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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My cheat..

    I have a big spaghetti squash casserole in the refrigerator. It turned out well. I also use unadorned SS with various other items in omelets, often fresh tomatoes, spinach and one cheese or another. SS is also wonderful plain as a side veg -- its own taste is nutty, bright and lively, like a fine wine without a wine taste. @@LipstickLady, 100% on the "cheat" stance. Little children sneak around to cheat. Grown-ups choose. No, I'm labeling no one as a child, simply stating a view of a 'concept.'
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    VET'S FORUM. What the %^&* is going on around here?

    @@LipstickLady sez "%^&." Spell that. Someone wrote in one of the recent flying fish-fry topics that it's a wonder that some people pass the psych evaluation. I wrote the same a while back, but more to the point, that some IQ and reading comprehension testing might be better indicators. The resistance and tantrums are frustrating to vets and others who have a grasp of reality. Magic-seeking seems to be an organized sport. WLS and life overall have always been this way and will remain so. Ain't much to be done about it. That's why it's necessary to walk away from time to time. At least regroup and re-energize before the next attempt to help. Rx: Fresh air.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Debating referral

    "Will I or won't I?" Let me repeat that, when you know in your bones what you want, when you'll stand on your roof and shout it to your neighborhood, you'll have your answer. This isn't to say that it's always smooth sailing. As a human being, you'll find some days more challenging than other. That's okay. Each surgical practice and each medical plan has its own requirements. A psychologist (psychiatry isn't necessary) isn't a bad idea at all. Your husband sounds perfect. He can't make the choice for you; he respects that it's your body, your life, your choice. His comment implies that, whatever you decide, you'll have his support. Yes?
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Debating referral

    Ambivalence can be paralyzing or, probably more accurately, is a device some of us use to stay put. The alternative certainly seems making a decision, but there's another route that worked for me. I can't even recall how or why the idea of surgery first occurred, but I was no where near ready to say "Yes, this is for me." In order to begin exploring the possibility I chose to play any head game necessary to take any step at all. All along the way it was "Just do [this] to see what it's like and then you don't have to do anything else." The first move was to attend an info seminar: "Go see what they have to say, what it's like, and then you won't have to do any thing else." Okay, that wasn't so bad. Next was an initial appointment with the bariatric practice -- same thing, "Go to the appointment, see what it's like and then you won't have to..." Each subsequent step followed in the same pattern. Finally, when I made appointments for endoscopy and [gulp] colonoscopy (both required probably because of my age, but I don't remember for sure), I knew I meant it: No one consents to endoscopy or colonoscopy just to see what they're like. My whole deal was walking backward toward the OR. When I actually walked in, the entire crew was robed, gloved and masked. Each person turned toward me with a rousing greeting, making me feel as though I'd arrived at a surprise masquerade party in my honor. My best suggestion to you is just attend the initial info seminar and ask questions. Going to the practice's support group can also be helpful -- hearing others' experiences with the ease of face-to-face communication helps, especially since more questions will occur to you as time goes by. (Certainly bring your questions and concerns here, too.) My other best suggestion is to begin a running, handwritten list of reasons (a nice notebook) beyond the healh concerns you mentioned. Add to the list as new things occur to you. Keep each reason narrow in scope, e.g., "So that my favorite gold chain hangs lower instead of fitting like a choker" instead of "So that necklaces look better on me." Another might be "To wear size 6 knickers" instead of "To wear smaller sizes." No reason is shallow, silly or vain. Certainly include the health considerations and any/everything else that has significance to you. Each reason/goal should be what you want for yourself for a lifetime. (There are those who'll squawk at me, but I think that reasons such as special occasions, e.g., weddings, are solid for the long term. They have expiration dates; the wedding lasts a day and then what?) Then, as you lose weight and achieve the goals, you can check them off in your notebook. When you have clearer clarity (?!) on what you really want and why, you'll know that you can do anything. Even better, you'll have confidence to make the choice.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I HAVE NO FRIENDS! (Sad face!)

    Never did I think it was intentional, but funny indeed especially because it was a typo.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I swear this place is

    Hence your screen name? Or "I Can't Believe It's Not Better?"
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Thought on buying clothes

    @@busybeebug, yipes, get out there and buy the coat. You can't hide in the house all winter. At the very least, you'll be able to get to your therapy appointments! Git! Here's a kick in the pants! (You know, I hope, that I don't really think you'll hibernate.)
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Thought on buying clothes

    I have no opinion on what you should do because it's not for me to spend your money. If, however, I see a jacket that I like and I intend to keep losing and said jacket is marked down 75% and I think it will be in season when it's a good fit, I'd buy it in a flash. I'd probably buy it even if I had no idea whether it might be a good, in-season. If I'm working my plan, I don't feel insecure about my progress. If I'm watching my spending, I'll buy one jacket, not five. First and foremost, though, getting excited over things is a sign that we're alive. Excitement and enthusiasm are happy-making. To stifle it is to give up. Feel the life-affirming feeling even if anxiety is part of the mix.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Fried chicken

    When I eat ice cream or rich cream based soup, I get sweaty, chills, and I immediately have to poop AND vomit at the same time. It sucks. Thanks a fuckin' lot. Now sit in a corner.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I HAVE NO FRIENDS! (Sad face!)

    Oh, hell, @@Diva Taunia, okay, I'll be your friend, too. Whatever possessed you to click on me earlier, whether deliberate or at random, be advised that an in-person friend says that I'm an acquired taste. I disagree. You didn't pick the best day. I didn't have coffee or Breakfast until 4 p.m. only because I kept distracting myself with this 'n that. Now I'm thrown off as to lunch and dinner. As someone who mostly pre-plans meals, though always subject to change, I get a little crabby if I have to rewire my brain for the rest of the day. Maybe I'll take a page from @@Djmohr and crack open a bottle of wine or something. Anyway, Howdy to you. @@Mary Burdick -- It's more possible to be on the wrong planet than the wrong forum. The website is mostly a free-for-all, as you may have noticed the past couple of days. This particular forum, by the way, is General. If you put your arrow on the Forums tab, above left, you'll see the all the options. Pick and choose as you please whenever it pleases you. Git in there and kick asss. @ wrote: " "Everyone is your fiend here..." Sums it up well.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Newly banded

    @@Sai, thanks for the explanation. Not having a lot of acid, I can't imagine mimicked hunger because of it. I have enough to do stopping myself long enough to determine whether I'm feeling real hunger or the emotional variety. A weight-losers work is never done.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Fried chicken

    @@LipstickLady, you I believe on this -- dumping, that is. It's just that, when attending info seminars and other surgery groups and the online options, I'd heard about it only as a result of bypass surgery. Now I see that I don't know what actually happens when one "dumps," so I'll cease and desist. I also suspect that I'm happier not knowing.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    No longer answering these questions:

    Yes, but only if you have surgery every fourth day as a safety precaution.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    Yes. If Pirate-san had put it that way.... Don't tell him that I'm saying this, but I do believe he's a good, sound, sane man who is a good sweetie. (He knows it.)
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    @@OKCPirate, I'm no wing clipper, just responding to the wing span. I also thought you'd detect a little humor. Alas, it fell flat. I'm packing up my eggs and exiting.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    My friend, you've really put your foot in it now. Let her lead? Let her? Couldn't you have advised the men to relax, too? it's just a human-people thing for either party to make a plan because something of particular interest is going on. Rats, there it is again -- the Male Only label. Why doesn't it ever show when I first look into a topic? It's a trap, I tell you. Just a defenseless, little girl....
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    Pirate!!!!! What have you been reading? Who are the women you know? Yeah, it's nice to keep things simple when they don't warrant back-and-forthing. What's the dif' between a woman's suggesting a restaurant and then wondering how the suggestion is being received and a man's having a Plan B if the woman objects to his first suggestion? Same thing, different name. Are a woman's responsibilities and challenges in life so paralyzing that she can relax only on a date? I'm stopping here. After this: Little things do mean much and I like when a man skips the aforesaid back-and-forthing waste of time -- and I'm also capable of same -- but you've described details of biblical proportion.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Don't comment with slick remarks

    @@Armygalbonnie, what a wonderful, goofy, silly cartoon.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Fried chicken

    @@mallnut, "dumping" is a specific term that applies to bypass surgery. I've never heard it used in connection with sleeve and I understand that it doesn't apply. It has nothing at all to do with lapband. As I gather, it's got something to do with inability to digest sugars and some other things properly; because of the nature of the rewiring, they run through the system most unceremoniously. Don't take my word on the action as gospel, though.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Why all the judgement

    @@Capricorn86, no, there is no magic in WLS, therefore, no perfection. You made a mighty sweeping statement. I surmise that you're referring to something specific? Specificity would help if you're seeking responses. If you just wanted to have your say, that's fine, too. There's the "Rants & Raves" forum if you like.
  21. Jeopardy taught me something this evening -- that bourbon is made from corn. I like bourbon, but never knew its origins and it wasn't until the quiz that I realized I'd never even wondered. Isn't moonshine made from corn? Does that mean that bourbon is a fine version of the likker that's made beyond the eyes of the revenooers?

    1. OKCPirate


      I had work in KY. Great history and legends in the industry. Its also huge in Ireland and Scotland I love visiting wineries too. My visits to Napa were great. In NY there is this one. http://www.tuthilltown.com/ Nice heavy rye bourbon

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Gardiner is only about 2 hours up the Hudson, a nice area. Hmm... It might happen. I had no idea there's production in NYS other than the wineries. P.S. Because you mentioned jazz in Djmohr's status on wine, I mentioned a film that might be of interest to you.

    3. OKCPirate


      Thanks for letting me know about

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Don't comment with slick remarks

    @@OzRoo, you were right all along! Vinasu, it definitely sounds like something that should have been dumped in your husband's lap, er, plate. I've neither eaten nor heard of this concoction, but maybe you should be glad it wasn't another fabled dish: Lutefisk. Your in-laws and their countrymen should be jailed for abusing beets and horseradish.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Half the Man I Used to Be (Literally)

    Half the man and twice the stud. I salute you.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Just curious

    . having computer trouble. Maybe later.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How insensitive...

    Flowers and sweets are the most common, token gifts for anything involving medicine. People order one or the other without even thinking. In the case of sweets, the sender never expects that the recipient will eat the whole thing anyway. It's more about having nibbles on hand for visitors. I'm sure you know from your own experiences in sending such gifts. Your boss had good intentions regardless of who actually placed the order. @@NikkiRT, it doesn't even matter. You have far more important things to do and think about, yes, no, maybe? Deep breath. Be well. Smile. For your own well-being. .

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