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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Scared of being denied....

    "Scared?" "Fear?" I don't want to spoil your fun, but wouldn't simply "wondering" be easier? Even worse, maybe, just maybe, the people at your surgery practice know something? Maybe, when they tell you that they see no problem with coverage, there will be no problem? If I were starting anew, I'd be chirping about all the positive prospects and leaving the doom and gloom behind.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Retried beans

    I forgot about the skins in homemade. Tried it once...once only. Agreed about the black bean. Trader Joe is the only place I've seen it, plain or with jalapeno. I don't detect jalapeno, though, and suppose there's very little of it. If you have a TJ, check for pureed black bean Soup.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Need support

    Instead of turning to food, why not turn to your strength that is evident, the part that guided you to lose weight, research and pursue sleeve surgery and get treatment for the foot problem? You're feeling worn down which is understandable. You're allowed a day to chill and feel sorry for yourself. Then it's back to taking care of what needs taking care of in a logical sequence. You don't have to do everything in a day. I think you already see that you have support in BP. As to in-person support groups, Boston, with lots of hospitals, is a good place. Call around or check their websites to get the meeting schedules. I've heard of only one bariatric practice in the U.S. that bars patients of "competitors" and that is somewhere in the Midwest. Some groups are well-organized and run by knowledgeable staff, others not so much. You'll decide which you'd like to attend again.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Feeling your green zone

    Too bad it's Saturday so that you can't go back to your original surgery practice before you head out to wherever. When you're at the 2-1/2 hour-away practice, see if you can get the full rundown on what a band is about and your role in reading it. I'd be doing you a disservice if I were to try to respond to anything but your final question. Frankly, you've written out things that someone -- me in this instance -- reading your post can't respond to for the gaps. I won't guess at what you do know and where you need more education. I say this not to be unsympathetic or put you down, but to alert you to the fact that you have more to learn. There is a learning process with a band and it can take a while as you go through the stages if you haven't already. The amount of saline in a band means nothing. The only thing that matters is the amount that makes the band an optimal weight-loss partner. For example, if you and I have the same size band, there is no reason to think we'll both do well with the same amount of saline. There are people whose bands were installed empty and worked perfectly for them -- never an adjustment all the way to goal. It's concerning that you refer to drinking/not drinking Water to wash a piece of chicken down. Banded people are told not to drink while eating and to wait 30 mins after eating to drink. Why would anyone here ask why you ate chicken? Is that your way of saying you're a week post-op and not yet cleared for anything other than liquid? See what I mean? If Monday's appt is not where you'll be resettling, please, please get yourself situated with a practice when you get there. Some hallmarks of the "green zone" are being able to swallow liquids and solis comfortably, given that you're not chugging or bolting food like a cat. That is, drink at a comfortable pace and take small bites, being sure to chew thoroughly. "Thoroughly" often means to puree, at least 25 chomps per morsel. If it sounds or feels tedious, so be it. The up side is that chewing food until it's dead a second time releases more flavor than you'd detect otherwise. Just hope it flavor translates as "good." Green zone also means being able to ingest enough to get a good percentage of nutrients. It's also about being able to eat the required amount of Protein, said amount being between you and your practice, but usually between 60-100g daily. Of course there are protein supplements, but that's an area I don't discuss. I just found a small card that came in the Lapband brand patient packet. It describes the yellow, green and red zones, the first indicated that more Fluid is in order and the last that fluid should be removed. The brief description (this card is a mere quick reference, no detailed explanation) of green: Not hungry; Good weight loss; Portion control; Patient satisfaction. It would be more useful if one knows the whole story of the "zone." That said, think about how your experience thus far measures against the skimpy description. Check the BP tabs, above, for info. There are also lots of resources, especially your new practice! I'm sure others with bands will stop by here to pitch in. Someone may even say I'm way off and think he knows exactly where you're at and asking. I don't like to take things for granted, lest I give bad advice.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    The only other time I heard "phosphates" was when I was a pre- or just-teen visiting the Thousand Island/Gananoque, Ontario, vicinity. The word has come to mind through the decades, but never heard or seen. Until. Where are you located that has you burping today?
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Retried beans

    Of course you would. "Spinach" is so much easier to spell. You could have a spinach salad right now. There you are, I said what you asked for. It doesn't mean you can or may have one, but I said it. Please put a good check in the mail. As to refried Beans, they really are little more than cooked and mashed close to puree. Some seasoning, maybe a bit of oil. Read the ingredients list on a can or google a recipe.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My epic fail, need help and support

    @@nprcowboy, oh, yeah, hard times, but the fact that you came here to talk tells you that you're in. If it makes an iota of difference, remind yourself a hundred times each day. You got to them before, so you can get to those lower numbers again. You can do this. @@Inner Surfer Girl is right on. Exercise is a great boost.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Sal, how can I not log in for you? Your gorgeous success is giving me a boost, as I began to work on my regain two months ago. You don't say where you want to be when you get there, but there is no way you won't arrive. I have one little quibble with you. You're shortchanging yourself. That current -.6 gets rounded to the next whole number. You've lost 301 pounds in any math teacher's book. I'm not even one of them, but I'm standing up for your honor. Keep it going.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How do I swallow all these pills?

    Also consult the pharmacist about crushing. Not all things can be crushed. Consult, consult, consult when there is no score mark or instructions on the vial or bottle. You can't be too thin or too rich and you can't consult too much. With all due respect to my BP compatriots, I wouldn't even pay attention to "My pharmacist said...." People may make typographical errors, misunderstand what their pharmacists tell them, be poor communicators or worse. I don't care who it is.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How do I swallow all these pills?

    Not all meds can/should be split or opened. Generally speaking, tablets that are scored can be split. Before cutting anything else, though, consult your pharmacist. Same for opening and sprinkling the contents of capsules or altering other types. Some things, if split or opened when they shouldn't be, can burn going down or just become ineffective.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Between a rock and a hard place

    It's very common for a job-hunter who has prior plans (or wants to do something before starting a new job) to discuss a reasonable postponement when a job is offered. People do it for vacation (and are truthful about it, but careful to say the arrangements had already been made) and other purposes which they usually refer to as "vacation" or something not so personal as WLS. Or, if you don't need the security of having a new job to go to before having surgery, have surgery as soon as you "pass" and do the job-hunt thing around it. My sympathies on losing your job.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My epic fail, need help and support

    This is epic turn of events, not "epic fail." As my beloved internist once said as I left his office having wept for no particular reason, "It's too bad." He meant it's too bad that the universe pitches depression into the laps of some people: "You're IT!" It's my non-professional but quite human opinion that managing the depression takes precedence at the moment. Of course I understand how the weight regain plays into the whole thing, the nasty cycle. That's exactly the basis of my opinion. This isn't to say not to see your practice's RD, as already suggested. SInce I have no idea what a typical day is for you, I'll say that structure has an important role in succeeding. Tracking food intake not only lets us know how wisely we're eating, it fills some time.I also find that meal-planning tells me that I have control and choices. Attending the practice's support group meetings adds structure. So does any and every other activity that gives us, well, structure. There's a new Bariatric Pal forum called "Regain [something-something]." It should be in your drop-down under Forums -- General Weight Loss Surgery Forum -- Regain... It doesn't appear in mine (I'm that special), but I was sent a link to it. I'll post now and come back to edit in the link for you just in case. ------------------------------ Here it is: http://www.bariatricpal.com/ forum/1261-regain-and-back-on- track-new/
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NSV: Massage

    You're a shadow of your former self, a mere slip of a lass. This is the sort of NSV that makes weepy.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I need advice about my ex-girlfriend.

    I wasn't aware that you'd never met, my responsibility for not having read the entire story. You have my best wishes for making a wise decision and figuring out what kind of life makes sense for you.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    People that not happy for you

    At least some of the negative comments are coming from people who are anywhere from chubby to obese, right? They have a vested interested in encouraging you to remain one of them. The others are simply ignorant. How do you deal with that? You don't. You deal with what you need to deal with for what is in your best interests. The rest doesn't matter. Just be aware of who your real friends are and confide in them. If you're not sure, they're the ones who smile and laugh when they hear your enthusiasm and progress.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Negative comments - not "fat enough"?

    @@Jim Paulette, you don't have to explain anything to anyone. Your body, your health, your life, your choice. Not only that, but I'll bet that more than a few of them are considerably, indubitably chubby. Never heard of pounding sand, so I'll choose to alternate between "keep marching down the beach" and "go use a litter box."
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I need advice about my ex-girlfriend.

    You'll do what you'll do, but if you "ask her how she feels," be aware in advance that you'll be playing her game, dancing her dance. If you're "most likely" [ahem] going to end contact, why does it matter how she feels? Don't look for ways to torment yourself. Don't let her reappearance cast a shadow on your weight stuff. They are separate issues and you don't wan to hand over what makes you feel so good. Never hand over to anyone what makes you feel good. Anyone who would actually accept such a gift is worth neither the gift nor the giver.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Fabulous, colossal, magnificent news.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I need advice about my ex-girlfriend.

    I've read only a sentence here and there. They are enough to tell me that this woman is to be avoided. Too much baggage there. She doesn't know what she wants. She knows what she wants. She wants everything. She wants nothing. You're not a yo-yo. You're not an experiment. You're not a rug upon which to fall back. Don't be strung along while she's trying or not trying to understand the mystery of life.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Psych. Eval.

    You want to demonstrate that you understand the risks of surgery (any surgery); that you are capable of understanding and following instructions from your surgeon before and after the procedure; and that your expectations are realistic. That is, that you understand surgery is an aid to weight loss, not a magical mystery ride, and that it will take time to reach your ultimate scale goal; weight loss doesn't happen overnight. Having meds that work for you is a plus.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    New Doc, new Nut tomorrow!

    @@mi75, I suppose I thought you'd moved, hence the new practice. Now it seems you haven't moved. Why were you planning to switch practices?
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bariatric Fusion Meal Replacement Shakes - What flavor?

    You can do anything for two weeks.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Bariatric Fusion Meal Replacement Shakes - What flavor?

    I don't know the product, but if they don't taste pretty, you can dress them up, a.k.a. disguise them, a bit with whatever complementary extracts, sugar free syrups, unsweetened cocoa powder, a smidge of instant coffee powder (I bought a tiny jar and still have most of it in the cabinet from 2009). Whatever else may come to mind. The Cappuccino may be a good bet. With dim memory of the brand I used (Muscle Milk Light powder* -- the pre-mixed had a musty, used taste and odor), the chocolate was okay and the vanilla was second best. banana passed when I added something. I'm not suggesting you switch brands, just thinking that the "basic" flavors are safest. I'd avoid fruit flavors, expecting a hideous, artificial taste. I actually like the chocolate. Remember, no matter what anyone responds, it's all a subjective crap shoot. * I had perhaps three each day and a modest meal.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    FINALLY - I have a surgery date!

    @@KristenLe Your friend sure does have much to learn. No bloody marys, but margaritas up are fine. Hold the salt, though.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    The night before.....

    "The night before..." And all through the house...? Now it's the night after. See how quickly you're moving along?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
