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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. Yes, what Go Walking said. The people in the surgery practices have seen and heard it all. Absolutely make an appointment. Go to support group meetings and take part in BP. You'll recover your momentum.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How in the world have I gained 18 pounds in 5 days?!?!?!?

    @@Fat2Phat2016 and @@Fatty McFatster, You're proud of each other for your challenge results and I'm proud of both of you. You two are still my best date in ages. If I ever get to your part of the world, I hope we can say "Hey!" Same holds if y'all get to my part of the world. FMcF, I'm glad you're coming along.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How in the world have I gained 18 pounds in 5 days?!?!?!?

    @@Fatty McFatster, dear friend, the $1,000 would be a nice measure of success and a lovely gift for F2P, but what matters most is that everything will straighten out. You'll ace the next challenge.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Exercise class kicked my butt hard and now feeling defeated...

    *@heidikat72, I stopped reading half way through your second paragraph to avoid the kind of negativity I recognize in myself these days. Make that years. The reality is that you fearlessly threw yourself off the cliff when you signed on for the study. The reality is that you signed on for a great opportunity for free, safe, professionally-supervised exercise. The reality is that you were pumped and positive when you signed on. Where did that woman go? She's the one that you want. She's the best of you. The other reality is that you've got to expect a difficult time when starting to exercise at 400. There's no other way to say it. On the bright side, if you stick with it and take pleasure and pride in yourself for having undertaken the program, you will see progress. No matter how gradual it is, it's progress that counts. It's all about the doing. There's a good chance that, had I read further, I would have gotten to the part where you say, "I know that...., but....." Rant, rant, rant, moan, gritch. Now get on with it. You're terrific. I want to be like you when I get younger.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@Kindle, I tried Wellbutrin a great many years ago, at least 20 is my guess. It may have been prescribed as one half of a cocktail, but I can't recall for sure or, if so, what the other drug may have been. I took Wellbutrin for a short time, stopping after consulting with the prescribing doctor. It wasn't until I noticed an odd change that I looked at the manufacturer's circular, having avoided it earlier as I didn't know how suggestible I might be. I was seeing what I'll describe as a cloudy, white haze, similar to light cigarette smoke, outlining my arms and hands when I moved them. The same may have outlined other body parts or even objects, but, again, I don't recall for sure. That led me to read the circular, which cautioned, in the event of any vision change, to stop taking the drug and call the doctor pronto The hazy outline disappeared very soon after I stopped taking wellbutrin. It's unlikely that I took it long enough to have noticed an affect on appetite or weight. -------------------------------- P.S. Oh, sweetie, I just scrolled up and saw your last note. You're having such a bad time. If this will be your first experience ever with psychotropic meds, don't be dissuaded by me or others who've had side effects. Not everyone experiences them. Even if you do, there are other things to try. I don't know why the grief counselor named wellbutrin specifically, but it's worth a try. If you have no benefit for your low mood or have side effects, you might consult a psychiatrist/psychopharmacologist-type who knows the full range of drugs on the market.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Empty but restricted

    I don't know if it would be a solution for you, but have you discussed with the surgeon the possibility of switching to a larger-capacity band? My experience was different, but it may have some relevance. I had a 10cc band installed empty and I felt fine for the rest of the day. My medical plan required an overnight. Next morning, during the routine esophagram, I was unable to tolerate the barium; no drop of liquid would go down and trying was painful. My surgeon had me stay in-hospital so that I could be on IV. Her idea was to wait a little while in case the problem was swelling. With no improvement, we were back in the OR on day #4 to switch for a 14cc band. That solved the problem. Again, I have no idea whether this might be a solution for you.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Freaking out a little.....

    What you're describing isn't so different from your routine after lapband surgery -- a period of liquids, then gradually graduating to real food. Banding requires meal planning. Three weeks of liquid post-surgery isn't a picnic, but, c'mon, three weeks out of a lifetime? You'll gritch and curse and then move on to soft food or whatever. Are you opting for band removal because of appliance failure or owner disobedience? There's a clue in there for you. If you want to lose weight, however, you will. If you're thinking that you have to or should lose weight, you'll do much better if you get your thinking around to the want. Proceed based on what you want for your life. Work with a therapist who has experience in working with poeple with food and weight issues. Attend your practice's support groups. Take part in BP. Build a support network.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    You won't believe this NSV

    I do believe it because you have an honest face. That is quite an inside-out NSV, but I get it. Isn't it amazing that some past experiences resonate today so that we weave them into current events? I'm glad you're fine today, but think you should have your own doctor give you a look-over. We're not supposed to faint for no apparent reason.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Greater New York Bariatric Surgery Clothing Exchange - April 2016

    @@Rebeccaabrooks86, That's odd. As the site system won't allow me to copy/paste the flier for you, the best I can do is give you this link to the topic for the clothing exchange last Fall. The only differences are the day, date, and hours. Next month's event is Monday, April 11, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. If you can arrive at 5:30 to help set up, excellent. If you can stay a few minutes past 7:30 to help straighten up, excellent. I hope you can make it! http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351620-greater-new-york-bariatric-surgery-clothing-exchange-free-10222015/ Please leave another post here so that I know you got into the link. Otherwise, we'll do something else that will absolutely work.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers

    FMcF, Do you think for a moment that you've been out of anyone's thoughts and prayers? Your good cheer and degree of up-ness have built your own fan base. You'll be back at your best before you know it. Brave little soldier, soldier on.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Clothes Getting Big

    Oooh, I dunno. They look quite fetching. As in....
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    In general, crunchy things go down easily. I've had a problem with doughy bread only once: THe center of a piece of Italian bread caused the "stuck" feeling. It's common (but not my own experience) for foods that can be squeezed into a ball in one's hand to get stuck: Doughy bread, rice, Pasta, et al. There's only one way to find out how you will respond. And you wouldn't necessarily respond the same way each time you eat any of those foods. Since you're already considering simple carbs, be smart and use a tracker* for everything you eat. The calories mount up rapidly. *Everyone should track their intake regardless of the food choices.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Port question - newbie

    People can tell you about their own port experiences, but those won't necessarily shed light on yours. There are a few possibilities. Concern yourself with healing from surgery. As long as the soreness and tenderness at the incision diminish as the days pass, ask about your port at your follow-up appointment. You simply may have swelling from the incision, only four days old. Another possibility is that because, from your telling, your pre-surgery weight wasn't especially extreme, the port is protruding. This often occurs after people lose a lot of fat. Some opt to have the port repositioned after maintaining goal weight for a while.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Using a personal trainer pre-op?

    Why would working with a trainer before surgery be a "waste of time?" Under any circumstances, moving is better than not moving. It follows that moving correctly, working out in proper form, is safer than moving with no knowledge of safety and effectiveness.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What can I do with...cauliflower?

    In the last day or so, someone started a topic to grouse about cauli pizza crust and others agreed. Here's my contribution to the topic. It in no way means that I don't love you all. "You didn't know? Cauliflower, which is one of my favorite vegetables, will smell up the place, as do its cruciferous cousins, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, et al. "Aside from that, anyone who tells you that cauliflower is a wonderful substitute for real pizza crust, real mashed potatoes or anything else is a crackpot, pure and simple." (Hey, copy/paste worked across topics. It can only mean that the end of the world is coming.)
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Psych evaluation

    Expect to smile and converse. All you need do is demonstrate to the shrink that you understand the risks of surgery (all surgeries have risk), are motivated to lose weight and have the mental and emotional capacity to understand doctor's instructions and follow them. That's about it. The eval process may be talk only or you may be given some questionnaires/forms to fill in. Nothing to lose sleep over.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What can I do with...cauliflower?

    @@Inner Surfer Girl I was just going through my bookmarks and came across this from a few years ago. After all this time, I still haven't checked the individual recipes to determine how appropriate they may be, but the names are tempting. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/11/calling-all-cauliflower/
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Kept up with the kids...

    You're the fun mother in the neighborhood.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lapband adjustment advice

    Alas, your question can't be answered with numbers. The amount of Fluid in a band that gives the desired effect is the correct amount, regardless of its measurement or the band's capacity. What works well for one person will be too much or too little for another. Since you've already had to have some of the fluid removed on two occasions, you probably should increase in very small increments. I imagine it's not a happy thing to to have to go back to have some saline removed. The "lady" who did your adjustment has a profession. If you learn the roles of the staff members and whom it talk with about different concerns, your confidence and participation in the whole process and decision-making will increase.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Cauliflower Pizza Crust. ????

    You didn't know? Cauliflower, which is one of my favorite vegetables, will smell up the place, as do its cruciferous cousins, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, et al. Aside from that, anyone who tells you that cauliflower is a wonderful substitute for real pizza crust, real mashed potatoes or anything else is a crackpot, pure and simple.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Have to Brag

    Sillybones, anyone here could have told you as much way back. You rock.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Possible TMI about sexy time

    After 12 years of marriage, of course breaking up is difficult. It sounds, though, as if he's the one who's divorcing while you're hanging in for the long haul. His sexual appetites cover more territory than yours and you made it known all along. Whatever he things will change for him when he's with other women has nothing to do with you. So, yes, TMI, but it's his doing, not yours by posting. Tell him to talk about it elsewhere instead of implying that you're inadequate and unsuited to a prize such as he..
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Would you move where has someone died?

    @@Dub, You've got the hallmarks of a big brother. How do I know? Because I'm a little sister.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Would you move where has someone died?

    Others have already said that death is part of the natural process. Maybe the elderly woman lived a brilliant, fulfilled life in her home. Not so bad. Reason says that there's a very good chance that someone died in any number of places you might move unless the buildings went up only a few years earlier. Life happens everywhere.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Inverted gastric sleeve

    @@Kindle, I appreciate the information. You've cut things down to size. I probably do have staples from at least one surgery, gallbladder in 2009 and appendectomy in the mid 80's. As I didn't know of this possibility until today, it's safe to think that my staples are still intact. Whew! The OP linked an animated demo of the inversion technique. It was to be followed by live-acttion videos which I'll go back for.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
