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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by dhrguru

  1. My husband and I were talking and he made a comment that hit close to home. He asked me if after the surgery will I change towards him or want him to loose weight. My husband is a big guy but I love him the way he is and he could lose a couple of pounds for medical concerns but I'm ok with him. Are any of you willing to admit if you are experiencing some change after WLS in regards to relationships or judegements?

    I wouldn't say my attitude changed post surgery, I long recognized both he and i needed to change our lifestyle. And I tried for a while before I even considered surgery to get us to work in some aspect together, he never budged. I got tired of waiting on him and opted for surgery. Do I still want him to do something... Absolutely! But I love him and won't judge him. I do worry since the the excess weight is effecting his health, and we know that went get better. Gentle encouraging is what I'm trying, hopefully it's not coming across as a nagging nelly.

  2. I'm so, so sorry. It sickens me how often I read this happening to people!! It would be so much better if we could receive the details of our plan from insurance companies directly, and not have to rely on second hand information (that's often inaccurate!!).

    I assume self pay/ Mexico aren't considerations? You've dinner great so far with pre op weight loss, maybe you can keep the momentum going?

  3. My surgery is coming up and I just wanted to know if anyone can tell me what to expect.

    I was 257 when I started the process but now I'm around 242. I'm 5'6.

    I want to be 135-145 but I don't know if I'm asking for too much with that. I'm having the RNY.

    stats aren't similar, but I think it's absolutely doable!

  4. @@dhrguru I don't know what your tastes are, but there are some pretty good recipes for making low-cal pumpkin "shakes" or "smoothies" that taste great with some vanilla Protein mixed in. And sugar-free Coffeemate pumpkin spice creamer with some coffee or tea is a go-to for me all fall, and for 2 TBSP is only 30 cal.

    And now I, too, am going to go investigate this pumpkin spice Protein. Happy fall!

    Thanks, I haven't been able to tolerate vanilla flavored protein since surgery. Pumpkin flavored protein with milk and vanilla extract may work for me. I don't drink coffee.< /p>

  5. So I'm struggling a little today. It's the first cool day, fall settling in and the pumpkin flavored everything is hard to ignore.

    I'm almost 5 months out and this is the second time I've felt like this, like I couldn't take part in "traditions of the season". (First time was when I went to the beach and walked the boardwalk- smelling all those yummy smells). I'm learning that this is where my 'emotional' eating came in, taking part in the nostalgia.

    Day to day temptation is manageable, it's just every once in a while it seems to all catch up with me. I'm sticking to plan, but just felt the need to write it out as it's been on my mind all day. I'm doing laundry to keep busy, will hit the gym tonight. I am making chili for dinner though... Great Protein and still gives me a sense of seasonal satisfaction I'm longing for.

    So I've faced my summer and fall demons... Wonder what winter and spring will be? Maybe I'll be too busy shopping for new clothes to care.

    Thanks for listening!

  6. Near Philadelphia, PA. I would really like to know if anyone ever heard of this before and what I should expect.

    I've heard of not being able to do the surgery due to a unique anatomy, but NEVER heard of starting it then doing a partial surgery. Not to make light of this, Has this surgeon ever heard of go big or go home??

    I would have expected that the surgeon discuss a plan going forward, I assume he hasn't?? I'd have wanted to know before being discharged the game plan to finish this...

    I live in Philly, what hospital did you have surgery?

  7. I have been debating on posting this or not ... but I figure we're all in the same boat ... and there are NO stupid questions ... so why not ...

    Ladies ...

    Since surgery ... have any of you had a feminine odor that you've never had before? And no matter how much Summer's Eve spray you use or how many times a day you wash ... it lingers ? I swear ... I've never had this, EVER! I honestly don't know if it's from a lack of something in my diet ... or because I now take Vitamins ... which I never did before, or what?!


    Any advice welcome ....

    Yes! I experienced this post op and it was awful. I tried everything!!! Luckily it went away gradually. I'm 4+ months out now and things are back to normal.

  8. Hi all,

    I wanted to ask if anyone ever felt like they have not had an appetite? I've been feeling this way for the past couple of days, and wanted to know if this is normal.


    Almost 5 months post op, no appetite, never hungry. In fact yesterday I ate Breakfast at 6am, intended to buy lunch but forgot my wallet at home. Didn't eat again till 6pm... Wasn't the least bit hungry and could have gone the night without eating. I ate to ensure to I got my Protein in.

  9. Does anyone else find themselves continuing to buy clothes that are too big? I always think they look ok in the dressing room....but when I get home I realize I should have gotten a smaller size. Am I just used to baggy clothes? It seems strange to wear tighter clothes. I started out a 24 and am buying 18's but probably need 16's. How do I get outside of my own head? :)

    Yup... I have this issue. I'm just getting into 18's, but since 20's don't look abnormally big, I'll still buy those, and then in no time they *are* abnormally big. I need to force myself to try on more in the store, I'm used to only ever trying what I know fits. I feel like I live half my life in the dressing rooms now though.

  10. It gets better I promise the first 3 days are hell then the 4th day u can tolerate it

    I lost 23 pounds in those 2 weeks stay focused on the big picture ..YOU CAN DO THIS !!!!

    And I dont know what to do because I can't even have broth especially chiken I feel like throwing up . So I'm just having popsicles sugar free of course sugar free Jello Water and crystal light I couldn't finish my broth.

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

    are you drinking Protein shakes?... They kind of kept me sane on pre op.

    I bought chicken Soup from au bon pain and drank the broth off of it. Canned/boxed broth was nasty.

    You can do it!

  11. I keep getting this question and everyone wants a freaking number?! Why?! Please explain! I'm 6 pant sizes down, I fit in booths at restaurants, I go to get in my car and realize that no one moved my seat up except me so I could teach the petals, my clothes are falling off me. Why is that number so important?! I'm so excited about all the other things!! If I always tell people how awesome they look when they lose weight, but I would never ask how much. I feel like I should walk around with a white board tied to my neck with that number written on it.

    I notice that the only people who ask me about the specific # lost are those who know about my surgery.

    Others just compliment me, tell me I look good.

  12. One said jackass, the other a*****e lol. Just because your husband is lacking in one arena that you find important doesn't diminish all the other ways he shows your love. That is the problem with venting online to strangers that know nothing about you and your complete story of life. They only hear a portion of what is going on. No one and no relationship is without fault.

    Did he compliment you pre-surgery on a new outfit or hairdo or new job?

    Exactly and exactly.

    And not to beat a dead horse... no, he rarely to never compliments me. Its a long bone of contention for me-- which I was hoping would be different with something this dramatic. It isn't-- I'll get over it.

  13. It's a rant and rave section! So are there specific rants and raves that are allowed? She felt the need to rant. So she did.

    Or the other obvious-- unsubscribe to the thread if they feel it doesn't meet with the spirit of the site...

  14. If I could count all the ways he's a Jackass, I'd be a millionaire.


    Some of y'all are married to some seriously large assholes.

    You can call 'em "challenged" or anything else if you want, but they rate high on my assholery scale.

    Something about this rubbed me the wrong way. Keep in mind that my vent here this is only a fraction of our life. It speaks nothing to how we've connected and grown as a couple or the life we've made for ourselves. There are many aspects where he's great, this whole WLS arena is new (for me and him) so it means finding our footing.

    If your life/relationship is pure rose petals and sunshine-- good for you-- but storms can and do come. Everyone weathers them differently.

    The only scale my husband will be meassred on is mine-- none other turly matter

    You're the one who said he was a jackass... now we can't agree with you?? Okayyyy.

    I never said i didn't call him that- and you'll see that I agreed with awjones when she characterized him the same. But I said *something* about VSGAnn's comment rubbed me the wrong way. Something-- some random unknown and possibly baseless reason... not solidified in fact or truth in any way, shape, or form. Maybe she's coming from the same exact mind set I was able to connect with awjones on-- but it just didn't come off that way to me. That's all.

  15. Some of y'all are married to some seriously large assholes.

    You can call 'em "challenged" or anything else if you want, but they rate high on my assholery scale.

    Something about this rubbed me the wrong way. Keep in mind that my vent here this is only a fraction of our life. It speaks nothing to how we've connected and grown as a couple or the life we've made for ourselves. There are many aspects where he's great, this whole WLS arena is new (for me and him) so it means finding our footing.

    If your life/relationship is pure rose petals and sunshine-- good for you-- but storms can and do come. Everyone weathers them differently.

    The only scale my husband will be meassred on is mine-- none other turly matter

  16. This is only a moment in time-- you will be back to eating.I'm glad you recognize that you're not actually hungry though!

    This would be a great time to develop new associations-- maybe visiting friends can be associated with fitness in some way. Take a walk with them-- they can sip coffee- you can sip Water??

    How long is the no swimming in effect for? I swam at just over 1 month out...

  17. So against my better judgement, I asked him, how could he acknowledge our son but not me or my progress/efforts etc.

    Just when I thought he took the cake for asinine statements, he comes up with another....

    He says the our son's efforts to get abs is over the top, he goes out of his way to get his results. But *I* haven't done anything over the top, out of my way.

    If I could count all the ways he's a Jackass, I'd be a millionaire.

  18. So, did my four 1/2 month Gastric Bypass checkup with the bariatric clinic. All good, good blood tests etc, but discovered via the PA that I was taking my Vitamins and calcium citrate supplements wrong. I was using three "One a Day" Vitamins plus a little Iron pill (because I had them prior to surgery, they are expensive and wanted to use them up) and four calcium citrate tablets a day, taking them at the same time three times a day. WRONG! First, taking the Vitamin and the Calcium citrate together negates the calcium absorbtion (the Iron hurts the calcium); second, with Gastric Bypass, the pouch does not have enough acid to dissolve the hard Vitamin or the calcium tablet; and third, was taking them too close to meals.

    So now, I chew the calcium tablets when I take them at approximately 6 am, 10am, 4 pm, and 8 pm. I take the vitamin (crushed using a mortar and pestle, but switching to Bariatric Plus Ultra with iron, a capsule which dissolves in the pouch) at 8 am, 2 pm, and 10 pm. These times keep me an hour away from meals.

    I am trying to get a routine established for these supplements, but whew! alot to remember. I put the calcium in a separate daily pill container, and the vitamins in with my regular meds in a daily am and pm pill container.

    The vitamin scheduling/spacing had been the most mind boggling part of this journey. My schedule is

    5:30am synthriod

    7:00am multi

    930am calcium

    130 pm calcium

    530 pm calcium

    730 pm multi

    3 times a week I fit in B12 and once a week Vitamin D. I use different times on the weekends since I don't wake as early.

    I'm amongst always shifting my times because I started later than scheduled. I try not to take anything around my meals, but don't stress about it if I do.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
