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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. I had body composition analysis done today for the first time. Yipes, I've got plenty more work to do. It was a surprise, though, to be told that I'd still lose if I were to eat 500 more calories than I do. No way will I up my maximum, but had no idea about the higher number.

    1. Sai


      Great :D. That's awesome to hear that you have that leeway (i.e. 500 cal more). Scales are so one dimensional, I really should get tests done, I think it'd be really helpful to know at least my RMR.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Sai, in my book I do not have 500 calories leeway, not that I want to use, anyway. My goal for my daily range is 950-1150. On a day when I may lose myself and overeat, it'll be good to know I haven't done damage, I suppose, but I don't want to slip into that. Staying within my range is also a way I know that I can follow through on my choices.

    3. Sai


      I completely understand. :D.

  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    When can I have peanut butter?!?!

    The Great Peanut Butter Panic of 2016. Why not just call your practice's RD to ask about it? I can't imagine that it's 'forbidden' by your practice. I eat peanut butter happily, calories and fat content be damned. It fits into my food plan because I limit the amount and include it in my food tracker as I do everything else that goes in my mouth. As Lucy said, "It's so tasty, too!"
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Should I tell my housemate?

    What did you tell him about the weight you lost before surgery if you did lose weight? Because he's not seeing the really weird liquid-puree phase, you can delay telling him about surgery. When he notices the small amounts of food in the Goldilocks bowl, tell him that you want to lose weight. When he notices the rapid rate of loss, talk about surgery or wait for him to ask. If you don't tell him, he'll either think surgery or that you're seriously ill. By then your entire circle will have noticed that something is going on. People talk, but not always for the sake of idle gossip. You don't have to tell the whole group, but when someone is living under the same roof, it's probably more trouble to stay silent than to open up. As to your friend/his girlfriend, I dunno. Maybe tell them together and add that you're doing so out of respect for their relationship, but that you'd rather it go no farther. Now and then we just have to trust in the people we've chosen for our lives.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Shoulder pain

    Yes, probably most people. Primarily left side. Walk, walk, walk. Over the counter stuff with names like Gas X or gas strips. It will evaporate when it evaporates. Maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks. No way to know.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How Do You Fight the Effects of Food Advertising?

    No food advertising affects me. Even ads for tortilla chips, which I can get into, go by barely noticed. So many ads hawk chain restaurants and fast/junk food chains, only one of which ever interested me, but for two years only. I wouldn't eat McDonald's when I was young. Somehow I got into it, taking it home about six times a month. At the two-year mark, it became distasteful again. That was 25 years ago. I love a burger, but it's got to be a good one. I used to visit another state a few times a year. Early during that time, only chains were in the area. After my second chain meal (which was Olive Garden), I'd sulk while out to eat with my hosts. When some real restaurants began to spring up, I cheered up. Re fast food again, the only bite of Kentucky Fried chicken in my life nearly had me in tears: How to remove it from my mouth discreetly when surrounded by co-workers? (Swallowing gets rid of the taste faster than does spitting.) The soda ads leave me cold, as I forgot about soda several years ago. Boxed products, the kind that get added to fresh foods to create - voila! - luscious dinners, have never been in my mouth. I'm trying to think of an ad that challenges me, but nothing comes to mind.
  6. The only explanation for some of tonight's stuff would be poltergeists, but Halloween is still a week off and we're months from April Fools.

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      Hmmm. I must have missed something...

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @High functioning fat man -- Be happy for it. Never look a gift missed-something in the mouth.

  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Blood clot prevention leg compressors

    @@dallasloser -- That's a question for your surgeon. I won't be surprised if, because of your walking, you're told to retire the stockings, but ask your surgeon.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Do You Take Caffeine after Weight Loss Surgery?

    It may or may not apply to you, but I found that the type of roast doesn't affect me. Some brands that are most ordinary (Maxwell, e.g., and another used in an office) gave me stomachaches. @@higher - Uncle Google will provide whatever is available immediately.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Great NSV and you couldn't have made a better choice. The creativity, intelligence and vibrancy are almost overwhelming. The documentary, "Hamilton's America," is equal to it.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Do You Take Caffeine after Weight Loss Surgery?

    Caffeine? Intravenously. Tea is still on the list, 'though I haven't had any in quite a long time. No soda. Before surgery I lived on diet coke perhaps to the tune of three 64-oz. bottles a week; I don't recall exactly, but it was lots. Thinking that I should follow the advice to give up soda post-surgery (despite being tempted by the fact that one of the more well-known local surgeons who is banded remained a soda-drinker), I experimented with letting the diet coke go flat. I'd pour glasses and let them sit in the refrigerator for a few days. The first taste told me that it was the taste I liked and that the bubbles meant nothing. Sounds yucky, doesn't it? Several months later I took a sip (from a newly-flattened glass, you see) and was repelled by the taste. It's been more than six years since soda has passed these lips. Champagne and other sparkling wines still make the cut and always will. You'll have to take the glasses from my cold, dead hand.
  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Crushing medications

    You won't be able to do this immediately after surgery, but when you are cleared for sugar-free applesauce, it works pretty well. Same for a little yogurt or cottage cheese once you're cleared for those. Sorry, no cheerful suggestion from me for when you're on liquids only. Maybe you can mix Crystal Light or similar product into the Water. It still won't be fun, but perhaps better than plain water. Or any of the other liquids (but not hot ones). Some prescriptions should not be crushed or, in the case of capsules, opened. Check with your pharmacist about each of yours. If you get "Don't do it" as an answer, talk to your prescribing doctor(s). They may tell you it's okay to stop whichever drug for a short time.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    One odd fact about you

    @@Diva Taunia - That's interesting. I didn't know that Aretha has had surgery.. Then again, there's no reason I would have known.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I felt like everyone was staring at me at the gym

    Except for times I've been on stage or a participant in some sort of public do, I've never been all that important to strangers who were in a place because they were all that important to themselves. Even under the circumstances, I in no way think I was all that important to them. @@gustavio -- It may be that someone was watching you. People who watch break down this way in no particular order: 1. Those who recognize a beginner and admire the beginner's choice to take on new challenges and make positive changes. 2. Those who may wish to compliment the beginner, but hesitate because they think it may be too personal. 3. Those who you remind of their beginning and how good they felt about it. 4. Those who are turning their faces in your direction because the motion is part of the exercise they're doing at the moment. 5. Those who are thinking "Look at that out-of-shape, obese, useless creature." Those one or two are self-loathing and, more to the point, don't deserve notice. They're on their own, deservedly so. 6. Those who will eventually approach you to wish you the best and maybe even offer some tips on good form. 7. Those who've had WLS and are further ahead. They are among those who cheer for you. a few may even wonder if you've had surgery, but that's merely an occupational hazard of sorts. There are others, but why don't we all simply tell ourselves that we have a right to be in the gym? That it's good to be in the gym? Better yet, why don't we take our asses to the gym to do gym things and leave it at that?
  14. To the "I lost only" gritchers, this is your speed: “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.” -- the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh. Just do what needs doing.

    1. Kathy812


      Wish there was a love button -)

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      If you want to love Winnie the Pooh's philosophy of life and have no button to express it, why not reread the book? That's LOVE.

    3. Kathy812


      Great suggestion!


    4. Show next comments  48 more
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    @@pensanefloetry, I'm sure I'm going to repeat at least some of what's already been written to you, as I won't take time to read all the messages. Your partner is being selfish, wanting to deprive you of a start in changing your life for the better. I'd think that she'd want you to go ahead even if she's sad about her delay. Both of you have been a little short-sighted. Having surgery about a month apart makes good sense. She'll be in good shape to give you a hand when you need one while you're healing and you'll be healed enough to do the same for her.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Need Some Feedback/Advice

    If you eat properly, you won't gain after the band is remove. Remind yourself that you're an adult who can make the choice. Your panic is just another obstacle you're erecting. Apart from that, a lapband does not cause anyone to gain weight. It's the individual's choices and the ways in which the individual deals with difficult times and events in life that add on pounds. The same holds for VGS (not VSG) surgery. From your own account, your periods of regain were your own doing, not the fault of the band. The vomiting may be a sign that the band just isn't right for you, but it may be the result of simply being too tight. Even with a too-tight band it is possible to gain weight, depending on what one chooses to eat. I'm unqualified to make any recommendation about attempting to adjust the band and work better with it or having it removed or revising to VGS, but I will suggest that, before you undergo VGS, you be sure of what you want and how much you're willing and eager to make the changes necessary to succeed for the long term. Weight-loss surgery, like any elective surgery, requires serious consideration. There is no magic. Anyone can gain weight despite surgery if he makes poor, careless and unmindful choices. Think clearly and write down your goals and what you're willing to do and want to do. Also consider that there is help if you're stuck. One good possibility is a therapist in the area of CBT and experience with eating issues.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Pain in left shoulder?

    I say "gas." Walking may help at times, but it's no guarantee. Some people use Gas-X or some sort of gas strips; I've never heard of mylicon, as @@jwidner suggests, but why not? Babies are cute. Apart from the over-the-counter products, all you really can do is be patient.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    "The Most Popular Book the Year You Were Born"

    The list starts with 1930, proving that the popular book in the year I was born was neither carved into stone tablets atop Mount Sinai nor written by a scribe on papyrus from the banks of the Nile. http://www.drozthegoodlife.com/healthy-lifestyle/g560/most-popular-book-year-you-were-born/
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Pre testing confusion

    @@BigJohn58 -- O-o-o-h, I misunderstood big time. As you saw, I thought you were doubting that the hospital is the best place. I'd feel far more secure doing it there, too, instead of the surgery center. (The latter is something I'm not really aware of. All of my doctors forever, internist, gyn, dermatology, etc., have their practices within a huge university medical center.) Thanks for not laughing at me, but feel free. And all the best. I hope you get a positive response to the conciliation very soon.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    One odd fact about you

    @@shedo82773, you may not be able to find out which ancestor to blame for your funny toe. The closest I come to your situation is that no one knows how I turned out left-handed. Anyway, I hope you don't trip over the toe when you're barefoot. @@Who'sThere, your friend most definitely is beautiful as is her friend. My second hope here is that she doesn't mind your putting her picture up in this den of dubious characters.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Debating referral

    @@ginganinja14 -- Sounds good. Proceed at the pace that comfortable for you. @@HanSolo1977 -- Good fellow.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Pre testing confusion

    @@BigJohn58 wrote: 1. my conciliation 2. they said the chemical stress test would be broken up into 2 days because of my weight.... . Why can't they do it in one visit?? 3. Next I regret the getting a endoscopy I'm wondering if the hospital is the place I should get all the test. 1. Conciliation? Do you mean that your insurance plan denied coverage for WLS? If so, who recommended that you continue with the testing before the coverage issue is straightened out? I wasn't denied, so I don't know if continuing before having an answer to the conciliation is the usual. 2. Did you ask the people who decided on a two-day stress test for the reason? Did you tell them you'd prefer one day if possible? I'd prefer one day and would discuss it with the people involved. 3. Why do you regret having endoscopy (beside the fact that it's no fun)? If not the hospital, where would you go for testing? Why do you object to the hospital? I gather it's the same hospital where you would have weight-loss surgery. If you don't speak up and ask for all the information as you go along, you'll be confused all along. Please don't do yourself that disservice. It will make you a bad candidate for surgery.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Debating referral

    @@HanSolo1977, congratulations on the 106. Isn't it exciting? But, c'mon, fella, my sagacity goes beyond the suggestion to keep a running list of reasons and goals. @@ginganinja14, I hope you're getting a quieter feeling in your gut so that the obstacles to deciding evaporate.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Today's the day!

    @@KristenLe, pardon me for not checking "like," but the only part I like is that you're home. The rest is icky. If by some chance the retching and wrenching happen again before your incisions are healed, firmly press a bed pillow against your middle to brace yourself. It really makes a difference. Same goes for sneezing, coughing and laughing, especially if your laugh is a guffaw. Welcome home.
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Today's the day!

    @@KristenLe, well? You're three days post op and nary a word. How's my girl? WHOA - IGNORE THAT. I hadn't "followed" the topic, therefore, didn't know it was still active and that you had checked in. I hate that you're still in, but the IV (I gather) has been necessary. They can't sent you out until you demonstrate the ability to hydrate on your own and you wouldn't want it any other way. You are a trouper.

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