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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    A shocking confession... (Warning - That may be a slight overstatement).

    @@KindaFamiliar, you'll get over it. From your telling, it isn't in your genes, just a temporary aberration. The scale hasn't had a great role in my banded life. In the early days I'd keep a scrap-paper record of each weigh-in at the surgeon's and include the numeral to the right of the decimal point. Ever adamant about recording the decimal. After a time, though, I recognized the folly in tracking tenths of pounds while thinking of losing well over 100. My surgeon's scale is for accuracy; any other doctor's scale is for consistency. As long as I eat properly, the rest will take care of itself. Waistbands tell me what to expect from the next scale visit.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Breaking Up..........with my sleep machine!

    @@Bandista -- Oh, yeah, collar bones are sexy, aren't they? When I first saw them (but I've since gone in reverse), I was probably doing a collar-bone equivalent of duckface. I'll get 'em back. In the meantime enjoy them for me, too.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Old bestfriend Is back, and hes married..

    @@ZombieQueen -- The "Run!!!!!" and "Run fast!!!!!" say it all very well, but here are my two six cents. If his wife doesn't know he's been communicating with you the past few days, he's already cheating. For him to be married and telling you -- out of nowhere -- that he's always had feelings for you is a big, fat line. The guy has nothing to offer anyone. In fact, he's offering nothing. You want better than that from anyone you get close to, whether as a boyfriend or a pal.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Breaking Up..........with my sleep machine!

    @@Bandista, Pooh-Bear's loss, but I'll bet that the machine was a lousy lover anyway. With two inches off your neck, your necklace hangs longer. Have you noticed? "Yippee!" indeed.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Fat knows no boundaries.. Lose enough of it and of course your shoe size will decrease along with your waist size. Notice that your rings are too loose now? Bracelets and watch bands are looser? Notice that the pendant hanging from the chain around your neck now hangs lower? That, when you shopped for new, leather gloves for this winter, you needed a smaller size? Sorry, you'll have to find another way to be unique. Smaller hat? Surely you've noticed your increased intelligence?
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    bye bye hundo!

    So cool! And yours is the first scale I've heard of that/who has gender. You recall a lapband question that came up eons ago: whether people had named their bands. I was surprised that so many had. Mine had no name, but I thought of it as a young boy -- a Boy Scout helping me maneuver through the tricky intersections.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Question... What is a fill? - newbie :)

    @@Jessica Kelly -- You're fine. Anyone who says otherwise has to answer to me.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Stick a fork in me

    Since you had a relationship, ask the PCP to take a part or just talk with you despite his having left his practice. He may agree and, if not, you're no worse off. It feels so miserable without an ally of sorts when you have significant health concerns. Ask. If the patient advocate really is there to coordinate patient cases, keep after her to coordinate the surgeon, nephrologist and, if he consents, the PCP. On the chance that you haven't, be specific in a message if she doesn't answer when you call again. You're not done. There has to be a solution for now and later.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Feeling ashamed

    @@hollybower, @@BLERDgirl gave you excellent ideas under the umbrella, "learning experience." Spend some time tomorrow, on and off if necessary, writing down a few ideas on what you may have done differently today when faced with the stressful situations. You'll have a few more hours distance from today's overeating, so some thoughts probably will have percolated. It can be anything from rearranging closets to knitting to taking a walk. Actually a walk would be great on a few fronts. If you do feel stress on a fairly often, try http://shrinkyourself.com It deals with emotional eating and related areas. Sign up for the free, emailed newsletter version, read them and do the exercises. After trying it out, you can then opt for the pay version or perhaps buy Dr. Gould's book (I'm not familiar with the latter two). Yes, you didn't want to overeat. No, 800 calories is not catastrophic. No, don't call yourself unkind things in my presence. You'll send me straight to the ice cream. We're in this together.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Question... What is a fill? - newbie :)

    Right, fingers crossed. When you do go to the practice's seminar (or however many you'll attend to see which you'd feel most comfortable with and is affiliated with your med plan), take advantage of the Q&A period. Also write down whatever questions occur to you after so that you can pose them when you have your first individual appt. You'll get it all, but things can seem complex and confusing at first. No question is silly or stupid.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Great news. Thanks for posting. You can do the rest.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Very nervous about 2 weeks liquid diet.

    good luck to you
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Question... What is a fill? - newbie :)

    @@Jessica Kelly, good for you for speaking up. You remind me of my pre-surgery and early days. There really is something about the exploratory stages that makes many of us feel as though we have low IQ's. I recall a support group meeting at the hospital I thought I'd have surgery at and getting weepy, saying "I feel as though I'm too dumb to do this." "Fill" is the common term for a band adjustment, i.e., either adding or removing saline through the port to tighten or loosen the band. In my practice (not the one where I felt dumb) we refer to it as an "adjustment." That's what happens in an Ivy League medical center. You realize that I'm teasing, yes? Ask away: There are lots of people throughout BP who'll be happy to answer questions and share their experiences. You'll also do well to attend support groups at your local hospital(s). They're intended for people exploring as well as those who are post-surgery. Have you been to an info seminar yet?
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Learning to Surf

    Gidget! L'chaim!
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Very nervous about 2 weeks liquid diet.

    @@Mariggle and @@Lura Dean and whomever else comes along, Choose one or more of the following. Repeat as needed: 1) "Grow up." 2) "Two weeks out of a lifetime and I'm 'nervous?' 'Worried?'" 3) "I can do anything for two weeks."
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Queen-Sized NSV (Non-Scale Victory)

    @@Bandista -- Somewhere in BP I wrote about a similar thing; described it as having lost a whole bed size.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Learning to Surf

    Perfect from all angles. Hang 10, ISG.
  18. Not a good topic to include as the input is purely subjective. What one person thinks is wonderful makes the next person gag.
  19. The common wisdom and goal in the lapband world is an average of 1-2 lbs per week. Less means food choices need to be tweaked, more means flap your wings and dance a jig. What are sleeve and bypass people told by the surgeons, NP's or RD's at the initial info seminars is the reasonable/acceptable/desirable goal for weight loss per week or month? (Not asking for the total percentage of overweight loss. Also not asking for your own experience ) I see so many whiny messages, "...only 16 lbs average, waaaah." If I were a southerner, I'd smack each one upside the head. There's no equivalent in the north, so to them I say, "Shut up and eat your spinach."
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Six months progress pics

    Who said that? Whoever said that is a big fibber. No wonder you opened "the topic." He's no dummy. You are gorgeous!
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lap Band Veteran Failing Miserably

    Sorry, but your account is unclear. In the first eight years you lost 50 lbs? Almost at the beginning you discovered that you could eat sweets and crunchy things in far greater quantities than you could real, healthy, conducive-to-losing-weight food? You've regained the 50 as of two years ago when your band was half-emptied due to dilation? I don't think there's anything "wrong" with you, but, if I'm interpreting your note correctly, you weren't truly serious about losing weight from the start. It seems you expected the band to lose weight for you without your having a part in the process. The band is meant to be an aid to weight-loss, a partner, not a magical weight-loser. The band isn't the one with a weight problem. Has the dilation corrected itself? Has the saline level been increased again? If you were half-emptied and then didn't follow through, you can go back to your practice to see about getting back in training. @@Dancing Fool makes a good point about a too-tight band. Read up on the purpose of a band. Make a list of reasons that you want to lose weight -- small, specific reasons rather than the broad ones. "I want to be slim" isn't good. Break it down into all the little reasons to be slim. Add to the list as new goals come to mind. No goal is too small or silly. If you truly want to lose weight and are willing to do the work, you'll make it. Make an appointment or two with the practice's RD for guidance on planning meals and making good choices. Consider therapy, maybe with a CBT practitioner. Attend support groups at your practice. If it doesn't have a group, check other hospitals in the area. Most welcome patients from the competitors. Stay connected in BP. You have a chance for a fresh start.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Weight gain after approval from insurance

    @@destiny_77 -- You don't say why you're asking. If it's because you don't plan on losing more during the interim, you might reconsider having surgery at all.
  23. You don't say whether you already have clearance for elliptical and crunches. Even if you were clear about it, no one here can tell you whether you did damage or have sore muscles from the exercise. Call your surgeon's office so that the answering service will relay the incident. It's the logical step to make.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@dhrguru -- You alone are the non-amateur, Black Friday shopper. I never knew about the Wilma-Betty thing. Those girls are up to date.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Gastric sleeve at NYP Columbia in NYC?

    @@atontor -- you look mahvelous.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
