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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    In the hospital- need good vibes

    Hey, T, first, the healing vibes, if I can guess at how to spell them.... WoooO-OoooH-ShwoooO-WheeeSH-AaaaaH! You're feeling so sensitive, disappointed and helpless around the edges, so you're thinking that somehow you deserve it all. You are so way, far off base. This infection just landed in your lap. In no way are you a burden to your employer -- that's what health insurance is for. I think it's safe to say that your husband isn't fed up. He's concerned. Waiting time in emergency room's is always notoriously endless, so sighing is a sign of frustration and boredom from hours of having no control over the situation and nothing to do. Your mother, well, she just loves you, maybe just because you're lovable, yes?
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How to delete topics from "My Content" list?

    Maybe they'll fade some day from age and neglect.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Male attention freaking me out

    @@OKCPirate -- I won't speak for the other women in the topic, but I very much appreciate your joining in. You make an important point. The difference is that we're talking about ordinary, day-to-day, not extraordinary, situations, e.g., no threats of violation; no being one of few women in a sea of men, the belles of the ball, then returning to ho-hum life back home. It's very much like the Chilean miners who were celebrated around the world, only to return, I imagine for most, to the mines. The same would go for people considered heroes for rescuing children trapped in dangerous-to-reach places; the rescuers are celebrated and then forgotten after their 15 mins and everyone moves on to the next thing. I recall one case where such a "hero" in a national-news saga ended up doing suicide (long ago, the toddler girl who fell down a pipe hole in a backyard) when the attention evaporated. It's common enough for psychological problems to arise when life is turned inside out by extraordinary circumstances that land in people's laps.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bring my baby to Mexico?

    @@JengaBee -- understandable, the first separation and all. At least you'll be better prepared for first day of school. Skype or Facetime so that you can hear/see each other. If you can, bring back a pinata so you can have a festive party, the three of you and whomever will be taking care. Or get a cheerful little gift before you go, hide it in the house and give it when you get back. Or get a cheerful little gift for yourself, hide it in the house and "discover" it by surprise when you get home. Or send me a cheerful, extravagant little gift.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How to delete topics from "My Content" list?

    @@BLERDgirl -- I had unfollowed the ones that I was ready to drop out of, but they're still on the list. Others that I never followed are on the list because, I suppose, I posted in them. I'll scout around for another route to "My Content." Maybe it'lll have a delete option.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What is weigh-loss goal reality, sleeve & bypass?

    When such a number is given, it's not a pass/fail test. I'd take it to mean I need to check food diaries and other records to see where I may have strayed. If nothing is amiss, I'd accept and be very happy to see the weight decreasing at any rate. I like to think, that is.
  7. Some posts are so bloody good, I'd like to be able to hit "Like" twice.

  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    About to be single!

    There it is, right there: The "E" word. You can cut him loose if you choose, but, this a.m., when you were wailin' 'n cussin' about your bumpy weight-loss, his dickhood (dickishness?) wasn't thrown into the mix. How does his 180-degree turn manifest? No exaggerating.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Possible band slip. Kinda freaking out.

    You're getting ahead of yourself. The band absolutely has to be loosened. Being unable to tolerate even small amounts of liquid is bad. The alternate is being hooked up with IV. I have no idea what will happen once the band is loose for a while. That's why I say you're getting ahead of yourself. Speculating and worrying about events that are still in the future will only make you more and more miserable. It's not always easy, but try not to think about it at all. Just take each step with the doctor and see what happens with each. How much Fluid comes out depends on how little remaining will be best. Expect quite a bit. Put effort into eating as you should to avoid or minimize weight gain. Above all is dealing with whatever is going on with the band.. Your weight is secondary right now.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Male attention freaking me out

    You're married, you're a mother and what does that mean? That you're no longer officially a woman? You've already done that one by bloating up, but you decided to give it up by losing weight. Men look at women. It's one of the things they do. Do you know that you're looking, too? How else would you notice that you're being noticed? If it really makes you want to turn and run, you'll be doing a lot of running and very little in the way of getting errands completed. As you continue losing, will it get 'worse?' You'll be noticed more? I promise it isn't terminal. It sounds, from your telling, that something changed when you were younger, hence, the weight-gain. You once were comfortable in your own body, but then hid it away under extra weight. Lots of people, women and men, have to adjust emotionally to losing weight and all that goes with it. You may have other things going on that compound it. Consider seeing a therapist, preferably one with knowledge of body issues. Your losing weight is a gift to yourself. It would be a shame not to enjoy it.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Can't view notifications flag listings......

    It happened here the other day into the next. Others told me it happens and will pass. It did. In the meantime, you can access your notifications by clicking: - Hello Dub or Lipstick Lady (figure out who is whom on your own) - My Settings - My Notifications (the last item on the list down the left side of screen
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Swelling & pain after bodylift

    @@JoannL83 - This is all new to you and it sounds as though you weren't given a great deal of guidance by the surgeon on what to expect. Nothing to lose by calling so you better know whether to continue at the gym or something else. Peace of mind and being sure go a long way.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Newbie in research stage

    @@Anilyn -- I can speak only as a wannabe Canadian, but it may be that the criteria for surgery there are the same or similar enough to those in the U.S. You've looked over the list of 'co-morbidities,' yes? If, like many U.S. medical plans, National Health requires a three- or six-month, supervised diet as a requirement for approval, it may stand in for a documented history of weight-loss efforts. If you've ever done Weight Watchers or similar and happen to have weight progress charts or even receipts for payments, the surgery practice should know if they're useful. Be sure to mention the recent health issues to the primary, as one or another may go undetected if not part and parcel of the routine exams.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@BLERDgirl -- you are a tough dame. @@Cape Crooner -- lame? really? BLERD went straight to the point, no shilly-shallying about "Why why why...waaaah waaaah waaaah." (Psst, I'm only saying this to stay on her good side. She really is tough and, when I get around to my story, I don't want her to eviscerate me.)
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    WebMD tips for eating less and portion control

    Sounds like a plan to put all the ice cream 'n stuff back under the strawberries and FF topping. Good, you'll be fun again, chipmunk-cheeked, but fun. Better make it a camo bowl rather than a plate. A camo serving/vegetable bowl, at that.
  16. This seems the best forum/sub-forum, yes? Today's WebMD email includes a slide show with some good tips for eating less, "10 Ways to Control Your Eating." It's followed immediately by another, "Secrets of Healthy Eating and Portion Control." Some of the tips are new to me; maybe you'll get some good ideas, too. http://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-10-ways-to-control-eating?ecd. Another is on binge eating. It identifies the signs and may or may not give tips (didn't view it). http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/eating-disorders/binge-eating-disorder/ss/slideshow-binge-eating-disorder
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What is weigh-loss goal reality, sleeve & bypass?

    @@sharkgirl -- To suggest that it's not unreasonable to expect a pound a day sounds like lunacy to me. Unless you realize how preposterous an expectation it is, you'll be unhappy every step of the way. Your 3-lb average is beautiful.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Maybe the acidity in addition to the diuretic effect? Just a guess; I'm not sleeved.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Am I on track?

    Your weight loss is on the express track. Your thinking about your weight loss, however, has derailed. Surgery practices generally say that the target is 1-3 lbs averaged per week. You do the arithmetic. If 42 lbs isn't good enough and already being half-way to the high end of your goal range isn't good enough, demand a refund from the surgeon. Get it? You're fine.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What is weigh-loss goal reality, sleeve & bypass?

    Everyone, I hadn't thought of the variables. You're obviously correct about them. All the laments from soon-after-surgery people made me wonder what they were expecting if 15 or more pounds a month isn't good enough for them. I guess it is their own expectations that are screwy, not that they may have been misled by the surgery practices. Nevertheless, the practices should be hammering realistic expectations into people's heads, figuratively, of course.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Freaking out/ feeling defeated (4 weeks out)

    1) Menstruation? 2) Focus on doing what you should be doing and the rest will take care of itself. 3) If you think that losing 17 lbs in four weeks is defeat, well, let's see what I have in my bag of tricks for you? Here we go: Shut up and eat your spinach. I'm happy now. Have been wanting to say that to someone.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    WebMD tips for eating less and portion control

    Yeah, the blue plate idea is interesting. I wonder if it really works for a good number of people.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Stupid scale!

    How did you do in the time before this past month? Or was this your first month? Has your period historically affected your weight? Take a close, hard look at your food diaries. You may find some choices or quantities that, on paper, will elicit an "Ooooh." Show a week's worth to the practice RD; he/she may spot things that you're unaware of. Do you record everything that goes down your gullet? You're sure? I've never heard of weight-gain from eating to lose. All things are possible, but not probable. There's a reason that you'll discover. Surgery won't stop you from being hard on yourself if you're hard on yourself habitually. Separate out the facts. The purpose for surgery is to lose weight, that's it. The emotional, behavioral and other changes you'd like to make or see are under separate-but-related categories. I think you'll better focus on the first if you don't conflate the whole shebang.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What is weigh-loss goal reality, sleeve & bypass?

    SW, CJ, Babbs, My fault, wasn't specific.. I wasn't asking about the total weight loss or percentage of overweight amount is a reasonable expectation. I'm curious to know what the bariatric pros say is a reasonable/desirable/acceptable weekly or month weight loss. (I'll edit it in the 1st message.)
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    "Only." "Only???" My arithmetical genius (my own, that is) says that you're averaging 15 lbs per month. Cupcake, whip your expectations and Wow!-o-meter into shape. Turn a few cartwheels.

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