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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Thinside

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  1. Thinside

    The truth is, I failed

    SCARLETWITCH, which protein powder do you use in coffee? Like OP, I hate the drinks, and I have to really work to get my protein. All the powders I've tried clump up or taste weird in coffee. I'd love to find one I could use daily.
  2. Thinside

    What is on your Trader Joe's Shopping List?

    I love TJ's green corn cheese tamales, but I haven't had one since my surgery and probably won't try it for 6 months or so due to the corn meal (masa). I like their fresh cut flowers -- so much cheaper than elsewhere. And their bulk nuts, and frozen seafood. I usually buy my veggies at a farmers market, but I'll have to try some of the ones mentioned here. @@OutsideMatchInside what's wrong with the St. Louis Whole Foods? I thought they were all pretty much the same. Do you go to the one on Brentwood Ave.? (I have family in St. Louis and was just there a couple of weeks ago.)
  3. I second @OutsideMatchInside. It's not only unprofessional but probably illegal for a supervisor to do this! I also work with a bunch of gossipy women. I haven't told anyone about my surgery. I say I am eating healthy, watching my calories, focussing on Protein, cutting carbs, and exercising. All of which happen to be true!
  4. Thinside

    Greek yogurt:/ Yuck!

    If you really can't tolerate Greek yogurt, try Noosa. It has less Protein, and more calories and carbs than most Greek yogurts, but it is AMAZING. I eat it for dessert as a guilt-free treat. It comes in 4 oz sizes. The lemon tastes like lemon meringue pie filling and the blueberry is awesome. (120-130 calories, 9 gm protein, 14 gm carbs).
  5. Thinside

    Halloween ????

    @@Babbs I think that's the solution for me, too. One piece, on rare occasions, to be savored and enjoyed. I know myself too well. If I thought I could never, ever have candy again, I think I would obsess over it all the time and crave it until I pigged out. But knowing I can control it, have one small piece of candy or one or two bites of some other treat now and again makes it so much easier to ignore it most of the time. I know that for some people, it's a trigger and if they have a bite, they just can't stop. So we each have to make our own way. But this is working for me. @@Babbs I think that's the solution for me, too. One piece, on rare occasions, to be savored and enjoyed. I know myself too well. If I thought I could never, ever have candy again, I think I would obsess over it all the time and crave it until I pigged out. But knowing I can control it, have one small piece of candy or one or two bites of some other treat now and again makes it so much easier to ignore it most of the time. I know that for some people, it's a trigger and if they have a bite, they just can't stop. So we each have to make our own way. But this is working for me.
  6. I don't vomit (at least I haven't yet) and I haven't gotten that back and chest pain people describe. The few times I've overeaten or eat too fast I have had a sneezing fit. That's my sign that I'm too full. I also have felt kind of nauseous each time. It is such a learning curve to know when to stop, and to learn to eat slow! I'm sure we've all made these mistakes. Love the Maya Angelou quote! So true!
  7. Thinside

    Gummie vitamins

    My program permits gummy Vitamins.
  8. Thinside

    NSV shout outs

    I have two. 1. Yesterday, I took my jeans off -- without unzipping or unbuttoning them! I just slipped them right off! 2. Today, I didn't have any clean clothes for work. I saw a dress hanging in a dry cleaning bag that I had cleaned a long time ago so I could sell it at a consignment shop because I figured I'd never fit into it again. Lo and behold, I tried it on and it fit! It's a size 12!!!! The last clothing I bought was 2X!
  9. I'm 8 weeks and haven't had any problems like that. I can eat too much, if anything! I have to focus to get all the fluids in, but I usually manage. Maybe talk to your team?
  10. Depends on the flavor. I like Quest Mixed berry, Luna Lemon vanilla, Premier Peanut Butter. Still testing others! They are so high calorie, I eat no more than 1/2 a day.
  11. @@Madeleine Renee I've had the same experience with plain Water. Water used to be my favorite beverage, and I rarely ever drank sodas. Now, I can't tolerate plain water. It actually makes me nauseas. Weird. I've never been a Crystal Light or Vitamin water type person, but now I am! Every day I take 1/4 to 1/2 of a New whey Fruit Punch Protein bullet, pour it into my 20 oz water container, and add half a Crystal Light -- one of those tiny foil packs. That way I get protein and water. I like the raspberry green tea and the strawberry flavors. They make the syrupy protein stuff palatable.
  12. I had 1/4 cup of grape nuts with milk once. I let it thoroughly soak so the Cereal was soft. It tasted great and I had no problems with it, but it's not something I'll eat very often because of the carbs.
  13. Thinside

    Question? ?

    Oddly, my right wrist. I have this weird habit of encircling my right wrist with my left hand. When I'm heavy, I can't get my finger and thumb to touch. When I would lose a few pounds, I could -- barely-- get them to touch and that always felt fabulous. Now, I can touch my finger and thumb with a lot of overlap -- all the time! Yeah! I've also lost about 3 inches in my stomach.
  14. I'm about 8 weeks out and yes, I am saving money. When we eat out, I get an appetizer or, if I get a full meal, I take most of it home and have at least another meal, usually two from it. Unless I have plans to meet someone, I almost never eat lunch out any more. I just eat my 4 oz. cottage cheese or my tuna packet and I'm very satisfied. I'm not spending a lot on Protein powders and drinks, because I can't find one I like. I use the New whey bullets, 1/2 or 1/4 of a bullet each day, and 1/2 a Protein Bar a day, which can add up. But we have always eaten out a lot, and now I'm not doing that as much, and am spending a LOT less when I do. Here's an example: We go out for sushi at least once a week. Here's what we used to order to split: Edamame, age dashi tofu, sumai (dumplings), at least 6-8 pieces of sashimi or nigiri, and 3 rolls. Now we get the either tofu or edamame (and I take most of it home for lunch the next day), sumai (I eat 1 piece, he eats 5), 1 roll (I don't eat any of it) and 4 sashimi (I eat one piece). About $30 compared to $50-60.
  15. I have done this my whole adult life, before and after the sleeve! Whenever I eat too much, I sneeze. Always have. My grandmother had this too. I've always thought it had a genetic component to it. I hoped it might go away after the sleeve, but it hasn't. I don't overeat or eat too fast very often, so it's only happened a few times since the sleeve. @@Bufflehead, your explanation is the best I've heard.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
