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  1. duffslove

    March 2015 Sleevers

    Have you explored warm protein and fluids? I know that plain water was sitting real heavy for me the first 2 weeks, was very tired of just plain water, so my Nut gave me a sample of Unjury chicken soup broth protein, not a bad flavor and it was something different that helped me through. Also, unflavored protein powder is a nice break in warm decaf tea or decaf coffee ( as well as chocolate Unjury , taste like a diet latte ) I also added Mio and Powerade Zero to help with variety in my fluids. Its tough to keep your body fueled with limited choices but honestly, it goes fast. Im not quite 3 weeks post op, I've been advanced to purees (yes, i actually did a happy dance about that after my 2 week post op visit) and next week soft solids, and im still "drinking" my meals quite often cuz my sleeve is still quite swollen feeling and it feels better with fat free cream soup and yogurt. but i do get in some puree foods as my tummy tolerates it. Enough to stop my craving for "real food" but not to feel sick. Hang in there, it wont be too much longer.
  2. duffslove

    Anyone in Iowa?

    Glad your surgery went well, sorry about the gas. I dont know what PPI they have you on and whether you're taking any gas med, but my surgeon has me on Pantaproprazole and I can have Gas X as well. All PPI's work a little differently, you may want to talk to your surgeon and see if there is something different that can be done to help your gassy issue. good luck and best wishes
  3. duffslove

    Anyone in Iowa?

    Yes, it's very normal..great job with the protein soup, it'll get easier...for the first few days to week, i had to sip warm liquid which was chicken broth protein and warm decaf tea with protein powder Best wishes
  4. duffslove

    Anyone in Iowa?

    GNC unflavored whey Protein powder is sweetener free, I havent tried it, so no idea if it's easy to take down, but i have tried their other flavors. and you could talk to your surgeon and try a different PPI..Im taking pantaprazole, its working well for me..there are several of them, and they work differently, it may be an option. And i also use Gas X sometimes as well. And yes, i had a bad taste too, it will go away soon..it was weird, Water was actually sweet to me too. Good luck to you, best wishes
  5. duffslove

    March 2015 Sleevers

    Congratulations! that is wonderful progress on your new life journey!Keep up the great work
  6. duffslove

    March 2015 Sleevers

    you can try it with water, it sometimes helps..also, fat free milk is usually a lil easier on the tummy i was told and it has bonus protein, so you dont have to try to get in as much. Im assuming by the flavors you're using powders, i was too and couldnt stand them..the only powder i could handle was Unjury brand but you have to order it online. If you live somewhere near a Walmart you may want to try a brand called Premier protein, they are ready made...theyre 11 oz, so ive had to do 2 oz every 15 min, sipping slowly, but theyre 30g of protein and taste decent cold. Also, my Nut told me it's the smell of the powders that's making me gag on them..so she told me to get cups from like the gas station for the soda fountain that has the little "x" in the lid and use those with a straw and you wont smell it as much, so they are easier to get down. But if you're going to do that may i suggest a powder from Max Muscle, i believe they are called Max Pro, many flavors and it only takes 4-6 oz of water/milk and its 30 grams of protein, so much less to have to get down
  7. duffslove

    Anyone in Iowa?

    Hi, just curious how the 3 new post op sleevers are doing (Christylynn72, Tammy DTM, and Fortknox78 )...Hope you're all getting along very well..and congratulations on you're new life journeys
  8. duffslove

    March 2015 Sleevers

    update: i was sleeved Mar.4 ( so im about 2 1/2 weeks out) my 2 week post op the surgeon advanced me to purees, and advanced my exercise ability a little...Im taking in about 400 cal a day but exercising and burning about 200-300 cal out of that..im finding that if i keep up my Protein to at least the minimum 60g and get all of my Water in my weight loss seems to be a little better and the surgeon said if i could up my protein to the 80g level and get my carbs around 40 while still taking in my full water it will greatly improve my loss, along with a little resistance training and very light weights while doing my moderate cardio walking..in 3 more weeks they will be upping my exercise program to include weight training as muscle burns more fat at this point because VSGers arent taking in enough calories in the beginning especially for cardio/calorie burning to really do a lot for weight loss. Good things to note, I've finally gotten over feeling uncomfortably full and sloshy from all of the liquid im trying to force down. I feel like Ive got so much more energy this week. And my weight loss is staying pretty steady pre op diet weight 269, surgery day weight 256, today weight 239.6, and i seem to be losing about 1.5-2 lbs every 2 days at this point, I would def. like to see it higher but then i look at the fact that im losing a little over a lb a day at this point, and that's more than i did before..my surgeon says the biggest weight loss is the first month, if i keep this up i could lose 30 lbs in 30 days..wow, that would feel so good to get an extra 30 yucky lbs off me..gotta stay positive
  9. duffslove

    March 2015 Sleevers

    Madmax- Im almost 2 weeks post op and have noticed on the days that i dont take in at least 64 oz h2o and at least 60-70g protein, my weight loss slows, even overnight. And its really hard to get all of that in plus anything else. Also on another forum group Im in someone was saying not getting your vitamins and calcium in also slows it down, but ive seen people blog that theirsurgeon still hasnt started them on any of that yet. Mine starts you the day you leave the hosp. Just may be something more to try, great attitude though, stay positive
  10. duffslove

    Top 10 Bariatric Post Op Mistakes

    that's a great article! Thanks for sharing it
  11. duffslove

    March 2015 Sleevers

    I still have a lot of the tape/sticky clear stuff around most of mine, but everyday i shower and i can tell more of the stuff is coming off around the edges and on most of them it is barely covering the actual cut now, but the cuts seem to be healing well..my 2 week post op is Tues. my surgeon just said to care for them by washing with mild soap and water daily and pat dry, but im sure everyone is different on this. I have read forums where people have used neosporin (or similar) on theirs and its been ok, and also answers where people have said their surgeon said absolutely dont put anything on them.
  12. duffslove

    Anyone in Iowa?

    Christylynn, sorry i just saw that youre having it this Mon am(tomorrow) that is soooo exciting! main things, sip vey slowly, try room temp or warm fluids, walk as much as you can and make sure you use the incentive spirometer every hour or 2..walking helps the spasms and cramps quite a lot. im excited for you..Please update me with how youre doing after
  13. duffslove

    Anyone in Iowa?

    christylynn, congratulations on your surgery! I am going to be seeing Dr. Lamasters on tues for my 2 week post op..Ive ran into a few issues, but im very sure by reading a lot of the forums on here and my fitness pal that its pretty common. Had a lot of spasm pains, made it difficult to get my min fluids and protein in and felt very slosshy from all the liquid, but it's nice that we have some more variety in what we take in at this time than a lot of surgeons give their VSG patients. Not sure if you have a food/exercise journal going yet but I love the one that my fitness pal has, you can look me up there if you'd like..and lots of good forums and discussions there also. Hope you're doing well, and hang in there if you are having any issues, it gets so much better in even a couple of days!!!
  14. duffslove

    Anyone in Iowa?

    hi, im from Des Moines, had my surgery on 3-4-15 with Unity Point and Dr. LaMasters
  15. duffslove

    March 2015 Sleevers

    I had my sleeve surgery on 3/4/2015. Just hit my 1 week post op. Had a hard time with fluids in hospital and they kept me an extra day. Have been able to get all of my water and the low side of my protein (60g appox) in, and a few days really struggling with that. I am on so many pills and vitamins my new stomach feels like it is always full of liquid and almost achy. Really hoping i start feeling better soon, after working so hard to get to this point, i want to be excited about this life change

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