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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Protein Only

    The general rule of thumb after bariatric surgery is to eat Protein, produce and Fiber in that order. I won't comment on your surgeon's advice, but if the practice has an RD on staff, I'd made an appointment to see that person fast.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Both at once. My own take on planned meetings with strangers is to suggest/pick a place. It's always been somewhere on my turn, whatever that may mean at the moment, so that I'll be comfortable given that I'm meeting a stranger. Be your most charming self, but don't over-think this.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lenox Hill Hospital..Anyone Sleeved By Dr.Yatco Or Texeira?

    I've attended a few Lenox Hill support groups, but didn't have surgery there. Why not go to the next meeting and talk to other patients? They get a good turnout.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    No weight loss help ?

    Do you use a food tracker? If not, you'll be wise to start. The data keeps you apprised of the day's intake, but, more important, it will show you if and how you're not eating optimally. You say that you're eating healthfully, but there's chance that you're not following guidelines in term of portion and all the rest. Next time you have an appointmet, take a week's worth of trackers to review with the RD. The amount of Fluid in a band means little or nothing. The effect that the amount has is what matters. If 10 people have a 10cc band containing 6cc saline, not all will respond to the band alike. You may need more. No way of knowing, as you didn't mention your appetite or how much food it takes for you to feel that it's time to stop.
  5. Some topics are ugly in such a warped way, that they're fun. Others are just run to ugly. There should be a law that fun must be part of the mix.

  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    OK... so be honest with me...

    dumbest, stupidest tech...
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    OK... so be honest with me...

    dumber, stupider technology (if I told technology that it is "more stupid," it wouldn't understand)
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    OK... so be honest with me...

    What happened to the good old days when one had to show the results of blood work to test gender before posting? @@BSanchez2016, seriously, I hope that answers to your initial question wouldn't deter you from surgery. Considering your health prospects for the rest of your life against penis appearance or performance, well, there is cosmetic and reconstructive surgery at the end of the rainbow. And tongue depressors with rolls of gauze if necessary. Easy, that's a joke. (dumb, stupid technology)
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Plateu for a year

    There are surgery practices where the RD's say 60 is fine but is the minimum. Mine is one. She also told me never to go as high as 140, which can burn out kidneys. When I eat properly, I aim for 60-100. Offhand I'll say that it's been rare that I've gone to 100 if not overeating.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Burst out crying prepping my first soft food

    I had to read that twice. At first glance, I thought I saw "...ham and eggs." Too little sleep last night and much paperwork the past couple of hours.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Plateu for a year

    If you track your food, take a week's worth of data to your appointment. If you don't track, you'll be wise to start. The data serves as a learning tool, which is at least as important as just keeping a record.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    HELP Irritated OR Overfill advice please

    The number of fills and the amount of saline in a band mean nothing. Only their result is significant. (That's why there's no sense to people comparing their saline levels. I knew one person whose band, installed empty, never had need of a fill.) I can't guess what part of the world you're in, as you refer to "today" and your message is time-stamped as ---- Ha! I just scrolled up to see the time on your note and you'd amended to say you're in a night-time part of the world. I'm in NYC and it's 9:15 a.m. A swallow of chocolate sludge that had settled at the bottom of the cup shouldn't cause discomfort. It may be that your band is too tight. If you don't feel better in the morning, call your surgery and go in for a look-over and possible unfill, partial or otherwise. If that's the case, it doesn't mean that you may not be a candidate for another fill soon or down the road. If you haven't heard, the band has long been known as a fickle bitchh. (A minor misspelling will outsmart the censor.) For now, try walking around and stretching, arms straight up and elongate the torso. It will either help or take your mind off the discomfort for a bit, much the way boiling Water kept prospective fathers busy.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Burst out crying prepping my first soft food

    I can't say that I had quite the fears and doubts that you're having, but I can say that you have three loving, supportive friends. You're probably over thinking things. Take a few slow, deep breaths when you start getting worked up again. You know what to do. You'll be fine and your find your rhythm in terms of eating Breakfast and getting to work without waking in the middle of the night, for example. Maybe the fact of your birthday contributed to your surprise tears? Again, you'll be fine if you relax.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Eroded Band Removal DENIED.. please help.

    The refusal is crazy. Doesn't your med plan have an appeals procedure? You'll need to be armed with surgeon's and, even better, other medical recommendations for removal coverage. If that gets you nowhere, take a shot at this law practice: http://wlsappeals.com/ The attorney, Walter Lindstrom, was often named as a resource for people who were turned down by their med plans for band surgery. Perhaps he can help in the other direction, who knows? I know of him only because his name came up often enough in the now all but defunct Yahoo group, Smart Bandsters. ________________________________ P.S. Sorry, I didn't see the last couple of lines in your note. You're already pursuing the appeal process.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@Sophie74656, you are nowhere close to being ready for dating. Date yourself before you think about men. Go through the 'getting to know you' stage with yourself. Take time -- a year, say -- to mourn your marriage, set priorities and make decisions, and discover who you are as an adult individual in the world. That's a lot of work ahead. Men will still be out there when they make sense for you. Be kind to yourself and know that you are and will remain lovable. Love yourself. Inner Surfer Girl made an excellent suggestion: Therapy. If you're not already seeing a therapist and money is as tight as you implied, you should be able to find a place with sliding-scale rates. Try googling "low cost therapy in [your region of] NJ." Call the outpatient psych departments of local hospitals to inquire. If anyone tells you that the facility doesn't offer what you're looking for, ask for a referral. Contact local social service non-profits that deal with mental health or have support programs pertaining to divorce. Try this link http://www.mdsg.org/resources.php: MDSG is an NYC group for bipolar people, but the website offers links suited to others.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How soon did people quit smoking before lap band procedure?!

    You'll be "ok" if you want to be. You are your greatest obstacle. Calm down, park the panic at the curb. If you feel an urge to smoke, drink Water. If you feel an urge, inhale as slowly and deeply as possible, hold to a count of 10, then exhale as slowly and fully as possible. Do it again. Do it whenever. Something about extra oxygen knocks the urge out briefly.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    $ 73,000.00 per year for 1 protein shake a day.

    P.T. Barnum was right. "Adaptogen?" "Tonifying?" I do hope the labels indicate that, despite the website copy, the FDA thinks they're full of it. If little Gwyneth were a few years older, she'd be energifying her crystals under a pyramid. I do hope that there's something to be said for Brain Dust. Dusty brain? P.T. Barnum was right. "Adaptogen?" "Tonifying?" I do hope the labels indicate that, despite the website copy, the FDA thinks they're full of it. If little Gwyneth were a few years older, she'd be energifying her crystals under a pyramid. I do hope that there's something to be said for Brain Dust. Dusty brain?
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    PB2? Tell the truth, please

    I'd be interested in trying PB2, but only know that it's used as a flavor additive, e.g., maybe a spoon or two mixed into other ingredients. But what about as Peanut Butter? Can it be mixed with little enough Water so that it's spreadable like real peanut butter? If so, is the taste reasonably like the real thing? I imagine it would be a dismal disappointment, but I could be wrong. How about mixing it with a small amount of Torani SF chocolate 'syrup?' Or another syrup flavor that's compatible with peanut taste?
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    I should have said that I think there was a control group. Regardless, everyone was properly vaccinated before long. Don't misunderstand. My fear wasn't of polio, of which I may have had some misconceptions. I was panicked about being lined up with all the other kids and waiting for who-knows-what the witch doctors would do to me. Needles were scary and they hurt like hell. I was no better about the tonsillectomy. Once I was awake in the doctor's little recovery room, I told my parents and the nurse who looked in that I wanted to talk to the doctor. He was murdering another little kid by then, so I said to the nurse what I would have said to him: "I hate you." My polite but misguided mother immediately apologized for me. Huh? Where's your loyalty, Mother? Especially after my terror pre-surgery? I can't express myself? It's funny how things evolve over time. For my mid-1980's appendectomy, I orchestrated the surgeon's and hospital's personnel who came straggling in one by one for med history...had each wait until all had arrived so that I wouldn't have to go through the whole story a few times. In 2009 I walked into the OR for lapband surgery as though I were walking on to a yacht.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    I have no recollection of anyone ever saying that to me in childhood or what was said. My guess is that it was "There's nothing to be afraid of." That's the worst thing to say to anyone who is fearful about something. Why would you want to negate what the child -- or adult, for that matter-- feels, only to compound the fear and make the individual feel completely inadequate in the process? Two incidents come to mind, both occurrences in first grade. I'll spare you the details, but one as the day people from the city's Dept. of Health came to school when the Salk vaccine was in testing stage. Some kids were vaccinated with the real thing and others, a control group, with Water.* The other was in the doctor's office waiting to be taken in to the OR for tonsillectomy. * I'm 99.5% sure that, in those days, the test was conducted without parental permission. Imagine that now?
  21. Celebrating this century's Pi Day and making the most of it in case I'm too addlepated to notice in 2116.

  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What would you do?

    What @@liannatx said. There's no point in telling adults things they already know and I suspect that both your uncle and cousin know that his weight is not good for him. If he decides to pick up the trail again, he can attend an info seminar and your cousin can go with him if he wishes. But don't make the suggestion unless either of them revisits the subject with you. As an aside, all surgeries have risk for patients of all ages.
  23. Have you seen this? I found the first item slightly confusing, but, when googling "Christina Ashman," the designer of plus-sized clothing who sent out her take on the offensive ads, found that BuzzFeed filled in the blank. http://hellogiggles.com/fashion-designer-ad-critique/ lick either "a one time thing" within the text or click this next link http://mic.com/articles/123549/this-is-seriously-how-a-pair-of-plus-size-are-being-advertised-on-the-internet Take this next link for the full picture of the middle-fingers-up photo: http://www.buzzfeed.com/laurasilver/this-woman-gave-the-best-burn-to-a-website-that-put-a-model
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Marketing to plus-sized women = Fat-shaming. Low blow, bold response.

    It hurt me to use the term "fat-shaming" and it was a first. It never quite made sense to me, as it smacks of what seems to have grown into a broad victim movement of the past decade or so. Ignorance, yes, unkindness or thoughtlessness, yes, but often shame or victimhood is one's own product. That's not to say always, but often enough.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I Hate my Lap Band

    As you give no information on whether you've kept up with the surgery practice, you should make an appointment for an esophagram and, perhaps, loosening the band will solve the problem.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
