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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Food scale

    A foood scale is important at home and let's not forget the measuring cups and spoons. Being civilized is also important, perhaps moreso in public. You don't have to do your weight-loss thing in a way that will make you feel imprisoned or foolish. Most of the slides in the link pertain to weight-loss surgery folk and will be a good guide for determining portions. Some are excellent for the objects that approximate specific serving sizes. There are other sources of similar info, too. http://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-serving-sizes Vigilance is good especially early in the WLS process when people do most of the learning. Overdoing it tends to make people unhappy. There is a happy middle ground. Just my opinion. Do what makes sense to you.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Had to do a double take.

    You're adorable. Children and cats must follow you everywhere. From cats, it's especially high praise. You're Bella's funnest mommy and I don't even know whether Bella is kid or cat.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Free telephone support group call

    At first googling, all I spotted was the facebook link, not your own site. Thanks. Now I have more googling to do! This is the first I'm hearing "licensed bariatric educator" and "certified bariatric coaches." Interesting how things keep evolving.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Being thin

    You can anticipate, speculate and imagine all you like, but you'll not know the feeling of what's to come until it hits you. There are the obvious, concrete experiences, such as having wiggle room in a theater seat. For the rest, you'll be in for surprises. Why not enjoy the awareness of your eyes widening as each surprise arises? I love to prolong the fun of the discoveries. Your choice, of course. We all see things differently.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How to put an image (photo) into a post?

    forget this one
  6. I copied a photo from another site and would very much like to post it in BP, but don't know how to get a url as demanded by the box that opens when I click the little 'image' icon that appears at the top of a post entry box. Right now I have the photo in my downloads and in Windows Live Photo Gallery. Someone please spell out instructions in simple terms. Thanks, darlings.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Food Tracking Confusion

    Yes, if you don't know, reweigh or remeasure by volume as suitable. Simple.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Endoscopy Tomorrow

    You wanna be sedated, just like the song. Maybe a sore throat for up to a couple three days, maybe not. If so, it may even be as mild as the slightly annoying feeling that often precedes the common cold. Maybe a slight bruising around the collarbone or upper shoulder(s) from being leaned on during the procedure, maybe not. Nothing eventful, nothing that will keep you from going about your usual routines.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    First Fill

    Mine hurt when I was pierced by the needle and that was all. I wasn't scared, but many people are. To me it was more of a curiosity. I lie on the exam table and do a slight crunch to make the port more accessible. As soon as the needle is in the port, I relax my body. Some practices do fills under fluoroscope so that they have an image of the port under the skin. It's routine at some offices and at others only when an individual's port is harder to stick. It was interesting to me to learn through the years that ports are all over the place. Mine is approx 5" above and 2" to the right of my belly button. One person told me that hers is high on the left, above the breast. I dunno.
  10. @@kraek9, most surgeons and practices demand a liquid diet, but not all. The purpose in losing weight before surgery is to reduce fat in/on the liver. Fat makes the organ rigid and, therefore, somewhat difficult for the surgeon to manipulate and bounce around in order to work on the organ(s) the surgery is about. Less fat = more flexibility. My surgeon didn't care if I lost weight before surgery. A few weeks before, though, it occurred to me that, if I were serious about the whole undertaking, I'd get started right away. The practice sold some liquid product (a shake sort of thing) or recommended a couple that were readily available elsewhere. The one that I'd have ordered from the office would have cost me about $300-$400 and the recommended brands were almost as steep. I was advised to eat one very most meal daily and have three (I think three) shakes of my choosing. I happened to opt for canisters of Muscle Milk Light powder. If, by no liquid diet, you mean you're expected to lose weight by another method, it comes down to pretty much the same thing. Lost weight is lost weight regardless of method.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    If food was a true comfort, you are a member of a minority. When most people, me included, finally take a hard look at overeating, it becomes apparent that comfort had no place. What I got was numbness, a turning off of what I wanted to be comforted against -- usually boredom, occasionally a response to an incident. What are some things that give you real pleasure and a sense of freedom? Singing, painting, gardening (well, not right at eight days after surgery), bike-riding (same temp prohibition), watching yourself with one eye on a mirror as you read Andrew Marvell aloud, making out (which knows no season)? Turn to whatever it is that makes you feel satisfied without putting you in a stupor. Maybe there's something you've been wanting to learn because it excites you. I'm talking real, soul-satisfying excitement and fulfillment....whatever makes you feel alive, creative and connected to the universe.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Ummmm, Pre-Op weight loss and already receiving benefits.

    Dare I ask if it's all the smiling women that you don't mind or my presence?
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    BIG Insurance upset

    I wish I had helpful information, but all I can offer is a good wish for finding a solution.
  14. I've lost 23 lbs since restarting my band three months ago. I'll take it. This month is my seventh surgery anniversary and I'm working not to be down on myself for having messed up so badly. I'm the one who messed up and I'm the one who will tidy up.

    1. OzRoo


      Awesome loss and Congratulations on restart!

      Wishing you continuing great success!

    2. Sai


      I love you too (but you already know that too hehe) @WLSResources/ClothingExch

    3. blizair09
    4. Show next comments  51 more
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    First Fill

    I guess two weeks isn't unheard of, but four-six are pretty standard. I don't recall how long I waited (this month is my seventh surgery anniversary), but it was no fewer than four. weeks. Another thing is that some surgeons are more aggressive than others.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Ummmm, Pre-Op weight loss and already receiving benefits.

    Women everywhere are smiling again. Oh, rats, again, the guys' room. Why isn't the label in a more prominent place? I'm out.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Fears that be...

    If you're feeling even a little trapped into surgery, what if you first recognize that canceling surgery is within your power? I'm not suggesting that you cancel, but rather that you be fully aware that you're making a choice, that you do have power. Having fears isn't unusual. Change is scary, so scary that the fears are "normal." Fear isn't the only thing you're feeling. Take a look at the portion of your post in bold type. You're feeling happy anticipation. You express confidence in being able to follow through. Your wanting to give hope says that you want to be visible to be a positive part of the world, to engage in it fully. It's okay to be fearful because, at the same time, you're looking forward. Never pity your former self. Without her, you will not have gotten to where you're going.
  18. What do you do when there's no "there" there?

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Agreed on the reaction to his reply. Whether it was surreal or lunatic, it made me want to inhale.

    2. OKCPirate


      Yeah, I think I'm going to have to roll a fatty on election night.

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      I may take a page from your book -- a fatty or, if necessary, a midnight training goin' anywhere...beyond U.S. borders. North.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I really need help

    Use the "Surgeons" tab above to look for surgeons in your area. Call their offices to ask about making an appointment to discuss your band and, if can still work for you, how to get the most from it. People here at Bariatric Pal can do their best to help you if you put your messages in one place. You can choose the appropriate place by reading through subject headings in the "Forums" tab above. By the way, weight-loss surgery isn't like sewing a coat. Sleeves are not "put in." Gastric sleeve surgery is a matter of taking out.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Plastic surgery

    You can still call it, i.e., weight loss, off. Did you read my note with a somber eye? I was pointing out that losing weight is one of the choices in life. Sometimes it involves trade-off and sometimes the cart precedes the horse. @@Who'sThere put it another way: "...borrow worries from the future." Why would you want to do that to yourself?
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Free telephone support group call

    I'm not a registered user of Facebook. The site seems not to give me full view of your page because of it. Please let us know more about you. In no particular order: What/who are you? What products do you sell (I noticed the "shop" button)? What are your classes? What are your credentials? Do you have a professional connection (e.g., are you a contractor) with any surgery practices? Are all of the classes and support offerings free or is it only the telephone support group? Don't let my accidental screen name make you wonder. I do a free clothing exchange program for WLS people in my area and, when I get word of something out of the ordinary that might be of interest, I notify my email list of people who've had or will have surgery. "Out of the ordinary" is rare.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Plastic surgery

    @@kblanc, yes, it's a terrible, terrible thing. Maybe you want to reconsider and stay at your current weight?
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Coffee creamer

    I'm under the impression that products called "creamer" contain no food ingredients except for sugars which is why I've never tried them. Ages and ages ago I got into a habit of fat-free, evaporated milk and have stayed with it. Because it's evaporated (concentrated), it has more calories (without being high calorie) than fresh, non-fat milk, but it's got body, unlike fresh non-fat which is anemic in coffee. If you decide to try it, be aware that, for the first day or two, it may taste a little funny in coffee. It took me that long to not notice. I'm talking "funny" the way half-and-half tastes funny to someone (me) who'd used whole milk. In a pinch I use 2% fresh milk. The fact that it provides a few grams of Protein is a plus in my book. 25 cals per 2T; 1g protein per T (This isn't a recommendation, as I have no idea of your tastebuds. Just telling you what I use.)
  24. How many does the cur have? @@Steven1954 wrote: "We all get older. The sexiest part of our bodys are our minds." Are there any more like you at home?
  25. Stephen Colbert? John Oliver? Sure you do. Yes, no, maybe? (There's a Jamie Oliver, but he's a TV food guy.) Cabbage Patch kids had great names. I was wa-a-a-a-y too old to buy one (and what would I have done with it?), but, because I knitted a lot of clothes for nieces' and friends' kids dolls, co-workers gave me one of my own. I kept her (don't recall her name; it was typical of her species) and finally gave her to another relative's kid born years after the craze.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
