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Everything posted by WLSResources/ClothingExch

  1. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    My sentiments exactly.
  2. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    When to start logging food?

    I'm going public now. I'm crazy for you. Every word you post in BP is smart, to the point, cheerful, supportive and positive. If you were older, single and local, I'd be looking you up and down. This is a good point. For the past few months I've just been following what the bariatric center asked. It's become my security blanket admittedly..... I felt a little like a bird getting kicked out of the nest. The center now has new people beginning and working through their protocols and I'm left to my own devices. I have been given "the tool" from them and now it's time to build my toolbox up. It can easily feel that way at first, but you've got strong wings and your common sense wasn't removed during surgery. You're good. Better than good.
  3. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Heartburn! Band too tight?

    The activity of a band can change at any time. Your band may or may not be the cause of your heartburn. It may be a contributing factor or not. The possibilities are nearly endless. If I were you describing what you're experiencing, I'd make an appt with my surgery practice and not bother with speculating. It may well be that taking a very small amount of Fluid out will solve the problem. Also be sure not to lie down for at least a few hours after eating.
  4. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    How Will This Thanksgiving Be Your Healthiest Yet?

    It'll be easy as long as the skin isn't very crispy. If it is very crispy, I belong to it. It doesn't matter all that much, really. One day of delirious, irresistible crispness will do no damage. I eat sweet potatoes and winter squash, but not if they're sugared up. Adding sweetness to already-sweet things is redundant and bad-tasting. Never ate those things. I'm all for a small portion of a good dessert of the type that comes along but once or twice a year. It beats drooling and sulking. In short, I'll be oh so very mentally healthy and happy. My scale and waistband will be happy, too, as I won't be gorging. No deprivation and no craziness.
  5. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    When to start logging food?

    Tracking intake doesn't need instructions from a medical office. It's for your benefit, so go for it. The time to start is now. You'll get into the habit and have time to learn whichever program you choose.
  6. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    A quick update and Goodwill shopping

    You're looking great, but be nice to that chap in Hawaii. Without him, you wouldn't exist.
  7. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Do You Use Alcohol after Weight Loss Surgery?

    I never stopped drinking. Alcohol has never been particularly important to me and, when I feel like a drink or two, sometimes three, I don't hesitate. This includes wine, cocktails and a basic, mixed drink. The occasion and the company determine the quantity. My limit is two consecutive days.
  8. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    family that won't stop eating badly ?

    Some families will accommodate a member who's had surgery, but, frankly, it's a waste of time and unreasonable to get grumpy when they won't. We each make our own choices and are responsible for ourselves. Also consider that, as you tell it, you grew up in a household where decent, quality food was generally unknown. If your group really is saying things like, "Mmmm, don't you wish you could eat this, Marissa? It's soooo good," they are doodyheads and you may want to tell them that the swill in the trough is all theirs. You chose surgery because you have a goal. That's your focus. Pffft to the rest of 'em and their choices.
  9. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    ( @@LipstickLady )
  10. The ones who get bent out of shape when they ask after the fact about their bad, potentially dangerous actions and get hard facts in return are the same ones who get bent out of shape about coddling, tiptoeing responses, claiming that they're being spoken down to. Then there are the ones who get grumpy when they omit pertinent info and get responses based only on what they have included. They want to be coddled and have their minds read at the same time. Sorry, I can't read blank pages.

    1. ShelterDog64


      I feel like sometimes, they just need their mom.

    2. jane13


      I already have 5 kids....

  11. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Fun that someone (the "owner") posted this in a Yahoo lapband forum that went defunct a few years. The writer-cartoonist is more hopeful than I. H.L. Mencken was himself at all times. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/topoftheticket/la-na-tt-gut-gives-trump-20161109-story Here's a message to sign and forward on to the Electoral College: www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19 If for some reason the link doesn't work, go directly to change.org.
  12. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Okanagan BC?

    Sorry, I have no doctor referrals for you, but it occurs to me that you might want to consult a gastroenterologist. The one I see is rather knowledgeable about bands; they all should be. I'll throw it in, although, considering your past gall bladder problem, you've probably thought of it yourself. I really stopped in to say that I've never heard of Okanagan, but the name is so wonderful that it's a reason to visit. Best wishes for a quick, easy resolution to the pain.
  13. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    @@theantichick, thanks for that. It sounds familiar. You're correct about not pinning hopes, but things are dire. I can't see passing on a possibility however slim it may be.
  14. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Resisting cravings/chewing/looking for distractions.

    Relax the tension in the jaw by opening wide and make funny faces to stretch the muscles in the lower face and neck. Put those ready jaw muscles to use in conversation. Get someone for a walk in the park and gab away. Get out of the house.
  15. WLSResources/ClothingExch


    Oh, another false title. I don't care if people have time to start topics to complain about others. I can ignore [almost] anything. All I ask is that movie titles not be taken in vain so that my time isn't wasted.
  16. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    @@Babbs @@sunnydeeliteful @@LipstickLady, I'll be brief. You refuse to rally behind, in front of, alongside, above and below a racist, lying, ignorant, self-serving, egomaniacal, uncivilized, low quality humiliation of a sewer? Tsk-tsk. There may be a first step. I'm waiting for a friend to research it and send the info along. It seems that the Electoral College can reverse itself and a large, organized, letter-writing effort may play a part. What I was told this morning was sketchy enough that I don't even know how accurate it was. Another move which is mentioned every four years is to take steps to end the electoral system. This is new to me, but it seems there is evidence that it was created to preserve slavery. I'm awaiting more on that, too. (It's nice to have someone else doing the research.) If and when I get the info, I'll post. In the meantime, maybe someone here can fill in some blanks.
  17. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Not a bad idea. Our own fabled system of checks and balances, which should be a true glory, too often is a failure.
  18. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Long term post surgery eating

    @@MLT, I don't understand your parents' concern over "small portions." If they are saying that you can't do it, speak up. If they can't conceive of smaller portions, I'll guess that they are overweight at best, in which case, they may not be able to be genuinely, unselfishly supportive as you go forward. Love you as they do, they have a stake in your staying heavy. If you were expecting to return to your lifelong portions after losing weight, remind yourself of all the other times you did so. Maintaining weight loss is a lifelong program. Reality bites.
  19. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    It's called "popular vote." The common people voted for the trump thing. What's to wonder? There's been talk for decades about dismantling the electoral college in favor of the popular vote. You may be losing weight quite nicely, but you fall short on the cold comfort scale. One meme on any subject may be amusing, maybe two can as well. Three become tedious. Beyond that would be the same as picking lint from your navel. If you choose to sit on your butt doing nothing, you'll get flabby in mind and spirit.
  20. @Alex Brecher -- you're just an ol' update-locker. Knock it off. It's far more concerning that the First Amendment is on the eve of being eviscerated.

    1. Sai


      hehe... I think he hates me now. He probably thinks I'm a troublemaker. :P

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      @Sai -- Piffle. He wishes he could be like you.

    3. Sai


      haha :). I missed most of it, but I got to read it after. It was pretty wild. lol

  21. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    7 months post op and pregnant.. help.

    @@sydneysue14, oka-a-ay. It looks like @@Heather I has given you some good info. While you're waiting for your appt, see if the office can't give you more by phone. They may surprise you with a response. All the best to you. Really, take it easy. Easy to say, of course, since you're the one who's pregnant and I'm not, but do try for a little calm. It alone will make a vast difference in the way you're feeling.
  22. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    7 months post op and pregnant.. help.

    Whoa, sweetheart. You're fine. Take a deep breath before you give indigestion to your baby. If you're freaking now, I'll hate to see you once the new person is on the premises. That's the real freak-out. Pregnancy is a piece of cake by comparison. The questions you're asking are the things to discuss with your obstetrician all along the way. Plenty of people here will share their experiences and advice, but your own obstetrician is your primary source. Sound familiar? Which reminds me, you'll run all this by your bariatric practice, too. It may be that the ob will want to speak with someone in the bari. You're great. You're going to have someone new to love.
  23. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    No Hate Just A Bit Help

    Uh-oh, your question was in earnest? Ay, ay, ay. If you didn't know that fish, chipps and lasagna are not mushy foods, consider yourself Enlightened today. If you ate those things last night, don't do so again until you have clearance for solids. "Mushy" pretty much refers to things that need little more than mashing with the tongue against the upper palate. Mushy. You know. Please tell me that you were being funny.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    @@laceemouse, I remember the title of the movie, but didn't see it. Reading the description makes it clear why you're thinking of it now. Let's hibernate until all this passes. But I don't wanna hibernate! This is my world!
  25. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    This covers today's New Yorker articles which came under the subject line "An American Tragedy." More cartoons, too, if you click in and scroll down. http://www.newyorker.com/news#election-2016 @@LipstickLady, I'm the one who doesn't know The Lion King. It'll take me a while to look into it and understand your post.

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