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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jaymie72

  1. I'm sorry but it really is funny!!! I have an issue when I drive and have vomited several times while driving. I carry gallon ziplock bags in my car so when I vomit I zip it up and then throw it away when I am through. We actually carry those for our daughters who always get carsick but works out great for me too.

  2. I have been banded since Dec 07 and I really don't have any regrets. This is what I have learned from having the band:

    1. I really use to eat a lot of food, really

    2. I now know why I was fatter because I use to eat a lot of food.< /p>

    3. When you go out to eat with other people and you see how much they can put away versus you, you will see why you were so obese, because we eat a lot of food, :thumbup:

    4. That it is not a cure all and it does not work for everyone

    5. You still have to work hard to not over indulge and exercise has been key for me

    6. After spending so much money on this band I am MUCH more willing to eat better and exercise

    7. I love to shop

    8. I love to shop in stores I only wished to shop in

    9. You feel so much better about yourself that you do crazy things like try out for off broadway shows and actually get a lead (YEAH ME)!!

    10. AND you NEVER get tired of hearing how wonderful you look, no serious you don't!! :)

  3. Well I am so close to my goal I can taste it but am stuck at my recent weight. I hate to go back in for another fill because I am so tight right now but I would really love to see the scale move. I think part of me has lost my mojo, meaning I am happy where I am. I really wish I could have the same motivation as I had in the beginning. I lose a few then I gain it back it is bery frustrating. I love my band however and I will do it!!

  4. I have been banded since Dec of 07 and I LOVE MY BAND!! There has never been a moment of regret. I have lost about 65 lbs already and although the last couple of months has been slow I am still happy. I do exercise just about everyday and that has helped tremendously. I have moments where I just crave sugary stuff and I let myself indulge every now and then. I would do it agian in a heartbeat. Wish I would have done it sooner.

  5. Well I went to my follow up appt today and asked them to email me my before pics and they did. I am going to have dh take some pics tomorrow and then I will post them. Now remember these are just a couple weeks post Lipo so I am really swollen still. I was really concerned because it appears that my left arm is slightly bigger than my right arm but the Dr said that it is just too early to really know for sure what the arms will do. I feel like my arms are still real jiggly but he said that we really need to give them at least 3 months if not longer so just to be patient. They do look smaller so that makes me happy. Now my belly and hips look better to me but I will be really curious to see them compared to my befores. It has only been like 10 days for that area so I know there is still a lot of swelling. No pain at all and all the incisions are healing just fine.

  6. I really love Macy's. I know they have plus stuff but their regular stuff is really nice. I really like their "Inc" brand. I also like Ann Taylor. Bought a pair of 14's their and now they are too big. I think their sizes run a little big. Fashoin bug is nice too and it is cheaper than the other two places.

  7. HI all I know this is a little of topic (well a lot) but I was just wondering if you all would keep my daughter Hannah in your prayers tomorrow as she gets her tonsils out. I am sure she will do fine but mom is a little nervous and I think the more prayers the better. I will let you know when it is over. Her surgery is at 730 am EST on MOnday the 23rd. Thanks a million!!

  8. Well last night was a little rough. I was really dizzy all evening to the point that I called my Dr at 11pm. He said it is completely normal and it is a side effect from the lidocaine because they use so much. That made me feel better. I took a lortab right after I called him. I also took a childrens benadryl because I was a little nauseous and that always helps me. I woke at 230am sore and a little fever (completely normal) and took some tylenol. I then woke at 630 am (you would think I was nursing a newborn) with the same. I also took a childrens bendryl because I was nauseous then too. I also ate chocolate pudding just cause it sounded good to me (weird). Well like I said I pretty much leaked a lot of Fluid out because when I got home I weghed myself and I was 186 and thismorning I am 179. I took off my compression garment to wash it and I am so happy. I look thnner! A lot thinner!! Even my husband said "This worked". So I am so happy. I am just going to take it easy today. I am still dizzy a little so I am not going to do anything crazy. So this is my update!!

  9. OK I am home and a little drowsy from the lortab and xanax they give you so please excuse any typos. Well I am leaking like a sprinkler but in no pain whatsoever. I suspect I will be more sore tomorrow when the lidocaine wears off. I have nine little holes where they went in. I was there for seven hours. That was a little long for me but they were so great that right before they lipoed me they brought me an awesome grilled fajita salad. It was wonderful. The longest part in when they infiltrate you with the lido saline solution mix. While I was there the local TV station called and asked if they could interview him. I do have before pics but I am going to wait until a month out then post before and after pics. My arms are still swollen and right now I look like I am five months pregnant. They put 5 liters of salinein my abd and flanks (yes that is what I had done). I am TOTALLY serious when I say this is soooo easy. The pain is so very minimal it is just long that is it. Because he lasers the entire area before he sucks out the nasty fat it promotes collegan and in turn tightens your skin. He says it will not completely tighten it but he thinks I will be satisfied. He thinks I will go a couple of pant sizes down. I am so weird because I really enjoyed watching him do it and saying bye bye to the fat. I will probably leak for the next couple of days but oh well. I hope I answered all your questions. Please feel free to ask!! Thanks so much for the encouragement. You guys are the BEST!!!!!:tt2::thumbup::thumbup:

  10. Wel do far so good. Pain in still very minimal. I would say over Valentines which would be 3 days out I was really itchy and that was driving me crazy. Now tomorrow I am getting my abs and flanks done and I just couldn't be more excited. Again the worst part of this is the compression garment. I ordered a different one because the one they gave me I swear I was allergic to. It was breaking out my arms and causing some rubs . The new one is heavenly. It needs to be tighter so I had to order another one which should be here tomorrow. SO far my arms look still swollen but smaller. I have had no prblems keeping up with day to day life with it and that is great because I am one busy momma. Hopefully I will get some pics tomorrow. Til then:wink_smile:

  11. This is almost so sad I feel like crying. OK I am not usually that sappy but it is so sad what we have to put up with in being overweight. I remember going on a horse trail with my husband and girls and them having to bring the biggest horse they have out for me. I was mortified and my poor husband you could just tell he felt bad for me. Also a couple of years ago we went to NYC and I was going into all the 5th ave shops and the ladies in there wouldn't even acknowledge me. I felt invisible. I LOVE MY BAND!!

  12. I think it probably is different for everyone but I think for me I am just no longer hungry. I went to my moms today and she made some roast and potatos (for lunch? ?) and I had just a few bites maybe 5 to 6 bites of food and I was no longer hungry. Now for me I always push a little more in just to keep me full longer. It keeps me satisfied for longer periods too. Before I had restriction I was so focused on what I should eat that it consumed me. Now I eat whatever everyone else is having but much less. I LOVE MY BAND!!

  13. Saw "Hotel for DOgs" and loved it. Of course I have two girls so I see a lot of kids shows.

    Madagascar 2 was better than the first in mine and my hubs opinion.

    Thought "Paul Blart Mall Cop" was mediocre at best. It was middle school humor.

    I cannot wait to see "Confessions of a Shopaholic". I read the book and loved it. I hope the movie is just as good.

  14. There is just so much evidence stacked up against her, there is no way she is innocent. Did anyone see on the news yesterday about how she made a journal entry on the days possibly surrounding this and just about admits it in the journal. I am unsure what happens in ones mind that allows them to do such things but it happens all to often. I pray the baby did not suffer and we all know she is no longer suffering.

  15. Well it is day 2 post smartlipo and here is what I am experiencing:

    Still swelling and now some bruising is being noted. Arms still feel real jiggly like Jello but Dr said that will go away.

    The pain is minimal still. I have worked out (did yesterday too) at 25% of what I normally do (dr said walking would help the swelling tremendously). I have cleaned house, done laundry, and vacummed all with little or no pain.

    The biggest thing that is annoying is the compression garment that he has me wearing. It comes right down below the elbows and it is causing my skin right in the crook of my elbow it hurt and is red. I got some gauze pads and put them there as a barrier and that has seemed to do the trick.

    There seems to be no more drainage and the incisions are healing just fine.

    My hubs and I measured my arms yesterday and the initial measurement pre Lipo was 15", they were 14" yesterday and that is with all the swelling and Fluid still in them. That made me feel good.

    I also went into my closet and tried on a bunch of shirt that either never fit around my arms or were tight and I was elated to see that they all fit just fine now.

    So that is my update. I will do this whenever I feel it necessary to do so!

  16. Well it is day 2 post smartlipo and here is what I am experiencing:

    Still swelling and now some bruising is being noted. Arms still feel real jiggly like Jello but Dr said that will go away.

    The pain is minimal still. I have worked out (did yesterday too) at 25% of what I normally do (dr said walking would help the swelling tremendously). I have cleaned house, done laundry, and vacummed all with little or no pain.

    The biggest thing that is annoying is the compression garment that he has me wearing. It comes right down below the elbows and it is causing my skin right in the crook of my elbow it hurt and is red. I got some gauze pads and put them there as a barrier and that has seemed to do the trick.

    There seems to be no more drainage and the incisions are healing just fine.

    My hubs and I measured my arms yesterday and the initial measurement pre Lipo was 15", they were 14" yesterday and that is with all the swelling and Fluid still in them. That made me feel good.

    I also went into my closet and tried on a bunch of shirt that either never fit around my arms or were tight and I was elated to see that they all fit just fine now.

    So that is my update. I will do this whenever I feel it necessary to do so!

  17. Well I had my smartlipo yesterday and I cannot tell you how incredible happy I am already with the results. My arms are still swollen and probably will be for awhile because of all the solution that was pumped into them but I already see a change. I was going to post pics and the office was going to give me my befores but I forgot to get them. I will get them at my followup and then post a 10 day beofre and after. The following is an account of what happened.

    They first numbed each area with a needle. These areas are where they were going to make very small incisions. These are where they insert the tubing and so forth. There are four very small incisions on each arm. After in numbed (which was very fast) they took a large syringe with a lidocaine/saline solution in it. They went to each incision (Which I will call port) and infiltrated the arm. They put an entire litre of Fluid in each arm. If anything was going to hurt I thought that would but again on a scale of 1 to 10 it was about a 2. This totally numbed the entire upper arm. Let me tell you, this was the most relaxed thing I have done. They gave me some awesome soft socks to where to keep my feet warm. They played music and even at one point brought me some food in to eat because it took 5 hours. Anyways, after they infiltrated the arm he went in with a verytiny laser and with an in and out movement started melting the fat. It was weird because as he was doing that some fat was coming out too. That took about an hour (He was very thorough). Then he suctioned it out with a small suction catheter. We talked and laughed the entire time. They gave me a xanax and lortab before the procedure and that really helped. It was completely painfree. This morning I feel a little more sore but I can't tell if it is from the procedure or from the garment because it is so tight. I will keep you guys updated!!

    Quite honestly I told the Dr "Why anyone would want the old way of Lipo is beyond me". He asked me if I would be his spokesperson, lol!!!

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