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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mlmanney

  1. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    I feel pretty good except lack of energy! I try to keep busy so I won't want a nap! About the same as you. Sore muscles and brushing on a couple of incisions. I have 8 all together since they did take out my gallbladder too. I got laxatives too but have not needed to use them. No issues in that department! Thank goodness! I'm sure that could change as out diets progress!
  2. I'm Michelle and.....I got my date today!! I am on a roller coaster of emotions! I will be sleeved on 9/21/15. I start my 2 week pre op diet on monday 9/7. I would love to have more people who are getting sleeved on that day to join me so we can support each other and share or experiences. I started my journey in 2/15 and have felt like I have been in limbo for the past 7 months and it is now finally coming up on "my turn". I have read these boards, had my ups and downs and now all the effort is paying off!
  3. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    I know! The first few days I was taking a gasx before I ate. Now I only do it if I have something "new". Seems to help the burps/gas. How are you feeling (besides the burps)? Looking forward to moving to the next phase! Wanting some "texture"
  4. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    It feels like things have fallen into place for me. I am feeling better everyday. I keep getting the hiccups which is the worst! I'll be one week out tomorrow!
  5. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    Hope you ate home and comfortable! I've even home since Wednesday afternoon. I'm struggling some today. The pain meds,knock me out so I don't want to take them durring the day. Going to have to take them today. My incisions feel better today my pain is all "inside" now. How are you feeling?
  6. mlmanney


    It's not the end of the road! I got delayed a month....it was pissed off because I was so tired of being in "limbo" and felt I was ready and deserved it! In hind sight....an extra month wasn't that bad...I get how you feel...hang in there I promise it will go by fast Oh BTW.....my surgery is tomorrow morning!
  7. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    I know.....I think my surgery is actually scheduled for 7:30am. But they told me to check in at 6am. It wasn't too bad on regular preop diet...but this clear liquids only made me really irritable. I Could Still Get Pushed Back If they have an urgent case......keep your fingers crossed for me! Next we will be stressing on getting in enough water!
  8. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    Looks like we will all be happy to be "put to sleep" so we can sleep! I have to check in at 6 am. I am just laying here trying to but after 2 days of clear liquids, my stomach is growling! LOL. OF ALL ISSUES TOP BE HAVING! Good luck to you both tomorrow!
  9. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow! See you all on the other side!
  10. mlmanney

    Never noticed. Picture included

    Thanks and u don't mind at all my bmi was 39 and the pic with the black pants was during pre op I couldn't find one before that until today.10 lb loss was the preop liquid diet. So "only" 12 lbs since surgery. All my pics were in bathing suits, watching too many You Tube videos lol. Have to dig up some before pics, but for the past year I've been making everyone who took a pic of me delete them. Sad, but true. It's funny because before I started this journey I never would want my photo taken....I was always the one taking the photos. I have taken to saying.....ok...I need a good before photo!
  11. all you can do really is ask your primary care doc for a consultation to go talk to someone and to "get all the facts". I don't know why any dr would say no unless they are really against bariatric surgery. All you can do is ask. IF they say no....I hope they have concrete facts on why they would not do so. I think if it is what you want and it sounds like you really want to do this.....you can insist on them sending in the referal request. You may be able to go to an info session also and have the bariatric center submit the insurance paperwork to see if they will accept....IDK since I did it thru my PCP.
  12. mlmanney

    Never noticed. Picture included

    doing great! you look awesome! keep up the good work...you are only on week 5....think of all you can still do! If you don't mind me asking what was your BMI when you started?
  13. congrats on making the decision to change your life! It is an exciting journey to be on. My program was 6 months long. Depending on who or where your PCP sends you it could be different. I didn't mind the time it too but I wished it was faster at times. I think it took me that long to really get educated on what I was going to be doing to my body and what that would mean for me for the rest of my life. I'm not saying it isn't possible that you could get your surgery before the end of the year but don't get your hopes up too high just in case. My program was 6 mo but it is taking me 7 mo to get my surgery. that isn't the same for everyone at the same place but It is just what happened to me. I had my inital consult in Feburary and now am having my surgery on Monday (21st). Good luck!
  14. mlmanney

    9 days post op

    I would call your doctors office and see if they can perscribe you something for the nausea. I think alot of people get that at first I would call them and confirm if it should be a concern and if you need to go in to see the Dr.
  15. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well on your pre op diets....I have been doing ok. I won't like and say I was on the straight and narrow all the time. I had a couple of slip ups. oh well....I picked my self up and moved on. today is my last day on the "pre op" diet. I do Clear liquids for saturday and sunday. I am scheduled for monday morning. I have to be there at 6am! I'm getting jittery and nervous....but trying to keep busy. I have alot to do this weekend to get my house clean and ready (busy work really). I think I have everything set aside I want to pack for the hospital. anyone else feeling like this?!
  16. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    So I had a big day yesterday...I went to see the surgeon yesterday and looks like the ball is rolling.....I'm on track for Monday surgery. I have appointments for preop and radiology over the next 2 days. After Thursday I am done and waiting for Monday. I will just have to get my stuff at home in order so I don't come home to a mess. I will most likely be having my gallbladder out (having an ultrasound on Thursday). My doc has me staying in the hospital until Wednesday. Oddly enough he has me staying in ICU the first night then off to a regular room for the next day. Not really sure why he feels the need for the ICU but ok....I'll do what ever he wants...it's not gonna hurt me. I'm nervous/excited/frazzled......you name it I think I feel it all at once!
  17. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    its all good....one slip up doesn't define you! get back on track and it'll be ok. Glad you have a plan for today! Hang in there!
  18. mlmanney

    If I get denied ????

    perhaps your center or bariatric surgeons office can answer your questions on what the process is. I'm sure it could be different for each doctors office. Good luck to you!
  19. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    @@carebear873214 so far pre op diet pretty much sucks. Feeling like I have no energy whatsoever. Thankfully one week down I'm halfway there! Trying to keep my eye on the prize. Busy week ahead. Just gotta get through one day at a time!
  20. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    Good luck to you tomorrow! Hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery!
  21. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    Hope all of us pre op dieters had a good first week! I had a few struggles but made it through and lost 5 lbs last week. I went to a baseball game last night and went off plan a little but that is life.....I had the grilled chicken nuggets instead of fried for dinner from Chick-fila. but caved a little and had some of a pretzel at the game. all in all I still consider it a success as I was only about 100 calories over what my usual pre op day is. I'm not gonna lie....pre op diet has not be a fun but hey...it is a means to an end....so to speak. Hope everyone else had a better experience than I did!
  22. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    @@carebear873214 how did your appointment go? is your surgery on monday?
  23. mlmanney

    Low BMI and Gastric Sleeve

    @@RollyPollyNoMore Good luck to you tomorrow! I am currently on pre op diet and am having surgery on the 21st of September. I hope all goes well for you and you heal quickly!
  24. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    I was good all day until now......may have to go to bed early. LOL Is your pre op completely liquid? mine isn't I get one meal a day. Hang in there! I keep thinking if I can only get through this week hopefully it will get better.No, I get 3 shakes, 1 cup non-statchy veggies, and 1 lean cuisine (under 300 calories). It just feels like it's all liquid...LOL! I think I'll try the ice blended Protein shake tomorrow to see if it satisfies the desire to eat more. We can do this!!! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk aww....I get almost the same but only 2 shakes. a frozen meal and a salad. what I wouldn't give for that extra shake! Yes we can.....it is a means to an end.....gotta do what they want to get what I want....LOL
  25. mlmanney

    9/21/15 surgery

    Congrats! If you are like me....it all just got REAL! I'm excited but nervous!

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