I'm 4.5 months out I've lost 70lbs since surgery and total of 110lbs since I've started the program a year ago. I'm very happy but very scared of going back.
Typical day
5 oz low fat yogurt with my crushed medicine.
Protein shake about hour later.
This is where I'm worried lunch I eat 6-8 oz low fat cottage cheese.
I get my water and at least 2-3 protein shakes that's not my worry.
Dinner 3/4 cup fish/chicken with salad. I'll sometimes swap lunch and dinner ,but the fact that I can eat 8 oz cottage cheese worries me.
In between meals I'll sometimes eat a banana 3/4 of one.
I've done this with minimal exercise plan on changing this very soon as weather gets better.
Just very worried I can eat so much without sickness.