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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ellen

  1. Hi Penny

    Sorry to hear youve had this upset.

    I too would recommend that you get a second opinion just for your own reassurance.

    I wonder could you expect your ability to exercise to improve once you got down to 16 stone say. Having dieted since the age of 12 myself I feel that after the first couple of stone any further loss for me would be dependent on exercise. Since Xmas Ive started walking on my treadmill to the sound of lively music every night and believe it or not Im almost enjoying it now and believe me I have always utterly loathed exercise of any kind.. If, because of the arthritis issue, exercise is not an option for you even after you lose the first 4 stone then he may be correct in favouring the bypass option. If on the other hand you would be able to walk for 30-40 mins a day once the early weightloss slows that could change things considerably.

    As regards the fills, I have been going over and back to the UK for my fills since my op there in September. I live in Galway and work full time and have 3 small kids. Its certainly a nuisance but its do-able. To lose this weight, I feel pretty much anything is doable and lets face it, the fills have involved 4 days out of my life so far (4 fills) and hey, I'm worth it!. As regards the need for unfills, well yes, my last fill was probably a bit too much and if I could have been defilled more easily Id probably have done it by now. Im going to grin and bear it for a while more and enjoy the extra weightloss resulting from taking Protein Shakes alone for a few weeks and maybe the band will have loosened by then. You could maybe get around the defill issue by overnighting in the UK when you go over for your fills. If the fill turned out to be excessive, you'd probably know that on day 2 and you could get your defill then before coming home. Not an ideal solution in terms of time or money but it may make the band a realistic option for you if youre not comfortable with the bypass idea.

    The other thing to consider is that there are likely to be other providers based in Dublin in the next few months. The Healthier Weight Centre is one and I think another poster recently mentioned someone else (cant recall the name). The HWC are planning to have a Irish doctor here to deal with any issues (eg need for defills) which arise in between the surgeons visits.

    These are my thoughts for what theyre worth. Best of luck with your decision. I know it must not be esay for you.

    All the best


  2. Oh Yes, I forgot to ask does anyone know anything about hernias (God, what a sexy ailment a hernia is - even the sound of it makes me feel like a 110 year old).

    I have developed a hernia (inguinal) which may need to be operated on if it worsens. Does anyone know if a hernia repair is the same thing as a "muscle repair" which often accompanies a Tummy Tuck or is that something different. Can I combine my hernia repair with a Tummy Tuck I wonder?


  3. Hi Coco, JustJules, Princess and everyone

    Firstly Coco thank you so much for your recent advice on my overfill. I am now back on fluids and am not having any problem Not only that but the weight is shifting again - about 5 lbs down since last week.

    I think my problem was taking medication on an empty stomach at night. Am now taking it in the morning after a Protein Shake and its causing no problem. I will try to go back on mushies soon .... but not too soon as the weight is moving so nicely now for a change.

    Jules, I understand you have been in the same position. I think mine is loosening slightly now after 8-9 days. Hopefully yours will too.

    Princess, I know exactly how you feel but its just a question of continuing to go back for the fills until one day you get the magic one that is different. For me that was my 4th. I read something quite consoling on a website yesterday (not sure which), along the lines that the early fills aren't meant to provide immediate restriction. Their purpose is to slowly accustomise your stomach to having a filled band on it until such time as eventually the optimal level of fill is reached - when magically you experience restriction. I wish I'd read that when I didnt have restriction and was feeling that there had to be something wrong with me.

    Best of luck to you all


  4. Hi Leigh, Mia

    I was banded in September in the UK (I live in Ireland). I had 4 stone to lose. By two weeks after the op I had lost 12 lbs about and was delighted. Then my appetite returned and I lost only 2 lbs more roughly between then and Xmas despite 3 fills (involving 3 treks to the UK).

    I must say I was beginning to lose hope until I had my 4th fill last week. Now suddenly I have serious restriction, almost too much in fact. Im back on Protein Shakes and have lost 4-5 lbs since last week. Im in no hurry to get a defill in order to get back on solids when the weight is coming off so nicely. Now in fairness I am exercising daily as well but am very happy to finally have restriction. (Im at 8.7 in a 10 ml band). My doctor was willing to give me an additional fill every 2 weeks until I got good restriction. The limitation was on my side due to the effort involved in going over and back to England.

    I would recommend to keep going back for the fills until you are in no doubt that you have restriction.

    Wishing you both the very best.


  5. Hi everyone

    This post is inspiring me to think ahead....I am still a long way away from my tummytuck. Congratulations to you all who have done so well.

    I have a question which I hope someone may be able to answer.

    I have developed a hernia (inguinal) which may need to be operated on if it worsens. Its a nuisance at the moment but no worse than that. Does anyone know if a hernia repair is the same thing as the muscle repair which often accompanies a Tummy Tuck or is that something different. Can I combine my hernia repair with my tummy tuck I wonder?


  6. Hi Everyone

    Just thought I'd add to the January blues.... as you can see my recent euphoria was shortlived!

    I had a fill on Wednesday last. I can take liquids (carefully in the morning) but quite freely in the evenings. I believe I need a defill but am not sure how urgent it is (what Im thinking is do I really need to fly back to the UK for a defill ....groan.... or could it resolve itself yet I wonder).

    I cannot seem to tolerate anything solid. I had scrambled egg yesterday (no toast mind you) and burped it back up. Several nights since the fill I have taken my normal medication before bedtime (1 pill split into 3 pieces) with Water and have vomited it back up- the pill is obviously the problem). Im afraid the vomiting will lead to a slippage but would just stick rigidly with fluids for a couple of weeks (minus any pills) rather than facing another trek to the UK if there is a possibility that the band might still loosen in the next week or so of its own accord.

    Any ideas / advice from you experienced people?

    If I did have to get a defill, does anyone kow could I get it from ACS even though I had my op elsewhere? Is there likely to be a long wait?

    Yours, with my tail between my legs,


  7. Hi everyone.

    Just to let you know that I Love my band, my doctor, nurse, switchboard operator, my cat, everyone!!!!! YIPPPPPEEE. Finally, after 4 months wondering was I the only unfortunate in the universe for whom the band doesnt work, I now have restriction.

    I went back to the UK on Wednesday for a fill. I already had 7.2, got an extra 1.0 and later on another 0.5. I now have 8.7 in a 10 ml band. What a difference! Such was my enthusiasm on my return that I had to be restrained from buying a very lovely size 12 skirt on the assumption that the new virtuous me would easily fit into it by the end of the month...

    Elsie, the Chris de Bruyne site looks v. interesting. I have seen his name mentioned very positively on other threads in the context of tummy tucks. If I do manage to lose this weight I'm thinking of a Tummy Tuck with him.

    When I was in the UK during the week, my dr. in the Healthier Weight centre told me he was to come to Dublin on Friday (yesterday) to talk to people in the Mater private and Blackrock clinic about setting up here. All going well they hope to be up and running in about a month. Dr Favretti would come in from Italy to operate and train in a young irish doctor. The irish doctor would deal with fills / issues arising in between Favretti's visits and would eventually take over the operations himself. I am so pleased that all of these providers are coming to Ireland.

    Very best of luck to you all who are considering surgery at the moment. Like Coco I too was terrified at the thought of the operation but more terrified of the prospect of becoming heavier and heavier with each passing year.


  8. Hello everyone.

    Well done Coco, as Penny says your story is very inspiring. After I finished feeling sorry for myself and my somewhat less impressive performance in 2007 I made an appointment for my next fill which I hope will put me back on the straight and narrow.

    When I was making the appt today with Healthier Weight centre they told me that they are coming over to Dublin next week to meet with people in hospitals in Dublin with a view to setting up a centre here in March or thereabouts. Dont know yet if that will just be for fills or for ops too. I can't wait to be able to get a fill here without the whole trek to the UK which has been involved for me each time so far.

    Penny, congrats a your first step towards your band. I hope the consult goes well for you.

    Best of luck everyone in 2008.


  9. Elsie

    You are very welcome. You must be so excited to have made this decision. I wish you the very best of luck with it.

    I was banded at HWC in Manchester in early September. I felt very safe with them and the operation went very well. I think they are a very good choice. They discovered a "massive" hiatus hernia during my op so they repaired it and I was none the wiser until after the event. I havent had any heartburn since though I had been plagued with it beforehand and never really invetigated it.

    My weightloss has been slow enough because I probably havent followed the rules exactly, because my BMI is on the lower end, my metabolism is low after years of dieting and probably also because very few people seem to be lucky enough to get good restriction on their first fill.

    With HWC you can also opt to get fills in Birmingham (and possibly London) if that suits you any better. I have been over for 3 fills already. I lost about a stone and 3 lbs after the op and have remained at that weight for the past couple of months. In the past I would have started putting it back on immediately so to some extent it is working even though not optimally right now. Im hoping my next fill and better (post Christmas) behaviour on my part will do the trick.

    I went over on my own in September telling family (apart from my husband) that I was on a work trip. I stayed in the Village hotel in Cheadle for 1 night after the op then flew home and went back to work the next day, no problem. If you have any questions or difficulties you can ring one of several ppl at HWC on their mobile or landline numbers. They seem to have technical difficulty ringing me but to be honest it has not been a problem. I call them when I need them. As I have mentioned before on the forum it is a bit of a pain having to get to the UK for fills but to be honest thats not the end of the world either if it works in the end.

    Very best of luck again


  10. Hi Coco, Penny, Lyn and everyone

    Havent heard of anyone in Galway but will keep my ears open. I'm living here in Galway so would be very pleased to know there was a Dr here who could do the job.

    I'd love to meet in January and Sat 5th sounds good. I have a friend in Dublin whom I visit frequently so could combine the two.

    I went to the UK before Xmas for my 3rd fill... a measly 0.7 cl in a 10cl band involving a 16 hour roundtrip. Not a happy bunny! I was told that normally ppl feel restriction at 4-5 cl but of course I have now had 5 + 1+ 0.7cls and my restriction is little or nothing and I'm not losing an ounce. I'll try and organise a 4th fill for early in the new year. Of course the problem has been exacerbated by the ghastly weather and the fact that I've been finding any excuse not to exercise.

    I have today ressurected and polished an elderly treadmill. Perhaps tomorrow I might actually give it a shot.......

    Lyn, in answer to your question, yup Ive gotten onto proper food alright (not forgetting either some proper wine it being the festive season) .. but too much of it. I definitely have not met my "sweet spot".

    All the best


  11. Hi Coco

    I have just watched a recording of the prime time programme. It was pretty negative for ACS alright. I couldnt really understand why the dr in loughlinstown found the "patient" so unsuitable for the op (apart from her comment about having had a trauma in her life) as she was clearly overweight. He seemed to make a big issue of the fact that they didnt weigh her and check her BMI which seemed almost beside the point as it was obvious her BMI had to be over their minimum 30 threshhold.

    To me the far greater issue is (a) how well ACS install the band in terms of minimizing potential future problems such as erosion and slippage and (;) what they can do in the small number of cases where something drastic goes wrong during or after the op (possibly as a result of ones own state of health rather than any error on the part of the surgeon). It really is a pity that there is no other provider in Ireland. I live in fear and dread of something going wrong with my band and as you say having it removed as a first resort. Who is the woman "Lu" who appeared on the programme, is she the nurse who does the fills?


  12. Hi Penny2, Coco and everyone

    Sorry to hear ACS decision. It must be really disappointing for you when you'd set your mind on it. I went to Healthier Weight centre in Manchester and would be happy to recommend them - though of course its more hassle going to the UK but that wouldnt stop me. I paid 7900 stirling in sept 07 and all fills are free for a year. Since I had it done theyve started operating in Italy where I gather its cheaper. The surgeon they use is Favretti who has an excellent reputation. (Have a look at the Healthier Weight centre website). Apparently the hospital they use in Italy is run by nuns and is spotless tho I havent seen it myself. PM me if youd like any more info on this option. Last time i was over for a fill there was some talk about opening a branch in Ireland for fills (as opposed to surgery itself).

    all the best,


  13. Hi Coco

    Many thanks for this. I had the procedure with the Healthier Weight Centre in the UK. At the time I knew ACS were doing it but decided not to opt for them.......... rightly or wrongly. I had been to ACS some years ago for a minor cosmetic job which wasnt a dazzling success and because I was extremely nervous about the operation I decided to go for what I felt at the time was the lowest risk option. (Thats what having a flock of tiny kids does to you, it makes you paranoid). Anyway, the op was a breeze, I had it on Saturday, flew home on Monday and back to work on Tuesday. I lost about 10 lbs in the following fortnight and then things slowed.

    Most people on the site seem to have gone to ACS. Am I right in thinking the general view is that Jerome was great but aftercare might not be quite as good or is that overstating things?

    Ive been back to the UK twice for fills (5mg then 1mg) and am due back for a 3rd in the next week (probably max another 1mg). They will continue filling at consevative amounts every 2 weeks untill i'm happy (no charge). I have been pretty impressed with HWC but obviously the aftercare is infinitely easier if youre in the UK - they have support groups etc which Im not in a position to attend. Its a major nuisance having to go over and back for fills - especially as I'm based in the West and flights are less frequent than from Dublin - but I did find them very good. The surgeon (Franco Favretti) has apparently done about 3000 ops. He's assisted by another Italian surgeon and the Director of HFC so the op lasts less than 30 mins. (For paranoid types like myself its nice to think you have 3 surgeons in the room in case the first 2 have hear attacks or anything!!!) You get the impression from HWC that youre in safe hands.

    The first fill is done under x ray. I perhaps dont contact them for advice as often as I should but I dont want to risk being overheard at work.

    I have some restriction but I really think I havent enough yet as I can eat a pizza, say, no problem or a full panini whereas with the swelling after the op, I had no interest in food whatsoever and would even find myself being cautious with the Protein drinks.< /p>

    Anyway, I'm glad I had the procedure and I think its just a matter if time until I get good restriction. It is great to have this site as my lapband is not something I'd feel comfortable discussing with my colleagues or indeed most of my friends.


  14. From reading on the forum, I am reluctantly coming to the conclusion that the reason Im not losing more quickly is because Ive been concentraing mainly on mushies which go down very easily without any full feeling....ever. I tried chicken today for the first time in my work canteen resulting in chest pain that I can only liken to childbirth minus the epidural. Scrambled egg and toast had the same result last weekend. What am I doing wrong?

  15. I have been lurking for a few weeks. Not being the most technically advanced, it took me a while to work out how how to post a message! I went to the UK to get my band as I didnt know very much about ACS at the time. Ideally I have 4 stone to lose but I'd settle for 3. 1've lost about 15 lbs since late August albeit with a fair amount of cheating. It's slow enough but hopefully it will stay off for good this time. Good to find this forum.

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