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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Thiamine (Vit. B-1) supplement question

    You have such common sense. I'll do that.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Maybe I should just get more cats....

    @@AnA92212, that dude was having a defensive tantrum, aiming for, well, the tender spot. This reminds me of a man I met long ago. We spoke a few times, had good conversation, he ws intelligent, witty, we had common interests. The meeting was disappointing. When he asked if I'd like to spend the night at his apartment (!), I very nicely (really) declined, "No, thank you, I think I should go home..." He saw me to a taxi and was cooing and a tad touchy-feely while we waited for one to pull up. A moment after I walked in to my apartment, the phone rang. He apparently got that I was being more than "lady-like." He was calling to say that he didn't want to pursue anything, as he felt pressured, that I already thought we were a couple. How he arrived at that from a kind variation on, "No, fella, I'm outta here."
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Dieting Humor

    "Like" isn't good enough. That's wonderful.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Maybe I should just get more cats....

    @@Amelie2016, somehow I don't see being kicked in the gut an uplifting, revelatory way to learn any sort of lesson for the future. There are ways far more considerate and graceful to back off from a person without first going in for the kill.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Had my psych evaluation today

    @@Rogofulm, I don't even like the "bariatric master" blurb. By poking around the site last week, I discovered that one can write wthat would make one's heart happy by becoming a subscribing ("VIP") member of BP. Maybe I'll get a round tuit some time, as it's low-cost enough. My chosen blurb will make no reference to surgery. For now my priority is dealing with concussion and aches and pains. @@katanne, sorry to go on tangent so early in your thread. Blame the chap. @@Rogofulm, I don't even like the "bariatric master" blurb. By poking around the site last week, I discovered that one can write wthat would make one's heart happy by becoming a subscribing ("VIP") member of BP. Maybe I'll get a round tuit some time, as it's low-cost enough. My chosen blurb will make no reference to surgery. For now my priority is dealing with concussion and aches and pains. @@katanne, sorry to go on tangent so early in your thread. Blame the chap.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How to copy/paste into a new forum post or ...

    Okey-doke. We'll see how it plays out, but I feel better knowing it isn't me.
  7. ...how to open an attachment into the post? It's rare that, when I want to cut/paste or copy/paste into a post I'm typing, I get a window with options that have nothing to do with those operations. It offers Save Page As and others, including something about Frame. Is there an alternate, sure-fire method of pasting into BP posts? A good alternative would be the ability to open an attachment into the body instead of having it as a link. It's a Word document that I would like to enter into my post. I did it some months ago, and can only surmise being surprised by the proper cut/copy/paste window appeared. Tech Wiz here. P.S. If it helps, here's the post I'm speaking of: www.bariatricpal.com/topic/362324-greater-new-york-bariatric-surgery-clothing-exchange-april-2016/
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NY - NYC/Long Island

    If you haven't noticed it on the topics listing, the next WLS clothing exchange is scheduled for April 11. You're all welcomed to take part. www.bariatricpal.com/topic/362324-greater-new-york-bariatric-surgery-clothing-exchange-april-2016/ I hope to see some of you.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Anyone work in Manhattan? You're invited to take part in the next clothing exchange, April 11. Sorry, but I can't get a copy/paste function to work in BP. Here's a link to the topic. www.bariatricpal.com/topic/362324-greater-new-york-bariatric-surgery-clothing-exchange-april-2016/
  10. When an unexpected event arises, consider first the obvious before you make yourself and everyone else cuckoo. Be like the electrician who gets a frantic call and asks, "Is it plugged in?" Often enough it isn't and how lovely that the solution is so simple.

  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    It's Showtime!

    You are a tigress and the OR crew will love you to pieces. How could they do otherwise when you dance your way in? One thing, though. "Just need to dry my hair...." What's that? Didn't anyone tell you that the best thing about surgery is not having to wash your hair? Maybe I'm confusing surgery with masturbation.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Liquid Diet HELP

    @, I'd like to recommend that you attend the surgery practice's support group. You can succeed if you make up your mind, but, because you regained the weight you lost in the six month period, you should build as much of a support network as possible. If your practice, doesn't have a group, contact others that are nearby. They probably will welcome you to their groups at no charge. Something else to consider is seeing a therapist who has particular experience with weight and food issues. I really do believe you can get through the next several weeks and continue losing weight after surgery, but there's no such thing as having too much support.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Had my psych evaluation today

    It's nice that you're breathing easier on two counts. Now that your father is seeing the light and if he lives nearby, you can invite him to attend a support group meeting with you. It may reassure his worries about your safety vis à vis surgery itself, not to mention any lingering bias he may hold.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    3 Weeks Post Op and Cannot Feel Port

    Different surgeons place the port in different places. (That written by an English major.) @@send2steph's is on the left, mine is on the right. Some are higher than others regardless of the location. As B-52 mentioned, yours may be under enough fat that you can't feel it now. You'll feel it later. Stay tuned..
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    That's exactly what it's about. As with any endeavor that will have a brilliant result, our job is to do the work. If we work correctly, the brilliance will flood in. Actors, painters, musicians (real musicians) will tell you that it's about the work first.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Had a very gratifying moment yesterday

    You're made of good stuff, Dub. You deserve the calm, centered feeling (and the energized part, certainly) that you got from taking time to talk with the young man. Feeling right on the inside tells us that we're doing right.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Maybe I should just get more cats....

    @@sjdtx, @@CowgirlJane -- Just saw your notes. I was oblivious, thinking the reference was simply to dollar signs passing censorship. The meaning went right by me. It is a little locker room.
  18. I love it -- measuring one's travels by friendly scale locations. @@Inner Surfer Girl suggestion to check local bariatric offices. Come to think of it, I don't see why almost any walk-in clinic (they seem to be the latest development in med care in the U.S.), hospital or even street-level doctor's office wouldn't say "Sure" as long as they're not teeming with clamoring patients at the moment. Smile, show your apple cheeks and let them hear the accent; tell them you're traveling and losing weight. This could be so exciting. If you feel bold enough to ask almost anywhere, I hope you'll report back on the reactions as you go along. If the first place you stop screams at you, don't tell them I sent you. Have a wonderful time. There are a lot of good people out there. Will you be coming to NYC? P.S. Other large pharmacy chains are RiteAid, CVS and Walgreen. If you happen to walk by what looks like a very old, privately-owned, small pharmacies, they may have the old scales. When I was a child, a hundred years ago, it was standard. A penny or a nickel, I think, but no receipts.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Maybe I should just get more cats....

    You rascal. Double rascal. A slight misspelling will get anything past the nudnik censors. An extra final letter, e.g. Same goes for the switch to blue font for sales links.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Maybe I should just get more cats....

    He's a clod, @RILEYSMOM22. but you have not even scratched the surface. So many fools, so little time. Next time you meet someone who seems to have potential as a human being, take more time before getting nekkid. Let him demonstrate his worthiness first. I am so sorry that you were hurt. I get the feeling that you pressed a bit for his reason. Don't do that to yourself, certainly not after only several weeks. If someone says "we should each move on," run. He's very likely telling you something about himself that you don't need to know and will do your soul no good. Hugs to you.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Mind games & tricks to keep it fun, challenging and motivating

    @TheRealMeIsHere!, I apologize up front, as I just don't have time to read beyond your initial message. I'll just scribble what occurs to me. If the apartment complex has a gym and, even better, a number of trainers, it may be open to non-residents. I'm guessing that the complex has some connection to the federal government, which in turn makes me think there's a possibility. There may be other, similar residential. If you are on SSD due to your medical conditions and have a Medicare HMO, many of the plans offer a free gym program called Silver Sneakers. The classes are offered at community centers, Y's and even some private gyms. Membership in SS gives you access to all locations in your area. You can check for your area at the website. http://www.silversneakers.com If you're wanting more variety for your workouts, chair exercises are a valid workout. If you google 'chair exercises,' you should find a raft of results. Your public TV station may show the series, 'Sit and Be Fit.' A friend who is an athlete attended a chair exercise class of some sort with her mother and reported that it really was a workout. I realize that you're probably familiar with these, but no harm in mentioning them.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    First Colonoscopy next week - tips?

    Do you really think that three days of low-fiber eating is monumental? Three days? You have it easy, especially if you can tolerate Gatorade, of which I sipped once decades ago and still recall as liquid potting soil. I won't describe the swill I had to drink for colonoscopy. Low-fiber for a few days would have been a bacchanal in comparison.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I have so much on my mind.....

    Whew!..... Okay, I'm fine now. From my perspective, words such "need," "need to," "should" and "have to" are meaningless and, worse, they are a way that we put undue pressure on ourselves. Terms like "want to" demonstrate a positive, forward-looking view and, better, our freedom to choose. Even in the absence of conviction, by training ourselves to say "want," there's no way we can't understand the difference. There's even the possibility that the conviction will magically blossom. Before you go through the litany of impending failures, with pencil and paper begin a list of reasons that you want to lose weight. You have a gorgeous start already -- being around for your kids, being active with them, saving your joints, et al. Just a list of phrases, not sentences. Each item should be brief and specific. Example, instead of "being active with the kids," break it out to (1) play tennis with Jester, Jr.; (2) dance with Susie Q at her Sweet 16; (3) run the father-son three-legged race........blah blah and so on. No reason to lose weight is too small or silly. The list is meant to record your heart's desire. Whenever some new thought occurs to you, add it. The list is a source of energy among other things. Your family loves you and wants the best for you and, by default, them. Don't worry about discussing surgery or weight loss ad nauseam, as long as you don't do it with the grocery cashier or bank teller. It would make sense to be a little OCD, considering that both are major prospects. That you're ambivalent is more the cause. That's cool. The kids can't relate personally, but they do see you struggling in various ways that you don't have to be consigned to. They understand more than you may think. (May I say that it sounds as though there's something healthy about in your parenting that your kids are healthy weight?) Regaining is another, real topic, but why worry so far ahead of time? You have more immediate decisions and concerns. Pain after surgery? It may be mild, it may be less or more than mild. So what? That's why it's called "surgery." (Did she really say that?) That's why there are meds for pain.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What should I expect from first appointment?

    TAke a written list of questions with you -- those that have occurred to you already and whichever may arise from the responses here. Include anything that you wondered about at the info seminar. You'll find, however, that many of your questions will be answered before you get a chance to pose them. Take it easy. It's only an appointment. You won't be led off to the guillotine. Not yet, anyway.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Telling family?

    Since you're ambivalent about telling the family, you don't have to until you've given it more thought. If anyone seemed opposed to your aunt's surgery before she actually had it, hold off on revealing your decision. Maybe you'd feel more confident telling them after the fact and your weight loss begins to show?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
