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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jaymie72

  1. Jaymie72

    Roberta's surgery - Dec 28th

    Roberta we are band sisters!! I was also banded on the 28th! So far so good, I have lost about 13#'s. I can't believe it myself. Of course, I have said that anyone following the diet I am on is bound to loose weight. Went to the movies with my kids and sister today. I thought it would be really hard because my hunger is back for the most part. They all ate the yummy smelling popcorn and I got hot chocolate. You know it was satisfying! After that they wanted to go to Ryans Steakhouse. Can you believe that! How RUDE! Of course I said ok. Now the question was, what do I eat. It is a huge buffet just in case you aren't familiar. I walked around and eyed everything. Being that this is day number seven I figured I actually had some options. So while everyone else piled their plates like little pigs at a trough I settled for one tsp of mashed taters with a little gravy just to make it go down easier, and one tsp of cottage cheese. I really didn't want to chance anything else and to be quite honest it really was ok. I even think those choice were a little soon but it felt so good to chew! So here we are for eachother! Can't wait to be thin!!
  2. Jaymie72

    Could this be for real??

    Thank you so much everyone. This is why I come here now!!
  3. Jaymie72

    December Surgery Dates

    Banded the 28th here. Here I am almost 7 days post banding and I am hungry. Not just a little hungry but perty darn hungry. I am SO over liquids!! Anyone else here with me?? Oh well! I had about 3 TBS of cream of wheat today and it went down just fine. I also had a string cheese tonight and it went doen fine as well. Pray for me!
  4. Jaymie72

    Self Pay...How long to wait?

    Really mine was 3 weeks. It was really easy. They did an online application that asked me quesitons about my health. It was pretty intensive. After that I got approved. A couple of days before the surgery I got a call from the surgeon and we talked for 35 mins about the surgery and all my questions. Then I had my surgery!! I had all my perop tests the day of my surgery.
  5. Jaymie72

    How about December BEFORE Pics?

    As soon as I get pics on my new computer I will definetly post.
  6. Jaymie72

    BeLiteWeight - Detorit????

    Well let me tell you............ I just was banded on the 28th with Dr. Weiner at Harper and I could not have been happier. I went through beliteweight but once it is scheduled you don't need them any longer. Yes I did stay overnight and am glad that I did as I was sick to my stomache. I did go home the next day and it was a 4.5 hour drive in which I did great. It is a university Hopital so I got so much attention I felt like a movie star. I was really happy with everything and if you have any questions please email me at theirmommy02@yahoo.com.
  7. Jaymie72

    Pay for the band! Poll!

    I went through Harper University Hospital in Detroit with Dr Matt Weiner and paid 11700.00. That covers EVERYTHING (except post surgery meds which was another 90.00). That covered the pre surgery testing the surgery, anesthesia, one day in hospital overnight, accomidations for my dh and I. We stayed at the hospital apartments and had it for 3 nights if we wanted it. I felt well enough to go home the day after surgery so I did not need to stay. I considered Mexico but by the time I paid for airfare and such it cost almost the same (maybe a little less in Mexico) but now I can go back to Detroit ( a four hour drive) to get my fills without trying to find someone else to do it. I think it was a good price and seeing what others paid for a US surgery I would say it is one of the lowest.
  8. I was banded on the 28th and here I sit on New Years Day anxious to be restricted!! Is this normal? I guess at this point I need to feel the restriction again, like I did post op. The main reason being is that I am getting hungry again. Will that feeling of being hungry sibside after I get my first fill? I know it will take several trips to get it right but once right will I feel full most of the time? I pretty much know what the answer is to that but I just want to make sure! I hope you all have a fabulous New Year.
  9. Jaymie72

    My DH needs your help

    I think that with this surgery because it is elective I kept feeling like "what if I die because of vanity". When you had your surgeries I can almost guarantee that it wasnot an aoption, this was something you HAD to do. With this procedure it is purely elective so I think you almost feel guilty about doing it all together. Just try to understand that aspect of it and hopefully it will be done before he knows it. BTW, I was so scared that in the OR I told the DR I changed my mind. (LOL)
  10. Trust me I do understand. I was banded on the 28th and on the 27th my dh and I got into an argument over all of this. He alter apologized but he almost made me feel demeened like this surgery was the easy way out. Later he told me that it was his fears of something happening to me during the surgery that caused his attitude. He said that deepe down he was scared and it came out as him just being an a@#hole. So maybe what your husband is dealing with is deeper than you know. Keep coming here for support and keep your chin up becuase it will be over before you know it!!
  11. I will have to day immediatly folowing surgery I felt the pain was a 9 or 10. I was nauteous for most of the day but by the next day I was much better. Today I am way better and have no regrets. Just take each day as it comes. So far so good!!
  12. Jaymie72

    Any Last Minute Advice.....

    Is that I had a hiatel hernia that needed to be fixed before they could do the surgery. They fixed it during the lap band procedure but I am a little more sore from it. I was banded on the 28th and today I feel pretty good. Do not judge your first day by wht you will feel like. My first day was perty miserable but I perked up pretty fast by day 2. Good luck!!
  13. Jaymie72

    December Post-Op Thread

    I was banded on the December 28th at Harper Hospital in Detroit with Dr Weiner. I got there on the 27th and they set me and my hubby at their International Housing. It was and old dorm that they turned into housing. It was old but clean. We decided to go to the movies that night to get my mind off of the surgery. I had never had surgery before so I was very scared. We got to the hospital at 530 am and had all preops done then. My surgery was scheduled for 730 am and it was on time. When I got into the OR I started crying because I was so scared. I almost backed out but I figured I came this far why stop now. All went well with the surgery. I stayed overnight and I was nauteous for most of the first day and I even vomited but they gave me meds to help. We went home (drove 5 hours) the next day without complications. I will say that I was very tired to start out the trip and just felt miserable. About halfway home my husband talked me into a popsicle that was not sugarfree. I felt so much better after I ate that. I think my sugars were low or something. I am home now. I slept like a baby last night thanks to the liquid vicodin they gave me. I feel a lot better today. I truly recommend Dr. Weiner and Harper Hospital. they were so attentive. It is a teaching hospital so I had lots of residence come to check on me. So far so good, thank you Jesus!! Jaymie:clap2::clap2::clap2:
  14. Jaymie72

    Christian bandsters

    Hi everyone!! My name is Jaymie and I am getting the band on December 28th. I am glad that there is a Christian thread here because there is nothing like Godly people giving support. I got to be honest, I am scared to death. I have purposly made the date for after Christmas so I can still enjoy the food. Am I strange or what? I think my food addiction is bigger than I thought. I am actually grieving in a sense the fact that I will not be able to eat what I am now. Do you think this is normal? I am currently 229 and I am 5'7". I want to be 150, if possible. I just want some encouraging friends. I have opted not to tell anyone about this except my husband, of course. So now I hope you all will pray for me on the surgery date, please:clap2:!! Can't wait to here from you all!! In Christ alone, Jaymie
  15. Jaymie72

    Monterrey in December?

    I have been talking to Amy Seale. She has been fabulous. How are you feeling about this whole thing? Are you nervous. I feel like a big baby because I am so nervous. I have my best friend going with me because My husband is staying home with the kids. I am 35 and I currently weigh about 230ish. I have gained 80 lbs since I got married. I really want to feel better about myself but I do feel selfish in getting this done. Why do we always beat ourselves up about things?? Oh well, I can't wait!!
  16. Jaymie72

    Monterrey in December?

    Hi!! I am going on December 30th and having the procedure on the 31st!! Where are you staying? I think we are staying at the Courtyard. I am sooo nervous. The funny thing is is that I am more nervous about flying than the surgery. I do not like to fly, but I will. Maybe I will see you there!! Good luck! Jaymie:clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
