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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    So disappointed in myself.

    @@BrookeTiffani, yeah, yeah, lots of people misstep, but that's irrelevant. If all it takes to start you wailing and wringing your hands and walking away from something you started and claim to want is a few bites of junk food, you need to rein yourself in. Emotions that are way overblown usually are self-serving, self-important and -- yikes -- self-defeating. Simply tell yourself that you goofed and will devise little ways to keep yourself on path. It should make you feel less than hysterical. Hunger at your stage is, as you might guess, common. Water helps; flavor it up with crystal light or similar things or anything else on your "may have" list. You've done harder things than this in your life. You can do this.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Talk to me about Salad!

    If you want raw and are chewing to mush, you probably have your answer: On a good day, up to 1/4 cup at a sitting or stick to cooking what is cookable. You don't name any of the vegetables apart from salad items that you've tried. If any of them have fibrous outer layers or simply peels that are commonly eaten, have you trimmed those layers away? Because the band can behave differently at different times for no apparent reason, wait and try at a later date. You may have better results then. Maybe not, but there's only one way to find out. A life of fresh foods sounds lovely, but, now that you have me thinking about it, I'd probably miss conveniences like canned, peeled tomatoes for making sauce. Plenty of other things, too, I suppose.
  3. I hope you're kidding because the topic title and opening post are pulsing with ironic, offbeat humor. You may have written what would be an award-winning infomercial for bariatric surgery. Colbert, Oliver and the rest will be clamoring for you.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How LITTLE saline can be removed from band?

    After an insanely long period of undoing most of my good work with the band, I went in to my practice in July for a fill. It's worked well since in terms of signaling when I've eaten enough. solid food is easy, but liquids go down hard whether cold, tepid or hot. I seem to be feeling more uncomfortable lately than I did in July and think a slight unfill would be wise. I'm hesitating, though, because I'm pleased with the food signals with the amount of saline I have now. Question before I make an appointment, Has anyone experienced the same difficulty and, if so, how much/little did you have taken out so that you could drink without being unhappy? I'm wondering if removing .1cc might be too much, leaving me with diminished satiety signals for solids. I know this is really a matter of trial & error, but the situation is new to me, so I'm feeling somewhat like a novice. Thanks.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    No more weight loss

    @@cheryl417, you're dealing with a lot that I know nothing or little about, but I do sympathize. My best suggestion now that you've put matters in the hands of a lawyer, is to put your energy toward healing and finding a solution(s) so that you can lose more weight. The possible medical malpractice is now the lawyer's job. For you to make an 'emotional career' out of that part of things will, at best, get you nowhere or, worse, make you feel worse.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    No more weight loss

    Great suggestion. I don't know how many PCPs are knowledgeable (unless also specialists in GE), but a good Gastro is. Any gastro should have learned a lot by now, given the many years bariatric surgery has been in existence. Good grief, they sent patients to have their stomachs and intestines mucked with by surgeons long before anyone thought of procedures for weight-loss alone.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How LITTLE saline can be removed from band?

    @@Sai, you have to kiss a lot of medicos to find a good one.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Long Island Meet up!

    I hope you have a great turn-out.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Questions for your surgeon

    I'm stuck at #8. It's not a medical question and, unless you can answer it for yourself, you'll do well to work on it until you can. There's more than a chance that challenges will always be lurking. Not caving in depends on making smart food choices, taking responsibility for the choices (we "choose," we don't "cheat") and learning skills to cope with the devil that may dance on our shoulders now and then.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Is 100 grams of protein too much for a woman?

    100g Protein is safe. The Water you've been told to drink is, among other things, to flush the kidney nicely.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Positive motivation: I will not miss...

    You've all gotten me so teary. You're gorgeous creatures, every one of you. I'm not ready to post a list in this topic yet, having reversed much of my good work and gotten serious about reversing the reverse only a few months ago. I shall return.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    One odd fact about you

    @@Who'sThere, I've heard of twins in utero being absorbed by the other, but never with details such as you gave. It certainly is interesting, but creepy, too. Sad even moreso. @@shedo82773, that's a new one to me. I know that longer middle toes are common and that it's also common for the toe next to the big to to be longer, but never heard of feet like yours. It sounds as though you know of no one else in your family who has that, but there probably was someone in the past few generations. @@proudgrammy, I know you well enough to have said to myself "Pshaw" when I saw "4 million." Beside, the Pinocchio nose that sprouted in your photo gave you away.
  13. @@WLSResources/ClothingExch @@RNMomof4 you two are such smartie pants LOL thanx for your info/explanation GMTA kathy Except that you and @@RNMomof4 read it as the tiny, plastic suture (old-fashioned stitch) substitute while I read is as old-fashioned stitches. To me the word "sutures" means real stitches. My take on it probably is too narrow. And I can't fathom a surgeon placing a long strip of tape over steri-strips (if those are the tiny plastic suture bits). What do I know?
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How LITTLE saline can be removed from band?

    @@Sai @@Julie norton @@bayougirlmrsc @@addiesbigdaddy Thanks, all. I had a feeling that no one would report having adjustments only in hundredths of cc's, but I was hopeful. I'll describe what I'm experiencing to the NP and we'll work something out. Of course I'd prefer a one-time deal to get it right. @@addiesbigdaddy, best wishes for good progress. Before July's esophagram, which showed the barium passing through properly and the band in proper position (a subsequent endoscopy for an unrelated reason showed no erosion, which I'd been thinking was among the negative possibilities), I suspected that the band may have had its day for me. If my plan would have covered revision, I'd have chosen sleeve. As it is, I am very happy for the opportunity to keep the band. Apart from being a little too tight, which isn't a fault with the band itself, I'm good.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Oh for f**k's sake!

    GW, that so many things in life are a trade-off is a bittch. Knowing nothing about steroids, i hope the rheumatologist can adjust the dosage or prescribe an alternative. You don't really want to bite the doctor's head off. It probably has a too-high fat content.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    If 130-140 is what you want for yourself irrespective of your boyfriend (that is, if you'd never met him), fine. That's your answer. If your ideal would be a lower weight, will you feel true to yourself if you instead aim for what you think he wants you to be? You are the only person who will ever live inside your mind, heart and body. They've got to be the right fit for you. This applies to all of life's decisions, not just weight. It seems to me that a solid relationship involves one partner being supportive of what the other wants for her/himself. In your opening post, you implied that he's negative about any loss. You need to determine if that will work for you for the long run. When you are sure of what you want, you'll "know how to approach this."
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    You're talking about your body, your life, your health, your.., your.... No one who is not you has a say in the decision. There's no "dealing." If you want to lose weight and he wants you fat, he's the one who either must change or walk off into the sunset. Be sent off into the sunset is more like it. You're ahead of things because you understand that the surgery will not lose weight for you. You're the one who does the work with surgery as a support system.
  18. @@MickiinFL, if pulling the tape hurts all that much, why not leave it until it starts peeling off itself and try then?.. It's likely that gauze wasn't use instead of the tape because it would do nothing to help hold the edges of the incision together @@proudgrammy, what you're describing makes me think that you, like I, had the individual plastic bits (can't recall what they're called) that are used in place of sutures. The OP's description suggests olde-time sutures covered with a single length of tape..
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    It's highly unlikely that you did damage or you'd know already. From now on, do yourself a favor and stick with the liquids or whatever you were told to do until you have clearance for the next phase. Your stomach and other abdominal organs were subjected to an invasion 72 hours. They need R'nR.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Cheated 5 days after my sleeve

    @@jenniferbook902, you did not cheat. You made a choice. If you can understand that, you'll have a new tool in your toolbox.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Is this yogurt okay to eat? Nutritional info below.

    Before I give you my take (opinion) on this yogurt, I'd like to suggest that you make an appointment with your bariatric RD to discuss how to make good food choices, how rigid to be when you make them and how to read nutrition labels and ingredients lists. I'm going on the belief that your surgery career is young and feeling a little overwhelmed and cautious. You wouldn't be alone in that. Better to get some peace of mind and confidence than to feel unhappy. Whatever I write below is opinion, but opinion that has served me well. Beware of opinions from many quarters. Loads of input from many people may might make your woozy. Another reason to run things by your RD -- not only the facts, but, again, guidance on making choices on your own. Also keep in mind that I'm not advocating foods that you haven't been cleared for yet. That is, if you're to be on liquids, don't grab a sandwich just because it will make you mouth happy. It probably would do that, but all the rest of you will mutiny. I'm going to disagree with the knowledgeable Inner Surfer Girl on this one. The yogurt you're asking about, approx 4 oz, is only 40 calories. You'll be eating one container, not dozens. If it makes your mouth and your mind happy and will help you stick to your overall plan, I say "Go for it." Check the ingredients list. If sugar, corn syrup and such things aren't listed, sugar isn't a concern. If the popsicles contain real fruit, such as the yogurt, they contain the natural sugar of the fruit rather than the added sugar you want to avoid. Empty, to be sure, but only 15 calories. Again, you're eating one, maybe two, not a lifetime supply at a sitting. If the mouth is happy and a yen is satisfied, I still say "Go for it." When I plan my meals and Snacks, I consider not only my daily calorie limit and goals for protein, et al., but I also take into account that I don't want to feel under a sentence of punishment and deprivation. Losing weight should be joyful on all fronts.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    @@OKCPirate wrote: I love trying to figure out women and my GF in particular. Not claiming to have figured everything out, and ultimately everyone is the same, in that we are all different (But SGC, remember, women have to put up with men, so it's a two way street.) Line #1: [a] give it up, and does she know? No scalpels allowed. Line #2: that says it all Line #3: as an aside, a woman and her two young daughters, different from each other except for their confidence, presented a product on Shark Tank. Part of their promotion is intended to describe the sisters and their target market, other young girls: "Equally different." Couldn't be better. Line #4: Easy. Enough men are as complex as amoebae.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My cheat..

    @@grasseschic, whenever you're cleared for all the ingredients, this butternut casserole is wonderful according to my tastebuds and those of anyone I've ever made it for. Of course ignore Katzen's number of servings; for WLS folk, it yields more than 4 or 5 servings; you'll see for yourself. I don't get why people sweeten already-sweet things like winter squash and sweet potatoes. The contrast of the savory ingredients here makes it. I have the original cookbook (from the 1970's I think??) Any way I got it in the 80's. The recipe may have given a choice between yogurt and buttermilk, but I can't say how much of the latter. If you make this, read first, as Katzen never listed ingredients in order of use. http://www.molliekatzen.com/recipes/recipe.php?recipe=arabian_casserole P.S. It's not a high-Protein dish, so a smaller serving may work best as a side dish.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    My cheat..

    It's far less "recipe" than improvised hodge-podge. The strands of prepared spaghetti squash mixed with as much basic tomato (marinara) sauce to suit the cook's taste for sauc-y-ness level; part-skim, shredded mozzarella and part-skim ricotta, then baked until the mozzarella was melted. Alternately I might use grated parmigiana instead of the others. A good mix-in would be cooked/squeezed-out/chopped spinach and/or mushroom slices, or just about any veg that complements the SS's taste. If you're not an improv cook, google "spaghetti squash recipes" and you'll find thousands. Something completely different from "Italian" style might appeal to you.

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