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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jaymie72

  1. I was banded on December 28th and have done pretty well since. I had my second fill on Feb 18th and it brought me to 4 cc's in a 12 cc band. I am more hungry now than I was before the fill. I am also craving carbs sooooo bad. I pretty much ate whatever I wanted this weekend and I am so disappointed in myself. I am going to start over tomorrow, maybe even go on liquids for a couple of days. I guess I am just feeling a little depressed about these cravings. I really hope this passes. Has anyone gone through this before? I know I need another fill and I will as soon as I can. Just need some friendly support. Thanks.

  2. Well I had my second fill yesterday. He put in another 1 cc. So altogether I have 4 cc's in a 10 cc band. Now I am not sure if that is totally accurate. The reason I say that is because I saw him do the fill. I saw that he had 2 cc's in that syringe and pulled out 3 from me then put all 5 cc's in me. He said now I have 4 but I swear I saw him put in 5. So I am a little confused. The trip there is about 4 hours. My dh and I went together. On our was home we went through a snow storm that was just horrible. It took us about 6 hours to get home. I have decided that this is my last fill until the trees have budded. :( I am sooooooo over snow!! Our Excursion was sliding all over the interstate because of the black ice and the semi's were flyng around us. It stunk!! But the good news is is that I am soooo close to the 100's!! My show I am in opens in 3 weeks so I am sure I will be in the 100's by then. I am really excited tosee what will happen over the next few weeks. BE BLESSED!

  3. Well I go on Monday to get my second fill. I am really excited about that because I am so close to the 100's and I know that it will get me there. I was soooo bad yesterday. I had 3 of my closest friends over for a girls night and we ate and drank!! We had 3 bottles of wine between the 4 of us! I haven't been that bad since I was banded. We really had so much fun though so I have NO regrets, none, nada!! If you can't have fun once in a awhile then I don't want the band, AMEN?? I have not had a drink since way before my band and I am feeling it this morning, ugh! Well wish me luck for tomorrow and I will let you all know how it goes!

  4. Hi all!! I was banded on December 28th and I definetly have my good days and bad days. I have found that if I go longer than 2 days in between exercise that it is hard to get motivated. I got my first fill 2 weeks ago and I go for a second next Monday (the 18th). I am sooo glad that I got this band. It is changing my life. I am in a play at a community theater right now and I think I maybe under 200 for the opening night. I am so excited about that. I was never a heavy person until I had my second daughter, then I just couldn't get it off. One thing I do every week is make up a big salad in a sealed container and I put EVERYTHING in it (minus croutons). Then during the week I eat it with some cubedup chicken breast. It is so handy and so filling. Well good luck on your fill. My first fill was good for about a week but now I am more hungry faster.

  5. Hi my name is Jaymie and my husband and I own a business together. We started it in 2001 and it is a private Ambulance service. We started with one ambulance and we have nine now. I would say working with your spouse is trying at times but the benefits outway any longterm regrets. My daughters were 2 and 4 when we started and I was able to stay at home and work from the home while they were young. NO daycare here! My only real advice would be is to give eachother space when needed. The fact that we were under eachothers feet, we new we needed some sort of space. I go to the movies with my girlfriends during the week to get space and he hangs with his friends. Good luck with your business!

  6. Yesterday I got up as usual and noticed the right side of my jaw hurt REALLY bad. I could hardly close and open my mouth. I went all day like that and attributed it to too much gum chewing (which probably is the reason). Last night I was up and down all night because it was hurting so bad. It actually felt like my jaw was dislocated. I barealy ate anything because I can't chew. This morning I got up and the right side of my face by the joint of my jaw was a little swollen and it hurt like the dickens. I did take some liquid vicoden last night as well as some motrin, didn't even touch the pain. So I called my Dr and he had me come in this morning and he said I have TMJ. the joint in my jaw is so swollen that I can barely open and close my mouth and today I cannot eat and seriously it is even hard to just swallow liquids, but I am no matter what! He put me on an antiinflammatory called, mobic. I was scared to take it and he know about the band but he said I really needed to take it. So I am on liquids, AGAIN, whether I want to or not. Lucky me, just when I can actually eat real food again, I can't!!:confused:

  7. Igot my first fill on Monday and it really did not feel like anything had happened. I was prepared for that and mentally I am prepared for this taking some time. Anywho I went grocery shopping yesterday and usually it is torture:cursing: but this time I was not hungry. Actually I was so not hungry that nothing looked good (although I still managed to spend 300.00?!?!). I had 3 hardboiled eggs for Breakfast and a cheesestick right before I went in. So I have to say that it must have worked somewhat. I do still get hungry and I am still able toeat no problem, it justmust be keeping me fuller longer. Oh yeah, only 8 more lbs till onederland......................YIPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I just had my first fill yesterday too and I was scared sick. I cannot believe how easy it was!! I was in and out in 10 mins as well. I only got 2 cc's which I wish I got more but as the saying goes "Slow and steady wins the race!" So I will just be patient! Good luck!

  9. Ok I had my fill yesterday. It was so much easier than I anticipated. He did not care if I ate something before I came in as long as it was small. He then put me on 24 hours of liquids then back to normal. He only put in 2 cc's and I had only 1 cc in there to start. So that's my story. Everything feels fine and I am excited to finally start this lifestyle. I did eat some eggs today and they went down fine, almost too fine if you ask me. I figure this is a long road to start and I am just going to take it one day at a time. Thanks again!!

  10. Amber seriously I could have written that thread myself, right down to the hubby part. I think it is something we all feel. I really felt like "what if I die doing something for vanity?". I tol my Dr this on the phone because I was thinking of backing out, which I am SOOOOOOO glad I did not, and he asked me how much weight I am putting on a year. I told him anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs. He then told me that if I continue doing that I would be 430 lbs by the time I was 50. It was such a wake up call. He said it is not at all about vanity, it is about good health and that I was doing something about it. Think of your longterm health. Don't think of 3 days from now, think of 3 years from now. You can do it girl. Just pull them big girl panties up and go for it. I SWEAR you will not regret it. Keep us informed on how it goes.

  11. Hello ladies and gentlemen!! Well I am finally getting my first fill tomorrow and it could not come any sooner!! Well I am trying to figure out if it is ok to eat before hand. It will be a 4 1/2 hour drive one way and I will have to eat something. Is it generally ok to eat beforehand or should I only do liquids? I have tried to look this up and I tried calling the office but it was closed. So now I am looking to the other experts, all my new friends. Thanks so much!

  12. I do a lot of theater and for once I want to be cast in rolls that are sexy. I want to not be the one on the stage that is the fatest.

    I also want to be able to wear clothes that don't have winnie the pooh logos and just what in the world do designers think that fat people like to wear???? Doesn't it seem like designers think that fat people like to weat clothes that have disney characters or food or just plain dumb sayings. I actually bought one of those T-shirts it says "whatever dingleberry". Thats exactly how I feel about buying fat clothes. lol

  13. Thank you Wheet....nicely put. I do believe in God. I believe that he created earth and the skies. I believe he created you and I. This I believe. I do not understand the hostility towards believers as I absolutely do not feel the same about non believers. It is a free world. We have the right to choose what we believe and how we believe. Do I think my beliefs are right? Of course I do! Wouldn't that make me more of a moron to not? However I am not going to push my beliefs on you or "make" you believe what I do. What I am going to do is thank God whenever and however I feel to. Thank God it is still a free country!

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