about the surgery coming up (7/2). He's stressed because I'm an emotional wreck right now... but he had no right to say what he just said to me. You guys are really my only real-time support b/c my family is so far away, so I'm going to spill my guts, even if no one reads this! We were talking about his lack of interest in my surgery - he hasn't asked any questions and hardly knows anything about it. I told him that it upsets me that he hasn't taken any interest and that it may be best if he knows a little bit about the life change I'm making. I also expressed my saddness that I've gone through this entire process by myself (Dr.'s appointments, consultations, evaulations, pre-op diet, etc.) and he has the nerve to look at me and tell me that I haven't had to do that much by myself. Granted - no one has gone to a single meeting with me - not ONE! Are you serious?? How am I suppose to deal with that statement. He doesn't even understand what I'm going through right now. I don't know if I even want him there the day of my surgery now because his clear insincerity may just bring me down... UGH!
  3. mrsgriffin2u


    Hey Barbara! I'm doing a lot better than I was a couple of days ago. My liquid diet has failed horribily. My willpower amounts to nothing! I've honestly tried, but to me, it's like asking an alcoholic to stop drinking cold turkey! Oh well... not much I can do now until post-op. I am being strong now... I lost 3 lbs last week on the diet so I'm down 36 lbs total for pre-op. My husband has come around a little bit. After our big blow up and after these wonderful responses, we've talked about it a little/I've gotten over it. I do realize that he thinks completely differently than I do - that doesn't mean I'll ever appreciate it! LOL How are you? You'll get through this - we'll get through this. I'll definitely message you and tell you the TRUTH about everything once I can get my sliced and diced self awake enough to post something on here! :biggrin: My mom's coming up today to help take care of me for the next few weeks and Ryan (my husband) took the day off. He even went grocery shopping yesterday for my mom and bought foods for him and her to eat - all LOW CALORIE! Who would have thought! LOL Best of luck to ya! :eek:
  4. mrsgriffin2u


    Thank you all so much for your replies... I've calmed down a little this morning after sleeping on it and reading all of your comments. I think the hard part is still being a newlywed and having to get use to the "guys" way of thinking. We're still quite young and trying to figure this all out. He grew up in a household in which you DO NOT display emotion and I grew up in the complete opposite. We yelled, cried, whatever, to display the emotion and then we got over it. My dad is a very emotional person and he is the only male, so I guess that's just what I expect. Thanks again for all of your support! :embaressed_smile:
  5. I haven't taken any today and boy does my head hurt. I've had 1/2 of a protein shake - if that much - because they make me nauseous and I can't stand them! I've also had a few cubes of cheese for lean protein (Dr's approval of course). I can't get rid of these headaches... ugh! I almost am to the point of looking forward to the surgery pain to get rid of the headaches... j/k! :tt1:
  6. Hey Barb, For me, I've been taking phentermine for 3 months on and off. I've noticed that when I stop taking it, I get really hungry (I think more mentally than anything else) and I don't want to be that way right before surgery and on Clear Liquids. I'm actually on the 37.5 mg once daily. Good luck!
  7. mrsgriffin2u

    Sleepless nights...

    Thanks guys! It's wonderful to know that someone else feels like I do... I mean, I wouldn't wish this fear on anyone, but to know someone's right there with me helps a little. I'll definitely keep you updated! Last night's sleep was a little better - not as many dreams!
  8. Ok, so I'm getting banded on July 2nd and am already losing sleep. I kept dreaming that I've already had my surgery and my "incisions" were hurting. I'd roll over on my side (I'm a stomach girl, but am trying to get use to sleeping on my back) and it "hurt." So I kept waking up to tell myself that I haven't even had my surgery yet. The dreams are starting about my surgery. I had a stupid dream last night that I slept thru the entire recovery and I was upset because I wanted to remember what I did right before I was put under and what I said when I woke up. ??? I had a check-up with my PCP yesterday and she was asking about the surgery date and then checked my heart rate - it was 104! Just talking about it gets me all freaked. I've never had surgery before and I'm so overtaken by fear that I almost feel that I can't be excited until I'm post-op. To top it all off, I'm an emotional eater. So unfortunately, my pre-op diet isn't going as planned. I'm not gaining but I'm not losing. I've lost 35 lbs pre-op by I had hoped for much more. I'm trying to exercise to balanceit out but I don't know... UGH! I don't know why I'm being such a baby, but now that I'm not sleeping it's making things worse. Thank you all so much for letting me rant. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you guys to turn to. My husband and family just don't understand the emotional side of this. They can listen, but unless you've experienced it, it's hard. LOL - maybe no one else has experienced this. Maybe I'm just going crazy! :confused2:
  9. mrsgriffin2u

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    LOL I think my husband is going to move out until the day of surgery b/c of my emotional rollercoaster! Not really, but he's probably thought about it! :cool2: I thought about asking my PCP for an anxiety pill b/c if I don't have a panic attack before this is over it'll be miracle! To top it off, I'm PMS'ing! Some how, choclate Protein shakes don't match the taste of mint chocolate chip icecream when the PMS starts!
  10. Hey there! I can tell you that when I decided to get the Lap Band I told everyone and shortly realized that it wasn't such a great idea. Even those close to you may express their disapproval. I made up my mind and no one can sway me from my decision, but I do wish that some people with live by the rule "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I would be careful about how you tell. I'm not saying that you should lie, it's your decision who you tell. I would never lie to anyone and if someone asked me if I am having WLS I would tell them the truth. I just shouldn't have put up a billboard (not literally) that I'm having it. Just a word to the wise! :thumbup: Good luck and I hope everything goes well for you!
  11. Barb, I know exactly how you feel. My surgery is 7/2 and I haven't been so successful with my pre-op diet. I am taking Phentermine to cut the cravings but trying to take myself off b/c I find that when I stop taking it I get really "head hungry." I'm so terrified right now I almost can't be excited. I'm not backing out, but I'm ready for it to be over so I can look forward to the positive things! :thumbup: Good luck and please feel free to PM me if you ever need to talk! :cool2:
  12. mrsgriffin2u

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Ok so are any of you July 2nd Bandsters freaking out like I am or am I alone in this? Oh boy am I nervous! Exicited, but nervous!
  13. mrsgriffin2u

    Banded July 10th...Advice??

    Congrats on your date! I'm being banded 7/2 and here are the things that I've been told will be useful: - Liquid Tylenol - Gas-X Strips - Heating pad (I've gotten one that can be used hot/cold for the swelling) - Extra pillows for the ride home and to be propped up in bed/on the couch - Get all of your laundry/cleaning done so you can rest - Sweats/loose clothing and maybe some slip-on shoes - broth, Gatorade, sugar-free Jello and popsicles, Protein shakes b/c a lot of people say it's best to have 2 weeks of food ready prior to surgery - Mini forks and spoons to help with portion control - Gauze and other things to help with keeping the incisions clean I'll keep an eye out in case I hear anything else. Good luck and please post your surgery story b/c that's what's helped me get through this whole process! :thumbup:
  14. mrsgriffin2u

    And so it begins...

    Can I tell you how much I love that you've posted this? First off, it's great that you feel comfortable expressing how you feel to us. Second, I feel the exact same way and I have over a week before my surgery (7/2). I'm losing sleep over it and I'm extremely nervous. You ARE doing the right thing and before you know it, the surgery will be over and you WILL be a SkinnieMinnie! Please feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat. From one gal to another, I feel your pain and I'd love to talk to you anytime! Good luck Thursday. If the surgery does go through, and I hope it does, then post your story. That's part of what gets me through this whole process - reading other's stories and in some way, experiencing it with them! :thumbup:
  15. mrsgriffin2u

    Ladies with large chests...

    I feel your pain... well, some of it. I tend to like underwire because it seems to give me more lift. Thanks so much for all of your replies. I've often wondered whether or not I would want to breast feed once I have a baby. I fear I'll suffocate the poor child! My boobs have gone down a little since losing pre-op. I've gone down 35 lbs and may have to get a new bra here shortly. But... when I say they're going down, it mean in size and literally - DOWN south! LOL I'm hoping that my surgeon, although a man, will sympathize a little. His nurse has be an A cup so we'll see how far I can get with explaining to them the importance of placement. My surgeon has been banded himself and although the bra thing is not a problem, I'm sure he can relate to some changes he's had to make. I love you all and thank you so much for your support! Please keep me updated on all of your progress! :thumbup:
  16. mrsgriffin2u

    Ladies with large chests...

    My concern is the insurance approval. There's no doubt that they'd cover it now and my Dr.'s already said so. BUT... will they do it a second time if those babies come back after babies?? LOL Have any of you ever seen someone be approved for more than one breast reduction?
  17. mrsgriffin2u

    Ladies with large chests...

    Thank you all so much for your responses. I'm having my surgery on July 2nd (less than two weeks and I'm so scared!) and have this on the list of questions to ask my surgeon on Thursday. I'm hoping he can be slightly flexible with the placement. If this is TMI I apologize, but I'm only 24 and since day 1 I've had VERY large saggy breasts (F cup). I'm so worried about the bra thing because there is NO way I could go without a bra in public. I can honestly say the sag to about 3 inches from my belly button. It's so embarrassing, especially for being so young, but if the good Lord can help me through this surgery, hopefully I'll get approved for a breast reduction! YAY! LOL that's if I can handle this surgery first. :ohmy:
  18. mrsgriffin2u

    Feeling Nervous

    Good luck with the soda thing. That's been an easier adjustment for me... my problem is the sugar! I'm a total sugar addict and have a sweet tooth that is hard to compare. Ugh... I'm on my liquid diet and sugar-free Jello and sugar-free popsicles don't touch the craving for mint chocolate chip icecream. This is when I start to freak out and think that I'm not going to be successful. I can cut out the Diet Coke, but it's hard for me to give up the sugar. I didn't get this way because I don't have a sweet tooth if ya know what I'm saying! :rolleyes2: Good luck to everyone. The liquid diet is a lot hard than I thought it was going to be. Luckily, my surgeon's nurse just told me that if I get hungry I can eat an apple and a piece of Activia cheese in between my shakes. She said it helps to keep things "moving" and also helps with blood sugar levels. I grinned from ear to ear when she told me this. I've been dying for something to chew! LOL
  19. My health food store sells the silverware that you're referring to. I purchase all of my supplements/protein shakes/etc. there and they are great. Luckily, this store is right beside my surgeon's office so they cater to WLS needs very well. Check with your local health food stores and you may be pleasantly surprised! :rolleyes2: Good luck!
  20. mrsgriffin2u

    Feeling Nervous

    Hey there! My surgery is scheduled for July 2nd and I'm feeling REALLY nervous too! I'm not self-pay, fortunately, however I do feel like I'm having to give up those foods that have comforted me for years. I keep telling myself that it's all mental and in reality the food has NOT been my friend. Actually, I wouldn't be in this situation if it hadn't been for those foods. UGH - I've been a basket case but in the long run this is going to help us so much! Try to think about the day when you can go into a "normal" person's store and buy "normal" clothes! Oh the day! :smile: Good luck and please tell us your surgery day story once you are up to it! That's how I'm surviving at this point! :tt2:
  21. mrsgriffin2u

    Early May 2008

    From the album: Before/After Pictures

  22. mrsgriffin2u

    May 2008

    From the album: Before/After Pictures

  23. mrsgriffin2u

    June 2008

    From the album: Before/After Pictures

  24. mrsgriffin2u

    April 2008

    From the album: Before/After Pictures

  25. mrsgriffin2u

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    July 2nd is my date! It's exciting to see so many people being banded on the same day as me. I'll be thinking of you all when they are rolling me into the OR crying! I'm going to be so emotional... scared/happy/excited/nervous/any emotion you could possibly think of! Good luck guys! :drool:

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