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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Reason #2016 for surgery

    It speaks well of your prospects that, despite no requirement, you chose to lose weight. Your mind is in a good place: You're serious. It goes without saying, which shan't stop me, that cutting out alcohol and the rest is smart. What raises a question is your saying that you're logging everything, but no word about what you are logging apart from the shakes. Sad to say, it is easy for counterproductive edibles to be going down your gullet. Consider an appt with the practice's RD to review a week or two of food logs. S/he can make suggestions for improvement. It's impressive that you chose to work on this. It probably makes you an exception. Although my bariatric practice had a loosey-goosey requirement (my insurance plan had none), my own surgeon told me that she didn't care whether I lost weight before surgery. A fool, I thought, "Oh, good, I'll start after." Three weeks, prior, however, it occurred to me that, if I were serious, I'd start immediately. I dropped 11 lbs which the surgeon noted aloud in the OR. This is not to say that, like you, I'm impressive, but that it told me I was ready for the long haul. You'll be fine.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Possible revision?

    @@Steven1954, thank you for the information. By coincidence I learned this evening that NYS, it is the state which is the external reviewer. Even better, it seems that NYS always or virtually always approves in cases where the patient has a Medicare-related plan or Medicare. I do know of the Lindstrom office. Are you in NYS? Mine is Oxford Medicare, a.k.a. AARP Medicare Complete. My source told me that the state approves if traditional Medicare covers revision, which is what I'm googling to find. My band has not been removed. I have an appointment week after next to start determining whether it still has life in it, but I doubt it. My chances of succeeding under my own steam, without the aid, are nil. I'm open to going to sleeve. Are you planning further surgery?
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    In a bad depression slump...

    @@venomousflowers, I am so sorry that you're having a hideous day. Your having three new topics going at once and your change in screen name in the past couple of hours send out a signal. Please, please sit down, take slow, deep breaths -- as many as it takes and as often as helps calm you a little -- and sip a glass of Water. These simple, accessible actions will settle you enough so that you can think more clearly. Eating won't comfort you. It will put you in a stupor, leaving nothing unchanged when you come out of it. More than that, you'll be down on yourself for turning to food. If reading and other quiet activities don't distract or comfort you, will you go out for a walk? Burning some physical energy usually makes a good difference. While you walk, notice your surroundings -- the birds, trees, everything that catches your eye and connects you to your surroundings. The feeling that we belong in our environments means a lot. It really does seem that your meds need to be reevaluated and that therapy is the way to go. Both are important components of a support network even though they're not what we usually think of as "network." In addition you can look at shrinkyourself.com/public/welcome. (The BP linkmaker isn't working for me.) It's about dealing with emotional eating and is the product of a psychologist. There is also the book, The Beck Diet Solution, by cognitive behaviorist Judith Beck, which is a guide to coping with the same. It's meant to be read from page one rather than hopping about. People who do the exercises at both sources get the greatest benefit. Another thing is to attend bariatric support groups at hospitals in your area. They are a chance to feel less isolated and perhaps even find others who are having similar experiences. There's also the possibility that a real friendship or two can evolve. Your screen name is up to you. I'll say, though, that, if it keeps changing, BP members who want to 'talk' with you won't recognize you.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Treated Differently After Weight Loss

    You know why... If they were important to you and you would like to regain the closeness, ask. A worthwhile relationship is worth an effort. At the same time, it helps to accept when it's no longer available.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Being honest with one's self

    You made me laugh so hard that I nearly drooled. The pizza gambit is way beyond my powers of justification. In fact, I don't justify at all, just conk myself over the head with an ice cream spoon, aka Soup spoon. Conk only after washing, please.
  6. You'll be fine as long as the student is past 8th grade and passed General Science class. Hey, you can ask about that.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Possible revision?

    @@Steven1954, what do you mean by "external appeal?" I expect to be told very soon that my band must be removed and believe that my insurance company will deny revision to sleeve.
  8. Took a deep breath and the step: Made an appt with my practice to determine the state of my band and what comes next. I'm open to sleeve, but need to learn more to get past my own bias against it. This is a tad premature, as I don't know yet whether my insurance covers revision.

  9. @@JuliusJ, in your note I see the ol' one-two. "I want to lose weight." "I don't want to change." "I want to lose weight." "I don't want to change." You do not have to change anything in any way. If you want to lose weight, however, you must. If you make your choice, it will be easier to find the way to achieve what you wish. Ambivalence goes nowhere. Therapy would be an excellent start. You've got so much going on that someone to help you sort out your emotions, fears, et al. can make the best difference. As to foods that "make you feel good," that's really not the way it works. Eating foods and amounts that put one in a stupor is not the same as feeling good. It's more about not feeling. You can succeed if you put yourself in position to let go of clinging to the useless. Redirecting the energy and tight grip is doable.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Do I REALLY need a support person?

    @@gina171, if you think now that having your husband around will be more stressful than helpful, leave him out of the equation. He can visit you after you've been home a couple of days. There's no way to know in advance how you'll feel after surgery. You'll be wise to have someone, whether a home aide or other, stop in for however many days. You'll definitely need someone to escort you through the hospital exit. Because their liability insurers are fussy, hospital personnel balk and gritch when someone wants to leave solo. They don't care a hoot once you're out on the pavement. Yes, stock up before your surgery date. If you can have your home pain meds in advance, great. Use your stress-free, alone time as vacation. Think your thoughts, sing, read and contemplate the wonders to come.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Obsessed with constant eating, any hope for me?

    Sleeve surgery, like the band, isn't magic. There are people who do well initially, but, regain because they go back to weight-gaining foods. You might work with a therapist knowledgeable about food issues. You can also register at shrinkyourself.com (either the free version or the pay, it's up to you). A well-regarded book is "The Beck Diet Solution,"* Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., cognitive behaviorist and heir to the Beck Institute. The latter two will be most useful if you do the exercises. Beck is meant to be read/worked from page one, not at random. * Not her later book with a similar title and a food plan which isn't suited to WLS and contains less learning & support material.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    When did you.....?

    In the OR. Otherwise, how would I have walked in from the prep area? No, really, walking was my preference. I'd have felt stupid being taken in by wheelchair when I was capable of walking. It's my understanding and experience that a mild sedative is often given outside the OR. Unless there is an unusual circumstance, the OR crew needs the patient awake to say, "Move this way....Do this....Do that....How's this?"
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Help asap seeking information on foods

    @@Inner Surfer Girl gave you sound, starting advice. There is a great difference between clear liquids and liquefied and pureed food. Pardon me for reading between the lines, @@husbandperry, but too much is at stake given the nature of the surgery and what your wife presumably wants to achieve. Your premise seems to be that your wife is incapable of understanding and carrying out what is in her best interests. It's terrific that you want to be helpful and supportive, but it is imperative that she be able to make sound choices and understand the reasons. If she really doesn't know what to do in the early, post-surgery stages, she should be consulting her bariatric practice's RD for clarification on the instructions she received.
  14. A most happy 100th, Miss Olivia de Havilland......A glorious Canada Day to all and Dominion Day to some from this closet Canadian.

    1. jane13


      love her!!!!_ Melanie Wilkes!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Yup, and Catherine Sloper of "The Heiress," movie version of the play based on Henry James' "Washington Square." That's a mouthful.

  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Facing Reality

    Maybe you didn't really look before? That's not uncommon at all. We human creatures have a great talent for avoidance. If anyone tries to bug you, send 'em this way.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Facing Reality

    I absolutely get your former and lingering discomfort in front of the camera. Internalizing and reconciling the before & after women isn't easy. Having pored over my photos got me nowhere. Instead I began to suspect that reviewing and making notes, whether written or mental, about who I was before, who I was after (I say "was" here because I've regained much of the weight I'd lost) and where they converge now is the way to go. Looking at photos just yet is confusing for me. As I grasp all my stages better, the photos will make better sense. I think. Daisee, your recent photo shows a woman confident, proud and welcoming of the lens. If you felt uneasy, no one would guess it. There is more confidence in the older photo than you may know. You looked directly at the camera rather than off to the side or at the person sitting next to you. You do look wonderful.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Anybody use a Powerplate for Toning?

    Thanks for the input. I'll do some more research and watch for your update. (No experience with TENS.)
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Anybody use a Powerplate for Toning?

    @, If I understand, a vibration goes through the body as the user does ordinary strength exercises. Wouldn't it be an enormously annoying sensation? Am I missing the point? Thousands of years ago a vibrating machine that involved a belt around the user's hips or other area was seen on TV shows for the comedic effect. It was a real thing, but eventually proved useless. From the wonders of YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIWMNm5HV-s I can't help being skeptical about the plate machine, but will read more of the website and watch a few more of the videos than I have.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Anybody use a Powerplate for Toning?

    Never heard of this. Googling gave me what seems to be stand-upon machines that vibrate, so I'm not sure what you're speaking of. Please post a link for the machine you know. You have me curious. Thanks.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@tanyarahmes, this isn't the time to fuss about weight loss. It will come soon enough. Your main concern right now is post-surgical healing and health. Hydration is a large part.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Thanks for the link, certainly worth exploring. I see no need for the disclaimers, yours or hers.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wild Passionate Screaming "Monkey Love"

    Shame on me? SHAME ON ME?? NAY, SHAME ON THEE!! You fooler. You swindler. I demand a recount. I demand my post on screaming monkey love. If I were truly irate, I'd wish a stall on you, but I'm not, so I won't. Congratulations on your thousandth post. Too bad you'll still have to pay your own subway fare.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Having a hard time sticking to my diet

    Get a notebook and start a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight. Reason #1 can be what you already wrote, "I don't want to end up getting denied by my insurance due to lack of effort." Keep each reason specific and narrow. For example, "To wear size 7 underpants" instead of "To wear a smaller size." "So that my dance moves are visible" instead of "Not to be a mysterious blob on the dance floor." "To comfortably play on the floor with my baby (niece, whomever)" instead of "To move more easily." Whatever you want for yourself and your life belongs on the list. It can grow quite long, so don't even think of writing it all in one sitting. As new reasons occur to you, write them down. A comprehensive list of reasons that you want to lose weight will help keep you mindful of each choice you make along the way. You'll also learn things about yourself that you may not have fully recognized before. Maybe you also want to be physically stronger so that you can easily carry that impressive, four-part name! You can do this.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Plastics consultation right around the corner

    @@AvaFern and @@Daisee68, Thanks for the info and the links. They're good to have for future reference (please, please, please!). Your description, Daisee, reminds me that I had been told about a procedure newer than the V.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Surgery jealousy? Is that a thing?

    @@Miss.Bunny447 -- Whew! Too bad she doesn't know that she can't possibly have a relationship as you do with your father simply because she isn't his daughter. She's mixed up, wanting to be his sweetie and his kid? But, again, you're the one I'm here talking to. Because she's sharing a roof with your father, you're decent to include her when she's in the room. It seems to me, though, that you're 'allowed' to have time alone with him. Maybe tell him? Unless they're in a one- or two-room apartment, can't you go into another room? Take him for a walk or a coffee? Have him come to your place more often? If they're not a couple, he's not obligated to such a great extent. (He'd better not be nailing her!) Even blood relations know they're not joined at the hip.

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