I had a 1-night hospital stay, and like a lot of others, I packed more than I needed. My hospital is about 25-30 minutes from my house.
What I packed and actually used:
Chapstick--my lips were really dry after surgery
Heating pad--I put it behind my shoulder blades, and it helped a lot with the gas pain
Pillow--it was comforting to have my own memory foam one in addition to the hospital ones
Kindle--by midday the day after surgery, I wanted something to do between laps of the floor. The noise of the TV irritated me, so I just read something that I've read before, nothing deep.
Scrunchie & hairbrush--the soft scrunchie worked better for me than a regular hair tie so I didn't have an uncomfortable bump on the back of my head when I rested it against the pillow
My surgery binder--I have all my paperwork, instructions, etc. in a binder that I take to all my appointments
What I packed and never used:
Shorts--like others, I just wore a second gown like a robe when I was up. I also just wore the grippy socks they give you to walk, no need for slippers
Multiple changes of underwear--I don't usually wear underwear to bed, and didn't want to be fumbling them up and down, so frankly I just went commando the whole time
Incontinence pads--I have stress incontinence and was worried about needing them if I was throwing up. Never puked in the hospital, never wore underwear anyway
Toothbrush & toothpaste--just used the ones the hospital provided, as they were already in the bathroom
Face wipes--I went home the afternoon after surgery and just figured I'd wait until I got home to get cleaned up
Biotene mouth spray--I was allowed ice chips once I got to my room, so I didn't need it
Gas-X strips--the heating pad and walking helped my gas pain, didn't need them
Phone charger--I didn't turn my phone on until just before I was discharged, so no need of it
Extension cord--thought I might need it for the charger or heating pad, but my hospital is brand-new and tricked out, so there was a free outlet right next to my bed