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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Black poop

    @@skinny_knees, I'm glad you brought that in. It's something I'm unaware of. Nevertheless, @@GSleeve822 probably should get checked out because of the other joy she's been experiencing. Can't hurt and peace of mind goes a long way.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Got approved! But don't know where to start

    @@laGata15, it sounds as though you're on your way. Again, my best advice is "deep breath" and big ol' calendar. The latter is a variation on childhood arts 'n crafts. It's cathartic and free in its way.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Black poop

    I would call my primary, internist or gastroenterologist first thing in the morning. Black stool usually indicates blood and should not be ignored. Also mention the six months' of swings between diarrhea and constipation, which may indicate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), not the worst thing. I don't intend to scare you, but urge you to make the call with no further delay. Don't waste time online, as things you'll read may scare you unnecessarily.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Friend found out

    That's what you tell her -- simple, honest, to the point. Don't make it bigger or deeper or worse than it is. You don't even know if she's been back to your instagram to know that she's now locked out.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Got approved! But don't know where to start

    You got a letter and a call from whom to say that you've been approved? If you mean your insurance plan, I'm guess I'm surprised that approval was given before labs and upper GI results. You don't need "like" a set schedule. A schedule will do nicely. To say that you're not one to schedule your life can be followed with "I'll start now." Surely you've had appointments and assignments to keep track of before now. Don't inflate this into a larger thing than it is. The ideas are big, but the preparations can be made to fit into your hand. Deep breath. So that you really really really take charge of each step, try a couple of sheets of oak tag. Make huge calendars on which you'll fill in every detail. Include appointments, Vitamins, days to buy things you'll need as you go along, when to start any pre-op diet you may be given, etc., etc., Put these calendars up on a door. If two sheets, one month each, aren't enough, turn them over when you get to the third month. I used only one, but it worked for me when I felt overwhelmed pre- and post-op.. Picking up the magic marker almost daily gave me something to do -- sort of an anchor. I thought I'd do a "last supper" thing. While I was deciding how long it would run and what fooods would be on the days' menus, it occurred to me that a last gorge would serve no purpose. We don't remember the things we eat. Instead I used the time to wield my magic marker and make lists in a notebook. That was productive. Pack clean underwear and a toothbrush and toothpaste. If you forget the last two, a nurse will provide. The rest will occur to you. It's an overnight hospital stay, not a cruise on the Danube.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My Job-

    No one can make the decision for you. Above I suggested that it depends on how much you want to fight. I'm getting the feeling that you would rather not fight. If I'm wrong, I did suggest above that you speak with the person who actually handles the insurance submissions. Tell her/him that you'll get the paperwork from your previous practice. Let the new insurance person tell you whom else you may need to speak to in the new practice to eliminate the nonsense. It may be the surgeon. Let them know that the snotty woman is insisting you repeat things you've already done, that it makes no sense and that you don't want to duplicate your expenses for no reason (I'm thinking that you have co-pays or expenses by any other name). This practice should submit the equivalent paperwork from the last practice. Get on the phone today to get all the paperwork from the last place if you don't already have it; you probably should have it anyway. I'm also going on the assumption that you haven't changed insurance plans. If you have, that could change everything, in which case all that I've written is wasted.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My Job-

    The "snotty lady" is an imbecile. The psychologist and the psyh evaluation are independent of any particular surgeon. A psych clearance is a psych clearance. If the snotty lady is not the one who submits all the paperwork and request for coverage to your insurance company, you need to speak to the person who does. If it is she, then what you do next depends on how much you want to fight. I do suggest, however, that you be the one to make an appointment with the new psych and, at the time, mention that you've already been cleared in connection with your previous surgery practice. The new psychologist wants the income, but may have ethics to do the right thing, i.e., tell the office to work with the already-existing clearance. Understand, @@hudjess, that I'm saying all this on the belief that you shouldn't have to repeat the process, but have no formal or other documentation to back me up. It's a matter of common sense. Surgery is surgery and our mental and emotional states are our mental and emotional states. A patient won't be more psychologically fit with one surgeon over another surgeon. P.S. There's also a chance that the new surgery practice will derive some income from insisting on a new psych eval. Dicey ethics.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NY - NYC/Long Island

    @@ginabee38, cats are welcomed. If you mean surgically, this month is my seventh anniversary (with straying). If you mean geographically, like @@gowalking, I'm in Manhattan. If you mean mentally, way far out. Not really; it just fits in so nicely.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NY - NYC/Long Island

    We can aim for any time -- pre-op, post-op, in-op! Wouldn't that be different?
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My Job-

    @@hudjess, when it comes to clearance for surgery, psychologists are interchangeable. It's not as though you were a patient of any one psychologist who was going to clear you. If you saw and paid for the first evaluation, it's yours. Get the written clearance from the old surgery practice or contact the psych directly. You are the customer and the already-existing clearance letter or form is yours. Tell the new surgery practice to sit on a tack. None of these words, of course. You already have clearance. Be firm and sure when you make the calls. Damned jackasses.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Second thoughts, op next week :(

    @@lisaloop123, are you serious? If you really do plan to continue eating as you've been accustomed, don't waste your time with surgery. Don't waste the surgeon's time or anyone else's time. It's your choice-decision. If you want to lose weight, go ahead with surgery and do your work. There's no law that will require you to eat sugar and choklit. It may be that something has just upset you and shaken your confidence in your ability to develop a new outlook and new habits. There are many options for learning to deal with unruly emotions. If you need more time to sort out why you pursued surgery and want[ed] to lose weight, get busy. Pen and paper.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Losing weight = less fatty liver?

    It has always been my understanding that the purpose to losing weight before surgery is to reduce the amount of fat on or in (I'm not sure which or whether it's both) the liver. When we lose weight, we lose fat everywhere. The liver, when fatty, is rigid. Reducing its fat makes the liver more flexible so that the surgeon can maneuver it during laparoscopic surgery and more easily reach the organ(s) that is(are) to be operated on. When the question is posted in BP, there are always a variety of responses, some covering more territory than others. You might ask your surgeon for the correct, complete answer.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Nothing wrong with doing some research and asking your doctor to clarify anything that you may not understand. It's the responsible thing to do. How is wanting to know the meaning of a diagnosis the same as "blowing it out of proportion?"
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    No longer answering these questions:

    @@Bufflehead, There's another sin perpetrated thrice daily that I no longer pay attention to: The questions that are non-questions. After many months of training, I've finally conquered the impulse to click into an item in the Recent Topics list if the title communicates nothing. Starting with "A question" or "Help me" is the best way to have me skip away. I no longer take time to go in only to find a post to which I can contribute nothing or prefer not to take part. If people want to be taken seriously, they owe the courtesy to state up front what they seek.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Cooking for the fam, post-op

    Cooking is cooking. There are no limitations to creativity. The acts of peeling and chopping and slicing are ever cathartic. Good cookware opens more possibilities for creativity and pleasure. Why look for ways to think smaller beyond your body?
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Anyone eating with no restrictions

    If you're near any hospitals that do bariatric surgery, call and ask about support group schedules. It's unlikely that you'll be barred for having had surgery elsewhere if that's the case. If you really mean that you worry about everything, not only things related to surgery and losing weight, there's - ahem - help for that, too.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    No longer answering these questions:

    Death, taxes and Bozo alerts. Not all of the repetitious, annoying and futile questions always seemed so. Among my faves are those on "What [product] is your favorite?" Who cares? If I like one, does it mean that someone else will? To the newer people: Understand that anything becomes tedious. You think your questions are brand new. There is no such thing. You don't even have to dig deep into the website to find the hundreds of others. Simply look screen-right at the lists of recent and current topics. Eight times out of 10 yours will be right there.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Hang in there, everybody!

    @@mi75, the infinitely varied responses to the loss of an important person are fascinating. Your offer of support to others now is so very generous and wise in that it will bring support to you. I think your father would be proud of you. I've posted this poem a couple of times when it seemed especially relevant. It speaks to what you're expressing here. Epitaph By Merrit Malloy When I die Give what’s left of me away To children And old me that wait to die. And if you need to cry, Cry for your brother Walking the street beside you. And when you need me, Put your arms Around anyone And give them What you need to give to me. I want to leave you something, Something better Than words Or sounds. Look for me In the people I’ve known Or loved, And if you cannot give me away, At least let me live on in your eyes And not your mind. You can love me most By letting Hands touch hands, By letting bodies touch bodies, And by letting go Of children That need to be free. Love doesn’t die, People do. So, when all that’s left of me Is love, Give me away.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NY - NYC/Long Island

    @@gowalking and @@ginabee38, I'm up for it, too.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    NSV: Keeneland

    And your horse in the 5th, a long-shot, came in first, paying 218-1. Not a bad day at all.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    @ -- Not I, but, yes, you are a stinker. I suggest that you begin atoning tomorrow evening. Start 18 minutes before sundown.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Hello 300's!

    You look wonderful. You look happy. You are happy. What a day! P.S. I promise that I didn't read the note by @@Unbridled until after I hit "post." It's just that great minds....
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My surgery eve is here!

    @@Ebony Rose, it's great that you felt like posting what seems only minutes after surgery. You are going to be a champion every step of the way.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    BIGGEST NSV yet!

    Whew, as I was reading, I worried that you'd put up the photo of you outside your van at the customer's place. I don't mind reading about your butt in the wind, but I assure you that I do not want to see it. Stay Kosher. You rock. So does that little thumbs-up cutie-pie.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    She spoils me!

    I like and eat pork despite the fact that it has no scales. Speaking of which, 7 in 6 days is hot stuff.

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