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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lap band - heartburn

    That you've had no heartburn since suggests that your band certainly was too tight. A band can be too tight regardless of the amount of saline. It's different for everyone. I'm surprised, though, that it was emptied completely, unless you were experiencing stiff heartburn or GERD. Best wishes.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Coffee hates me

    Nothing to be said but pour it into a blender and whip it senseless. I'd be miserable, as I greatly increased my coffee intake about a year ago. Is it guaranteed that the coffee is the culprit or might it be the "creamer" that's been affecting you differently since surgery?
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@byebyefat, My Fitness Pal is good. I just wanted to be sure that you're using a system that provides you with useful information. Too many people keep skimpy notes and wonder why they're running in place.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Frustrated with People

    @@Long2BFree, gotcha. Your supervisor does seem to lack in simple social graces. The good news is that he has to go through life being himself. I sympathize with your band fate, as I suspect I'm in a similar boat. I'll be finding out soon. (I understand that scar tissue usually is present.) With all the wonderful things we can feel slighted, angry, ignored, irritated or hurt over, we need to pick the ones that matter. I'm glad you chose to vent so that you can get past recent events.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@byebyefat, your surgeon sure was nasty, but keep your attention on yourself for your own good. Next time you see him and are over the shock of his coldness today, you may want to tell him that you'd hoped he'd be more supportive and willing to help find solutions, not berate you. You're meeting your Protein and Water goals, which is great. It seems that many sleeve people have trouble with both. Beyond that, is it possible that your other choices haven't been the best? Are you tracking everything or only protein and water? Using a tracker that records quantities, calories, carbs, fat, nutrients, the whole shooting match? It may be that you're in an unusual period of stall now, but you didn't indicate whether you may unknowingly be short-changing yourself with some wrong foods. If I were in your situation, I'd prefer this to be the case, as switching to a serviceable tracker would reverse things right away. Take a couple of weeks of detailed trackers to the RD appt so you can go over them together in search of areas that may need some improvement. You'll be fine.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Frustrated with People

    @@Long2BFree, you may be feeling extra-sensitive around the edges now that your band was removed. The unsupportive tone you detect from nutritionist and your mother wouldn't help either. I certainly don't know the placement of furniture in your office, but, if there's no table equidistant from all staff, someone will be closer to the treats. It can happen, bit it's hard to imagine someone in a supervisory position intending to leave some people out. Is this something to consider?
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I hope you don't end up looking gaunt...

    @@SWEETTEA wrote, "BTW, I think the guy was rude. Just my opinion." Oh, bosh, he's a piss ant. We don't need him. Er, @@Sharon1964 doesn't need him. There's no challenge or fun in whipping a piss ant into shape. A man of substance is a different matter.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Your question comes up all the time, about as often as Sunday brunch. The consensus is "Get rid of them." My take on it is that keeping too-large clothes is tantamount to giving myself permission to regain weight. Suggestion: See about arranging periodic clothing exchanges in conjunction with your practice's support group meeting. Otherwise, donate the good things to a non-profit that outfits underprivileged women who are entering the workforce (similar to Bottomless Closet in Manhattan). You may have an organization of any type that takes clothing donations.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Psych eval worries

    @@Bethany Copley, thanks for sharing that good news. (But I knew she would say that.) She's on your side.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    anybody from Westchester N.Y.

    I think I understand. Because you have already lost 100, you are eager to have surgery. Your frustration is understandable, but you have already proved to yourself that you can do it. Be patient and work on the last 18 pounds and you will succeed. I wish you all the best.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Slow losers club

    Shopping at Sinking Boats 'R' Us again? When did you last average five pounds per week or, if we subtract the three-week stall, eight?
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I hope you don't end up looking gaunt...

    That's cool. We all know what he's missing. Some of us more than others, but I ain't naming names..
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    LapBand Insurance Issues

    I think the first step is as @@Bandista suggests. If you need bigger guns after that, there is a law firm in the U.S. that works for people in your situation. You'll find it by googling Walter Lindstrom Attorney. The name of the firm mentions WLS or bariatrics or obesity. You can't miss it. I'm only providing the name, as I've never heard from anyone whom they actually represented. I believe they work nationally. (There may be others, too.) If you do contact the firm, please let me/us know what they say. I may be in the same situation you're in. Best wishes to you.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    New...but need some clarification

    You are already ahead of the game. It's sad to see how many people have surgery and expect magic with little or no work. It's so important to be realistic and you are. Best wishes to you.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Three years today

    Here's wishing you a very happy anniversary, Liz, along with an expression of admiration, respect and excitement for your accomplishments. When you make your mind up, there's no stopping you. Thank you, too, for the open heart you show when you help others.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    anybody from Westchester N.Y.

    It's difficult for many people to make such major changes after years of overeating and eating the wrong things. When a person who thinks he or she wants the surgery isn't losing weight to prepare for it, it's an indication that he/she may not be ready to follow through and lose weight after surgery. What a waste that would be. Try writing a list of all the reasons that you do want to lose weight. No reason is too small or too foolish. Every reason counts. It can be anything from wanting to wear size 7 underpants to wanting to be around to raise one's child and shee the child grow up. It can be for better health. Anything at all. While you write the reasons down, keep them very narrow. Example, "To walk two miles to the post office," not "to be able to walk everywhere." If walking good distances is one of your goals, make each place you want to walk a separate reason. The more reasons you have on your list, the more reasons you'll see that you are willing to start losing weight and keep it going. I hope that helps. Also, go to the support group that the surgeon's office runs. You'll be sitting down with other people who are or have been where you are now. It'll be a good opportunity to compare experiences and learn from each other.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Kinda scared..problems with sleeve

    It would also be a good idea to have your husband go to a couple of support group meetings with you. It'll do both of you good to be face to face with others who share or have shared the same concerns. His questions and concerns will receive the same courtesy and consideration as yours.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Having some major anxiety

    @@L.o.v.e, it was kind of you not to say that I must be losing it. I'd swear in court that someone else at BP is using your photo with her own screen names. Next time I see her, I'll point her out to you. Have a good night.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    anybody from Westchester N.Y.

    Do you mean that you're having trouble losing the weight that the surgeon wants you to lose in order to have surgery?
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I can't believe I can wear this sort of thing now!

    You look sooooo good.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Having some major anxiety

    @@L.o.v.e, I recognize your photo from other topics, but I think you changed your screen name? For a second time? Or am I losing my marbles?
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Having some major anxiety

    @@NewRose2016, you, too, will be a champion.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    New Band and having issues

    I can imagine your frustration and anger about the tilted port. Any surgical procedure has risk of some sort. The Nasty Wand found both of us, but we are in a minority. My own problem, not port-related, occurred the day after surgery. No way would I consider your procedure a "huge mistake" nor your band "a useless piece of equipment." Maybe my experience will show you a different perspective whether you adopt it or not. It was fortunate that my medical plan required an overnight stay. I was fine the rest of the day after surgery. When I was taken for the esophagram the morning after, the barium came back up as soon as I drank it. After that I couldn't get down even the smallest, slowest sip of water; with every attempt, it came back up immediately. My surgeon ordered IV to keep me hydrated and told me we'd wait a couple of days in hope of things straightening out. She thought of only two possibilities: That there was fat on the side of the stomach that was out of view during surgery, hence, the band she chose was too small, or that there was swelling at the band site from being pushed and prodded during the procedure (and that it would go down in a day or so). There was no spontaneous improvement. I remained on IV the days between the operations. We went back to the OR four days after surgery to swap for a larger band. I was fine thereafter. In between, I went through two emotional/mental phases. First, I thought, "Get this damned thing out of me and let me out of here." It evolved to "After all this, there is no way I'm leaving this place without a working band." Thoughts of suing the surgeon occurred to me during the first phase, but that, too, passed. I adore my surgeon and am confident that she wasn't negligent. If I didn't I wouldn't have gone back to her at a later time for gall bladder surgery nor would I have continued my aftercare at that practice. In the early days I would describe my experience at support group meetings (btw, you'd probably do well to attend yours). It's been a few years since I've discussed it, though. Your message prompts me in hope of being helpful. As to your insurance co., since you and your surgery office have documentation of approval, it may be a simple matter. Either someone in the surgery billing office sent in the bills with a typo in a code or some idiot at your insurance company goofed. Maybe it can be straightened out easily enough? There should be no problem as long the approval was for lapband. Take a look at the Insurance option under the Resources tab above. You may find something useful. If the problem is serious, there is/are lawyers who work with bariatric patients on insurance matters. This note is disorganized for which I apologize. I was more interested in getting the thoughts out quickly than in literary value. I'm confident that all will work out for you. -------------------- P.S. After entering my note, I saw Marbie's. Since her experience backs up what you were told about swelling, it's more than likely the issue.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    4 year surgiversary - 62 years young - feel wonderful

    Kathy, you are a delight. Thank you for your sincere expressions of caring, your endless willingness to share and your indefatigable good humor. From my viewpoint, you are a young chippie on the calendar and in the heart.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    We’re approaching post number…4 million!

    Congratulations, Alex. You really have created something enduring and valuable. Price Waterhouse will verify the 4 millionth post, n'est-çe pas?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
