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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jaymie72

  1. Thank you Wheet....nicely put. I do believe in God. I believe that he created earth and the skies. I believe he created you and I. This I believe. I do not understand the hostility towards believers as I absolutely do not feel the same about non believers. It is a free world. We have the right to choose what we believe and how we believe. Do I think my beliefs are right? Of course I do! Wouldn't that make me more of a moron to not? However I am not going to push my beliefs on you or "make" you believe what I do. What I am going to do is thank God whenever and however I feel to. Thank God it is still a free country!
  2. Jaymie72

    Hi Everyone

    Hi there!! Just wanted to know who is doing your surgery. I had surgery in Detroit on December 28th with Dr Weiner. So far so good. Good luck with your surgery! I actually go back there on the 28th of this month for my first fill.
  3. Jaymie72

    Add a Quirk

    I can't wink one eye without feeling that I need to wink the other eye. It's very strange so I am glad that I do not have to wink very often:wink_smile:
  4. Jaymie72

    Week 4: Filled and I'm feeling it!

    I am glad to see that your Dr did your first fill in 4 weeks. I go to my Dr on Jan 28th to hopefully get a fill. That will be about 4 1/2 wks for me. How are you eating now? Good luck.
  5. Jaymie72

    Very dissapointed.

    I am driving 4.5 hours just to see my Dr. It really is not that big of a deal if you want to keep your Dr. I am sure that I could find someone here to do it but I trust my Dr. Just try it and if it is that hard find someone else to follow up with.
  6. Jaymie72

    Roberta's surgery - Dec 28th

    Airika, I was banded on the 28th as well and I can say I def don't have that problem. I am actually eating fish and chicken and soft veggies no problem. I almost wish I had that kind of restriction but not here. I go on the 28th of this month and hopefully I will get a fill. I would call your Dr if it gets any worse. I know everyone is different so don't sweat it too much. Good luck!!
  7. Jaymie72

    60g of protein!?

    My favorite recipe that give me about 40 gm of Protein at a time is: 1 sugar free CIB drink vanilla 1 TSP low fat Peanut Butter 1 scoop of GNC unflavored protein mix 8oz skim milk I blen that all together and it is sooooo yummy. It is almost too good to be good for you. I do two of them a day and I get more than enough.
  8. Hey all, in my never ending Quest to find low calorie Snacks I came across the following. Some of it sounds yummy, some sounds just plain weird but nevertheless I thought it was worth reading. ENJOY!!! Jaymie There's nothing worse to sink your diet than feeling deprived. Going out to lunch with friends and watching them devour all kinds of goodies while you sit and watch or watching TV and seeing tempting commercials of creamy, fatty indulgent convenience foods every seven and a half minutes. Where's the justice? But creamy, sweet and 'fat-like' can be imitated with the right combinations of low-cal and non-fat or fat-free foods. Sometimes just a little taste is enough to get you over the dieting deprivation hump and keep your weight loss goal on track. Keep your taste combinations interesting. Try these ideas to keep your snacking at 100 calories and under: 1 - 1/2 cup of sugar-free Gelatin, any flavor, and two Tablespoons of low-fat Cool Whip. 2 - 15 chocolate-covered raisins. 3 - Stir 2 teaspoons of Hershey's chocolate syrup into a coffee for Café Mocha. 4 - Tea - Russian style: Stir in 2 teaspoons of strawberry jam. 5 - 1/4 cup of fat-free Ranch dressing and 1 cup of mixed fresh veggies such as jicama, red bell pepper, celery, carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes. 6 - 6 saltine crackers and 2 teaspoons of pudding layered into a parfait glass alternating with two crumbled vanilla wafers and a dollop of Cool Whip gracing the top. 9 - A wonderfully filling half sandwich made of 1 slice reduced-calorie bread, a thin layer of mustard, 2 teaspoons of apple sauce and 1 slice of deli-style thin-sliced turkey. Add lettuce and voila! 10 - Try another sandwich idea: 1 slice of reduced-calorie bread, 1/2 Tablespoon of Peanut Butter and 1 Tablespoon of fat-free raspberry vinegarette dressing. 11 - Over a small baked potato, spoon 1/2 cup of salsa and 2 Tablespoons of non-fat sour cream. 12 - I really like this one: one rice cake thinly spread with fat-free sour cream and sprinkled with 1 Tablespoon of crumbled blue cheese. 13 - Place a marshmallow on top of a graham cracker and microwave until gooey. Drizzle with a teaspoon of Hershey's chocolate syrup. 14 - Cut half an apple into slices and spread with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter. 15 - 1/2 cup of applesauce and 1 piece of toast cut into four sticks for dunking. 16 - Freeze 1/2 cup of orange juice and eat with a spoon. Nice little sorbet! 17 - 2 graham cracker squares each spread with 1 teaspoon of peanut butter. 18 - an 8 oz. low-fat biscotti. Experiment with flavors and you'll be amazed with the combinations you can come up with totaling under 100 calories. Some are very ordinary but it's the ordinary things that can make you feel deprived when you think you can't have them. So go ahead and indulge -- you're doing fine.
  9. Jaymie72

    A Little Help for my Dec LBT friends

    If you are hungry then eat. I was hanging onto the same couple of pounds as well and eating less. I finally had enough and started to eat more and guess what, I loss 3 pounds in one week. Remember your body is like an oven, the more fuel you put into it the more it can burn.
  10. Jaymie72

    What's on your Playlist?

    OK I am in love with Chris Daughtry so anything he sings I can exercise to! Some others: Barlowgirl Michael Buble Skillet Just got a Nordictrack recumbant bike that has and IPOd hookup with speakers, totally cool. It has brought exercising to a whole new level for me. I also download books and listen to them while I do just about anything, (I am such a nerd!!) I am in a play so I also try to memorize my lines while on the treadmill.
  11. Hello all. I am feeling so down today. I was banded the 28th of Dec and I am into my third week. I am on soft foods and VERY glad I am done with liquids. It is just so hard to make your family dinner and watch them eat when I am hungry and have to eat something completely different. I guess I am just tired of soups and I don't really care for fish but I am eating it for the protein. I have lost about 15 lbs and I am soooo happy about that but I miss eating. Does that make sense? I do eat bfast, lunch and dinner but it is such small portions to keep my calories down. Within 10 mins of me eating I am still hungry. Is that normal? Is that because I do not have a fill? Will that change when I finally get a fill? To top it off I am PMSing soooo bad. I am a couple of days late (sorry tmi) and so I feel even moodier. I am also way more hungry because of that. (No I am not pg, can't happen!). I think I am late because of the surgery. I am sure I will feel better after Aunt Flo shows but I just need to vent. Thanks for listening!
  12. Jaymie72

    Don't like fish

    Ok well, my Dr. wants me to eat fish when I can start to eat again but the problem is is that I am not a big seafood fan. I have never really even cooked fish before or tasted any big variety (except Tuna and Salmon). can anyone tell me a type of fish that maybe doesn't taste so fishy? Or does anyone have a really good recipe for cooking fish that makes it taste better? Thanks!
  13. Jaymie72

    Kinda odd issue but...

    I started looking up information for you and I found the following : <TABLE width="99%"><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD vAlign=top background=images/bgline.gif height=35>Ask the Expert: General Health </TD><TD width=5 rowSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD>I have had bleeding from my belly button on and off over the past few years. It's never alot and it happens once a blus moon. But I'm concerned because I have never heard of this. This morning I went to the bathroom and fond blood on my underwear where the bewlly button hits and when i looked my beely button was crusted with dry blood and I twisted some toilet paper to clean it and there was fresh blood on the toilet paper? Can you help me with any information or ideas or advice? Thank you for writing. The belly button can easily become infected by candida, or other fungi. It is just the sort of warm, moist crevice that fungi like. If you have a fungal infetion the belly button will look red, and the redness may extend to the surrounding skin for a few millimeters. It may be itchy. Bacteria also infect the belly button, often taking advantage of the damage already done by the fungui, this leads to scabbing and a yellowish discharge. I highly recommend you see a physician to diagnose and properly treat the infection. Try to resist the urge to pick or scratch, do not try to turn your belly button inside out and clean it. Just wash it gently using salt Water. If you have a shower, use the shower head to rinse it out well. Carefully dab it dry. Discontinue the use of antiseptics or creams your applying to the area. Have the physician carefully examine the area preferably when discharge is noted. I hope this helps!! </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  14. Jaymie72

    What do you do for a living?

    Mu husband and I own a private ambulance service. We have 9 ambulances and operate out of 3 counties. I am most recently a SAHM because I told my husband I just didn't want to work anymore. So now I work harder, go figure:help:!!
  15. I was just banded on 12/28/07 but I can tell such a difference already!!
  16. Bert just wondering how your Dr appt went. Did he fill you? I go see my Dr on Jan 28th and it is a 4.5 hour drive for me just to see him. I am concerned that maybe he won't fill me because it has not been 6 weeks and I don't want to have to drive back if I don't have to. I was just wondering since we had surgery on the same day if he did go ahead and fill you. Let us know!!
  17. Jaymie72

    Please HELP!

    I'm sorry but if people think this is cheating they just don't have a clue. Tell them that the band is a tool to weight loss, just like a treadmill or anyother weight loss tool. It wil not work unless you are eating correctly and exercising. It is plain and simple. I think it is actually the opposite. I think when you choose to get the band you are more commited to losing weight than others. Just my opinion.
  18. Jaymie72

    Home and Banded!!

    Congrats Jim. Isn't it amazing how relieved you feel once it is over? I second guess myself up until rolling into the OR but then once it's over you are so glad you did it. Can't wait to see your progress!
  19. Jaymie72

    Don't like fish

    Thank you so much everyone. I will definetly give it a try. I love that recipe with the cheese. I guess it is hard to say if I like it since I probably haven't even tried half of it. Thanks again!!
  20. Jaymie72

    How about December BEFORE Pics?

    Alright, I finally got a true before and after pic. I am not sure how to make them smaller so bear with me. The before pic was taken at my heaviest and the other pic was taken today by my new computer. I can really tell a difference in my eyes. This is 10 days post band. So here goes nothing!!
  21. Jaymie72

    Roberta's surgery - Dec 28th

    Hey Bert, I am with you here sister!! I am so tired of liquids but am happy that I am now 10 days out as well. There is a light at the end of the tunnell. I have my good days and my bad days as far as hunger is concerned but when I am REALLY hungry I just eat something. I have decided to just listen to myself and act on it. As far as the liquids go, I have found that the Dannon light and fit yogurt smoothies are soooo yummy!! They are really nice because they are portable. I can just throw one in my purse (as long as it is not too warm) and eat it on the go. Also the Carnation instant Breakfast drinks are my friends. I took the sugar free vanilla last night and mixed it with low carb peanust butter and voila, it tasted like a peanut butter milkshake. It was sooo good. It tasted way too good to be good for you! I have tried mashed taters but nothing else really solid. Oh yeah, I took Campbells potato soup and added some cheddar cheese, purreed it and it tasted like cheesy bake potato. It was really good too. Girl we are getting there. I go to my Dr. on the 28th for a follow up. That would be 4 weeks. I am unsure if they fill that soon. I really hope they do because it is a 4.5 hour drive for me to get to them. Oh well, keep going it's downhill from here!!
  22. Jaymie72

    How about December BEFORE Pics?

    AWWWW!! Thanks!! I know I am blessed for that. Everyone always tells me I look younger than what I am. I guess I got good genes in that aspect!:whoo:
  23. When I came home from the hospital I immediately weighed myself. It said 230#, yikes!! I know I was really bloated though so I think it was up a little. I had not weighed myself before I went in because I just didn't want to know. Well here I am 6 days post band and I am 217!!!!! Cna you believe that? I realize that it is mostly water but I am just floored. I have never been able to lose weight and it is really exciting for me. OK, just had to talk, thanks for listening!!
  24. Jaymie72

    How about December BEFORE Pics?

    Ok I still son't have any tue before pics of myself but I took this picture today, which is one week post band. Now I have a before picture to at least compare to.
  25. Jaymie72

    December Surgery Dates

    MERRY LOSERS Dec 3 - CarolK1 parrot0927 antsmith101 Christasha Danna(sewenup1) Heavy Heartland Dec 4 - TXbandit kris102003 Sandy63 candy8360 inthecitygirl Rosie15 Dec 5 - mejr62 Chienne and her dad Brooke (medic26541) Babyblues425 Munchkin392 Dec 6 – Sghatl newlife JEN_RN Lost in LS Twilight AudricIan gg88 NewMeFrisco Dec 7 - Newblew jen hollers Meghan1983 jennypoo tomecia25 Jais Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 10 - HeatherA (tentative) Michelle28 Fanny Adams <<< NEW DATE!! EEK! Dec 11 - ::Tracy:: LinzerPA vanessa Tia Maria Gus123 krisa Dec 12 - Caramel Vicki J chatita Dec 13 - jmschnapf Anyalee Mommathang Motogrossgirly MissyDFE missmonaaz Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 - 100lbsforsale MissSac gingimop Tishbite2 grannyk girlygirlz collet Dec 18 - Mendypoo Livingthe Dream JET's MOM HHWALJ Kelly Mcgee AlysonRR Reillye HeatherA Just A Girl Frisky1 Ellisa Dec 19 - Cerrin Dandydeb Artsy Dec 20 - Jonesy mrsjiggles (tentative) nhlapband Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 23 DEC 24 Dec 25 - MERRY CHRISTMAS Dec 26 - Miss Polly jenncore lachica39 Palarin Tcuts gayle21 Dec 27 - jasmona1214 glitzigirl thundandlight Jazzywoman Dec 28 - The Fox imsamiam J.Discoun Cleo Mellis Jaymie72

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
