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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    I had endoscopy a couple of weeks ago and felt like myself as soon as the anesthesia had completely worn off -- perhaps half an hour -- but didn't feel at all bad before. Went out to lunch with the friend who fetched me from the hospital. Throat was barely sore for a day or two -- similar to the feeling you get when a cold is coming on. I think I also had a slight bruised feeling with no visible sign at my lower lip or somewhere that the equipment pressed during the procedure??? I seem to recall taking a nap when I got home. All in all nothing worth discussing. It seems to me that if one thinks about it after waking, it's worse.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    To my Jewish friends here...

    Transliteration is a puzzlement. I've only seen "sameach," but your version works just as well. I like your screen name. Oy, a zaftig, Jewish SAT essay question? Now I'm verklempt.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What is an NUT?

    Oh, how I wish that was the case. I got referred to a NUT who was a complete nut CASE. Yup, that's why an RD is the reliable route. A NUT in its SHELL can be a bad thing.
  4. Slap me silly. I thought I'd hit a plateau, but no-o-o, I simply slowed by loss by several days of bad eating. Isn't it funny that smart eating works? Maybe I needed the goof because I feel reenergized to do this right.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      "Snacking?" What's that? Never heard of it. Never ever.

    2. Cervidae


      It was the pumpkin tortilla chips from Trader Joe's that finally got me... :'(

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Early in my lapband career I was able to measure out 1/2 ounce or a full ounce of chips as I planned meals. Then something changed and I couldn't stop, so I stopped buying them for the rest of the time that I stayed with the plan. I don't know if I'd be able to control it now, so I won't take the chance on buying chips yet.

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Has anyone tried simply fit board?

    That's the little teeter-totter stand-upon board in the "But WAIT!" commercial? It doesn't seem to do anything that a hula hoop and the twist can't and the latter is free.
  6. I much prefer the illegal kind.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Golly gee, I wonder why that is?

    2. LipstickLady


      NO CLUE. I'm innocent.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Mark Twain, one of the writers who can/could have had me, wrote "Innocents Abroad." I shall borrow from him -- "Innocence: A Broad."

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    What is an NUT?

    You may want to look up the difference between a "nutritionist" and a "Registered Dietitian [RD]." Some of the former know their stuff, but there are no standards for using the title. That is, any imbecile can hang a "nutritionist" shingle and perhaps be dangerous in the process. I like to think that anyone working in a bariatrics practice is an RD.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Brussels sprouts on parade

    @, curry sounds good there.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Brussels sprouts on parade

    @ -- Cauliflower, one of my favorites, also likes to be roasted. Carrots and white turnips, too. If you roast a mixed up bunch of vegetables, you'll have a festive-looking dish on the table.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    To my Jewish friends here...

    @@Inner Surfer Girl and @@Alex Brecher, Useful video aside, any self-respecting child will somehow break open a pomegranate (mothers come in handy for this) and put its eager little face right into the fruit to extract several bits at a time. ISG, the sweet-tart taste of the pulp is a good contrast in many whole-meal or side salad combinations. Even for an adult, Alex, where's the fun in buying a container of seeds? You must now choose your punishment, either a refresher bar mitzvah lesson or walking the plank. I no longer put my face in. A spoon does nicely.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    To my Jewish friends here...

    Not all noodle kugels are created equal, but a bissel of a good one is one of the reasons to live. L'chaim! (@@LisaMergs, no doubt about yours here.)
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    The Losing Battle

    If you do an online search for 'stress eating' or 'emotional eating,' you'll get countless links. Two things you might try: shrinkyourself.com (Book) THE BECK DIET SOLUTION, Judith Beck, PhD. She has a later book with a similar title that includes an actual food plan not geared toward WLS people; that's not the one I'm talking about. The first book is about eating to lose weight while dealing with emotions and making decisions. It's best to start from page 1 rather than hopping around. Do the exercises, including writing out the cards.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Hope I finally get some restriction after my second adjustment.

    If your second adjustment does it for you, great. It can take more than two, though, so be aware of it and keep your expectations reasonable. There's no need to "starve" yourself to lose weight. Plan meals ahead and choose your foods wisely and you can be nicely fed. Most people and practices refer to "fills." At mine it's "adjustments," which makes more sense because of the occasional need to withdraw saline. Is it remotely possible that your surgery was at Columbia?
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    To my Jewish friends here...

    @@proudgrammy Kathy, you referred to Lisa and i referred to both of you, hence, the 111 and the 99. Two odd numbers, huh? You'll get your goal. You're that kind of woman. @@LisaMergs, it doesn't sound crazy at all. There are many aspects that anyone can relate to. Let's not forget the fun parts, either. I'm glad I never liked latkes to the point of refusing to eat them as a kid. (I found out several years ago when making a vegetable pie with a grated-potato crust that it's the texture of grated potato that's the turn-off.) I'd eat only the applesauce and sour cream, still a treat to me.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Disappointed with weight loss

    @@cbonet -- How is it hard not to compare people who have nothing to do with you? If you insist on comparing, maybe it will cheer you up to think that they'll hit a stall very soon. You went into this wanting to lose weight. That's exactly what you're doing. How bad is that? Often our first mistake is to "expect" because the unspoken word that precedes it is "unrealistically." We can want what we want, but what we get is what counts. You, Miz C, are getting countable, i.e., measurable results. Enjoy it. ******************* P.S. You rascal, sneaking in there a few minutes ahead of me. I came back in to reassure you that the big-girl pants will decrease in size as you go along.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    You're asking a question that is beyond broad. Why not do your research so that you can ask specific questions. Even better, you'll know what your questions are.
  17. "...whether I should have...?" "Should I have...?" Who wrote The Book of Should? You seem to be doing all the right things. Your body will work as it will. There should be magic and I should have a spacious apartment with a large terrace overlooking Central Park. Eighth floor. And the Dutchess County weekend house set on several acres overlooking the Hudson. You're doing well.
  18. Q: "Why does the lapband fail?" A: Because it doesn't study. (If you missed it, I'm entertaining myself.)

    1. laceemouse


      bwahahaha, good one :)


  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Measurements Done

    I don't know what a Jolly Joe is, but I know a hot tamale by the whites of her eyes. If you're going to call me "kind," be sure that you're smiling.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Ladies : Did any of had your period during surgery?

    Not weird; try harder. @@AmyD102 spelled out your first answer. As to being uncomfortable, the good news is that you'll be knocked out for a little while; you won't feel a thing. It's most unlikely that the pre-op diet affects cycle. Emotions are more likely, so if you're atwitter about surgery, you may have a change. f so, It could be sooner or later, so just let it be. Topmost is the unlikelihood that your cycle will be thrown off. Stiff upper lip.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Do you tell your friends or not?

    Play Doh latkes won't cut it with your friend? It sounds as though your friendship with this woman certainly will be tested. You can go out to dinner with her, but you'll be ordering what makes sense for you. Prepare yourself by checking the restaurant menus on line beforehand. When she notices your weight loss and change in meal choices, she'll grill you. If she ridicules or gets unpleasant, you can remind her of the comment on nothing wrong with being chunky. Agree by saying you'd never judge anyone's choice and also make it clear that you want something different for yourself, including health and ease of movement. She'll really get grumpy if you mention appearance. Or something like the above in your own words. Be prepared, though. She may be history after a while. It happens.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Measurements Done

    Stop that. You're a hot tamale at any weight. After a little while, you'll just keep getting hotter and one day will change your name to Tamalia.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    To my Jewish friends here...

    Same to y'all. All i knew is "l'shana tovah." Live and learn. I am non-religious Jewish and treasure my heritage as a history and a culture. @@proudgrammy, 111 lbs and 99 lbs, respectively, of schmaltz gone?
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Concerned family members

    As "they" say on the street, you're a grownass woman. You make the decisions for your body, your health, your appearance, your life. If your parents are obese, it's a factor in their reluctance. Not your problem. Since it's your parents, you probably don't want to tell them to flip off. You can give them your reasons in the few words and tell them that their love for you should make them happy for you because you're happy..
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nearly there!

    It's probably better this way.

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