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Everything posted by TXBrittBritt

  1. TXBrittBritt

    Sad about missing food

    SCREW THAT APPLE! Love it. Yes I am very emotional about food. And about my family eating food without me. I feel left out, lonely, scared, etc. WTF did I do to myself?? I know it! I have the same feeling but instead of Apple murder I have decided to start journaling... It seems to help sometimes! And I can write all the things that I think I my head down instead of saying them to my poor family! I can see now that there will be good days and bad days! But it will be totally worth it! I am down 15 pounds since surgery on June 1!
  2. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    I'm glad that things are in the works gain for you!! And so proud of you for staying on your pre op diet!! That takes real dedication!! ????
  3. TXBrittBritt

    Monday June 8th is the day!

    I am doing pretty good! It has been a struggle the past few days because I am really wanting some solid food! I am getting in water and protein just fine. I am definitely not physically hungry but head hungry!! My energy level is up and down.... But I'm trying to stay positive and keep my eye on the prize!!
  4. TXBrittBritt

    Sad about missing food

    I am in he same boat!! Sleeved June 1 and yesterday I was very upset! There has been this yummy Apple on our counter all week that just keeps looking at me! Well no more I said and cut that thing up and put it in the trash!! When my husband got home he saw the aftermath and asked why I committed Apple murder. Because screw that Apple, it kept starting at me like you can't eat me so I thought Apple murder was the perfect rebuttal!! I might be going crazy but it was a little therapeutic! And we both had a good laugh!!!
  5. TXBrittBritt

    I Just Want To Cry

    "Stress" is a dirty word to us emotional eaters! But I think you are doing just fine.... Just the fact the you can acknowledge that stress triggered you to divert from your healthy eating is saying something. Love yourself and give yourself some credit! The past is history.... Tomorrow is a mystery.... But today is a gift.... That's why they call it the present! Take it day by day and don't give up!
  6. TXBrittBritt

    Sleeved on June 2, 2015

    I was sleeved June 1 as well and can pretty easily get in my Water and protein! But yesterday for the first time in a while my new tummy growled at me with intensity as to say " give me some real food lady!" The only problem is that my MD says only full liquids from day 1-22!! I will say that the support I have received on here had been tremendous and really helps when times are tough! We should all be proud of ourselves and feel a sense of happiness that we are making changes! Keep up the good work and remember why we started!!!
  7. TXBrittBritt

    Help! Attack of Head Hunger!

    Thank you so much! It is strange how my old mind seems to be clinging to old habits with everything I have; luckily I'm growing a new mind that is trying to take control! You are so right in that support always helps. My old self kept things in and just ate through them... Well no more!! Your words gave me a boost I needed today.... I am very grateful! I got this!!
  8. TXBrittBritt

    Monday June 8th is the day!

    Hey yall! I was sleeved June 1 by Dr. Nicholson and am doing great! I'm glad to get to chat with others who are going through the same experience! I have been doing pretty good, still a little sore on my left side and don't have all my energy back. Today was the first day I struggled with only having liquids.... I really really want some solid food! But I just keep reminding myself that this is only a small part of the journey.
  9. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    How is your back? I hope you are feeling better ????
  10. TXBrittBritt

    Post Op Help

    I was sleeved On a Monday and my hubby stayed home 3 days and my Momma the other 2. You don't necessarily need the help physically but having someone to help you move from area to area when you are stir crazy, remind you to take you pain Meds, help you take short walks outside, etc.... Makes recovery a lot easier. ???? good luck to you!!
  11. TXBrittBritt

    When did you Return to work

    Hey there! I'm am RT and i was wondering the same thing! I was sleeved June 1 and my doctor will not even consider me going back to work until the 24th. And even at that I will not be fully released to lift more than 20 lbs until 6 weeks. I also had a hernia repair so that plays a factor as well. My advice is if you have the time take it!
  12. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    Update: Well I am getting a bit of cabin fever so I decided to have my husband take me to the grocery store. It felt so nice to get out but I only lasted 15 minutes before I started hurting a good bit. Luckily my hubby is awesome and finished up while I went to the car. I was kind of bummed because I thought I'd be able to be more physical by now; however all I can do is keep on trying and build up my stamina!!! I am super happy that I have been able to go down to pain Meds only twice a day and just Tylenol I between! Still using the heating pad and pain cream and Patches too. I word to the wise for Dr. Nicholson patients- try to make your post op appointments before your surgery. I called the day after my surgery and they cannot get me in until June 23. ???????? I cannot go back to work until he releases me so I will have to wait until then. I was only planning on taking two weeks off but now I guess I'm taking three. It's no biggie because I have short term disability but for those that don't it could pose a problem.
  13. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    Welcome Meep!! Glad you joined us.... Good luck with your surgery!
  14. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    So sorry to hear about your back!! I know it's frustrating and a bump in the road but I think you have the right attitude.... Try and keep on your pre op diet and stay positive!! You got this!! I am sending thoughts of quick healing for your back! ???? I hit my first craving tonight as I was watching a movie with my hubby. All of the sudden my stomach growled like a lion and I immediately wanted something sweet!! A Popsicle did not fix it so I decided to get as far away from the kitchen as possible so I didn't have to even see food!! Seemed to help!! Pain is okay today.... My left side and back are what hurts now, everything else is pretty good! I actually went on a 7 minute walk so I was super happy!!
  15. Hello everyone! I am about 5 days post gastric sleeve and hernia repair. I am definitely tired and lacking energy but when is it time to start pushing myself to start walking or doing housework again? I feel like a bum just sitting around all day but am nervous to do too much in fear my pain level will increase.... Any suggestions?
  16. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    Day 4 post op and I'm feeling pretty good! It is still a challenge to get in enough fluids but I'm doing it. Pain is a lot better today and I have gone about 8 hours between pain Meds. Definitely feel more tired than usual but I know it's from the fact that I just had surgery and taking in less calories. I am a little sore when swallowing but I also had a hiatal hernia repair so I assume it is from that. If anyone has any questions I am an open book.... Just let me know:)
  17. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    Something to think about.... You will have horrible dry mouth from all the Meds and decreased intake. My husband found two products that work well to combat this darn dry mouth!!!! Ha ha Biotene mouthwash and Biotene mouth spray. They have been a blessing so grab some up before surgery!
  18. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    I can say that I have no appetite. I'm having to set a timer to drink because I just don't want anything.... But I'm trying to take advantage while I have zero appetite and lose a lot because they say this phase doesn't last long!
  19. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    I love Dr. Nick!! I was a revision from lap band to gastric sleeve so mine probably went faster because I did not have to jump through hoops and meet all the insurance requirements. It took me about two months from my consultation to surgery.
  20. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    Well today is day 2 post op. It has not been to bad, the worst part is the gas pains from the air they use to blow up your tummy so they can see inside better. It's not a gas that you can pass so it just kinda sits in your belly until is dissipates. They inject your incisions with with a numbing pain medication that lasts from 48 to 72 hours and I think that has helped tremendously! The heating pad and walking are my best friends right now. It has been a challenge trying to get in all my fluids and my shake. But all in all it's totally tolerable!
  21. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    I'm scheduled for 5/26. Also with Dr . Nicholson. Its starting to get real. Hope you are recovering well!! Let us know how you are if you get s chance! Sending hugs!! I go in for my surgery Monday.... I will try and post how post op is going. ????
  22. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    I'm scheduled for 5/26. Also with Dr . Nicholson. Its starting to get real. Good luck tomorrow! I hope everything goes well and you have a smooth recovery!
  23. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    I'm scheduled for 5/26. Also with Dr . Nicholson. Its starting to get real.[/quot
  24. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    I have only been to the one at Baylor Plano.... The one in Dallas is too far a drive for me. I am sure they are both great! I just finished the first week of my pre-op diet and am down 8 pounds!! I am hoping this week goes by fast so I can get to my surgery date!
  25. TXBrittBritt

    Surgery date - finally

    Yes the pre op diet is very important... But we can do it! I went in March and April but won't be able to go this month. Have you been? They are great and you learn a lot!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
