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Everything posted by serenamarie

  1. I have never posted before. I had RNY on July 3rd 2014. Weighed 237 when discharged got down to 140 by January. Have maintained that weight I think I go by clothes size I fit into a size 5/7 from 18/20. The 7s do not fit anymore. I all of a sudden have went back to a 11 large muffin top has developed I look pregnant pregnant belly sticking out. 2 weeks ago I had a flat stomach. Going to try 5 day pouch test. I am severely sad. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  2. I am going to start the pouch test today. I am very tender to the touch in the area above my belly button I'm going to call my drs office I also had blood in my stool.. I'm going through tremendous stress right now thank you for the advice.

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