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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from blondebomb in Day 10 post op - scale did not go down   
    Don't be afraid of Protein out of fear of gaining wait, the rules are there for a reason. Hit Water and protein goals, limit carbs and stay away as much as you can from sugar. Step away from the scale a bit and concentrate on consuming what your body needs. It will pay off maybe get a little more exercise in? you are on day 10, you have to be okay with the scale not moving everyday, because losing everyday is just not a realistic goal for our bodies (as much as I wish it was)
    Keep the end goal in mind and stay with it! ❤️
  2. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from blondebomb in Day 10 post op - scale did not go down   
    Don't be afraid of Protein out of fear of gaining wait, the rules are there for a reason. Hit Water and protein goals, limit carbs and stay away as much as you can from sugar. Step away from the scale a bit and concentrate on consuming what your body needs. It will pay off maybe get a little more exercise in? you are on day 10, you have to be okay with the scale not moving everyday, because losing everyday is just not a realistic goal for our bodies (as much as I wish it was)
    Keep the end goal in mind and stay with it! ❤️
  3. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from txfirefly979 in Surgery date March 16th, who's with me? ????   
    X-ray looks good! No leaks :') praise the lord, now let's keep it that way! Lol Heads up on the drink they make u drink for the X-ray, it's pretty gross and u can't wash it down after words, u can only wash ur mouth out...she told me I could just gulp it but I didn't wanna risk it no matter how nasty it was lol
  4. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from duffslove in March 2015 Sleevers   
    Hey everyone! I was sleeved 3/16 and discharged 3/17 around 3pm. First 3 days post op was tough, I am also taking care of my two kids, a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 month old which I'm sure is adding to everything, but today post op day 4 ( I count the day I was sleeved) I am doing really well! I was tired as hell the first 3 days, I would nap on and off with my grandmas help during the day and as soon as my husband got home, I was K.O. And pretty useless lol. Pain was there but not too bad, I just had to take it easy. No nausea, but gas was my main enemy!
    1 thing that made things worse for me was the super strong narcotics, I have a high pain tolerance and I'm extremely sensitive to medicine (I'll doze off taking DayQuil ????) first night in hospital they were pumping me full of hydromorphone and I couldn't get more than 25 minutes of sleep at a time when I could sleep, I was high as a kite lol. It's funny now but it was the most miserable time for me! Once I was home I was prescribed Tylenol with codeine and i couldn't tolerate it so I called my doc and was told to discontinue and take Tylenol 500mgs. That works like a charm for me and today I haven't taken any!
    Fluids have been my first priority, it seems the more fluids I get the better I feel and the more energy I have, trying to stay away from dehydration! At first Water was the only thing I could tolerate, I tried adding Isopure -no go! Now I can tolerate everything in the first liquid stage, I am so ready to move to full liquids, but refuse to stray from the plan
    I'm down 11lbs and the scale keeps moving, but I know it will slow as I progress in to richer and denser foods.
    It's nice to have a place to talk to others that don't require a long drawn out explanation of ur situation!
    Anyways that's how I'm doin
  5. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from duffslove in March 2015 Sleevers   
    Hey everyone! I was sleeved 3/16 and discharged 3/17 around 3pm. First 3 days post op was tough, I am also taking care of my two kids, a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 month old which I'm sure is adding to everything, but today post op day 4 ( I count the day I was sleeved) I am doing really well! I was tired as hell the first 3 days, I would nap on and off with my grandmas help during the day and as soon as my husband got home, I was K.O. And pretty useless lol. Pain was there but not too bad, I just had to take it easy. No nausea, but gas was my main enemy!
    1 thing that made things worse for me was the super strong narcotics, I have a high pain tolerance and I'm extremely sensitive to medicine (I'll doze off taking DayQuil ????) first night in hospital they were pumping me full of hydromorphone and I couldn't get more than 25 minutes of sleep at a time when I could sleep, I was high as a kite lol. It's funny now but it was the most miserable time for me! Once I was home I was prescribed Tylenol with codeine and i couldn't tolerate it so I called my doc and was told to discontinue and take Tylenol 500mgs. That works like a charm for me and today I haven't taken any!
    Fluids have been my first priority, it seems the more fluids I get the better I feel and the more energy I have, trying to stay away from dehydration! At first Water was the only thing I could tolerate, I tried adding Isopure -no go! Now I can tolerate everything in the first liquid stage, I am so ready to move to full liquids, but refuse to stray from the plan
    I'm down 11lbs and the scale keeps moving, but I know it will slow as I progress in to richer and denser foods.
    It's nice to have a place to talk to others that don't require a long drawn out explanation of ur situation!
    Anyways that's how I'm doin
  6. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from duffslove in March 2015 Sleevers   
    Hey everyone! I was sleeved 3/16 and discharged 3/17 around 3pm. First 3 days post op was tough, I am also taking care of my two kids, a 4 year old and a 2 1/2 month old which I'm sure is adding to everything, but today post op day 4 ( I count the day I was sleeved) I am doing really well! I was tired as hell the first 3 days, I would nap on and off with my grandmas help during the day and as soon as my husband got home, I was K.O. And pretty useless lol. Pain was there but not too bad, I just had to take it easy. No nausea, but gas was my main enemy!
    1 thing that made things worse for me was the super strong narcotics, I have a high pain tolerance and I'm extremely sensitive to medicine (I'll doze off taking DayQuil ????) first night in hospital they were pumping me full of hydromorphone and I couldn't get more than 25 minutes of sleep at a time when I could sleep, I was high as a kite lol. It's funny now but it was the most miserable time for me! Once I was home I was prescribed Tylenol with codeine and i couldn't tolerate it so I called my doc and was told to discontinue and take Tylenol 500mgs. That works like a charm for me and today I haven't taken any!
    Fluids have been my first priority, it seems the more fluids I get the better I feel and the more energy I have, trying to stay away from dehydration! At first Water was the only thing I could tolerate, I tried adding Isopure -no go! Now I can tolerate everything in the first liquid stage, I am so ready to move to full liquids, but refuse to stray from the plan
    I'm down 11lbs and the scale keeps moving, but I know it will slow as I progress in to richer and denser foods.
    It's nice to have a place to talk to others that don't require a long drawn out explanation of ur situation!
    Anyways that's how I'm doin
  7. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to Doodlerah in March 2015 Sleevers   
    Does anyone else feel like they need a GIANT HAMSTER water bottle attached to a pole next to them?
  8. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    @@foreversleeved08 You are officially my hero for doing this and caring after two children! I am getting liquids down so much easier but very weak and fatigued.
    Did I mention hungry? I'm not sure what it is but I am definitely craving something aside from clear liquid. My goal is 40 grams of Protein today by finishing one Isopure clear drink diluted with crystal light.
    How are you getting along dear?
  9. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from stacy458 in March Sleevers   
    The unknown scares the heck out of me! I just keep filling myself with positivity thought and telling myself that everything will be okay and I'll do just fine. We both know that not everything will be rainbows and bunnies, but it won't be forever unlike our current situation if you know what I mean lol
  10. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    Well, I can't seem to eat anything other than a half pop sickle and bottled water. Today I sipped on low sodium chicken broth, maybe 4-5 teaspoons.
    I'm scheduled to see Ganta on the 27th also, I think 11:30 am. My sister is gone and it's just my boyfriend, the dog and I. I took a 3 hour nap today after a venture to the gas station, car wash and Nordy's Rack. Pretty much wiped me out!
    I'm glad you are having a much better day. Kudos on getting the Isopure down, I'm scared to try lol.
    @@sandyb68 thank you for the words of advice and well wishes and continued success to you on this journey.
  11. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    Hey! I'm feeling a lot better today actually, not quite the zombie I have felt like for the past few days after surgery, thanks for asking! I'm tolerating Water so much better, doesn't hurt to go down and my Isopure is going down with less pressure (I'm sure u know what I mean)...I tried Jello last night and that will take a few days to get used to..after about 3 tiny bites with a baby spoon, I was done with it. I do have some appetite for things besides what we have to eat, but I know it's head hunger! So trying to keep busy. I have some diarrhea too lol but hey atleast we are having bowel movements baha!
    I think the reason why I feel a lot better is because I'm off of the codeine, I still feel some pain with my incisions/belly (like I did hundreds of sit-ups) on Tylenol but it's tolerable and I don't feel groggy which I like!
    I've been eyeing my creamy Tomato Soup that is awaiting me when we progress to full liquid
    So far I have lost 6 pounds, Water and Protein are both lacking though, all I did was sleep for the past few days...im hoping to get a routine going with meals to hit Protein and water goals....oh and being on my period in addition to all this has been loads of fun!
    And yes 2lbs is awesome, if it's not gain, it's a win!
    When is ur next appt with dr Ganta? Mine is the 27th, I'm praying that in two weeks I'll be ready for work!
    Keep at it, I keep reading after a week it's a lot better! ????
  12. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to sandyb68 in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    Congratulations girls. You are well on your way. There will be good days and bad just like any recovery from a big surgery.
    The only advise I can give is drink, walk, drink, walk - the walking will help with the gas pain big time. plus, I hope they discharged you with the breathing thingy ... cant remember the name of it. I would take 10 big breathes after every walk! Continued success to you ..
  13. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    @@foreversleeved08, how are you feeling today? Any better? My tummy hurts and I have diarrhea. Having a hard time getting down Jello, no appetite at all actually.
    Going to try and get out a little bit today (my sister is driving back to Dallas tonight and I want to get her a little thank you gift for staying with me), but I think what is helping most with gas pains and abdominal pain is the moving around and about apartment, at least once an hour and taking pain med every four hours.
    I hope you are progressing, I've only lost 2 lbs since surgery date but I'll take it.
    I called Ganta's office btw to ask about diarrhea and they said it was normal. Also let Katie know I made a friend with another patient online who got sleeved same day and she got a good laugh and said she'd let him know.
    Hugs and all the best!
  14. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    No I don't believe so, I had a woman, but I sadly do not remember her name because i was high as a kite on those pain killers! I couldn't sleep but for 25 minutes at a time, i would constantly be up. and yes I keep taking it one day at a time, but I'm secretly jumping on that scale, i know the loss isn't accurate right now and its not the best thing to do, but it sure does help me along this stage of "what the hell did i do to myself" haha I know this is the best decision i could have made, but nothing good comes easy, we will get there!
  15. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    What a small world. I'm praying for you too! Did you have the night nurse Dan? He was super sweet, very compassionate and caring.
    I was very impressed with the entire team at St. David's, it made all the difference.
    Can't wait to shed this weight! I was at Dillards laughing with my sister that I can't wait to kiss that blasted plus size department goodbye! One day at a time though, right!
  16. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    Omg! Dr Ganta was my surgeon too, I bet we were recovering in the same hallway lol that's so funny, enjoy codeine city! I can't take anymore because I can't get it all down in one go so it's just 500mg Tylenol for me from now on! Praying for u
  17. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    My surgeon was Ganta' @foreversleeved08.
    I just got back from Petco and quick trip to Dillard's, my sister drove of course.
    Back to codeine city and in my pajamas.
  18. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from cockapoomom in Home Sweet Burping Hell....Day one recovery.   
    I just had my surgery on the 16th at at davids as well! Who was ur surgeon?
    It's pretty sucky for me too, I started my period and I'm sipping on broth at the moment...everytime I sip I can feel it traveling with gas for a moment and then the pain goes away...isopure is harder to tolerate after but I was told by the nurse that just called to try mixing with a little Water...
    I'm right there with u, but it will get better I know it
  19. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to chicklit72 in Surgery date March 16th, who's with me? ????   
    Hello Everyone,
    Hope everyone is home and doing well. I can say the surgery went well, my problems began the next day. I had breast cancer a year ago and with that I only have one arm they can use for blood pressure, ivs and taken blood. I was dehydrated making it difficult to have blood drawn, but after the 4th try and no go I was getting nauseous. Not a good combo when they send you down to have the test to determine if there was any leakage. Thankfully after a bit of anti-nausea meds, some pin killers and a nap, I was able to go home at 4:30 last night.
    I'm feeling good this morning trying to get in some Protein and any other liquids I can.
  20. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to ladycook9713 in Surgery date March 16th, who's with me? ????   
    My doctor said nothing over 15lbs. I'll probably have to pick her up a couple of times, but definitely hoping my 11yr old can help me out. She'll be going to the baby sitter everyday. So it's just a matter of getting her out to the car each morning. We don't have any family near us, but we also haven't told anyone about or surgery except for my husbands brother. And that was only because we needed someone to pick up the 11 yr old from school. Baby sitter has said she'll watch the baby later for us.
  21. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from chicklit72 in Surgery date March 16th, who's with me? ????   
    Hello ladies I've been home since 3pm, I came home and all I did was sleep! The pain medicine they had me on was way to strong for me and I couldn't sleep so that couple of hours was the best sleep I've had since surgery. My husband bless his heart is helping out so much but has to go back to work tomorrow. I'll have both kids with me. It makes me so sad to not be able to cuddle them as usual but I know this will pass. We have to force ourselves to take it easy and not do too much. My grandma will be coming over to help with my kids tomorrow....I'm so happy to see you all on the other side and doing well. This is just the beginning but the pain will ease and soon we'll be back to normal <3
  22. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from chicklit72 in Surgery date March 16th, who's with me? ????   
    I replied to you earlier but my phone didn't post :/ hopefully u made it to the hospital and are doing well!
  23. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to ladycook9713 in Surgery date March 16th, who's with me? ????   
    Yes I do have babies. 11 yr old step son and a 9 month old and being away will be very hard!
    Congrats on your leak test!
  24. Like
    foreversleeved08 reacted to Tamsboyd in Surgery date March 16th, who's with me? ????   
    I agree it was nasty liquid! Sipping Water and walking now.
  25. Like
    foreversleeved08 got a reaction from stacy458 in March Sleevers   
    The unknown scares the heck out of me! I just keep filling myself with positivity thought and telling myself that everything will be okay and I'll do just fine. We both know that not everything will be rainbows and bunnies, but it won't be forever unlike our current situation if you know what I mean lol

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