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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@BLERDgirl -- Hitting the stores on "Black Friday" is for amateurs, right? Today was a day for the movies and late lunch. A friend and I saw "The Danish Girl" -- well done -- and tucked into la sa tom. I made the mistake of ordering the large bowl and, quelle tragédie, brought most of it home. Morning was for haircut and color. Now I know that the day after Thanksgiving is good for that because everyone was in for the same services in the days before the holiday; it took half an hour less than usual.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Incision scars

    @@animel and whomever Use whatever products you want at the appropriate time. They may work or not. If they don't, consider the trade you chose: Loads of body fat, lumps and bumps and sags for a few, little scars. Not so bad after all.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Crushed Pills vs Swallow whole

    As I recall, some meds should not be crushed, some not broken. Check with your pharmacist re: prescription. Pharmacist should also know about o-t-c; otherwise check the mfr to be safe. As I recall, anything that's scored can be cut along the score line. Eg., I don't recall which multi-Vitamin I bought, a capsule-shaped tablet that was horse-sized and unscored. I broke it in half and was sorry -- it burned going down and I believe it was because I'd cut them. (nb: I called the mfr about that and a CSR told me it should be alright to cut in half.)
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Half a bag of Tostitos by themselves is just half a bag of empty cals and salt, but add cheese, black Beans, corn salsa and jalapenos, and you've got the major food groups covered. And proteen galore.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Band is out!

    @@jingleboob -- I can't help you with your question, but I did notice the "super awesome chick" below your screen name. How did you get that rather than one of the preordained descriptors? The one that appears beneath my name makes my skin crawl. Who should I offer a bribe?
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Logged in obviously but can't post & have no "like" button!

    @@Sharon1964, thanks for that. I needed a giggle.
  7. I tried to "like" and post in a "Groups" forum topic this a.m., but found no place to click into an entry box. Also saw no "like" click-upons at the bottom of existing posts. It's as though I'm not logged in for topic purposes. I logged out and in again; same problem. I refreshed my screen a few times; same problems remained. All other forums were fully operational for me. Is there something about "Groups" that denies full access? I think I've never before tried to post in a "Group" topic.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Advice needed.

    If your primary doctor is the type to actually get involved, you can start there. I think that a gastroenterologist would be the next step..
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Logged in obviously but can't post & have no "like" button!

    @@Sharon1964 -- In truth it's the latter, but if no one looks closely, I'll claim the former. You'll back me up, yes? Have a great Thanksgiving.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Unjury, blech - I believed you guys!

    You won't make that mistake again. A very happy Thanksgiving to you. See ya!
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Logged in obviously but can't post & have no "like" button!

    @@Sharon1964 -- Not social groups, which I don't think I've seen anyway, but your note made me go back for another look for clues. Across the top of the screen: Bariatric Pal -- Groups -- Fabulous 50's Plus -- Group Discussion Then I noticed a notation at screen right "You Cannot Join this Group." I can read through the topic, but another notation indicates "You cannot reply..." It's okay. I can send a message to the person I wanted to reply to instead. At the same time I can ask how one gets to join such a group. Thanks for putting me on the detective track.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What to do with old clothes?

    Several years ago I packed a lot of clothes in plastic containers, either Rubbermaid or Totes (or are they the same?) When I opened them a few years ago, the stench almost knocked me over and everything was moldy. The only solution is to drag it all out to the trash. I have no idea how long it took to go moldy, but you may want to repack in fabric suitcases or cardboard boxes. If the latter, tape over the open slits to prevent wool-eating moths from getting in. I think those moths are like pennies -- the multiply and you never have a clue as to how they got there anyway. heereroerope oouoodwa
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NSV goal for an article of clothing?

    You're not short. You are perfectly respectable adult height. You are never alone. You are being watched as you read this. It certainly is.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NSV goal for an article of clothing?

    They do have that sort of shirt and many other clothing items for women. It's been many years since I've seen the catalogue and I think the women's has been expanded since. Yup, still lots of fun things, but, alas, no longer Lincoln Logs. They also discontinued the construction-worker doll long ago. He was about Ken's size and was dressed in work clothes and had a tool belt, tool bag and other accessories. I wanted one so much, but thought it would be foolish to order. Sorry I didn't.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I Am Thankful For My Stall

    No way, young'un. It is a way of saying you are a brilliant, independent, innovative thinker. Gunness, how would you have reacted had I likened you to the Greek philosophers? Stoically?
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Chewing and chewing and chewing.....

    @@TinyTink -- The "lighthearted" came through. I goofed in thinking it was also sincere.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I am new and wanted to say hello!

    You might be able to work with an RD in the bariatrics dept. of a local hospital or get a referral from the dept. to an outside RD who is knowledgable about sleeve. surgerat sof pe. Nervous is good. Pardon the typos. The system isn't letting me correct without obliterating everything.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Seeing a psychologist

    @@kdelrosso -- I just remembered another tool that should help you stay accountable to yourself: A food diary. There are many free options available online. My Fitness Pal is, I'm told, easy to use. I've used the food tracker at sparkpeople.com since I registered there at the time of my surgery. I can't say how cumbersome it may be, as it's the only one I know firsthand. Tracking everything you put in your mouth once you're on full solids (or sooner, if you prefer) lets you know when and where you may be derailing your weight loss, if in fact it comes to that.
  19. Happy Thanksgiving to all. I found a great recipe for Turkey-in-a-Blender for those consigned to purées.

  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Update/stupid decisions/ what should I do?

    The first time you wrote "snaking," I thought it was a typo for "shaking." The second time I looked it up for slang and found two possibilities. In both cases, it's not the greatest way to be or feel. Glad it's passed.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Unjury, blech - I believed you guys!

    @@songsmith -- P.S. 35 years? A grown-up! It's so nice to find you. Not that a great many of us don't go in for WLS.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Unjury, blech - I believed you guys!

    Cute. I know what you mean about the visual and auditory cues, but I pretty much stopped worrying about that long ago. Much of what I write is to keep myself entertained during (durian)? the tedium of typing. We've been getting along so nicely, so let's not worry about an occasional miscue. I think we know that, no matter what, no harm was intended.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Chewing and chewing and chewing.....

    @TinyTink. Don't think of it as a tedious chore. If you pay attention to the food and not the action, you'll discover that its flavor goes deeper than you ever may have guessed. When people told me that, I say they were lying to themselves, but they were correct.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I Am Thankful For My Stall

    It doesn't apply to me now, @@Inner Surfer Girl, but I do think your philosophy is right up there with the greats of the 18th Century. I always told people to keep doing the work and it would all catch up down the line.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Update/stupid decisions/ what should I do?

    @@Elode -- There's a little trick that helps with the urge for a cigarette. Inhale through the nose as slowly and deeply as possible so that your diaphragm is working with it; hold to a slow count of ten; exhale through the mouth as slowly and completely as possible, again using the diaphragm. Do it again. It knocks out the cigarette urge; something about taking in a good amount of oxygen. The down side is that it doesn't last, so do it as often as the urge strikes. If you drink orange juice, it can help, too. A small glass should do it. Maybe even a gulp or two. If you do dare to take a cigarette, you have to smoke outdoors. The psychological things about being put out like a dog may change your mind.

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