Oh Diane,
I have chronic lower back/neck pain. I've been treated for three frustrating years and still suffer, many times really bad. I started in 2003 during the summer and by the winter, I was out of work for 2 weeks and didn't leave bed too much. I have been seeing a pain center dr and they are super expensive. Why doesn't your insurance cover orthopeadics?
So, here's the assortment of all I've done, chiro, pt, accupuncture, spinal injections, pain management med's, ten's machine, saw a ortho, a neurosurgeon and I'm still with the pain center. The pain center dr did all these test and sent me to a neuro uptown, (there's none in my plan out where we live), the pain center dr wanted me to have spine surgery, the neuro said no way. He told me to learn to live with the pain (it's been 3 years, what else am I going to do) and he recommended that I have a spinal fusion in 20 years. I was told I have degenerative disc disease.
SO, I'm here 3 years later still in pain. When I hit my 40 weight loss my foot and heel started hurting alot, they said it was my Discs l4,l5, and s1,
The neuro felt that I was too young for back surgery and that once you get cut, it goes down hill from there. I might look into disc decompression, but most dr's won't consider me for treatment because i'm 33 and just had RNY. So, it's disappointing.
My recommended plan is heat, and Ice. I cannot use heat because it makes me too hot. I'm scheduled to start another round of injections in a month now that I'm six months post op. I'd love to take advil at this point but cannot/
I hope you feel better soon. You are not alone. Did your back get injuried during the car accident, if so the insurance company for the person who hit you should cover your medical bills.