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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Screwed up...

    There are reasons that we're told to follow a plan in the few weeks after surgery, after adjustments and at all other times along the way. You don't have to panic; churning emotions can affect the band in undesired ways. As to wondering whether you have cause to worry, what's the point after the fact? Just follow guidelines hereafter. Rather than worry, remind yourself of why you chose surgery. From your description, you probably did no great harm apart from disappointing and scaring yourself and feeling the pressure and tightness yesterday. Don't press your luck, though, or you could end up being deeply sorry. Fyi, rice and bread are two foods that band people are told to pass by. Same of Pasta. The reason is that these are among the foods which, when cooked, can be squished into a squishy, paste-like ball in the hand. As such, there's a good chance that they can become "stuck." It's sort of like gumming up the esophagus. Watch your step, kiddo, and you'll be okay. Stick with the therapy. Put a picture of the filthy, unconscionable Chris Christie on the fridge. He had surgery and there's no guessing why he bothered.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Meeting surgeon for first time

    Bosh, no one can lose a set amount on demand. The idea is to lose as well as you can. 1. Losing weight means less fat on the liver, making it more flexible to be pushed and prodded around during surgery. 2. You get a nice head start on losing weight. 3. By losing weight before surgery, you're showing yourself that you mean business. Do you know how many people would rather eat as usual until after surgery? Where's the seriousness in that?
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Preparing for bariatric surgery mandatory class

    It's always a good idea to take along someone who is intelligent and alert for any major medical appointment, especially when the information is all new and one head may miss something. The partner can also ask questions. Two pens, two pads. Never ask. It's your well-being that we're talking about and you're the cash customer. All you need do is let the staff know that your companion has your authorization to speak on your behalf and be given information at the time.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Resurrecting my band?

    @@needtorecover, thanks for the good wishes. I'm already thinking that I want another band adjustment at my next visit. I'll know better, I suppose, in the next week or so, when I'll have had a chance to experience all that the band is doing at its current saline level. That reminds me. Early in my band career, a subject came up now and then at the support groups I attended and another website I used: "Have you named your band?" Most people who had chosen names thought of their bands as female. Without thinking far into it, it occurred to me that mine was a young boy -- a Boy Scout who gave me a hand as I went about my daily affairs. I never gave him a name, however.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Regain.... I'm so upset with myself.

    @@oneangel34 -- just throwing out a few ideas If your back problems might possibly be a result of your weight, you may qualify for insurance coverage of bariatric/band services. If you were tracking your meals electronically, you should be able to retrieve at least a few weeks' worth as models for restarting. If you don't have the papers given to you by the practice RD, call and ask for copies because, well, you can't find them. Take a deep breath. I'll bet that you're not as far out at sea as you think. You were capable in 2012. You didn't lose it.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    A letter to yourself...

    @@WalkByFaith94, it's never too late for something like "A Letter to Myself." Even after reaching goal can serve a good purpose. Whether letters, my own preferred list of goals or any other form, they all are variations on a journal.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Dressing this new body

    You didn't really think you wouldn't get responses of all sorts, did you? Your puzzlement about your style now that you have choices is one of the common difficulties at or near goal. It really does become an obstacle to shopping and not going home empty-handed. There's a book that you may find useful: The Weight Los Surgery Coping Companion: A Practical Guide for Coping with Post-Surgery Emotions, Tanie Miller Kabala, PhD. http://www.amazon.com/Weight-Loss-Surgery-Coping-Companion/dp/1508526087 It's a slim book -- no padding and repetition that makes some books so tedious. EAch chapter has space for writing whatever it's about. Use a notebook instead so that you can go back whenever a brush-up is needed, such as when your view of life next changes.
  8. Yesterday's esophagram and NP visit went well. The images showed no dilation with band in proper position. That, and because it had been giving me signals for several months, "we" gave me more saline. I feel the effect and it's good. We'll see if the band truly can be pressed into service again before considering revision.

  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wild Passionate Screaming "Monkey Love"

    @@OKCPirate -- "Umm are not all guys?" That is true, but not all also exhibit the analytical, orderly-minded side that you show. It's more fun to see the goofy, clueless kid in someone of your...hmm...persuasion.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    A letter to yourself...

    @@rgme1983, instead of a letter, I'd begun a list of reasons that I want to lose weight. It's easy to add reasons as they occur over time. Each reason is narrow and specific, which makes it more achievable that a broad, all-encompassing reason. E.g., "To easily get down and up from the floor to play with babies" instead of "To move more easily." Being specific also allows for a lengthier list of reasons. Another reason, related to the above example but distinct from it, might be "To move past people standing still on narrow escalators." That is, anything related to agility. It's really exciting to check each off when accomplished along the way. Being slightly impatient at all about tracking the experience, I also like that list items don't need complete sentences.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Resurrecting my band?

    @@gowalking, thanks. I'm still surprised about the radiology results today and recognize that I'm fortunate to have another chance.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    A letter to yourself...

    @@rgme1983, some people will say it's useful, others will say not. If you like the idea, go with your own feeling. You may want to write the letter and, as you go along and discover new things, rewrite or add to it. Do keep all previous versions in tact, though, as a map of your 'journey.' You can do whatever strikes a chord for you.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wild Passionate Screaming "Monkey Love"

    My favorite part, your hormone dumplings. How dear. The adolescent lurks within you, a befuddled kid forever.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wild Passionate Screaming "Monkey Love"

    If it weren't for @@Christinamo7, who hit my earlier post with a "like" today, I would have come back, so "Thank you," Christina. I hope I remembered for blue-name format. I appreciate your peace offering. They are indeed apes, but that surely is love. All is forgiven. True, frisky monkeys. I can't tell if they're in love, but I sure am.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Waking up after surgery

    @@Sherbear2, you can ask what to expect when you arrive for surgery.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Beth Schrope, MD, phasing out WLS? Know anything?

    I'll answer myself. I was at my bariatric practice today and was happy to run into Dr. Schrope. She was happy to see me (because of an unusual circumstance with my surgery, I'm indelible). As to no longer doing bariatrics, it was just a choice she arrived at. It was so good to see her and exchange wishes for good things ahead.
  17. I learned yesterday from the Columbia bariatric office and Dr. Schrope's assistant at her office upstairs that she's been phasing out bariatric surgery for about a year in favor of only pancreas work. I imagine she's seeing her last batch of surgical patients through their follow-up process. It's been a couple of years since I was in to see the NP. Now my band seems in need of re-evaluation for viability. If indicated, I'm up for revision. I'll check further with her office on whether she'd do this. In the meantime, I'm wondering if anyone knows directly from her why she's decided to give up WLS? My little Schropey (she never knew that I thought of her as such)! She's so terrific. I felt admiration and affection for her and wanted either to adopt her or to be adopted by her.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Yeast infections on your skin

    The infection is intertrigo candidiasis. Also be sure to take date-stamped photos for your back-up paperwork. Someone working in a bariatric practice (not mine) recommended applying Nair to the usual, closed areas if one doesn't experience the infection. The goal, of course, is to have more ammunition to get insurance to cover reconstructive surgery. I don't know what a Nair burn could be treated with and inducing a Nair burn for the purpose is unethical. No comment.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Steristrip removal

    My instructions were to leave them until they fell off on their own. That was for lapband and, another time, for gall bladder surgery
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I was a bad girl

    You "like" having to sit out the parties, do you? Now I know for sure that you're the genuine article. P.S. Nope, no dispensation or credit for birthdays.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Catching up—kitchen overhaul et al.,

    @@fatgirlsvelte, who told you? Maybe I'm feeling shaped like a choc'late chip muffin. You made me laugh for which I'm grateful. I needed it. I'm glad you're here.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I was a bad girl

    The only thing bad about you is your penchant for exaggeration. You gave two forks of cake a rating of three bads. No way. Two bads and not a penny more. Keep it up, Chickadee, and you'll have to sit out the next three scene parties.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Feeling light headed when standing

    My only reasonable advice is to see your primary doctor. If he's the one whom you "tried" to ask, he gave a poor response. Make an appointment so that you can get started with finding answers and solutions. I am not a physician and have no training in the medical field. That said, some experiences I've had suggest that you may want a referral to an ENT, a.k.a. otolaryngologist. Lightheadedness after standing a while and muffled hearing might mean that you have an inner ear condition. Lightheadedness may also be an indication of dehydration. I have no thoughts at all about the pain in the "lower stomach maybe groin area." I will suggest, however, that, if you want potentially useful ideas from other BP members or from the doctors you may consult, you be accurate in the information you give. For example, having had sleeve surgery, you probably know that the stomach is not near the groin. If you mean the lower abdomen, you'll get better input and medical care if you use accurate terminology.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Risk for Gastric Sleeve Revision

    Try that again. What did you mean to ask? "...if the risk is higher for lapband revision to gastric sleeve" than what?
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Freaking out!

    Let's parse this. Losing seven pounds is to be celebrated by staying in bed. (Moving is better than not moving. Moving burns more calories than lying in bed.) You're a twin, which means that you and your sister should have the same weight loss. This,therefore, means that you and she had the same grades through school, were interested in all the same things and shared all of your friends. Not for a moment have you veered from each other. Overreacting? I dunno.

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