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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Back in the race

    If that's the way you feel, then it's to be expected. There's room for the full range of emotions, so wear them proudly. Use the ones that are useful and grind down the rest. 2017 is going to be your year for as long as it's on the calendar. Then on to the next and the next and so on.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    She spoils me!

    @, The shrimp would have to go, too. (You'd have to pry them from my cold, dead hand.) Only creatures of the Water that have scales and fins are permitted. You are bariatrically kosher, though, as you say. Watch the amount of cream cheese for its high fat content. Nothing at all wrong with seasonings -- rosemary and lime juice to your heart's content. Oooh, your filet was perfectly cooked -- rare. Alas, not kosherly kosher. There's something about meats having to be well done. I'm not positive, but, if correct, it's probably similar to the prohibition against dairy and meat at the same table. The reason is lovely, but don't mess with a good cut of meat. L'chaim! You're doing so well.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Intense Desperation and Fear

    Should have been "Surgery is neither..."
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    She spoils me!

    You call that kosher?
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Intense Desperation and Fear

    What might happen if you were to think of surgery and losing weight as the logical route to what you want for yourself rather than as a test, where failure probably is one of two options? If you made those past attempts because you thought you had to lose weight, no wonder. We tend to start and stick with the things we want, not the things we tell ourselves we have to do. It's a matter of choice rather than some notion we impose on ourselves. I don't see that "desperation" really is at play. Even if you weren't to lose weight, would your successes in school, career, marriage and family come crashing down? Be negated? I doubt it. To answer your specific question, I didn't go through your emotions because I came to WLS in a different way. What I know as a human being is that you'll do best if you allow yourself to be human. Early results are a wonderful source of energy and eagerness to keep going. This doesn't mean that there may never be a challenge. Real life is still in the air. You'll give yourself the best chances if you keep working now on the underlying issues about weight and how they relate to other areas of your life. Surgery isn't neither weight-loss magic nor psychological magic. It's an aid, a partner, if you will. We're the ones who must put it to use.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lack of energy, itching incisions and port issues

    When body position is changed -- e.g., sitting to lying -- the port does seem to change places. When I want to find my port (sometimes it's obvious, sometimes not, again because of whatever position I'm in), I think I'm finding it in different places. If I recall correctly, the port actually is fastened in place so that it doesn't really migrate around at the end of its tube. The "heavy" feeling you describe may be because you're still healing. Sure, mention it at Monday's appointment just for your peace of mind. I think you're in good shape.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Lack of energy, itching incisions and port issues

    You'll rally. Healing and bouncing back takes a little longer for some. Feeling the port isn't so unusual. You do mean that you feel it when you touch your midriff, yes? If you still have plastic tapes over the incisions, all you can do is apply some gentle pressure when the itching acts up. When the tapes fall off without help (I'm assuming here, of course), you'll be able to apply some soothing lotion. Sorry, but I can't think of one. Or call your surgeon's office. It may be that you can apply some lotion over the tapes without causing them to fall off prematurely. (I can't recall at all how long my plastics stayed on.)
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Newly banded

    I've never heard of "healing hunger" and can't imagine feeling hungry at all right after surgery. But that's neither here nor there. When I was banded it was still standard to install a band with no saline. That's changed, as you know. It doesn't mean that you won't need an adjustment or perhaps more than one to get your band to the point of being your ideal dance partner. I say this not to discourage you, but so that you know what may come. There is no one-experience-fits-all. I knew one lucky chap whose empty band was all he ever needed. You may find that, as you meet others with bands, its fun or interesting to compare saline levels. Be aware, though, that the amount of saline in a band means nothing. What is significant is having the amount does the job. You'll be fine.
  9. I'm in a good mood. Take cover.

    1. Sai


      I'll hide and take cover, but I'm glad you are in a good mood. If you warn us when you're in a good mood, I'm terrified of your bad moods hehe. :)

    2. LipstickLady


      I **AM** always in a good mood. That doesn't mean I have to spread it.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Sai, I'll give you fair warning. You'll be safe....@LipstickLady, are you doing what's called splitting splinters? )I just made that up and have no idea what it means.)

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Negative reactions from friends/family?

    The relatives who are being negative have no say in anything. This absolutely is your body, your life, your health, your future, your decision. You never asked their permission or advice. The extended family doesn't get a vote in this election. Tell them as much if they harp on it again. Give your most affectionate smile as you say it. You can get away with anything short of a punch in the gut if you're smiling. I'm having fun, so I'll put it another way. Think of this as your bat mitzva: TODAY YOU ARE A WOMAN.
  11. It says it all and more. Good for you.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Surprise supporter

    Come to think of it, the shrink may be on to something. Fire him and lose 200-ish lbs simultaneously. Tell him I said so.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Surprise supporter

    Send the shrink to me and I'll cosh him with a darning egg. Tell him I said so.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Not feeling full

    "Full" means "overate." It's an uncomfortable feeling. In a perfect world you will feel satisfied, meaning something like thinking, "Hm, I could have another bite or two, but I don't need them."
  15. @Alex Brecher, that survey? Go to your room without any supper, you're grounded.

  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Tracking troubles/accountability

    There's no philosophical, psychological or sociological component, no mystery of life to it. No one likes to clean the bathroom. People do it anyway because it's good to have a clean bathroom. Tracking food is that simple. Having a complete record of one's eating not only makes for accountability to one's self, it's a good tool if rate of loss slows. By looking back over food choices, it's possible to spot areas that could use improvement. As to your fear of others seeing your trackers, the truth is that no one really cares. Sure, the bariatric staff is happy when someone is doing well, but when people slide off the road, it doesn't change the lives of the staff. After high school, professors didn't give a damn if students didn't complete assignments. With regard to homework and eating, we're not all that important to others who aren't our intimates.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Left leg weakness

    Yes, call your regular doctor. This weakness in the leg is not related to surgery and it does need to be examined.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Favorite Recipes?

    There is a forum for sharing recipes. You can find it by going to the Forums tab, above, then General Discussion which takes you to food & Nutrition. Under F&N you'll find the recipe-share heading.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Filled? Discomfort? Satisfied?

    Discomfort means you've overeaten or eaten too fast and perhaps not chewed thoroughly. In a perfect world you'll feel satisfied. You might think you could eat another couple of bites, but Eureka!, you don't need them.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Eating to cope with loss/ fill void

    Emotional eating is emotional eating regardless of the underlying factors. You can do well to see a cognitive behavior therapist. You may also want to get a book, THE BECK DIET SOLUTION, Judith Beck, PhD. She's a CBT practitioner and teacher. You want her first book, not the later one with a similar title and which includes a food plan not directed at WLS people. If you do get the book, start at page one and do the exercises as you get to them. There's also a website, shrinkyourself.com, the child of another psychologist, Roger Gould. He, too, has a book (what a surprise), but I know nothing about it.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Help me - I think I am going a little crazy

    Sorry, can't post now..
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    To my Jewish friends here...

    Fun is prescribed. Here's just one from Uncle YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBTfGXw69HY
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Microwave Popcorn

    I've never known an office where microwave popcorn wasn't banned because of the stink. I wouldn't allow it at home either, never mind that I don't use a microwave and have no fondness for popcorn of any quality.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Brussels sprouts on parade

    Is this the best place for this post? While a status conversation on the joys or evils of Brussels sprouts is going on, here's a whole bunch of recipes. Many aren't particularly weight-loss friendly, but they can be altered. Some are just right. http://www.purewow.com/food/Best-Brussels-Sprouts-Recipes
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    After dinner snacking.

    One thing to look at is shrinkyourself.com.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
