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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Surgery date 11/24 and Cigna Approved

    Because I'm just like that.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My Nutritionist Doesn't See Well.

    I never would have guessed. Isn't it fun to put ourselves through the wringer, get stomachaches and even chest pains sometimes? Anticipation is a killer. It's noon now. Maybe you've already been to the appt. and straightened things out and gotten the approval.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Have been on cloud 9 and get a text from BFF that floored me

    Agreed. That's something they can talk about, too, in a relaxed way so as not to make it an even bigger issue.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My Nutritionist Doesn't See Well.

    Take it easy. Your shambles are obscuring the relevant details. Are you saying that, at last weigh-in, you were 259, but 254 was entered into the computer system? Andd that, if you go in to have the system corrected to 259, someone will think you gained 5 lbs and "fire" you? Did you weigh more than 259 at the previous weigh-in? Have you been losing steadily since the beginning? Yes? Then you have a good record. Why do you think you'll be disbelieved tomorrow when you say there was an error; that you in fact weighed 259 last time rather than having gotten up to it from 254? I just don't see why this will be the problem you expect. Go in a little earlier than your scheduled time to clear up the error. Or is there something you're leaving out?
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Struggling! Please help!

    @@phatfatgirl @@Inner Surfer Girl said everything I wanted to say more effectively than I would have. (Thank you, ISG.) She made excellent points and suggestions, but the one that stands out above all is the easiest, fastest and, for the next 10 days, most important as I see it. Then take the next logical step from there: "I also suggest giving your NUT a call and being honest about your struggles. He or she may have some helpful suggestions."
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    This diet seems like BS and I am pouting

    Is a snit related to the famed hissy-fit? Less hissy? Hissier? The same? There's a lot of that flouncing off going on today.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    No complaining about losing weight, but, yes to pain complaint. I'm not down zillions of pounds and feeling your pain, but your note speaks to me. As I'm also not a professional, the answers won't mean anything to me in terms of making a suggestion. I wrote them before I realized I can't do anything with the answers, but you can! -- Are you talking about the hip sockets? That is, groin area, mid top of leg where it meets the torso? Or what we reach for when SImon says, "hands on hips?" Both hips equally and simultaneously? Only when you're running and walking vigorously? From my own experience with musculoskeletal nuisances and intermittent arthritis issues, I'd go for a specialist in sports medicine (physiatry), who is the musculoskeletal person. if it's Simon Sez, I'd start with a rheumatologist (that's the arthritis doctor's field, yes?) for the socket.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    New body brings new partners -- many new partners

    @@maggie409: She is seeking opinions." Nyah. In the Farewell Symphony, opus #33 (the message number, that is) the word was that she never wanted more than to know if others are in the same boat. In #1, suggestions were wanted. @@Dub: "identity change????????" Identity theft, maybe?
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    New body brings new partners -- many new partners

    Is anyone here paid enough for this? It's what I meant in item 1) of my {first?] note in the "So why does this annoy me so much" topic and I get so annoyed with myself when I fall into it again. "Many men" morphs to two men. "Suggestions [please]" morphs to having wanted all along only to know whether anyone else has the same experience. And on.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Have been on cloud 9 and get a text from BFF that floored me

    Nikki, your friend is the only one with the answer. "Hey, babe, what did you mean? Oh? Why?" You have no clue as to what she means and you never will if you don't talk.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What's wrong with me?

    @@klove89 -- It may be obvious to you, but not to me: What does it mean to "try" to talk to a doctor? YOu already said that you asked one (but not whether it was the surgeon or your primary), but, there, too, I'm not taking for granted what "never really gave me an answer" means. People are not supposed to black out. It signals something which I'm not qualified to guess. You need to be examined and screened for certain possibilities; again I won't waste your time or mine with guesses. Because the cause may be surgery-related, it's probably appropriate for your primary to begin the process and, if protocol, refer you to a specialist. The primary and the specialist should confer with the surgeon regarding test results and, if it's found that the cause has to do with nutrition or anything that may be affected by it, the surgery should work on making needed changes. It also looks as though you're overlooking the potential danger of falling in the tub or shower.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Meal Plans and Nutrionist Vs Paperwork

    Stop! Your well-being, peace of mind and success are what matter. She/they are paid to give you the care you require. It's possible for a patient to go overboard (and many do), but the question on your mind most certainly warranted consideration. Don't get shy on me now. You could never be a pest....as long as you're calling someone else.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Need a piano player

    @@KindaFamiliar -- Don't I always? Don't you know by now that I'm nicely? Good song, the choice self-explanatory and the reason for the choice remains yours. This worked out well. Big tatt is my guess. The music rather than the lyrics has style.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    ok, dumb social experiment

    Balls? She is EGGSY!!!!
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    ok, dumb social experiment

    I dunno 'bout this missed connection business. Reading the posts brings to mind two old movies that, I'll admit, vary from the scenarios you describe, but the aura is the same. At best, and this is not a movie, you'll find @@Miss Mac's ending (good going!). At average, "Brief Encounter." At worst, "Strangers on a Train." It's also hard to believe, @@CowgirlJane that you received a response from the man at the microbrew. You're outside the city, but not in an area with pop. under 500. I can imagine myself running an "MC" ad: "We glanced at each other this morning, 8:37 a.m., on the northbound Lex just before it pulled in to the 42nd. No idea which car we were in, but, hell, here goes I was seated 3rd in from the south end of the rear center bench on the east side of the car wearing black coat, black shoes, carrying a large tan & black bag. I'm brunette and was wearing Estee Lauder's "Dashing Coral" lipstick. You, about 5'10, dark hair, brooding eyes, light gray suit. Shall we give it a try?" If 92% of males who ride that line around that time read the ads daily with intentions of replying, it's conceivable that I'd receive 200,000 replies. Now that I think of it, it would make sense to place an ad only if a carrot-top catches my eye.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    So why does this annoy me so much?

    @@gowalking -- Someone else's wasteful, foolish, ignorant, infantile, giving-up or stupid behavior isn't your burden. Having been in your company on two occasions, once with no distractions to conversation for a couple of hours, I know that you're far too light to carry them. Take the energy that goes into feeling upset and put it where it will do good -- in yourself. Don't squander for a squanderer. If they ever pull it together, then you can have some energy to support them. @@CowgirlJane -- You were done a terrible disservice by that practice. They were practicing the old one-two, insult to injury routine. It should and may be actionable but you're probably way past statute of limitations.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    So why does this annoy me so much?

    1) We've all encountered people at hospital support groups, here and other websites who, whether before or after, reveal in whatever words that they expect or expected the procedure to lose weight for them. In the beginning of my band career I assumed it was the fault of their respective surgery practices; I expected that at the initial info session, the presenters left out the 10 or 15 crucial words. It may be that some practice are lax, but I've since discovered that the people in question believe that their surgery is what will lose the weight because they've chosen to believe it regardless of what they heard at the practices' session and first appts. I used to want to scream and I'm sure I was excitable a few times. Since doing the clothing exchanges, I realized that I deeply cared about our whole community, More recently I discovered that I care equally for others who get to work without aid of surgery. Anyone who diligent about their choice has my vote. I don't proselytize for surgery. If someone wants to lose weight, I don't care how they do it as long as they don't do potentially harmful diets and the like. What's changed since my excitable-voice days, though, is that if someone chooses to squander the opportunity and, I hope, advantage surgery gives them, they're o their own. At best I shrug and walk away. At worst I'll say something like, "If you don't want to do it, you have the right to so choose." For a short time I wondered if I'd turned cold or any of the words that often has negative connotation. I determined not. I'll be as supportive and helpful as I can if someone is serious about any endeavor or needs help with some family or emotional or whatever issue. Otherwise don't waste my time. I don't believe in the practice of human sacrifice, especially if someone is planning to make me the sacrifice. 2) The psych eval. Before I had it, I expected that it was major project. I was seeing a therapist at the time and had her do it instead of paying however much to someone on my practice's list. She assured me that an insurer wants very little info from the session, naming the points she covered in her letter, below.. We spoke about it for a few minutes; she already knew from my discussing the prospect of surgery in earlier, regular sessions, that I understood. I don't know how much weight the insurer gives to the psych eval, but if it's a significant factor, my therapist was correct. I don't know if she'd written letters for WLS prior or only for other purposes that aren't dissimilar. Sir or Madam: Please be advised that _______ is a patient of mine. I have been seeing her for a year and a half for weekly psychotherapy sessions of 50 minutes per session. I have recommended that she proceed with lapband surgery on account of the medical benefits that may be derived from this procedure. Ms. ____ has realistic expectations about the results of the surgery and understands the risks involved. She also realizes that she must continue to work on weight loss issues after the surgery has been completed. She is completely capable of following the medical instructions that will follow the surgery. If you have any questions etc etc Sincerely, You'd think that, if the co's.want only that much, everyone would pass the psych.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Getting intimate

    @@CowgirlJane -- I, for one, laughed. The real story is nifty, but by the middle of the second paragraph, I was imagining your first-time with your beau quite differently. I won't tell you, but I think it's worth getting. Amazon lists it: "Passionella and Other Stories," by Jules Feiffer. I'm speaking of the title story, but the others are wonderful, too. The story may be available on line; I haven't looked for it. Sondheim did a musical version which I'm unfamiliar with. Just my opinion that the original is delightful, funny, positive and absolutely relevant to your story, Jane. On the down side, it's sad to hear stories of people feeling the need to apologize for themselves in advance. I'm in there with you. We expect that the other party will do or say something unbearably humiliating. Or, worse, deep down we think it would be justified and so we need to forewarn to protect the person from us..........Didn't mean to make you sorry that you shared a cute outcome. @@KindaFamiliar -- I liked yours. Whimsy and common sense in one bundle. The exchange there made me wonder how many pannus owners would reject others?.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Heart palpitations ?

    @christinekerib -- I'd see my primary and ask about a referral to a cardiologist. I don't really know what palpitations are or what they possibly indicate, but it seems that an exam and EKG are a good idea.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    I don't know whether bypass surgery would have any bearing on lumbar treatment, but with lumbar herniation that has worsened, get yourself to a physiatrist, preferably one who specializes in spine. Left untreated, you have potential to end up with problems that can needlessly make you unhappy for the rest of your life. If i were you and had no knowledge of a possible lumbar-spine connection, I'd make an appointment (get a referral if you haven't seen a physiatrist in the past) and let this doctor know about the WLS. I'd also mention the lumbar problem to the WLS surgeon. Either or both of them would know if there were something to it. (My own guess is not, but I'm no medico.) The exam is pretty much being told to bend this way, that way, do this, do that, does this hurt, does that hurt. Also xrays and MRI. The usual protocol is first, PT. If insufficient result, injection. If that's futile, surgery. Don't get excited; you haven't even made the phone call yet. It may be that doctors proceed differently depending on variables.. In the meantime, if you're permitted nsaid's get an o-t-c product, preferably extra strength. Keep cool and don't ignore this. AT 2:30am I just want to get the thoughts out in any fashion. I hope I didn't scare you too much beyond Halloween.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Of course you wouldn't be approved. I'm glad you don't sound surprised at the news. Decide what you want to do about it and proceed. It's your choice either way. .
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Best wishes to you for your surgery. There are many reasons that insurance companies refuse to cover people for this surgery. Many appeal the decision and are accepted. However, if your friend is juvenile enough to resent you instead being happy that you have this opportunity examining why she was rejected and what she can do to change it, I'll make a guess that she was turned down because of the psych evaluation. If I'm correct, she has work to do in order to appeal successfully. The purpose of the psych eval is to determine if a person understands the nature of the surgery and that it isn't meant to be a cure, and if she is capable of following the doctor's instructions. THat takes a level of maturity and focus that she may not display. If she gained weight, she already wasn't following instructions -- aha, that's probably an additional reason. You have no reason to avoid her or not talk about what you are doing. Would you also end the friendship so that she wouldn't have to see you losing weight after surgery? If she doesn't know why she was turned down, you can be supportive of her now by encouraging her to take herself and her future seriously.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How often is WLS aborted?

    @@DaisyAmy -- You sound better in your second note. If your mind is worrying, that's just the way it goes. You seem to know that worry doesn't have to be an obstacle. You'll be fine. Laurie
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Not eating

    @@lizag234 -- Is that what it's about? Gas is expected. WLS people get off easy. Are you aware of Ben Franklin's essay? The diplomat, presented to royal courts of Europe to represent the United States, had a crusty side. That's known. My point is that all we do is burp. And, if you want to feel normal "again," you're way ahead of the game. Do you have any idea how many people never made it that far pre-surgery?
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Need a piano player

    @@Sophie74656 Have you tried ravelry.com? Lots of people active on the site post instructions for their own designs with illustrations. I'd be surprised if you don't find an assortment of music. If you're asking for a simple composition because the giftee is a beginning music student, that's one thing. If you're asking because you expect it to be easier to transfer the stitch pattern onto graph paper or something like that and are a new-ish crocheter [the rest of this got lost during an edit and I can't guess what it may have been]. I've a tattoo that is the sheet music to a section of a song that means something to me... crocheter, you should also be able to find tabs with info to increase your skills. The forums are also an excellent source of info. You know how it is -- when people are passionate about something, they are happy to share. That's the best I can offer. I don't crochet. (I know I left a note for you earlier. Maybe I didn't hit "send.") @@KindaFamiliar -- is your song a secret or will you divulge? You don't have to go into why the song is meaningful.

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