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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jaymie72

  1. I don't know, my doctor said to limit it to 12 chickens and mellow yellow. I would definetly call your Dr and see what he has to say. Have you lost any weight on that diet?? lol

  2. Thanks all for all your incite. It really does help to get an outsiders opinion. I went over to my parents house tonight and they had just gotten home from Wal Mart. She had bought some plastic Margarita cups for the grandkids for ice cream sundae cups. They were really cute. ANyways, she told me that when she got to the check out she told the cashier that she doesn't drink but thought that the cups were cute for ice cream.. She said she went on to tell the guy that she was a Christian and she does not condone drinking. I mean I am a Christian too but PAAALEASE!!!!!!!!!! Let it rest already!! I swear I think she is loosing her mind. So I just rolled my eyes and said nothing. I figured she was just trying to get to me. Whatever!! I am done talking about this subject and as soon as we are by ourselves I will tell her that. Pick my battle, that is what I am going to do and I am not going to pick this one.

  3. I am so frustrated at my mother right now. She truly thinks that if you drink alcohol you will go to hell. She thinks it is the worst thing ever BUT she smokes like a chimney!!! I tell her that drinking is no different than smoking and if you ask me smoking is worse. She gets all offended and says that smoking is nothing like drinking and getting drunk. I know this sounds all silly but it is driving me crazy. Now before you all get me wrong, I am not a drunk. I may have a margarita a couple times of year. We were talking about friends of me and my hubs and that my mom said they were alcoholics. I guess she thinks people that drink a couple times a month are alcoholics. I don't know I am jsut ranting because I am tired of her being soooo judgemental when in retrospect she is no different. I am sorry if I have offended any smokers but I AM RANTING!! What would you say to her, mind you she is very sensitive (cries at a drop of a hat), if you were me. I am tired of always defending my friends.

  4. I remember right before Christmas and before I was banded I went to the store because I was having a Christmas party. Well I was getting some gourmet Cookies for my party and I overheard a GROWN man say to his wife, "I can't believe people would pay that much for cookies anyways she don't look like she needs them anyway.". I was floored!! I turned around and looked him straight in the eye and just stared. I didn't say anything, just stared. His wife apologized to me and she felt bad. I then just walked away. People are so rude

  5. Thanks!! This last month has really been up and down. I have not been eating all that great either. I go from 189 to 196 depending on the day. It is frustrating!! My last fill was almost a month ago and I could really tell a difference right away. About two weeks later I was not quite as tight but now that it is almost my TOM I am really tight. I am due to get my next fill on Thursday but I don't think I should. I think I will wait until after my TOM. What do you think? I know this is off topic but I thought maybe I should talk to someone about it. Thanks!!

  6. OK I GET IT NOW!!!!!!! Oh boy youguys are going to like this one:


    Now how is that for a strippername???? Yep that is our first dog, Jezebel and grew up on Greenwood. So there you have it!

  7. HI!! I know it is a lot of money but trust me, you deserve it!! As moms we are constantly short changing ourselves but this one time I did something for me and so glad I did. I went to Detroit Medical Center for my surgery. It was 11,700 total. I put a little over half on credit cards and saved for the rest so I had cash. I know that saving is not easy but you really have to want this surgery to do that! Good luck!

  8. Hey Friends!! I just go my Trikke on Friday and I am still trying to get use to it. It was really hard at first but I am learning. I took it to the town park yesterday with my daughter (she rode her new bike) and I rode the mile trail. Kind of felt like big dork but oh well. Are youguys finding that it is good exercise for you? I just want to make sure I am not shorting myself out. It is definetly a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I do love it so far!! Wish me luck!

  9. Well I am 35 years old and am 5'8" and started out at 230#'s. I do not mind you asking that because it's a legitimate question. I want to lose roughly 70 to 80 pounds. I tried and tried for 8 years to lose weight. I actually lost 40 lbs at one point them put 60 back on. When I talked to my Dr prior to my surgery I asked the same thing. I wanted to know how could I justify this surgery. He asked me how much weight I was gaining a year. I answered about 5 to 10 lbs a year. He said by the time I am 55 years old I will be 350#'s. He said what I was doing was prevention surgery. It was to keep me from gaining more weight. I am young and I want to look "hot" while I am still young, so here I am. I hope this helps.

  10. WOW!! Where are you getting your information? I am sorry but I find all that very hard to believe. Are you telling me that just because I am self pay that I am going to have more risks than insurance paid patients?? I have serious doubts about that. Or are you saying that your insurance will not pay for any complications due to the lap band?? I think when you are self pay, like I was, you look at your options and weigh them carefully, I know I did. I guess I just think your post is a little negative and that is not what lap banders need, negativity. If ever I have complications I am sure the Dr. would work with me. Seriously, what is the difference with giving he Dr a payment vs an insurance payment? (I do have insurance BTW)

  11. I absolutley LOVE the Fajita Fiesta Pollo salad from Red Robin. It is so yummy and big enough to take half home to enjoy the next day. If we go out I usually pick a place that

    A. Doesn't have a buffet

    B. Serves fresh salads

    C. I can sit down and be served

    I figure I am a mom and I am always serving everyone in my house. When I go out I want someone to wait on me. :biggrin2:!!

    We actaully went to Ruby Tuesdays yesterday for lunch and I got the salad bar. It was so fresh and I ate until I could not eat no more. It more than satisfied me.

  12. Well if it makes youfeel any better, I was on the adepex pills and lost like 40 lbs. As soon as I quit taking them I gained 60 lbs. They also make you feel like you are crawling out of your skin. I am sure that those girls are losing weight but I promise you it will come back to haunt them. You on the other hand have the upper hand so just let time tell. Keep up the good work, and yes I mean WORK. It is hard but I think worth it.

  13. I too am a stay at home mom and yes it is sooooo hard to not just sit and eat all day. I goto church and that is where I meet a lot of my friends. We plan things together. Like my one girlfriend, her and I will catch a matinee movie while the kids are at school. That is so much fun and I just order a small popcorn and Water. I have also gone on my own while the kids are at school. There are also different groups depending on the ages of your children. In our area there is MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers. They have like biweekly meetings where the kids can play and moms can talk. I hope these help. My biggest suggestion would be find what interests you and get a hobby. Mine is theater so I do community theater. It is a blast and I have made some really good friends. Good luck!

  14. I went to Wal Mart the other day and ran into someone I goto church with. The first thing that came out of her mouth was "Hi Skinny Minnie". I was like, who me??? That is a first but I left feeling like someone noticed!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!! I'm a skinny minnie, I'm a skinny minnie!! Now I just got to get my mind to believe that!

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