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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Time for bit of FUN! Post some silly pictures of yourself if you dare.

    No matter how many put up pics, you'll always be the only one. You're hired. [i'm late in sending a Father's Day greeting to your vodka-infused dad.]
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    International sleevers that went to Mexico: Visa/Customs question

    Veronika, the best thing I can do is start by telling you to calm down. The same question in three different topics says that you're unnecessarily winding yourself tightly. Because any country may change its customs rules at any time, you'll do well to check with the U.S. and Mexican consulate offices or embassies in NZ. It'll be important for you to be absolutely clear and concise so that the people you speak with give you what you'll need to know for your trip. For example, don't say, as you wrote here, that you'll be flying from NZ to Mexico when, in fact, you'll be flying from NZ to the US. (Being picked up and returned to San Diego is pretty standard for WLS in Tijuana.) You're more than likely to be asked at each border the purpose for your travels. Yes, let them know that surgery is the purpose and that the after-stay in San Diego is holiday. Surgery and holiday are far more acceptable than what a customs agent may imagine. Breathe easy. Have a great surgery and holiday. You will be terrific.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Eating almost nothing, and not loosing weight

    C'mon, diet soda? The fabled "starvation mode?" Do you know how extremely low your intake would have to be for that one to become more than fable? Apart from that, are you due for a complete physical?
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    I've been taking synthroid for many years and am under the impression that weight loss has no bearing on the gland's functioning. A man who I met a few years back at support group, however, reported being taken off synthroid after losing weight. Then, again, I never thought he was a reliable source on most topics. Try asking your prescribing doctor!
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Concerned friends ... Do you really want to do this?

    If your friends are trying to rattle your confidence, tell them to shaake their rattler tails in another direction. You expect them to be encouraging and happy for you. "I just keeping telling myself that I am going to do amazing. I have no choice!!..." Why stomp on your own power? You most certainly do have a choice, which is what power rests on. In this instance you're choosing to do and be amazing. Get it? Surgery and losing weight are what you'll be doing; they aren't things that will be happening to you. No time for passivity.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Tears of Joy today at my follow up appt

    @@SoExcited101, I'm so excited for you, too. There's a lot to be said for honest emotion. My history since surgery hasn't been perfect. In fact, far from it. Nevertheless, you remind me of my lowest weight, 198, about 15 months post-surgery. I was at a follow-up appointment and was floored when I saw the scale. All weepy, I thanked my surgeon, my NP, my RD and the entire office staff of the practice. They all said that it was all my work, but I really felt that each of them, even the one or two I'd never met before, had a part in the process. It was a delicious feeling and I'm glad you're having your version now. Thank you for sharing it.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Random Things My Doc Didn't Tell Me

    I didn't want to add to what will probably become a gripefest, but you brought to mind my appendectomy of 30 years ago. I was prepared for all eventualities, but not the catheter that was placed before I was awakened. An IV or other tubing would have been fine, but I was most peeved knowing that someone had been fiddling around between my legs without my prior knowledge. My real purpose is to say that, In a perfect world, we're told everything we need to know about what to do and not to do; what to expect; and what may occur. In a more perfect world, we ask, not leaving the office or hospital with questions unaskeds. I seem to recall having asked lots of things before my band surgery. It taught me to ask more before the second band surgery four days later. Nothing went unasked -- including things that turned out to be irrelevant -- before gall bladder surgery two months later. You're not happy with your surgeon right now. I hope you never need any sort of abdominal surgery again, but remember this experience as a lesson.
  8. Yesterday, after however long of gritching and asking, I discovered by chance how to paste while typing up a new post. "Chance" isn't quite accurate. It was more like an Isaac Newton moment. Damn, I'm good, but with all the times I'd asked, why didn't someone tell me long ago? What a bunch of beauties.

  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I don't know how much longer I can do this... But no choice

    @@kelbelle29 -- "I don't know how much longer I can do this... But no choice" That's not true. You most certainly do have a choice. You don't have to "do this," whatever "this" may be. If you so choose, you can continue eating badly and going straight home from work to do nothing. Stay with me because I'm no way recommending any of that, merely pointing out that you are a free agent. I think you're having a hard time committing to what is in your best interest because depression is overshadowing clear thinking. Your best move at the moment may be to deal with the depression with a good therapist and a good psychiatrist/psychopharmacologist. It's just bloody difficult to see a total picture clearly when depression is sitting on you. Maybe think in terms of not gaining more weight for now. The secret benefit would be that you will have made changes in your eating. Maybe also think in terms of taking a walk during lunch hour or when you get home. Just once around the block and then see about going farther or longer. Taking the steps that make sense in sensible sequence means much. When I was looking into surgery but unsure whether I wanted it or wanted to change, I played all sorts of little tricks on myself. One thing was half trick and half brilliance. It was my choice -- choice -- to proceed on the basis that "I may not care now, but I'll get a head start on this in case I care some time down the line." Please stop beating yourself. It only makes things worse. P.S. I just saw this line: "In the beginning of May, I started personal training. It makes me feel better..." You're allowed to feel better. It's your right. It's good.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Qs and more Qs...

    I have no information on reconstructive procedures to share, but I'd like to recommend that you have a good interpreter with you at some if not all appointments. The service may turn out to be unnecessary, but I wouldn't want to leave room for misunderstanding. Everyone I've talked with who has had reconstruction (these are indeed reconstructive undertakings, not plastic surgery, which sounds cute by comparison) stresses the importance of having surgeons who've done lots of the work we're talking about.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Question from a beginner jogger

    Road Runners Clubs offer beginner (and other) classes. It's fun in a weekly group and will give you an "assignment" for the non-class days until the next meeting. Long ago I signed up. As I recall, week #1 alternated walking and running for one minute. The second week was alternating 2 minutes of running with one walking. Each session began with proper warm-up. People in the class came in all shapes and sizes. The environment was wonderfully supportive and non-judgmental. The leader/teacher answered all questions. Google 'Road Runners Club of America' if you don't know your nearest club. You can also browse the articles at sparkpeople.com. I've seen pieces on running for beginners and breathing during exercise and everything else you can think of. Livestrong.com, too. I'm not discounting the Couch program. I'm aware of it and expect that it's good quality, but that's the extent. You'll be great. You have the desire. Disclaimer: I am not a runner. That flirtation was eons ago. Tidbit: I bought my first running shoes at Frank Shorter's store in Boulder. I put them on back at my friend's house and went out on my own to jiggle on the bike paths very close by. That first, unschooled attempt at altitude of one mile prompted my friend to say from two rooms away that she could hear me huffing and puffing.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Queens/LI/NYC - therapist suggestions?

    Your surgery practice may have some names. I think you probably want CBT.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NSV- not recognized

    Lisa, I just noticed your current weight. It has a memory attached. My high weight was 311. When I reached 198, I realized that my goal, which was 145 (only so that I could be on the downhill side of 150 for the first time in adulthood), was in view. Because of that, I'm happy for you. (Never mind that at 198, I began regaining much of what I'd lost. I've recently resumed good work.) P.S. I was typing when you posted the good side of your cousin. There's much to be said for her.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NSV- not recognized

    You're the new woman in town. Were you delicately omitting mention of the cousin's obesity? That's my guess.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Greater New York Bariatric Surgery Clothing Exchange - Sept. 2016

    @@CLN.BK Folding is more than enough. I appreciate your asking and am looking forward to an in-person "Hello." You'll see that the exchange is a homey affair.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NY - NYC/Long Island

    SORRY ABOUT THAT. I FORGOT TO INSERT THE LINK INTO POST #201 Hello. If you're in Manhattan during the week and have too-large clothes to give away and need some clothes, the clothing exchange may be for you. The link will take you to the information. I've been organizing these free events since 2010, after losing my first chunk of weight thanks to surgery. www.bariatricpal.com/topic/376248-greater-new-york-bariatric-surgery-clothing-exchange-sept-2016/
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Greater New York Bariatric Surgery Clothing Exchange - Sept. 2016

    @@Alex Brecher, in that case, I hope you're in the city on the 27th. Thanks to you or whomever cleaned out the "under construction" note. So much tidier now. @@Dub, I hope you'll be local then, too.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NY - NYC/Long Island

    Hello. If you're in Manhattan during the week and have too-large clothes to give away and need some clothes, the clothing exchange may be for you. The link will take you to the information. I've been organizing these free events since 2010, after losing my first chunk of weight thanks to surgery.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Hello. If you're in Manhattan during the week and have too-large clothes to give away and need some clothes, the clothing exchange may be for you. The link will take you to the information. I've been organizing these free events since 2010, after losing my first chunk of weight thanks to surgery. www.bariatricpal.com/topic/376196-greater-new-york-bariatric-surgery-clothing-exchange-sept-2016/
  20. Topic for GREATER NEW YORK...CLOTHING EXCHANGE is now complete. If you're in the vicinity, take a look.

  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Non supportive spouse

    You don't even need someone to take you to the hospital; that's what taxis are for. You will need someone to fetch you home, however. You also don't need someone to stay around the house with you for day. If a friend or neighbor will stop by, great, but you should be pretty self sufficient while taking it easy. In fact, you're much better getting up and walking about to do things for yourself (no lifting, though). Your spouse is not the only one, as @@ojibway has indicated. It's often a matter of fear that, once the surgeree is slim, the partner will lose out to someone more desirable. That's one possibility. You can play with that to see if it's the case with your beau. No matter what, this is your life, your body, your health.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Did anyone Joe a personal trainer to assist them

    @@joei0005 @@OutsideMatchInside is correct about the quality of trainers. Those who fall into the "anyone can get certified" category have taken an online course and passed an online exam. Some will be more serious than others, but they still will be limited. Their training is geared to working with the general population, not people with specific concerns. I don't see that a trainer who has worked with WLS people is any advantage if those people have no particular physical conditions. if you have a mobility issue or anything else, then special training and knowledge would matter. In that case, you might look for a physical therapist who moonlights. It would take a bunch of phone calls, but you may find someone. If you're in treatment for an issue, ask the doctor or someone else on staff if they know of a suitable trainer. As to expense, it isn't necessary to have ongoing sessions. You can have one or two to get you started with a workout routine and thereafter a session each time you're ready to step it up. You may also learn enough to be able to increase your workout level on your own. A free option is sparkpeople.com. You can browse the articles and videos until the cows come home and learn a lot. If it's applicable, they even have a three-part article with a title something like "Am I too heavy to exercise?" The answer, of course, is a resounding "NO!" There's also livestrong.com, similar in breadth to Spark, but with which I'm less familiar.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Tried cottage cheese for the first time - help me jazz it up

    Splenda, cinnamon, a few drops of vanillla extract. Splenda and a bit of unsweetened cocoa powder, maybe a dash of cinnamon if you like. Other extracts that you like. Torani or other sugar-free syrups -- a spoon at a time until you reach the intensity that suits your tastebuds. Savory, too -- mix in herbs and seasonings that you like. Are unsweetened applesauce and pureeed baby fruits off the table, too? Any would help the cottage. Eons ago I came to think of cottage cheeese as something to eat when I'm sick. Since surgery, though, I occasionally mix it with the applesauce as a snack.
  24. http://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/ss/slideshow-weight-loss-surgery This WebMD item may be helpful to people considering surgery. It's a simple overview of each of the more common procedures and what comes before and after. As far as I know, it's accurate about each.
  25. http://www.webmd.com/children/news/20160822/to-keep-teens-slim-focus-on-health-not-weight The topic of teens' and kids' weight comes up often enough. This article may offer some insights and ideas that are new to some parents.

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