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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Life After Bariatric Surgery Q&A

    Maybe the compilers of the list should add the question of smoking pot after surgery...if y'know what I mean.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lap band removal

    It might be easier to respond to you if you expand on that statement. "I am not feeling good with it" can mean any number of things. What doesn't feel good?
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Life After Bariatric Surgery Q&A

    Good thinking, Photo. Here's hoping this topic stays high on the list.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?

    There are two ways to look at this: Self-hating mothers-in-law need love, too; or You've got to love those self-hating mothers-in-law.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Do we have spell & grammar check?

    All right, let's see about this link business. (Hey, I've always called these "typing boxes," having no idea they're may be known as "text boxes.") I shall now missspell.....Hey, it is underlined in red, as promised by the link. Has that always been there? I think I've never noticed it. What will they think of next? Maybe BP isn't so bust-a-roonie after all. Great, @@Alex Brecher. Now give me the link for a real, live manuscript editor. Thanks, she writes slightly sheepishly. Psst, I've never told you that I'm perfect, and if you tell anyone that I've just implied otherwise, I'll denounce you as a fibber.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Do we have spell & grammar check?

    After several months of hanging around BP, it's time to ask about the existence of such conveniences when typing a post. Am I missing it? Them?
  7. @@Cervidae, my dear, I know of no surgery-compliant comfort food. Celery sticks won't coat the heart. What works for me is singing, loud singing. It provides release and freedom by way of action. It can be raucous or soft, Janis Joplin or Paul McCartney, if you get my drift. It's creativity on wheels. I suspect that the physical satisfaction comes from taking in extra oxygen, but who cares when singing just feels so freakin' good? I hate that your day has been so miserable. It sounds as though being turned down by one potential client was the icing on the iceberg. All I can offer is a great, big, enveloping hug. It's yours.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I've died--and gone to SASHIMI heaven!

    @LEILE@slimtrimshel -- Sashimi, especially tuna, has always been my favorite, with sushi farther down the list. . Best wishes to both of you.
  9. You have a lot to deal with and, under all the circumstances, it sounds as though you're learning to handle things. It's a slow, difficult process, but it can be done. @@OutsideMatchInside and @@Miss Mac have given you good ideas on getting solid help. Now that you've given more info about yourself, I take back the Craigslist suggestion. There's a good chance that your father's hostility is based very much in his having helped himself to your money. It's common for people who do wrong to others to blame the ones they've harmed. It's a way that they justify their reprehensible conduct so that they can live with themselves. This doesn't excuse their behavior at all.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I'm sick of it

    @@Shainadelphia, lots of people share your sentiment. It's never made sense to me. I've never mourned what wouldn't go down. If I were sitting with a quinoa egg cup and couldn't finish it, no way would my heart cry out for more food. Human minds can be varied, weird things. I hope you're feeling better now that you've vented.
  11. Pointing out your father's gambling and drinking will get you nowhere. Don't waste valuable time on "Oh, yeah? Well, what about what you do....?" It's unlikely that he'll change. You'll do better to focus on solutions. Are you able to work at something now? It sounds as though you were working until a year or two ago. If there is a solid reason that you're unable to work in a traditional capacity, you can brainstorm for alternates that will allow you to move out. One possibility, though not so easily found, I'd think, is to have a room in someone's home in exchange for certain services to be agreed upon. Someone who travels a lot may prefer not leaving an empty house, having a dog-walker and mail bringer-in, lawn-waterer, etc. You can start by scouring Craigslist and similar sites for opportunities and ideas. You can post your own notice. Ask people you know to alert you to anything they may come across. I don't understand why your father has access to your bank account. Is that a requirement for SSI?
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Do we have spell & grammar check?

    @@Alex Brecher, let's parse that. Are you taking a shot at my Windows 7 and Firefox, such as, "What are you using there? Wang?" Or a shot at my tech prowess? Or are you saying that the BariatricPal system is bust-a-roonie? Where's the little spellcheck/grammarcheck click-upon that should be among the click-upons above? Hm?
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Vacation sucks

    @, so you were stuck for 8 hours like Kindle? It really must have been like torture of the no-fun variety. It's been eons since I was on flights where the terminal crew called for volunteers to give up seats and receive vouchers for future flights. I never took them up on it because I had to get where I was going. For someone who has no time pressure, it can be a good deal and a bit of adventure. The airport caper was so very long ago. The short version: The arrest at the airport meant that we were being charged by the city. After some paperwork and whatever, each of us was released on our own recognizance. Somewhere along the way I was informed of a court date back in that state. I decided to go so as not to risk being there again as a scofflaw when visiting family, as I did a few times a year. Before going back for court, I received a letter from the FAA. The nature of the "crime" was also under FAA jurisdiction, which worked very well for me Back in the city court, the judge dismissed the charge because FAA took precedence. When I phoned the FAA lawyer who had the case, I was polite and friendly, which disarmed her no end. She was accustomed to people being belligerent. I acknowledged having done wrong, that I knew better than ever to do it again, and I understood that a fine was mandatory. I suggested $50 as money was tight at that time. Because I was considerate of her, she was the same and said she'd have to get approval for such a low number. She called the next day with a "Yes." She actually was a nice person and we ended the conversation with my saying, "You've been so understanding and pleasant. Under different circumstances, I'd say that it would be fun to meet for lunch." There was a little gasp of surprise on her end of the line. I wasn't even being manipulative. Whatever my mood was over those few days, she was a recipient of it. (Okay, the whole thing had to do with breaching security to return to the gate after having been given misinformation by ground crew about a lengthy delay the first time around. The other two passengers and I had been chatting and decided to go back up the ramp for a drink. We thought we still had time, but, to be safe, ran back past security check (which had already closed, as our flight was the last of the day). When a few airport policemen arrived at the gate, I gave permission for a cursory check of my carryon suitcase. One of them unzipped an outer pocket and found the underwear that I hadn't had time to wash before packing to head home.) Have I made the story as confused as can be?
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Just wanted to share my excitement and how nervous

    Seeing no reason to ride, I chose to walk into the OR. My full surgical team was already there, masked and ready to go. I felt as though I'd walked into a surprise party in my honor when each person looked up at me and called out loud greetings. "Nervous" is natural. You'll be great.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Vacation sucks

    For eight hours as a captive on a plane? Fie on drugs. I'd be ripping people's arteries out of their bodies without taking time to cut them open first. Very messy. Then I'd beg @@Kindle to come make funny faces from the tarmac or be kind enough to put me out of my misery. (Anyone know the Ray Bradbury story about the peculiar little man who removed people's skeletons while leaving their intact outsides behind?)
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Vision Changes Post WLS

    The gentleman doth protest too much.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lymphedema Treatment

    How wonderful that you're getting such good results. Is the treatment a new development? Do you sleep with the wrappings (I'm guessing that's your own bed, never having heard of a PT facility with patterned sheets)?
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Vision Changes Post WLS

    All things are possible, but then there's the problem of probability. Can't you just be happy that you've had to have your wedding band resized? Oh, Photo, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars. Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for? Don't quote me.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Shoes, and lipstick, and scarves, oh my!

    @@Djmohr, you should have noticed that things you'd never have thought of have changed in size, rings and leather gloves, to name two. Necklaces hang longer, pendants hang lower. Scarves, too. Other items as well.
  20. Most definitely consult an endocrinologist. Nothing wrong with bringing it up here, but....you know.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Going off at a tangent! Grrrrrrrrr!

    @@jintycb -- It can be frustrating, but huffing and puffing won't change a thing. It's in the nature of upright walkers to veer off. As you feel about those who go off topic plenty of others feel after the five thousandth time a question is posted as a new topic, stalls included. NNUTS: It's all been asked, hashed and rehashed before. (I don't see that talk of pre-op eating is the same as gossip.) Read what suits you and skip the rest. Here's an opportunity to try it out... @@OKCPirate, for you: They say for every boy and girl There's just one love in this whole world And I know I've found mine ... Young love first love Filled with deep devotion Young love our love We share with deep emotion
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    We have reached the 50 yard line...

    I think this means that you're somewhere between 2nd and 3rd? Isn't that where the shortstop skitters around? Like I really know what I'm saying here. Here I really know: You are wonderful.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Shoes, and lipstick, and scarves, oh my!

    That last line: I like the way you think. I'm thrilled for you for all that you've written. Your post should get the award for Note of the Week. Of the Month with its plus-1 day. Your fan awaits: Which perfume?
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Vacation sucks

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. To see someone who is so important to our lives is terribly painful and sad. Nothing is too good for ye and who am I not to agree? .You need a day to be still in bed at noon.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Vacation sucks

    You and your white belly are still on my bad list, but I'll tell you that, if they don't have Starbucks, you'll know you're in no part of the world.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
