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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jaymie72

  1. Try this:

    Get the Carnation Instant Breakfast Vanilla sugar free

    add a scoop or half a scoop of non flavored (yeah right) whey Protein

    add fat free milk and a little ice

    then add some fat free or sugar free or whatever Peanut Butter

    mix it up and I promise you that you will LOVE it

    (well as long as you like peanut butter)

    You will also get lot's of protein from this drink

    When I was doing this I did it for breakfast and it was approx 270 cal. per shake and 32 grams of protein

    I hope you like it let me know!

  2. I think it is normal to not have any restriction yet. This is still a healing phase. As far as the tremors go, I can remember right after I got banded I had shakes really bad that would last for about an hour. I just was cold and could not get warm. Maybe you have a virus or something?? As far as the heartburn, you say you have always had it? Then in my opinion, as long as it does not get worse I don't see any realy problems. I had really bad heartburn before my surgery but he fixed a hiatel hernia and I haven't had any since the surgery. If you feel concerned just call your doctor but I bet you are fine,. Good luck keep us informed.

  3. Ok you did way better than I did. I also just got back from Disney and ate like a normal person. I cannot say that I overate but I did not watch what I ate. We had 5 days there and I believe it when you say you walked 9.5 miles in 3 days. I did not however gain anyweight so the walking must have helped. Good job to you!! I wish I would have had more self control.

  4. Hi all!! I just had my third fill today which brings me to 5 cc's in a 10 or 12 cc band. I guess I just want to get my head around this whole band thing. We went to Disney World last week and I let go. I ate whatever I wanted and I could, no problem. I did not gain anything (I was surprised) but I did not lose anything either. I really have not lost anything since my last fill. I am regularly exercising and I am back to eating better. I guess I just want reassurance that this band really works. Am I crazy for asking this now???? I do not know if this fill will work but I went so long between fills (about 5 weeks) that I got a little discouraged. On a brighter note I did find a WONDERFUL doctor that is 2 hours closer to home that will do my fills. He was really nice as was his staff. I just need some reassurance that this will work down the road. I have lost quite a bit of weight, just haven't seen the scales move in about 4 weeks. Thanks!!

  5. Speakig of small town rumors............ When DH and I started our own business it was really hard and we worked REALLY hard. About 3 years into it we started making really decent money. Well we had an employee that was nothing but a trouble maker and after putting up with her for a year we fired her (was not soon enough). Would you believe that she started telling people that the way we were making our money was that we had a meth lab at our house. Does she realize that meth people look skinny, not fat?? I am the praise and worship leader at my church and that was the rumor. We actually laughed about it and we still joke about how much meth we will have to sell to afford this or that. Life in a small town is so much fun!

  6. It must be some feeling you get after this surgery because if you look back at one of my earlier posts it read "I am feeling so down" and I so do not think that way now. I eat completely normal just less of everything. There is nothing I cannot eat yet. On top of it I am loosing weight This to shall pass, I promise. Keep your chin up it will get better.

  7. Yes Angelica, I forgot to mention that the hospital only gets a portion of what they actually bill out. I know for us for instance if we transport a patient from point A to point B and we go 5 miles I may bill Medicare 400.00 but the contract we have with them will only allow 200.00 and they only pay 80% of that so we are looking at 180.00 for a 400.00 charge. Not even 50%!! So I hope that is a lot clearer.

  8. Well my DH and I own a private ambulance service and I do the billing so maybe I can sort of make sense to this medical billing crapola. The hospital have contracts with all different insurance companies, 1000's of them. The contracts specify how much they will pay for each procedure and then the rest is to be wrote off as a contractual adjustment. THe numbers seem high but there are so many patients that either don't pay their bills or have Medicaid which pays about 10% of the bill that the hospitals have to make it up through the private insurances. I will bet that if you were self pay that price would have been ALOT cheaper. Nontheless you are very lucky that your insurance paid it. :biggrin2:

  9. I too had that problem until I tried a juice called Plumsmart Light. It is in the bottled juice section. It is 60 cals per serving but well worth it. i'll tell ya if that don't make you go nothing will. It tastes really good too. I hope this helps.

  10. That is what I am, a big dreamer. When I found out I was going to get this surgery I tried out at our local community theater for a show. I have always loved to perform but the more weight I put on the more embarassed I would feel and wouldn't try out. Well I tried out and got one of the main roles. I was so excited and scared because I didn't want to look like me up there. I got the surgery and made a promise to myself to do whatever I could to lose at least 30 lbs by opening night. Well my friends, my show opens on Saturday and I am down 32ish pounds. I am so proud of myself!!!! :shades_smile: Think of me on Saturday and send me good vibes, I will need it. It starts at 7:30 pm EST so think of me then. I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!:blink:

  11. You know I kind of went through the same thing. My dh and I got into it the night before the surgery and didn't talk until we were on our way to the hospital. He said that he was just so worried for me and loved me the way I was. I tol him that I understand that and I respected that as well but I was doing this for me. You need to do this for you. He will get over it, trust me, mine did. You are the one that has to live in that body, no one else. I know that you did not do this to put your family in jeapordy, neither did I. We did this because we wanted to be happy and healthy and live longer to be with our family. It is so hard to carry around the extra weight. My dh just didn't get it because he is not heavy. I hope this helps. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just know you didn't do it for your dh, you did it for you. YOu have done so well already, don't give up. Good luck, hon!!

  12. I totally feel you here!! I had my second fill on the 18th of this month and cannot tell at all. The problem is is that I live 4 hours away from my dr so I cannot even go back for about another month. OH well, I am frustrated because I have not lost any weight since I went there. I am working out harder and eating fairly well for me and nada. Not a pound. So I guess I will just wait it out until I can get filled. Good luck!

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