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About WLSResources/ClothingExch

  • Rank
    Bariatric Legend

About Me

  • Biography
    A lovable, no-nonsense dame
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    Volunteer work is my sideline
  • City
    New York
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  1. Saw "The Book of Mormon" today, finally. Highly irreverent and juvenile in a frat-boy vein. What else could one expect from the creators of "South Park?" Lots of fun.

    1. LipstickLady


      I got judged hard when I took my kids to see it. We loved it.

    2. suzzzzz


      I have never laughed so hard as when I saw it. Was so outrageous at times, you just can't be offended.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      It was great. @LipstickLady -- judged by people in your area? The bible belt, I think? @suzzzzz -- if no one's offended, the show would have closed long ago. I did wonder, though, whether everyone in the audience knew what they were coming to beyond a hit show. We're still in heavy tourist season here.

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