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About jttaurus

  • Rank
    2/22 Lap RNY, not banded.
  • Birthday 05/11/1973

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  1. Happy 40th Birthday jttaurus!

  2. Happy 39th Birthday jttaurus!

  3. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary jttaurus!

  4. jttaurus

    NC September Chat

    It septemeber. I'm so greatful the dog days of summer are over with. I have a busy month ahead of me. My sibling is supposedly relocating from NY to Charlotte. I'm excited, but nervous for them. I am starting back at school, Chloe is in kindergarten, and Joe is going to 3rd grade (student teacher). I am hoping that we can knock out the next year or so and get on to my next career. Take care and enjoy these wonderful sunny days!!! Jennifer
  5. jttaurus

    August Chat - NC

    Congrats Jill - You might have to change your xmas goal, since you'll be there in no time. Glad to hear everything is going well.
  6. jttaurus

    Anyone have a stretched stoma?

    You might need a fill already. Check out some of the other's stories. I would also venture to stay your still healing so your stomac shouldn't be stretched at this point.
  7. Well, I remember my first day of kindergarten, almost 20 something years ago. It was catholic school in NY. I remember the kids asking "Is That Your Grandma and Grandpa?". I literally died and never wanted to be seen with my parents again. My parents had grey hair and stretchy clothes and the old kids had 20 something moms. My mom was 40 when she had me, so this explains itself. Sadly, the third anniversary of her journey to heaven is approaching. I miss her so much. My dad died 10 years ago.... Sorry for the sob story. Chloe begins kindergarten on the 25th for a 1/2 day, Dh is beginning school with more pot holes in the way. Looks like CMS is getting my husband instead of gaston county. Were upset about this. Chloe cannot wait to start school, her teacher sent her a post card introducing herself. I feel great about here starting school, just sad because it means she's growning up.
  8. jttaurus


    Congrats! You are now banded. Jennifer
  9. jttaurus

    August Chat - NC

    Oh Diane, I have chronic lower back/neck pain. I've been treated for three frustrating years and still suffer, many times really bad. I started in 2003 during the summer and by the winter, I was out of work for 2 weeks and didn't leave bed too much. I have been seeing a pain center dr and they are super expensive. Why doesn't your insurance cover orthopeadics? So, here's the assortment of all I've done, chiro, pt, accupuncture, spinal injections, pain management med's, ten's machine, saw a ortho, a neurosurgeon and I'm still with the pain center. The pain center dr did all these test and sent me to a neuro uptown, (there's none in my plan out where we live), the pain center dr wanted me to have spine surgery, the neuro said no way. He told me to learn to live with the pain (it's been 3 years, what else am I going to do) and he recommended that I have a spinal fusion in 20 years. I was told I have degenerative disc disease. SO, I'm here 3 years later still in pain. When I hit my 40 weight loss my foot and heel started hurting alot, they said it was my Discs l4,l5, and s1, The neuro felt that I was too young for back surgery and that once you get cut, it goes down hill from there. I might look into disc decompression, but most dr's won't consider me for treatment because i'm 33 and just had RNY. So, it's disappointing. My recommended plan is heat, and Ice. I cannot use heat because it makes me too hot. I'm scheduled to start another round of injections in a month now that I'm six months post op. I'd love to take advil at this point but cannot/ I hope you feel better soon. You are not alone. Did your back get injuried during the car accident, if so the insurance company for the person who hit you should cover your medical bills. Jennifer
  10. jttaurus

    Save the date....

    Hey Kim, It's too soon for me committ, I should know more about what our lives look like once school starts. Don't for get I have 2 in school, daughter in Kindergarten and DH in 2nd grade, both at different schools. I will let you know how things are going closer to the date. Sorry I missed the pool party but i'm in pretty chronic and painful back problems, getting through work is my goal right now, so I melt down on the weekends. I'm sure you can understand. Good thing DH is done with his classes at queens, now we have so much paper work and tests for him to do between now and may. I hope all is well with you. Jennifer
  11. jttaurus

    Spouse/Family Support

    Donna, Remeber it's ok not to tell anyone. What ever your comfort level is. I found that negative people and responses were not something I could tolerate so I avoided them at all cost. My sister found out by accident because my daughter told her, otherwise I would have told her after the fact. I was proud of myself too because I didn't defend my decision I just told her out right why I was doing it. Now, I applaud you and give a shout out for you t aking the first step and looking into the surgery. You should be proud of yourself. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Jennifer
  12. jttaurus

    Spouse/Family Support

    First of all, Your in total control Donna. I was where you are last year. My husband was against weight loss surgery and then he came around. He's turned out to be my biggest supporter. I chose not to tell my family, I decided that I didn't need any negativity around me while I was going through this process. My family lives out of town so it worked out ok. Everything will be fine, have you attended your seminar yet? This will be the first session that will help you and your husband to ask your questions and proceed from there. I do know Dr B requires a support person and they make them sign a document stating they are supporting you and your recovery. You are making the best decision of your life. It will be great to put yourself first. JEnnifer
  13. jttaurus

    I Got My Date!!!!!!!!!

    Crab legs sound good right about now.
  14. jttaurus

    Its July

    Kim - We are going to carowinds most likely on saturday. I am trying to get my friend to come because she's got a 4 year old. I'd love to meet up, we could 'cell' each other there and meet up. Only thing, I cannot answer the cell if I'm on the Water slide. You can see this flabby white pasty girl with the too big bathing suit, that would be me. Two kids are alot of work, how in the world did my mom do it with 5 kids in 5 years. I'm glad I was the 7th. Karen - You are making this look way too easy. I really am glad for you. Sunsett - if it helps any, my wl has dipped quit a bit to. It's really easy to cheat with RNY, don't tell the carb police on me. I had a migraine yesterday, gosh - i had it for almost a week and it started to get better then got worse before it broke. I have rx mediciation but with my 'new pouch' it's hard to judge what I can take and I need food with it. I hope yours is better. My july stinks so far (work wise), they have been crazy busy. I hate having to work all 8 hours, friday cannot come soon enough. yeah!
  15. jttaurus

    I Got My Date!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats Jill - You will be a looser soon, in a good way. Hee... IF you follow suit like Karen, it will be a cake walk. DO you have to do the liquid diet for 2 weeks prior?

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