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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Catheter question?

    @@SuperJenn529, you do such a good job of torturing yourself. Ten points. It is SOP to insert a catheter after a patient is out cold if, in fact, the patient will be out cold and if, in fact, he's to be catheterized. It's okay...I'm not at all suggesting you give up the thrill of screeching insistence that, if a cath is to be used, it be inserted only after you're out. You also have the right to make it known that you'd rather not have a catheter at all. It's my guess that you have the right to refuse a cath and that you're willing to live with the consequences that may arise during or after surgery.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Yup, phone. Don't be shy. They were negligent not to send you home armed with info.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    That's a question for your surgery practice. You should have been given written instructions for the first few weeks.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    First fill

    I say that you can have a light brekkfast, but I'm not a bariatric pro, certainly not yours. Give the office a call to be sure of their routine. After your adjustment and before you leave the office, you'll be told what to do for the rest of the day and probably the next. Don't be shy about asking all the questions that may occur to you. Have fun. -------------------- Oh, you go in tomorrow. My practice tells me that there's no problem eating before an adjustment. It's my choice to go light on it. That's all I can say on the subject.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Sore Port

    What's causing the weight gain? If you ever lost weight before you had surgery, you know how to do it. Are you able to focus on what you really want -- to lose weight, that is -- while you seek a solution regarding your band? Keep in mind that the amount of Fluid in a band means nothing. What matters is that the amount, whatever it is, gives the desired result. You may need more fluid to get the band back in the saddle.
  6. @@Travelher, seems to me that you're making too much of it. The question isn't about you as much as it is whether the kitchen is doing a good job. I've been in restaurants and had chefs come out to my table to ask if everything is all right. Yes, I say, it's wonderful (only good restaurants ask here; I don't know about chains anywhere) -- I love the contrast of textures, flavors or whatever the case may be. I go on to explain that I ordered more than I can eat at one time and will take my leftovers home. It's always true. The other thing I notice is your mention of your first dates with your now-husband. Okay, you told him 10 years ago about your surgery and he married you anyway. He has seen you through a second bariatric surgery. So what's the problem? Why dredge up dead news?
  7. Going to see "Hamilton" today. I have a feeling we've got a hit on our hands. No, skip that. I'm so damned excited.

    1. Sai


      omgosh, have a wonderful time!

    2. LipstickLady
    3. gowalking


      Enjoy. I saw 'In The Heights' when it was on Broadway and I'm sure you know it was also a Lin Manuel Miranda musical. I enjoyed it very much and expect to enjoy Hamilton as well when I see it three or four years from now..LOL!


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  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    I'm normal!

    Jester! I have no way of knowing whether you're "normal," but you're gorgeous in every other way. You had the strength and drive to get to where you are today. You've got what it takes to maintain.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    I hope that you're calmer today. It's your disappointment that I can relate to, having lost 115 lbs from the time of my surgery and then, about 45 lbs from the loose goal I had in mind, beginning to regain about 75 lbs. It's "failure" and "failing" that I don't feel (not all the time, at any rate), as I know exactly what set me in reverse. It's all the other, original-equipment crap that kept me regaining. @@Bufflehead and @@KristenLe have offered perfect suggestions. Bufflehead's tip to turn to healthy, real foood stands out. Forget the proteen (deliberate misspellings) powwders. Real foood is so much more satisfying and, well, real. It's also a pointer to more smart foood choices. Shaakes, not. KristenLe homed in on your weight loss and what you've kept off. Take a look at that and take ownership of its significance. Say some kind things to yourself. Your own thought process is a far greater obstacle than are sugar and carbs. There's some magical thinking in the mix. Your stomach wasn't removed and, if you knew at the start that you had to acquire new eating habits, knowing that regain and no loss were possibilities were part of the package. We are all the sum of our minds, bodies, emotions, experiences and more. By viewing your mind as a separate entity, you're putting up road blocks. If it isn't part of you, of course you have no control over it. "Vicious." "Addict." "Sick addict." "Super jealous (of which there is no good kind)." Negative to the max. It's possible that you will reach your goal by your birthday, but it makes no sense to put a deadline on yourself. What if you're three lbs short on the day? The way you're speaking suggests that you may wail that you're a failure over three lbs. "Losing weight" as a goal, period, makes sense. Losing weight is good. It's not sugar that derailed you. It's all the stuff that took you to it. Working with a therapist isn't at all a bad idea. A cognitive behaviorist can be a great help in sorting things out and reclaiming the power.
  10. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How tall are u guys

    You can ask to see photos of the BP Chorus Line Beauties, but they'll tell you nothing about yourself or your prospects. Ten people of the same height and weight, whether low or high, have the weight distributed differently. No news there.
  11. I'm going to see Neil deGrasse Tyson tonight. Astronomy is super-nova interesting, but the ticket is more about him. ovea

    1. Babbs


      I love NDT! Jealous!

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Sai and @Babbs - don't be jealous. He may very well make his way out your way while promoting the new book. Last night he and his co-authors, J. Richard Gott and Michael Strauss, were so much fun. NDT, always exuberant, did his thing -- cutting off his pals when he just had to say something. If he weren't so bright and all that, it would REALLY be annoying. The others seemed to take it in good spirits. It really was a fun evening and how nice that he's a 'neighbor.' If you do have an op some time to see him in person, it's well.

      By the way, C-Span Book TV series will be showing last night's program. They had a sizeable crew on site to tape it.

    3. Sai


      Ahhh I'll try not to be jealous hehehe. I will look for that program tonight :D. Thanks! i am so glad you had fun. ^^

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  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    One Week Post Op

    Sounds great. You must be doing so well to be allowed real food after only a week.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    That you are "nervious" spells out the whole story. You're good.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Am I over thinking clothes buying?

    Certainly don't buy a complete wardrobe each time you go down a size, but keep in mind that, no matter a person's size, clothes that fit well make a difference. When they're too baggy, the look is sloppy. Too tight and the look is, well, uncomfortable at best. Pick up even two or three basic pieces when the things you have are hanging on you. Some of the loose things can be improved by adding a belt. I say basic styles because they're easier to mix and match with things you'll continue to wear for a while. Bufflehead's suggestions for sources are right on. Unless your budget has lots of leeway, there's no point in buying expensive for things you'll need to replace pretty soon. If you attend any WLS support groups or know others who are losing weight, suggest getting together to exchange clothes. Planning what not to wear is easy. One example is pants. If the hems of a pair that's been a good length suddenly end up under the heels of your shoes while you're walking down the street, it's time to retire the pants. It's not as big a problem as you may think. Keep it simple.
  15. Why does the tiny bit of eggshell wait to hop into my mouth with the last bite of omelet, thereby ruining the whole thing? If it must lurk in the egg mixture, why won't it have the courtesy to get it over with a the start?

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @High functioning fat man, it doesn't happen often, but when it does, the piece is microscopic. I remember your little cutie from photos you posted. Does he do freelance shell-removal?

    2. highfunctioningfatman


      The boy really likes to crack eggs so I wouldn't be surprised if freelance would be an option!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @High functioning fat man, Im not sure who's funnier, you or your son.

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  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Weight loss kind of slow

    Uh oh, wash your mouth with soap.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Snacking on vegetables all day isn't a better approach. Successful weight loss and maintenance is more than eating differently. It's just as much about thinking differently. To seek ways to eat non-stop will get you. When I feel like Snacks, I work to determine whether it's only because I feel like eating or if I'm truly hungry. It's not always easy, but when I'm sure it's genuine, physical hunger and I really need some energy to keep going, I'll eat something. @@KristenLe 's suggestions are among my choices. They go into my food tracker under the "snacks" heading in case I need to overhaul my methods down the line.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Kaiser Options - Corona

    Never heard of that one. Someone else may come along with some info for you.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Landband removed! Still having problems!

    It's unclear whether you've had trouble since having the band removed ("...10 months later i am still having some problems") or only since the other day when you ate what sounds like the intake of six people. Because you say you are a hypochondriac, I'll work on the belief that you've been fine until now especially because you've not been running to doctors all along. Feeling sick is no surprise when someone eats non-stop. I'm not a doctor, but I don't see how surgery 10 months ago is the cause of a current discomfort. My wild guess is that glomming on to mass quantities of food is the cause.
  20. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Anyone getting impatient while waiting for the FINALS?

    @@Rosey posey -- Okay, your prom date stood you up. Get over it and date your surgeon.
  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Weight loss kind of slow

    Your problem is not your rate of loss. It is your unrealistic expectation. A body is not a machine. Stalls are expected. To lose 19 lbs in a month is great. How many years did it take to become obese and how many more to stay that way? And now there's an emergency to lose it? Lost weight is weight lost. That's a good thing.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Should I tell my housemate?

    Now that you're clear on exactly how you want to handle this, I'm sure you feel calmer. Just one more, this time unsolicited, suggestion. If you go beyond simple omission, keep the lie(s) minimal so that you have to remember less. All the best to you.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Kaiser Options - Corona

    Which Corona?
  24. Had .2 cc taken from my band today. So nice to be able to drink w/o discomfort while the band still signals me about solid food.

    1. Sai


      It's amazing what 0.1 to 0.2 cc does to the band. :D To be honest, I miss my band. I'd go into details but there are differences that I loved about the band. I walked in with hopes to find another good surgeon who could adjust my band, and walked out with the sleeve lol. It's all good though. Just gotta work the tool to be successful. :D

  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Such a ride.

    @@caseycat7, congratulations on doing so well with losing. The obvious thing that comes to mind is antidepressants. If you don't have medication, would you consider it? My take on 'comfort' eating is that it has nothing to do with comfort, but everything t do with eating one's self into numbness, a stupor. Not only that, but it adds calories and pounds and merely puts the bad feelings on the back burner for a short time. They always reignite. To avoid overeating, almost any activity helps -- rearranging a closet, knitting, singing, dancing, drawing/scribbling/painting/coloring, writing, reading, doing dishes and on and on. Singing and dancing really do something not only emotional, but physical, too. I suspect it's got to do with oxygen -- taking in more than we do if we're just sitting. And they just feel so damned good. As I wrote to someone in a post a day or two ago, whatever it is that makes you feel vital and creative and part of the world (even if you're home alone) makes a world of difference. Use the pride you feel as energy to doing other worthwhile things. "This feels great. If I do x-y-z too, things will feel even greater." Now that you know you can do something hard, you're just about ready for anything. If you feel hesitant, reread your message and see that you can do "the hardest thing..."

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