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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Gladys62

  1. Gladys62

    "Air" in stomach..noises?

    Thanks! At least I know it's "normal" and nothing to worry about. It does get loud and crazy sometime. Lol!
  2. @@swimbikerun I am going to make it a positive situation eventually. I've never been a quitter but I do appreciate warnings so I'm giving them! You can email the image to wfinch62@yahoo.com.
  3. Thank you swimbikerun. I feel like I'm being a complainer but I want to jump in front of people and warn them. I would hate for someone to go thru what I did. ( even my ex. Lol. Just kidding).
  4. Thank you!!! I may have to get that name from you.
  5. I used Balder from Slidell and he is connected to that group there. I figured that none of them would touch me now. I have found an amazing GI doctor here at home who doesn't like bariatric doctors in general so he is focused on getting me well with a vengeance. Lol. I am now an "anti-bariatric" spokesperson for him. On a positive note he has my stomach pain reduced considerably! AND I am eating some now! I am getting 50 g of protein in food daily so I am thrilled. I will never be able to go to another bariatric surgeon for psychological reasons (fear and lack of trust). I appreciate your advice and I am very jealous, but even IF your doctor would accept me, which I doubt, mentally I couldn't do it now. I feel safe and cared about where I am finally. UNLESS..., the attempted scoping left my doctor wondering about my stitches being a problem and they may have to be corrected. In that case, he said I will probably have to go to a bariatric for corrections and I will die before I go back to be treated like dirt by the hateful man I went to. He will attempt to scope again in May after the new medicines have had time to work. If I do need repairs I would like to find someone good to do it IF I can find someone to clean up after another doctor. I may need that name then. I know I am very negative and I hate it but this has been extremely scary for me as a single mother worrying about leaving two children. And if you could experience the coldness I get when I talk to that doctor you would understand even more. I have heard since my hell that he does have a compassionate partner in the group but I can't remember the name. I may need it but I PRAY I don't.
  6. The Premier protein shakes are okay but all the protein shakes irritate my esophagus and stomach. I'm trying to get all of my protein with meat and Greek yogurt for now. The shakes feel like they just stick to the irritated places and burn. They aren't an option right now.
  7. I have actually eaten food since Thursday!! It's amazing! The barium coated my system and the pain stopped. I ate! The UGI showed "erosion" so my two doses of Dexilant daily and 4 doses of Carafate daily are helping!! Still can't handle protein shakes (they burn) but soft meat is working!! I actually have some energy today!! I think I am going to live. My GI is going to attempt the scope again in May to check the stitch he saw so There may be more work to be done but getting in more than 200-300 calories a day has made me feel so much better. Almost at 800 today!!! The support on here has kept me fighting!! Thank you from my children and me!!! I am going to live!!
  8. Thank you so much "samuelsmom" for the encouraging words. I asked for a PPI at first and was told that I didn't need it. Oh well, he was wrong. I'm feeling so much better psychologically! I have hope! Oh, I love your name. My precious grandson is named Samuel. @BLERDgirl- I am going to try to track me some bootleg Barium!! Lol
  9. Upper GI today. Severe inflammation from acid in lower esophagus and upper stomach. (Hmmmm maybe a PPI or acid reducer would have been an idea! But NO, not for Dr Arrogant). Anyway, Carafate FOUR times a day PLUS the new PPI (starts with a D something like....Dexalon) twice a day. Then if the swelling is down enough in a month then another scope attempt. I do have hope now. I am in good, compassionate hands so I WILL be okay. Interesting fact: Barium is amazing at easing off stomach pain and burning!! I actually ATE 2 oz of moist chicken right after the test and it didn't hurt!!! I have hope. I'd still reverse it but for now I'll take feeling good. And I see that on MY horizon. I will keep you posted and I wouldn't be where I am now without the encouragement from all of you. Thank you!
  10. He did get some biopsies but couldn't get to the mass seen on CT. He saw a stricture but could not get to it until swelling goes down. I have a mess. But this doctor CARES!!! He told my daughter that I WILL get better soon!!! Upper GI Thursday and go from there. I see hope now.
  11. Leaving scope. My stomach is too narrow to scope! Inflammation and stitches not right. Will have an upper GI before he tries again. Soft foods for now. Still groggy.
  12. @@angewil60, I hate that you are dealing with this too. It's miserable. I am currently sitting in a GI doctor's office. A referral by my family doctor. I cannot trust the bariatic surgeon any more. He has been sarcastic and not always completely honest so I'm done. I am scared that I will starve to death before I get help. If they try a feeding tube i feel sure I will just vomit what they put in. I will let you know what I find out today maybe there IS hope!!?
  13. @blondebomb- I wish I had been told that it would take 6 months to feel better. I feel defective. The friend who talked me into this said she never had a problem" and "it's the easiest thing she's ever done". So I expected the same! Wish I had known she DID have some bad days which she later confessed to! ???? Hearing your story, I can be patient and hopeful waiting for 6 months. Heck I can be patient even 8 months adding 2 months for the delay the lung damage caused in my healing just knowing better days are coming. Thank you
  14. @@mi75 and @swimbikerun- I have a referral waiting at the GI group in the big clinic I use so I have hope!!! My family doctor is on a quest to get me better and he is like family so he is fighting hard for me. I have to get to a better place so HE can relax. LOL. He agreed the surgery was a good option for me prior so now he feels a bit responsible or actually he is just extremely compassionate and my life matters to him unlike the bariatic doc who couldn't care less. So I have a hero in my corner and permission from my insurance company to never see the cold bariatic one again! It's getting better mentally. I've lost 8 more lbs this week but my fluids are better! I see veins!!! Thank you all for caring!!!! It strengthens my resolve to beat this!!! Thank you.
  15. Elizabeth21 it has been 14 almost 15 weeks. Today hasn't been good but I have gotten fluid in! Two crackers to ease my stomach and a Popsicle has been it. I am making an appointment with a local GI tomorrow for asap so hopefully he will give me some hope! My skin looks GROSS I've gone from 248 to 187 in 14 weeks. I was less self conscious about "fat naked" me than this one. GAG!!! As soon as my lung (he collapsed) heals I plan on going to the gym. I used to walk 2 miles a day before surgery and do 7 on the recumbent bike daily. Now I can get one mile in two separate sittings on the recumbent bike and I have gotten up to 2/10 mile without sitting to breathe. I just hope it won't be too late by then.
  16. Thank you for saying not to stress over counting protein. I think that DOES make it worse to stress over it! Hydration is my priority now and by doing that, I am staying hydrated without shakes and dizzy spells!! I'm Proud of meeting this goal for 5 days so far. And using a straw helps tremendously!!!! Thanks guys!!!!!!
  17. THANK YOU!!!! See this is the kind of stuff it would have been nice if I could have discussed it with my doctor. I love this site! You are all helping me. I'm TRYING to pump up my bravery! I'm testing so we will see. I found a berry flavored protein and I tried it in a vanilla Greek yogurt....nope. Not my thing. Lol. Maybe I put to much. I MAY try again. I am doing well with Sobe waters, vitamin waters, and Powerade with a little water added. I got 32 oz Powerade in yesterday!! Not much food but fluids are starting to make it thanks to suggestions on here! Your posts are appreciated more than you know!!!
  18. ggvan, you are so right. I have also started an antidepressant (family doc) which helps the emotional part. I know I have no option but to succeed now. My concern is that without some change I will die eventually of malnutrition. I am SO dang weak I'm taking off work a LOT. Thankfully I never missed before so I have some time built up. I am a single parent of 2 teens with a major dead-beat ex. I was promised more energy. Uh....LIES!!! Someone in an authority position should do a thorough study to see if there is a connection of some sort between the "easy breezy" post ops and us "biggest mistake" folks. They could potentially spare a lot of folks torment. This has been Hell on Earth and my poor kids have suffered with me having ZERO energy and living with nausea. We do NOTHING for fun now and I CANNOT cook for them or I am in the bathroom vomiting from the smells. I just BET there would be a common denominator. One may be the doctor in my case. He damaged my lung, yells at me for drinking skim milk, TELLS me I am not really nauseous, gave me a hiatal hernia, and refuses to prescribe PPT's or acid reducers. So he IS part of my problem. But I have 3 other friends who used him and also hate his guts but didn't have problems to the degree that I have. I AM 10-15 years older than them?? Age? I am doubling my Protonix and Pepcid until I get to GI doctor to see if it helps. Thank you for not acting like I am a wimp or like I am crazy. I'm not. I'm a medical professional so I know what is right and wrong with my body and I also not every medical person is out to do right or is skilled where they should be. I drew a bad straw!!! But I plan to survive for my kids in spite of Dr Death. :-)
  19. I urinate twice a day. Before surgery I'd go 5-6 times a day. But I loved water. I am so sorry that you are going through this too but at least we aren't alone. I have begun to resent people who think this was wonderful and have no problems! They act like I'm crazy just like the hateful doctor who did this to me. I figure they need to be happy they didn't have to go through this and show some compassion. (Oops, yes I am bitter). If I get any hope from a real GI doctor I will let you know! I'm praying for it!!! We HAVE to make it! Stay strong and I will.
  20. Thank you. I anticipate the day I don't regret this more than both ex-husbands.
  21. From what I am reading it sounds like there is a chance to eat after gastric sleeve? I have eaten 1 Greek yogurt, 1/2 a rotisserie chicken THIGH, two crackers (for nausea), and 1/4 of a Protein shake since Monday (this is Thursday). I am doing fair on fluids since I have been hospitalized for dehydration since my surgery 3 months ago. I have gotten to the point that I DESPISE eating because it hurts! Either heart burn (and stomach burn) or pain in my left side near my waist. My bariatric said this is normal and gave me Carafate. Long story short, will I be able to eat again somewhat normal? Why are some of you worried about gaining weight back is why I am asking? I wouldn't be able to tolerate a feeding tube because the pain is in my stomach. I need hope that I may be able to eat something someday. Please tell me that it true!
  22. I try not to talk to him because he is COLD as ice!! And used sarcasm to answer. I'm miserable so dealing with his attitude right now is NOT an option.
  23. Donald Balder in Slidell, LA and he works in Gulfport, MS. I have gotten clearance from my insurance company so that I don't have to follow up with him if I will follow up with a GI doctor!!!! That has thrilled me!
  24. Thank you all for the positive support. I got clearance from my insurance today to use a different doctor for follow up!!! That should put me on the right path. My family doctor put me on Prilosec (pm) and Protonix (am). It may need to be stronger. I feel like my "tube" is just too small. Or it doesn't empty right. Once a good GI scopes me and answers my questions I will feel so much better!!! I left a message for my family doctor to call me about setting up an appointment. Good thing is the clear liquids the day before scope won't be a problem THIS time. ????
  25. Thank you for the support and advice. It's not that I don't like the taste, it either burns or I throw it up. Dr Balder says it's just me and that I'm not trying. I WANT to eat and drink so I feel better! The Zophran my family doctor gave me gets me through the day. I've missed over 3 weeks of work in the past 3 months. This isn't something I'm just "being a baby" about. I am working on a referral to a good local GI doctor to see if he can identify the problem. I know I can't go back and change my mind I would just like no nausea and to be able to hold more than a teaspoon in my "stomach" thing. I consider this my biggest mistake including two ex-husbands. I felt SOOOOO much better before the surgery. I was obese but basically healthy. I was STUPID!!!

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