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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by dhrguru

  1. I want comfortable driving for at least a week.
  2. Ugg-- that's awful! I hope you can find a new employer-- working under that senseless pressure has to be stressful!
  3. 1. True/False: My doctor says my taste buds may change after surgery and foods I love now I may not like. True-- at least i was for me 2. Will my appetite REALLY go away? Will the feeling of being hungry all the time disappear? Again it did for me, and 4 months out it hasn't really come back yet.... but I know it will. 3. I'm totally addicted to food. While I have been able to mostly control it over the past 3 months, there are times when I have NO WILLPOWER and stop at Culver's on the way home from work for a big, greasy double cheeseburger and a soda! Will I be able to break this after the surgery? I doubt it-- it will make you incredibly sick though. I think you need to try and break that habit now. I've been soda free for 6 months, and now I eat a cheeseburger-- just differently...with a knife and fork, starting with the meat, then eating tomatotoes and pickles in liue of a bun and fries. I'm so worried about this. I'm already having a hard time with the liquid diet. I'm on my 2nd day now and I feel HORRIBLE! y day 4 it get more bearable-- stick with it!!
  4. No, he doesn't. He doesn't feel he needs it... And I can understand that feeling since I was there once myself too.
  5. A small part of me wonders if some used that pantry specifically because they offered this type of food. Seems irrational, but I certainly know people who would do that. I'm glad your financial outlook is improving though.
  6. the way my surgeon explained it to me, was that your hunger does disappear after surgery for a while, but eventually your body finds a way to restore what surgery 'interrupted'. But I've read so many folks who said they were hungry right away after surgery, with either surgery. Seems odd to me since the nerve in your stomach are cut... But who knows. I've written off my gurgling to be just that, random gurgling; so I don't think I've felt genuine hunger yet.
  7. dhrguru

    Best investment ever- WLS

    While I echo your praise of WLS success; some of what you said concerns me. Eating for for old reasons, like happy or sad, is what got many of us here in the first place. And no effort, I wish... everyday is another level of effort for me. Enjoy it, but Be careful... The honeymoon won't last forever!
  8. no, it's not in my chest at all and I've never vomited. I can definitely do without pepcid.
  9. The length of the process is determined by your insurance and your surgeon's requirements. Call your insurance, or check thier website to learn the specifics of your plan. My seminar was over 5 years ago, so I don't recall details... But like with anything in this journey it will vary a lot from person to person. I had to get an ultrasound, upper gi, bloodwork and pulmonary clearance before surgery. The doc asked me to lose weight, but nothing specific.
  10. dhrguru

    Does anyone stock up on smaller clothing?

    When I buy I generally buy one item at my current size and anther item one size smaller.
  11. I'd be interested. I live in Philadelphia.
  12. Looking over my vacation pics and actually liking how I look in every single one of them!!!
  13. dhrguru

    Vacation rant

    Yup. It's tough. I fight this battle with myself all the time. It's no one's "fault" but my own. I can eat or I can drink but I cannot to both. That makes events like Water parks, theme parks, mud runs, fitness camps, etc. difficult and frustrating. I went to a four day martial arts camp and we had about an hour for meals. We had little time for hydrating during camp and it was one of the most difficult things I have had to do post op. I have finally learned that I will always have a water bottle with me and drink at every possible moment or suffer the consequences silently. It's my problem 100% and when I am not prepared, it's no one's "fault" but my own. Doesn't make it easier, though. Exactly! I'll be prepared next time, no doubt!
  14. dhrguru

    Vacation rant

    Thanks for the input everyone. This vacation was a stretch financially, so I'm trying to pinch pennies. I don't want to buy another Water bottle at this point. Luckily I found a gas station that has $.79 fountain drinks, and they habe a crystal light dispenser too. The cup is Styrofoam so I've kept it to add more ice/water to wherever I can find it. Stress isn't good for anything! ????
  15. dhrguru

    12 day Post-op Updat

    Glad it's going well. Keep at it!
  16. dhrguru

    Struggling with Second Thoughts

    I had second thoughts five years ago when i first sought out surgery. I Was unhappy with my weight, but didn't feel strong enough that I needed such a drastic, permanent change. In reality... I just wasn't ready and I'm glad I backed out then. Other factors (wasn't a fan of the surgeon at the time) helped, but after now having done surgery, I knew I wouldn't have be ready for these changes then. I had bypass in April. Regarding down the road complications...i took a long hard look at family history, knock on wood-- we're a fairly healthy bunch. No one in my family relies in nsaids, sure it may change for me but at least I know it's unlikely. Re nutritional deficiencies due to malabsorption... If I do my part and take my supplements and follow up with blood work as prescribed it shoulnt be an issue. And so far I don't dump, it could change but the'fear' of the unpleasant side effects keeps me on track. Just think of all the complications remaining overweight/obese can add in your life. (Diabetes runs rampant in my family...i wanted to avoid it at all costs) Your situation is a bit different since you have to wrap your head around a whole new surgery. Second thoughts are normal though... Only do what you are ready for. Maybe just follow the supervised diet for a few months and make a decision at the end of it?? Good luck! Ugh sorry, didn't realize this was the men only board.
  17. dhrguru

    What Are Your Must-Have Foods?

    I used to share that love of Oikos vanilla greek yogurt. But I always need to pair yogurt with a carb, since i never was a fan of yogurt. I decided to give up yogurt to let go of the carb need to tolerate it. But I've digress... My must haves are: Eggs/egg beaters cheese sticks (Colby-Jack)/cheese Cashews Peppers, tomato cucumber, spinach/lettuce Tuna Canned peaches lunch meat meats (chicken, steak/today, pork) Water/diet snapple
  18. This thread always fascinated me. I often wonder if people are in the wrong size (like it's often stated so many women are in the wrong size bra). I think it's a little subjective too... Some may go for a tighter fit, others may opt for the comfort of a looser fit I don't wear jeans in the summer, but my jeans and dress pants generally run the same, so my stats ate: Height 5'6" Weight 278 Pants size 20, quickly creeping towards an 18.
  19. My nutritionist smokes... It's hard to follow advice of someone doing something so incredibly harmful to themselves. But I like that she is kind of causal about things...IE doesn't preach carbs are sinful. She uses a realistic, practical, liveable approach-- so outside of the smoking-- I'm good with her.
  20. So I buy Enell sports bras. They are expensive, but the girls are firmly planted in them. I realized that the bra I had prior to surgery was now to big (I noticed more jiggle). They size between 0 and 8, and sizes 6-8 cost extra (like any thing plus size..ugg) and only comes in boring colors. I was able to downsize from a size 7 bra too a size 4, and got a cutesy color too, with no upcharge! Seems so minor but this really made my day. Can't wait for my run in the morning!!
  21. glad to know it's going well for you!!hope your home soon!
  22. I'm 38 and lose 2# a week on average, but haven't got any stalls yet (@ 3 months)
  23. Amen, and hallelujah! Some days my mind says I'm gonna eat XY and Z... My body stops me at X though.
  24. I've was expecting losses of 7-10 pounds a week for the first month post op.... My nurse practitioner promised the pounds would "melt away" in the early weeks. Not so for me!! My two big losses in the first post op month was 8# & 6#. 2-3#'s a week has been what my body has been sticking to ever since. I'll say I was bitter that the melting promise didn't happen... But it's been consistent losses and no stalls (knock on wood)!

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