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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Quinoa and Chia Seeds?

    Speaking of the quinoa devil, here's a recipe for "Southwest Quinoa Cakes." It's not designed for WLS people, so think in terms of serving size you'd actually eat. I haven't made it, but it sounds pretty good and appropriate for most delicate digesters. www.eatingwell.com/recipes/southwest_quinoa_cakes
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Feeling Kinda Hopeless!

    Sorry, the BP system has been messing up my posts for days now.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Feeling Kinda Hopeless!

    Have you considered working with a therapist? It sounds as though your thinking about the entire process is going to lead you astray and it would be a shame to have surgery and then tread Water at best. No one HAS TO, SHOULD or MUST do anything. We're at our best when we WANT TO do whatever it is. Losing weight should be joyful, making the eating changes feel natural and desirable. If it's going to be a punishment, you'll miss out. That said, you don't have to change everything in a day. Start with the things that are easiest so that you're encouraged by the quick success. Then work on the others. Keep your surgery date in mind, though. Get pen and paper and start a list of reasons that you WANT TO lose weight. Keep them narrow and numerous. Examples, made up because I know nothing about you: 1. To improve A1C level................................} 2. Not to get out of breath when I walk.........} instead of} 1. For better health 3. To lower blood pressure............................} 4., 5., 6., etc., etc...........................................} 1. To wear corduroy pants without swishing at the thighs...} 2. To wear a strapless dress to the prom.............................} instead of} 1. To wear whatever I want 3. To wear my shirts tucked in...........................................} 4. 5. 6. etc..............................................................................} Motivation is essential. Motivation is merely what you want for yourself. It isn't necessarily easy, but it is that simple.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Feeling Kinda Hopeless!

    Have you considered working with a therapist? It sounds as though your thinking about the entire process is going to lead you astray and it would be a shame to have surgery and then tread Water at best. No one HAS TO, SHOULD or MUST do anything. We're at our best when we WANT TO do whatever it is. Losing weight should be joyful, making the eating changes feel natural and desirable. If it's going to be a punishment, you'll miss out. Get pen and paper and start a list of reasons that you WANT TO lose weight. Keep them narrow and numerous. Examples, made up because I know nothing about you: 1. To improve A1C level................................} 2. Not to get out of breath when I walk.........} instead of} 1. For better health 3. To lower blood pressure............................} 4., 5., 6., etc., etc...........................................} 1. To wear corduroy pants without swishing at the thighs...} 2. To wear a strapless dress to the prom.............................} instead of} 1. To wear whatever I want 3. To wear a my shirts tucked in...........................................} 4. 5. 6. etc..............................................................................} Motivation is essential. Motivation is merely what you want for yourself. It isn't necessarily easy, but it is that simple.
  5. Grr, it's been taking so long for posts to actually post for several days. The result is trying again and then finding duplicates in the topics.

  6. Yup, just like dust, fat gets in everywhere. I doubt that there is any exercise for a sad vulva, but there is reconstructive surgery. The procedure is one of the many miracles that plastic & reconstructive surgeons perform. I've known of a couple of women who went that route after they'd been at goal for a while and were very happy with the results. I don't recall whether either combined the procedure with another or if it's advisable to do so. One reported that her down there looked like the down there of a teenager. Not too shabby, huh?
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Quinoa and Chia Seeds?

    That's a very nice salad mix, @songsmith. With great respect for my esteemed colleague across the aisle, I submit that quinoa is the seed of a vegetable plant rather than a grain. It's a wonderful grain alternative. Too bad, though, that it's calorically comparable to grain rather than vegetables. You can't have everything. I was introduced to quinoa in 1990, when it was available only in health food stores. It's catching on has made it available everywhere. The reason that I remember 1990 is slightly related to being at BP. Between jobs and while searching, I worked part-time for a few months in a privately-owned, plus-size clothing store. The manager brought her lunch, often steamed vegetables with quinoa.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Quinoa and Chia Seeds?

    @@OKCPirate, thanks. I hadn't come across that tidbit. Somewhere along the way my HDL grew to a good number from what was almost a deficit. I'm always interested in things that will keep it where it is now if not increase it a little. P.S. I just looked at insidetracker.com out of curiosity, but couldn't wait for an answer from Live Chat. How do customers get blood work done online? Sounds pretty messy.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Age is but a number......

    P.S. @@Hannahb3997, If you and your mother live together, she may like to take part in a couple of support groups sessions so that she can better understand the whole thang. Some time back a woman brought her spouse to two lapband meetings. He loved and wanted to support her, but couldn't comprehend the emotional aspects that she was experiencing. He won hearts when he introduced himself, "I'm Joe. I'm the hus-bander." Even better was that he learned something about what he'd hoped to learn.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Quinoa and Chia Seeds?

    @@OKCPirate, I've come across nothing before your post to suggest that quinoa may affect blood work. In what way? All I know is that it's a good source of Protein, tastes good and is pretty when cooked up. It's certainly higher in calories than animal protein. For that reason, I limit the quantity.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Age is but a number......

    @@Hannahb3997, you sound clear-headed and great. I'm glad your mother is on board. Regardless of what I wrote earlier, everything will be so much easier with her support. You know that you can always find support and sharing in BP and I still think that attending support groups can only be helpful.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Tomorrow is my day Surgery at 10:00 a.m.

    @@MIMISAN, you have not yet begun to yammer. Get set because you're going to have lots to say as you lose weight and feel amazing. You'll be a champion tomorrow.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Emotional eaters question

    Real, true, sincere, soul-searching, honest motivation to lose weight helps. An even greater help is therapy, most likely of the cognitive behavior school. Surgery isn't a magical cure for obesity or emotional crap or anything else. Successful change is based on making changes in most ways. Apart from and/or in addition to therapy there are plenty of resources. Two that are respected are: "The Beck Diet Solution," Judith S. Beck, PhD. She is a CBT practitioner and teacher. This is her first book. The later, with a similar title, includes a food plan not designed for surgery people. Stick with the first book, as it offers more exercises and useful material. Do the exercised in order as suggested. Skipping around doesn't make the best use of the book. shrinkyourself.com -- the website of Roger Gould, PhD, also a psychologist. Of course he has a book and a pay version of the site, but start by signing up for the free email version and proceed from there.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Call me crazy

    There is much to be said for "crazy." With your eyeballs spinning in true crazy fashion, you will cross the finish line.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I Am A Lap Swimmer

    Apple no longer makes i-Pods. Someone I know mentioned a waterproof MP3 player a few years ago. He loves it for swimming. An online search will reveal what you want. Chain stores can show you what's available.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Shaving Armpits

    You can go in for waxing. It lasts longer than shaving and someone else does the work. Not bad at all.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    A convenient healthy protein discovery

    @@Cervidae, this is probably a product made by other companies, too. If you have Trader Joe's, it may well be under their private label. They have loads of frozen products and this is probably their type of thing. (I'm not a user of frozen food, therefore, unable to name names.)
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I Am A Lap Swimmer

    The sun is shining and her name is @@Inner Surfer Girl.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Is there a difference?
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I don't think it was meant to be an insult

    Watch that, Missy. Mr. coffee with Dogs was expressing sheer appreciation. It would be wonderful if Mr. 46 chose the funny number because he possesses wry wit, in which case, I'll take him.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I don't think it was meant to be an insult

    My interpretation of the gentleman's comment stays firm. It's some of the responses among this handful that are making my eyes cross. Check yourselves, folks. There's more to losing weight than losing weight.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Support lacking

    Since your partner thinks that she'll be unavailable to go to an appointment with you two months hence, certainly have a talk with her. It would not be surprising if she's having her own emotional reaction to your having surgery. At the same time, it's up to you to build a support network where it's available, BP for one. You'd also do well to attend the support group meetings that your surgery practice provides. Also check with other practices in the area; they usually welcome people from their competitors with the idea that "we're all in this together." Beside, it costs them nothing to have their non-patients attend.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I don't think it was meant to be an insult

    @@CowgirlJane, darling, no way was it a put-down. Au contraire, he was marveling at the fact that a creature wondrous as you consented to coffee with him and, further, that it is his good fortune to even dream of the possibility of a future with you. Your take on his comment is unfounded and it's a shame when old insecurities rear their heads. The emotions workbench is like the handyman's workbench: There's always something more that needs doing. It matters very much that you're not retreating from seeking what you want.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    getting divorced

    The fact that you're feeling calmer and looking ahead tells you something important.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Age is but a number......

    Hannah, you haven't said whether you do understand the "risks and responsibility." It is imperative that you and anyone else contemplating surgery comprehend that it isn't a cure. The real work remains in the hands of the individual. I can't give you an opinion based on your age, as, at 67, I go back and forth about surgery for people as young as you. Even with opinions and discussions with your regular doctor, the choice must be yours. I think you'll do well to attend support groups organized by the hospitals in your area. If you're in the NYC part of NY, they all welcome people regardless of surgery location. You can ask questions and hear from others. You were specific about requesting opinions based on your age. I'll break that to say that your mother must take three steps back. Surgery is about you alone and all of your own reasons for wanting to lose weight. I believe that she loves you like wildfire and wants the best for you, but pleasing her shouldn't be one of your reasons.

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