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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Before/After Pics RNY 14 Months Out

    I'm back. Your words moved me, too. I think this link will take you to a topic you'll appreciate and may decide to take part in. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/376938-share-your-best-story-of-someone-noticing-your-weight-loss/
  2. My best moment involves a stranger who noticed the effect of my weight loss, not the loss itself. During intermission at a play, my most colossally supportive friend was taking pictures for my weight-loss record. I'd just reached 198, down 115 lbs from my highest of 310. I was dressed to show that a woman's body had emerged from under the fat. For the first time ever, I was comfortable and eager in front of a camera. Instead of just standing for the shots, I was doing 'that model thing,' moving and swinging myself, then stopping in whatever pose was the result. My friend was getting impatient, but a woman who'd been watching stepped closer and said to him, "She's good..." Her observation was a thrill. Just as good is that, upon recognizing that I was about to protest, "Oh, you don't understand...never comfortable in front of a camera....lost a lot of weight...blah blah," I shut myself up. My full response to her was a big smile and a big "Thank you." @@Alex Brecher, tremendous topic. A chance for all to crow and laugh and get weepy, whether already "arrived" or "renewing vows" with a vengeance or seeking the energy to keep going or just starting. Finally, a "one size fits all." I'm reaching for a hanky.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Before/After Pics RNY 14 Months Out

    You've given yourself an amazing gift. I believe that you will make the steps to enjoying it to the max. Yippee!!
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Before/After Pics RNY 14 Months Out

    I do hope you find the way to internalizing that the babe on the right is really you. You're in for a treat. Where's your face? You're denying the rest of us a treat. Is that a tattoo on your foot? Has it changed now that it's supporting 100+ lbs less?
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    No luck at all

    Does it help to know that some cultures consider the sting of a scorpion a sign of imminent weight loss for the victim?
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Realistic Goal Weight?

    Good news! You don't have to name a number now [or ever]. It's your choice. Of course we think in terms of numbers; it's part of the culture and hard to turn off in our heads. I've very recently gotten to a place where I believe that my goal is to lose weight. That simple. Carving a number into my brain is too much pressure. I hope and expect that, when I reach the place where I'm satisfied with my physical state (aches, pains, slightly high BP/glucose/a1c and whatever else), the way I feel and the way I look, I'll shout, "Eureka! This is my goal weight and I am here!" Another approach is always to have a goal of losing 10 pounds or even five. Ten are manageable. One hundred or so, hmm, big number to contemplate.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bypass to band

    You might also want to try the surgery practice's support group. If there is none, call other hospitals in your area. They probably welcome "outsider" patients to their groups. I've heard of only one hospital somewhere that didn't.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Fabulous find for weight loss patients

    @@tobhappy&healthy, thanks for clarifying. It's the bunching I was wondering about. I guess these pin-buttons can be used only so far before the bunching becomes obvious. @@LisaMergs, thanks for the correction.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Fabulous find for weight loss patients

    Yes, a pin, like a pierced earring, that can be put anywhere on the waistband. That's why I don't get it. Because it won't meet square with the buttonhole, there will either be bunched-up fabric or fabric pulled tight. No? Have you actually used these pins?
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bypass to band

    I have a feeling that your situation is unusual. Revision seems most often from band to sleeve or bypass. A few years back, however, I met someone who did what you did. Whether the band is diminishing your appetite yet, are you eating properly to lose weight? The band isn't magical. We're still the ones who do the work. As you found with bypass, regain is possible with any of the surgeries. Has anyone taken time to be sure you understand that it can take several adjustments before the band becomes a working partner? The amount of saline in a band is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is having the amount that works for the particular individual. It's also true that even after a band is optimally adjusted, all can change. The band was long known as "the fickle bittch" for that reason. I can't say "don't be discouraged" because you already are. How about "look at it with renewed determination?" P.S. There's a brand new forum for people who have regained weight. You may want to take a look. I'll see if I can find a link for you and will be right back. Here it is. The forum is set up for any number of topics, but right now, this is it I think. There are other topics announcing the new forum, but they are not part of the forum. (I think.) http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/376815-wow-i-am-so-humbled/
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wow, I am so humbled

    I rarely take it for granted because of how often a post is intended for someone other than the OP. It's never seemed that a topic is the property of the originator and all others who post are just fish dangling in the wind. When I'm writing to someone in particular, I use the 'mention' thingie to be sure the person knows -- esp. if there is a bunch of posts between. I dunno.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Help me decide - got wedding menu for tonight

    "But will I like the bass?" I don't know if you will, but I think that Chilean sea bass, if not overcooked, is an elegant taste. Yes, elegant.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Fabulous find for weight loss patients

    i found a video in youtube for what I think you're talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SZd07A1yBU If that's it, it looks as though you have to remove the button that came on the garment and then use this "perfect" item along the waistband wherever you need it? It seems that it will never match up with the buttonhole. If the waist is too large, you pull it across so that something like an envelope flap will bulge. If the waist is tight, you place the "perfect" item at the ends of the band and it will miss the buttonhole. What am I not getting about this thing?
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wow, I am so humbled

    @@The Candidate, oops, I stand corrected. @@Babbs, never mind. At least I had sense enough to be puzzled by both your comments. And this isn't the first time in my life that I've tasted my foot. @@mi75, they are absolutely correct about your post.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wow, I am so humbled

    @@The Candidate, dare I think that you're speaking to me, too? I'm asking you and asked @@Babbs because I don't even understand what you're responding to. Thank you, though. Another thing I work on is not looking a gift message in the mouth.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wow, I am so humbled

    Are you talkin' to me? You love the way I evaded the blue ink. Seriously, if you do mean me, thanks, but I don't think I'll have no problem losing the regain and going beyond that. It takes diligence each day. Some days are easier than others and that's all determined by what I'm doing, scheduling, running around to take care of, etc. I also strive to avoid the word "only." Sure, I'd love a weekly drop of 5 lbs, but that's a lot for a lapband. If a drop is lower than would be reasonable to expect and I know I ate properly, I'll think no worse than "Next time may be better." One of the strongest motivators is seeing steady results. Seeing the number on the scale go down gives me that delicious smug feeling and makes me look forward to feeling it again. I stay mindful of what made me finally make an appt with the NP several weeks back. I wasn't feeling well physically and knew that my weight was a prime contributor. The way I look is also a major motivator. SEeing my reflection makes me feel lousy. I remember how I felt at 198 (and still intending to lose more) -- I was comfortable in front of a camera for the first time I could recall, maybe the first time ever. My most important friend took pictures of me from time to time as record of the changes. At 198, he got impatient because, instead of just standing and turning for shots from different angles, he complained that I was wasting time posing and flirting with the camera. How hot is that? He's also a motivator. He was supportive in a special, deep, quiet way and proud of me. He is again. At 198 I held my head high all the time. There you have it.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bananas are NOT a low carb food

    You can't have it both ways. Either she's not acting like herself or this is her status quo. She doesn't "...[have] to try make herself look" anything. Complaints about her mode of expression, thought process and personality should be addressed to her parents, teachers and others who had a hand in her upbringing.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Wow, I am so humbled

    [Though I'd like to take part in the forum regularly, it depends on whether it's ever added to my drop-down list options. I've clicked "Follow" and checked a little note about being instantly notified, but I have yet to discover where such notices appear. Under the little dialogue symbol at the upper right corner?] Highest weight 311. At first meeting, surgeon said she didn't care whether I lost weight prior to banding. I foolishly thought "Good! Reprieve!" Then, three weeks before surgery, it occurred to me to get started because I was serious. Lost about 10 pounds in the three weeks. 198 about 15 months post surgery. Super motivated to continue. Almost immediately an "event" threw me into a headspin. I stopped losing and very soon began to regain. Over time (don't know what period), got up to approx 270. On two occasions after that, managed to lose approx 25, but regained both times. In more recent months, began to think about it again. Actually went in to my NP in mid-July, weighing 263, and had my band tightened a tad. Weight now is about 250. My goal is not a number. It is to lose weight -- that simple. I'm so far from weighing a number that sounds reasonable and appealing to me, so I see no point. The goal to lose weight makes great good sense to me. To achieve this goal, I've resumed my old ways: Planning meals ahead, whether one day or more. All plans are subject to change, but it works for me to have a foundation as a daily starting place. I'm pleased at never having had trouble getting enough proteen from "real foood." Drinkks, shaakes, powdders and the rest make little sense to me and I'd feel not "normal" if I had to resort to them. This attitude applies only to me; no judgment of others I don't have a scale at home. (Is that a mass "Eeek!" I hear?) If I'm eating well, I know I'm losing weight. Seeing the numbers diminish means more than knowing an exact number. That said, I consider my surgery practice's (inconvenient location) scale as the source of accuracy; other doctor's scales (more accessible) show me consistency which, for now, is more important. On another note, I don't care about the number to the right of the decimal point. I did early in my lapband career, but long ago it struck me as ludicrous to insist on counting fractions when so far from a healthy, reasonable weight. All doctors seem to subtract two lbs for clothing and shoes. I don't bother with that either for the same reason that I don't bother with fractions. Exercise. Not much to say, much to my chagrin. If you're still with me, Hello!
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bananas are NOT a low carb food

    Do you recall way back when you wrote something indicating that you're a grown-up and I told you I'd thought until then that you were an undergrad? Now you know why. I'm in no way opposed to doing research -- I do it all the time -- but not when it's someone else's. Oh, let the old walruses put straws up their noses. Why is the topic always volatile? Do what you want, straw or no, and shut up.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    DNA testing

    @@meldoynia I find it super creepy when a doctor is a sales agent or "pyramid" participant for products. In my experience the fact that your surgeon's name is at the end of the link says that it is his role. I believe that the link, which I will not click, leads to his own little area and order form. Are you asking for opinions of the product or are you assisting him in selling? The phrase "...a DNA based customer (did you mean 'custom?') supplementation" screams of sale pitch.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bananas are NOT a low carb food

    @@madadams, have you forgotten high school already? A quotation requires the source or it's tossed out the window.. Whom are you quoting, please?
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bananas are NOT a low carb food

    Yes, bananas are not considered a low-carb food. That is precisely why I enjoy one-third of a 7-7 1/2" banana when I work it into my menu plan. The one-third may be sliced into cereals or mixed with 1T PB or almond butter and a splash of a complementary, sugar-free syrup, usually chocolate or gingerbread. It makes my mouth happy and does more for keeping me on track than would my being a martinet. Yes, we have bananas.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Tattoo Ideas

    Are you sure that you want to ask for suggestions? It may be fun to compare choices, but a tattoo is a personal statement. Only you know what appeals to your aesthetic sense and what you want to express. When the tattoo that's right for you presents itself, you'll recognize it. If I were in the market for ink, I'm sure that, were I to take a suggestion, I'd some time feel as though I had someone else's tattoo. No way is that acceptable to me. Your call, of course.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lap band fills?

    Make an appointment to talk about your slow-down and the possibility that you do need an adjustment now. If you don't use a food tracker, get busy. Take a week or two of trackers to review with the RD. You may think you can testify under oath that you're eating well, but there's room for doubt.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    When you can't visualize being slim.

    @@Ebony Rose, maybe it doesn't even matter that you can't imagine yourself in a smaller body. Your intellect will know it's so and you can work on absorbing the reality as you go along. It will help, I think, if you do wear clothes that fit, as @@OutsideMatchInside mentioned. If you don't fill in some new wardrobe when your sizes diminish, you'll in effect be denying that you are losing weight. That you say "usual fears and excitement" is positive. I predict that you will be wonderful with or without more of the usuals.

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